Rikki and Jimmy on Relationships

How’s your relationship? That’s what we thought. You’re going to love Rikki and Jimmy on Relationships, the show where we uncover the thoughts and behaviors that are sabotaging your relationship… and what you can do about it. Jimmy and Rikki are passionate about sharing the ways that imperfect partners like you can shift unhealthy relational dynamics and create closeness. Drop your defenses and open your heart, eyes, and ears… we’re going to learn how to be the best partner we can be, together.

How to STOP Fighting for GOOD!

How to Stop Fighting in your Relationship using these principles.


What if I'm Dating or Married to a Narcissist?

How can we navigate a relationship with a narcissist?


Controversial Questions about Relationships

Sleeping on the first date, infidelity, sharing vs separate bank accounts, sleeping in the same bed vs separate rooms, we talk about all things controversial in this episode.


I'm Not Allowed to Feel Disrespected??

Apparently, according to some experts, disrespect isn't even a feeling we are allowed to have! Rikki and Jimmy debate this theory in this episode.


Avoid the Roommate Phase and Reignite the Spark!

How to avoid the dreaded roommate phase and reignite the spark in your relationship.


My Partner isn't meeting MY NEEDS

How long should we wait for our partner to meet our needs?


Relationship Expert Dr. Sue Johnson reveals Secret to Connection

In this episode I got the honor to speak to one of my relational and attachment heroes Dr. Sue Johnson about everything we all want to know about how to stay connected to our partners.


How to Create Safe Secure Love with Julie Menanno

In this episode we talk to one of our favorite counselors Julie Menanno about how to navigate conflict and create closeness and connection in our relationships. Grab her new book titled Secure Love, available wherever you buy books! =) https://www.amazon.com/Secure-Love-Create-Relationship-Lifetime/dp/B0C94WMTPS/ref=sr_1_1?crid=7J51LQDFCMJB&keywords=secure+love+julie+menanno&qid=1706671966&sprefix=secure+love%2Caps%2C374&sr=8-1 https://www.instagram.com/thesecurerelationship/?hl=en https://www.thesecurerelationship.com/


Our Most Embarrassing Dating Stories!

Just in case you wanted to know how our dating life went haha!


Interview with Relationship Expert Jillian Turecki

In this episode we have the privilege of speaking with relationship coach Jillian Turecki. She's been teaching people for 20 years how to cultivate a healthy relationship with ourselves and others. Her podcast Jillian on Love is filled with SO MANY amazing tips and tools for navigating everything that our relationships throw at us. Check out her Instagram page, her courses, and her podcast. https://www.jillianturecki.com/


The secret to a Great Sex Life, an interview with Dr. Lauren Fogel Mersy

In this episode, we get the pleasure to talk to sex therapist Dr. Lauren Fogel Mersy about all the aspects that make a mutually fulfilling sex life. Schedule a session or pick up her book Desire here https://drlaurenfogel.com/


This is How your Marriage Ends, an interview with author Matthew Fray

In this episode we get to interview the talented author Matthew Fray. We talk about mini breaks of trust, mental load, divorce, validation, consideration, etc and how it all plays a role in whether our Relationships succeed or not. Pick up his book at https://matthewfray.com/


Don't Fall for THIS Bad Relationship Advice

In this episode we tackle all the bad relationship myths we've heard like "love hurts" or "Don't go to bed angry"...


Do we need to Validate WRONG Feelings?

How important is validating our partners feelings? And do I still need to validate their feelings if the reason they're having them is wrong?


My Partner Turned into a Narcissist!

Do you ever feel like after you moved in or after you got married your partner slowly but surely stopped doing all the nice things they used to do for you and has turned into a Narcissist?


Relationships only WORK when BOTH are doing the WORK

In this episode we talk about what it means to do the work to make a relationship work. =)


"Relationships are elegantly SIMPLE". Our interview with expert Dr. Stan Tatkin

We got the pleasure to interview Rikki's favorite author and relationship expert Dr. Stan Tatkin. We loved talking with him about how to function as a team and why it's so important to have a unified mindset if we ultimately want a safe secure partnership with someone. If you would like to connect with Dr. Tatkin or buy his new book this is the website! https://www.thepactinstitute.com/books


THIS is why Anxious/Avoidant partners STRUGGLE together...

This is how to navigate Anxious Attachment and Avoidant attachment in our Relationships. How to navigate conflict through the anxious avoidant dance!


How to Intentionally Love our Partners!

Rikki and Jimmy go over what it would look like to Intentionally love your partner over a 48 hour period.


What are Healthy Needs vs Unhealthy Needs in a Relationship

In this episode Rikki and Jimmy break down what they believe to be essential Healthy needs in a Relationship as well as what examples of some unhealthy needs would be.


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