Road to Electric

Join host Tara Jean Stevens on her journey to separate the fact from fiction about driving electric vehicles in Canada. How much battery range do you really need? Can EV's stand up to Canadian winters? Are they really better for the environment? Over four episodes, Tara Jean learns from experts, advocates and everyday drivers about their experiences with hybrids, EV and everything in between.

Introducing Road to Electric

The future of driving is electric - and everyone has questions. How much battery range do you really need? How do EVs hold up in a cold Canadian winter? Are EVs really better for the environment? How much money will an EV cost – or save – you?Host Tara Jean Stevens is on a journey to answer these questions and more, to separate the fact from fiction about the reality of driving electric vehicles in Canada. Join her for in-depth conversations with experts, advocates, and everyday drivers about their experiences driving hybrids, EVs and everything in between.


What’s It Like Driving An EV In Canada?

How do EV batteries hold up during a Saskatchewan winter? What's the current state of Canada's charging network? In this episode, join host Tara Jean Stevens in conversation with Kenneth Bokor, host of the popular YouTube series EV Revolution, and Emma Jarratt, executive editor of Electric Autonomy Canada to learn about the realities of driving an electric vehicle in Canada – including the surprising advantage an EV can bring to cold-weather driving. 


How Much Range Do You Really Need?

How long will the car’s battery last? How far can you get on one full charge? Is “range anxiety” a real issue? In this episode, host Tara Jean Stevens talks with Cara Clairman, founder of Plug N Drive, to bust the myth of “range anxiety”, plus Economist editor and historian Tom Standage, author of A Brief History of Motion, about the 100-year history of the electric car. Plus: what’s the secret connection between a 1980s camcorder and today’s electric car market?


Cost vs. Value of EVs - What Do The Numbers Say?

Let’s face it: a new car is one of the most expensive purchases you can make. But how should you calculate value if you’re investing in an EV? In this episode, join host Tara Jean Stevens in conversation with Mark Zacharias, the executive director of Clean Energy Canada, and Saifullah Sanaye, a professor of Automotive Technology at St. Lawrence College, for an in-depth cost/benefit analysis of what it means to drive an electric car. Plus, Tara Jean takes a deep dive into the financials with two drivers tracking the costs of their electric vehicles.


Are EVs Really That Good For The Environment?

Combating climate change is a common factor in people's decision to drive electric. But how much impact does it have? In this episode, host Tara Jean Stevens speaks with researcher Parth Vaishnav (The Centre for Sustainable Systems at the University of Michigan) about his study on carbon emissions, and talks to Mazda’s Andrew Bardwell and author and historian Tom Standage to hear about the exciting potential that electric vehicles have to transform not just the way we drive, but the way we live.


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