Alex gives Kathy a rundown of their cautious optimism for visionOS, and how we can have more agency in this new era of computing. Becoming more cyborgian can mean we also learn how to be more human. Kathy wants Alex to calm down because she's focused on preparing for Relay FM's annual Podcastathon to raise money for St. Jude Children's Research Hospital. TOMORROW, Friday, September 22nd! Alex notes that these two events, one weird and abstract, another weird but also a concrete way to help the fight in eradicating childhood cancer. If none of that made sense, good! It means you'll like this episode.
Kathy used ChatGPT, and Alex continues to use ChatGPT a lot more than they probably should. (Recorded May 2023, when it was still the bird site.)
Kathy still hasn't used ChatGPT, but Alex remains optimistic about the bots. (Recorded March 2023 in a pre-visionOS world!)
Alex calls shenanigans on Sydney and Kevin's relationship, and Kathy brings some news from our friends making AIs in Ethical Edmonton!
With the help of a calculator panda, the business unicorn breaks her silence.
Alex and Kathy talked in December about Twitter. Hindsight sure is an interesting thing. They also celebrate no San Francisco Murder Bots, mourn the loss of the Mars Rover, and look forward to what might come next for the social Internet.
Kathy and Alex share their squishy thoughts about the viral sensation of AI avatars, independent art, open-source software, and the late great turtles.
Alex and Kathy discuss broken fingers, folding, and a fictosexual man in love with a hologram.
Alex and Kathy might want robots to have rights and bodily autonomy, but it would be nice if humans had it as well.
Alex and Kathy are convinced robots aren't coming to take our jobs...but they SHOULD be.
Alex and Kathy discuss the likely overturning of Roe v. Wade, and the necessary access to the technology for safe abortions.
Webster's dictionary defines "muskrat" as "an aquatic rodent of the U.S. and Canada with a long scaly laterally compressed tail, webbed hind feet, dark glossy brown fur and Twitter's supreme agent of chaos.
Alex and Kathy discuss why the TikTok bots continue to be in the midst of a period panic.
Alex introduces intriguing new inputs as Kathy tears through a typing test.
Kathy and Alex are so here for Robot birds and British cyborgs, but they do NOT talk about Bruno.