Ripping Yarns from History

Ripping Yarns from History! Here you will find great stories from history retold in podcasts for your enjoyment. I am not an historian, just someone who loves history and a real good yarn.The podcasts you find here are based upon real events and real people. I will do my best to ensure historical accuracy, but remember, you should always do your own research! All Ripping Yarns from History podcasts are G rated and suitable for students.

Evo and the Diggers darling

A brilliant young inventor battling army bureaucracy in a race to save thousands of lives, and a nation at war. Support the show


Warrior Queen of the Iceni (What have the Romans ever done for us?)

What drove Boudicca, warrior queen of the Iceni, to raise an army to overthrow her tyrannical overlord, the super power of her day, the mighty Roman Empire?Support the show


Dark forces

Was the murder of the Romanov's linked to a dark force behind the throne? Could a simple man of God have been the reason for their downfall? What were the events surrounding the downfall of this 300 year Dynasty?Support the show


G'Day gang, Ernie here!

G’day gang, Ernie here.I thought I’d better pop me head up and say G’day, you know introduce me self and let you know what’s going on with Ripping Yarns from History.Support the show (


Alexander Pearce - the cannibal convict

How hungry are you? Im so weak that I could eat a piece o' man. I'd seen the like before.. it eat much like a little pork.On the 20th September 1822, Alexander Pearce and seven other convicts stole a boat, rowed across Macquarie harbour and disappeared into the primordial wilderness of Van Diemens land.Support the show



Whats in a name? In ancient times, when reverence for ancestors was more common than it is today, and people found meaning in omens and nature, and rituals and the Gods. Could a mans name help fashion his destiny?Follow on Facebook and check out my Webpage.Say G'day at drop me an email.If you think this Ripping yarn was worth a cuppa, I'd be extremely grateful Buy me a cuppaSupport the show



Do you beleive in destiny? A predetermined fate that the universe holds for just a few special individuals who walk this Earth?Follow on Facebook and check out my Webpage.Say G'day at drop me an email.If you think this Ripping yarn was worth a cuppa, I'd be extremely grateful Buy me a cuppaSupport the show


The Indian Mutiny (First war for independence)

The Indian mutiny is a British term, some prefer to call this event either the Indian Rebellion, or India's first war of independence. During the year 1857, three hundred thousand British trained and armed native Indian soldiers rose up against their colonial overlords. The massacre at Cawnpore was one of the most disturbing events during the uprising.Follow on Facebook and check out my Webpage.Say G'day at drop me an email.If you think this Ripping yarn was worth a cuppa, I'd be extremely grateful Buy me a cuppaSupport the show



Have you ever wanted to make a lot of money, real fast?Follow on Facebook and check out my Webpage.Say G'day at drop me an email.If you think this Ripping yarn was worth a cuppa, I'd be extremely grateful Buy me a cuppaSupport the show


The greatest inventor you've never heard of.

Have you ever come up with a brilliant idea, only to have someone else take the credit for it? How about an idea that would change the world forever?Follow on Facebook and check out my Webpage.Say G'day at drop me an email.If you think this Ripping yarn was worth a cuppa, I'd be extremely grateful Buy me a cuppaSupport the show


Eureka Stockade

The Eureka Stockade happened on the goldfields of Victoria in 1854, when gold miners (called diggers) fought against government soldiers in protest over gold licences, taxation without representataion, and the harsh and unjust treatment they received at the hands of the often cruel and corrupt police troopers. Many people today claim that this was the foundation of democracy in Australia. Some call it the unfinished revolution.Follow on Facebook and check out my Webpage.Say G'day at drop me an email.If you think this Ripping yarn was worth a cuppa, I'd be extremely grateful Buy me a cuppaSupport the show



Fordlandia! In the steaming Brazilian rainforrests, one mans dream of self sufficiency for his industrial empire is taking place.Follow on Facebook and check out my Webpage.Say G'day at drop me an email.If you think this Ripping yarn was worth a cuppa, I'd be extremely grateful Buy me a cuppaSupport the show



History has many twists, and often makes strange bedfellows. The story of Lucky is one such yarn. What could the U.S. Naval Intellegence and a new York crime boss possibly have in common? Follow on Facebook and check out my Webpage.Say G'day at drop me an email.If you think this Ripping yarn was worth a cuppa, I'd be extremely grateful Buy me a cuppaSupport the show


Gavrilo Princips Sandwich

Have you ever pondered on the What if's of history? How the most unlikely series of events could lead to one outcome or another? Or how the most meticulous of plans can be thwarted by fate, only to have fate intervene again and turn those plans around? Gavrilo Princips sandwich is one such tale. A yarn about how a young man, who in 1914, would set the world on a path to Armageddon, aided by a seemingly unlikely turn of events.Follow on Facebook and check out my Webpage.Say G'day at drop me an email.If you think this Ripping yarn was worth a cuppa, I'd be extremely grateful Buy me a cuppaSupport the show


Charge of the Light Brigade

The Charge of the Light Brigade happened on 25th October 1854 during the Battle of Balaclava. Five divisions of lightly armed cavalry charged headlong into Russian cannons. The resulting carnage, along with the accusations of incompetence and blundering ensured that this story would be remembered for many years to come. Who was to blame for the loss of the Light Brigade? Follow on Facebook and check out my Webpage.Say G'day at drop me an email.If you think this Ripping yarn was worth a cuppa, I'd be extremely grateful Buy me a cuppaSupport the show



absolutely fantastic

05-24 Reply



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