DiscoverRisk – Darwin College Lecture Series 2010
Risk – Darwin College Lecture Series 2010
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Risk – Darwin College Lecture Series 2010

Author: Cambridge University

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In the second term of every academic year since 1986 Darwin College has organised a series of eight public lectures. Each series has been built around a single theme, approached in a multi-disciplinary way, and with each lecture prepared for a general audience by a leading authority on his or her subject. The theme of the 2010 Series is "Risk"
8 Episodes
Darwin College Lecture Series 2010 "Risk and (Human-induced) Climate Change" by Professor Bob Watson (UEA)
Darwin College Lecture Series 2010 "Risk and Natural Catastrophes" by Professor Mark Bailey (Armagh Observatory)
Darwin College Lecture Series 2010 "Risk, Security and Terrorism" by Professor Lucia Zedner (Oxford)
Risk and Humanities

Risk and Humanities


Darwin College Lecture Series 2010 "Risk and Humanities" Professor Mary Beard (Cambridge)
Darwin College Lecture Series 2010 "Risk and Government: The Architectonics of Blame-avoidance" by Professor Christopher Hood, University of Oxford
Darwin College Lecture Series 2010 – Risk "Risk and the Brain: The Neural Basis of Decision Making Under Uncertainty" by Professor John O'Doherty (TCD)
Pre-Lecture Slides

Pre-Lecture Slides


Before each Darwin College lecture, the following presentation is shown. It takes a look at the last 25 years of the lecture series before introducing this year's series on Risk. It also showcases Risk-themed films from the archives of the British Film Institute and displays, for the first time, new work by children, students and adults from different institutions around Cambridge who have interpreted what Risk means to them using art, poetry and film.
Darwin College Lecture Series 2010 "Risk: Trying to Quantify Our Uncertainty" by David Spiegelhalter (Cambridge)