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Ritam - Being in Balance. A Podcast on Wellbeing
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Ritam - Being in Balance. A Podcast on Wellbeing

Author: VedantaNZ

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Mental wellbeing is an escalating global challenge having serious impact on the quality of life, productivity in workplace etc. Our approach to wellbeing fundamentally depends on our perspective of ourselves. Are we just human beings, not much different from animals or something more?  Over thousands of years the Vedic spiritual seekers dived deep within themselves to explore the inner space and they repeatedly verified that we all, without exception, are in essence really spiritual beings having human experiences.  Their discoveries  form Vedanta philosophy -  the 'science of human excellences" - which explain in detail and with much clarity how we have multidimensional physical, mental, emotional and ethical layers of personality covering the fundamental Pure and eternal spiritual being. Along with this, the Vedic seekers developed systematic Yoga techniques to purify our minds and "dis-cover" our true Self.
 The Vedantic conception of ourselves and Yogic mind-management techniques offer an alternative approach to address the mental wellbeing challenges. Ramakrishna Vedanta Centre, Auckland has taken up a project to make available these Vedanta-Yoga teachings to empower individuals with the knowledge and skill-sets to better manage their minds, emotions, values etc. to live meaningful, peaceful and productive lives.
 Ritam is the Vedic principle responsible for maintaining order, harmony and rhythm both in the macrocosm and the microcosm. Stress, tension, dis-ease etc arise when we lose this balance at different levels of our being and around us. We have limited capacity to influence change outside us but we can definitely integrate our mind to our inner Self to gain greater poise, balance and rhythm in life. Meditation is the art of turning the mind inwards and anchoring it to our eternal, omniscient, blissful and pure Self. The more we are integrated with our inner Self, the greater will be the influence we can cast around us. This is the spiritual way to freedom from the slavery to the eternal world and internal body, senses and mind.
 Ritam - Being in Balance is our series of conversations with Swami Tadananda wherein we explore the Vedanta-Yoga teachings and practices to promote our wellbeing. 

28 Episodes
This episode looks at Wellbeing from a Vedantic perspective which is a holistic concept that encompasses physical, moral, emotional, intellectual, and spiritual dimensions of an individual's life. Rooted in ancient Indian philosophy, Vedanta emphasizes the interconnectedness of all beings and the pursuit of self-realization. Swami Tadananda is the resident monk at the Ramakrishna Vedanta Centre in Auckland, NZ. For more information visit: www.vedanta.nzSupport the
Swamiji further delves into the topic of Wellbeing, placing particular emphasis on emotional and moral/ethical dimensions. He also addresses the common experiences of stress and anxiety, shedding light on the potential for personal growth that can arise from working amidst such challenges, illustrating this with the intriguing example of the "molting" process of Lobsters. Swami Tadananda is the resident Swami at the Ramakrishna Vedanta Centre in Auc...
Swamiji offers a profound perspective on disillusionment and depression, drawing parallels to the transformative journey of figures like Buddha. He believes that disillusionment serves as a pivotal moment in one's life, a juncture where the stark realities of the world are confronted. In this moment, individuals have the potential to embark on a spiritual odyssey, mirroring Buddha's awakening when he witnessed the profound suffering in existence. Swamiji sees disillusionment not as a setback,...
In this specific episode, Swamiji exemplifies how challenges can serve as a catalyst for personal development. He elucidates this idea through a story about a donkey that fell into a well and successfully freed itself by "shaking off" the soil that had come down as obstacles. This narrative underscores the importance of shedding the burdens in one's life to attain true liberation. Painful experiences, in their own way, serve as valuable teachers. Swami Tadananda is the resident Swami at the R...
In this episode, Swamiji delves into the realm of emotional well-being through the lens of Vedanta philosophy. He emphasizes that the source of much human suffering lies in the attachment to high expectations, which, when unmet, can lead to profound misery. From a Vedanta perspective, understanding the transient nature of desires and learning to detach from specific outcomes is key to achieving lasting emotional balance and well-being. Swamiji's insights serve as a valuable reminder to cultiv...
Swamiji employs the example of matchsticks to portray the Vedantic perspective that solutions to challenges often exist in a higher dimension. He links this insight to Spiritual Intelligence (SI), known as Buddhi in Sanskrit. This viewpoint underscores the importance of not only detaching physically, but also mentally, from lower-level thinking and limited perspectives. By letting go mentally, we free ourselves from the constraints of superficial concerns and open up to a deeper wellspring of...
Having previously delved into the dimensions of physical and mental well-being, Swamiji directs his attention to the spiritual dimension in this episode. Recognizing the foundational importance of the physical and mental aspects, he now guides the audience toward a deeper exploration of the spiritual realm. In doing so, Swamiji aims to unravel the profound insights and transformative practices that can lead individuals to a heightened state of spiritual well-being. By emphasizing the spiritua...
Embark on a transformative journey with us as we weave through a meditation crafted to enhance your spiritual well-being and unearth a deep sense of inner peace. Our latest episode is a sanctuary for the soul, guiding you to a state where breath syncs with tranquility, and a radiant light purifies your very essence. Together, we'll send forth prayers that ripple across the universe, harmonizing your physical and spiritual selves with the cosmos. As we traverse from tangible to divine, a symbo...
With Swami Tadananda we uncover the essence of meditation, focusing on the crucial elements of posture and breath. Learn how an upright position and rhythmic breathing can revolutionise your practice, channeling the mind's scattered energies into a single, potent stream. In our conversation, Swami Tadananda shares his profound insights into the science of meditation, enlightening us on the little-known interplay between physical comfort and mental clarity. Visualize with us as we breathe in l...
Discover how the age-old concept of 'rhythm' isn't just a musical term but a fundamental cosmic principle that weaves through the fabric of existence, bringing order and harmony to the universe. Our latest dialogue traverses the metaphor of the spinning wheel, revealing the stillness at its heart, the 'Hridayam', and the profound inner tranquility, 'Param Shanti', that awaits those who seek it. As the Swami eloquently explains, meditation is not just a practice but a journey toward the center...
Discover the true essence of a focused mind. Our enlightening conversation will guide you through mastering the art of achieving a one-pointed mind, and reveal how this can become your secret weapon for tranquility amidst life's chaos. Imagine the serene surface of a still lake, its calm waters mirroring the clarity that awaits when you harness the power of concentration. We'll share how this intensification of focus, much like sunlight channeled through a magnifying glass, can spark a deeper...
Swami Tadananda explores the ethical foundation of Yama (Don'ts), where non-violence, truthfulness, non-stealing, sense control, and non-receiving of gifts aren't just actions, but a state of being that envelops our thoughts, words, and deeds.As we venture deeper, Swami Taddananda articulates the intrinsic link between ethical living and the potency of our meditation practice, highlighting the nuanced impact of our daily choices that often go unnoticed. Discover the magnetic power of conservi...
Delve into the profound wisdom of the five niyamas — purity, contentment, austerity, self-study, and surrender to a higher power — and understand their pivotal role in reaching a sattvic state of being. Learn how these principles not only prepare the mind for meditation but also enhance our quest to connect with our higher self.Feel the power of discipline and willpower reverberate through your life as we share Swami Vivekananda's insights on 'tapasya' and its life-changing potential. Discove...
Unlock the power of breath with insights from Swami Tadananda, who joins us from the Ramakrishna Vedanta Center of Auckland, to reveal how Pranayama can dramatically calm your mind. This episode promises to transform your meditation practice, as we parse through the mechanics of deep, rhythmic breathing and its profound effects on our mental state. Discover the physiological benefits of full lung inflation, learn about the direct influence of posture on your breath, and get practical tips to ...
Tune your spirit to the harmonious vibrations of the cosmos with the guidance of Swami Tadananda, who sheds light on the ancient art of mantra meditation. Throughout our discussion, the concept of aligning with life's higher energies emerges as a beacon for those seeking enlightenment beyond the physical world. By embracing the sage advice of discriminating between actions that uplift our Dharma and those that pull us into Adharma, we pave a path to our inner Atman. Swami Tadhananda takes us ...
Have you ever felt out of step with the world around you, grappling to maintain a sense of peace amid chaos? Swami Tadananda joins me, Sunil, as we embark on a journey to explore the art of sustaining rhythm in our chaotic lives. In the dance of existence, we often overlook the subtle yet profound balance required between our physical health, mental clarity, and emotional stability. Together, we dissect the delicate equilibrium that is crucial for our well-being and how disruptions can send r...
Swami Tadananda dissect's how shared goals and mutual support create a harmonious family unit, crucial for a robust society. From the crafting of a will to the constant give and take of marital dynamics, we examine how our choices can either fortify or disrupt this delicate balance, serving as a poignant reminder of the need for mindfulness in decision-making.Step into the professional sphere with us as we analyze the quest for job satisfaction and the importance of finding a workplace that e...
Discover the wisdom of the Bhagavad Gita as Swami Tadananda offers insights into finding balance amidst chaos, a quest as relevant today as it was on the ancient battlefield of Kurukshetra. Our conversation traverses the depths of 'sthita pragna,' the art of poised mindfulness, and its application beyond the realm of ascetics—speaking directly to those of us facing our own modern-day battles. Swami Tadananda unveils Krishna's timeless guidance to Arjuna, revealing how understanding our ...
Swami Tadananda takes us through an advanced meditation technique which helps us connect to our higher spiritual self. Support the
The episode offers an advanced look at meditation practices, likening them to the metamorphosis of water from ice to vapor, and invites you to experience your potential to ascend from the physical to the spiritual realm.As we traverse the landscape of human perception, Swami Tadannanda sheds light on the constraints of our physical senses and the liberation that awaits in the expanses of our minds. This episode challenges you to consider the boundaries of space and time and the power of consc...