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Rockpointe Community Church

Author: Randy Tomko

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Rockpointe Community Church is a nondenominational Christian church located in Sterling Heights, Michigan. We believe that the Bible is relevant and true, and believe that Jesus said it best when He told a gathered crowd to love God and love others. We believe the rest follows pretty naturally. At Rockpointe you will find a safe place to explore your faith and ask your own tough questions. We can’t promise to have all the answers, but we can introduce you to the One who does. You can find out more about us at or find us on Facebook (
258 Episodes
Two or Three

Two or Three


The context in which two or three are gathered is to judge a situation, a distressing circumstance of sin. The promise is that the LORD will be there to help sort it out, to provide discernment and wisdom. Conflict within the church is inevitable. It is, after all, made up of people in all their […] The post Two or Three appeared first on Rockpointe Community Church.



What does this passage really mean for us? Is it about living our “best life now” or something else? Something more lasting, more eternally meaningful… And really, at the end of the day, in which way do we approach God? Are we focused on what He can do for us, or what we can do […] The post Prosperity appeared first on Rockpointe Community Church.
All Things

All Things


We can take a passage like Philippians 4:13, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me”, and throw it around to celebrate a sports victory, career success, or promote another life milestone. But that’s not what it’s really about. This was Paul speaking from prison saying, essentially, that whether I’m down or up, […] The post All Things appeared first on Rockpointe Community Church.



As followers of Christ, somehow even the brokenness and damage of our circumstances gets woven together into a beautiful tapestry that only God can conceive. He uses *everything* in the weaving, even the threads that to us seemed wasted or ugly beyond redemption. That weaving takes time, decades, a lifetime…even if we can’t see it […] The post Goodness appeared first on Rockpointe Community Church.
Jesus Freaks

Jesus Freaks


The Scripture tells us that there’s literally nothing new under the sun. Governments rise and fall, societies experience chaos, trends sweep in and out the door just as fast. There have been times in history when spiritual revival has emerged out of the most tense and fraught periods. Could we be poised for that right […] The post Jesus Freaks appeared first on Rockpointe Community Church.



This scripture, more than any other, is too often misused to claim that Jesus taught not to judge at all. Ever. But nothing could be further from the truth! What Jesus actually teaches is that we should not judge hypocritically. Instead, we should address the sin in our own lives, and then bring loving correction […] The post Judgment appeared first on Rockpointe Community Church.
Handle With Care

Handle With Care


How do we correctly handle the Word of God? How do we apply it to our lives with integrity and wisdom? How do we avoid the pitfall of misapplying scripture, picking and choosing verses that amplify our preferences and ignoring those that convict us of our brokenness before the Lord. As followers of Christ, we […] The post Handle With Care appeared first on Rockpointe Community Church.
The Allegiance

The Allegiance


What is your allegiance? What do you identify with the most? What shapes you and what do you present to the watching world? What would happen if we set aside all other identities – national, racial, political, even familial – and we nurtured instead a love for Christ and His people that transcends all? If […] The post The Allegiance appeared first on Rockpointe Community Church.
The Victory

The Victory


Christ died for you and for me. He proved beyond a shadow of a doubt in his victory over death that he truly was the Son of God! Even skeptics and scoffers have, for millennia, time and time again come to belief as they confront the evidence – the empty tomb, the disciples’ unifying experiences, […] The post The Victory appeared first on Rockpointe Community Church.
The Sacrifice

The Sacrifice


Our sin is so bloody, so dark, that it only leads to death. But we have a God whose grace is so great, that through the sacrifice of his only son Jesus Christ, he calls us to LIFE! He calls us out of our lostness to be known by him, to be loved by him. […] The post The Sacrifice appeared first on Rockpointe Community Church.
The Covenant

The Covenant


As a follower of Christ, you are invited to take part in a great feast. It’s a celebration of a covenant, one between Christ and each one of us. A covenant that is likened to that of a marriage. A covenant that forms the foundation and basis of our faith. A foundation upon which everything […] The post The Covenant appeared first on Rockpointe Community Church.
The Invitation

The Invitation


To be a follower of Christ is to accept an invitation from him to stop rebelling and to become part of the Kingdom of God – a movement that has and continues to transform the world. It is to have your life radically transformed and to draw others into the same movement! Even if you’ve […] The post The Invitation appeared first on Rockpointe Community Church.
The Kingdom

The Kingdom


The Kingdom of God transcends all manmade barriers of nationality, race, background, status, affinity group, political alliance and more. And above all else, recognizing the Kingdom of God is a choice we all must make on our own – free from coercion or outside pressure. More than any other topic, Jesus Christ talked about the […] The post The Kingdom appeared first on Rockpointe Community Church.
Who is Jesus?

Who is Jesus?


The real question is…has the knowledge of who Jesus is touched the whole of your life? And where does that knowledge come from? Does it come from modern cultural references, or have you, quite literally, read The Book? 4 So he got up from the table, took off his robe, wrapped a towel around his waist, […] The post Who is Jesus? appeared first on Rockpointe Community Church.
In a world that is soaked with lies, where we struggle to find a solid foundation, where anxiety and confusion can easily overwhelm, where do we turn? What is the most important thing we need to consider? The one thing that can provide an unmovable foundation, can soothe anxiety and resolve confusion every single time? […] The post The Most Important Thing appeared first on Rockpointe Community Church.



Generosity is about more than money. It begins with the realization that our whole lives are gifts from God! But we too easily become distracted by the world and its misplaced priorities. Status, money, accolades… Our values shift away from God’s. What do you value the most in this world? What are you holding onto […] The post Generosity appeared first on Rockpointe Community Church.



Part of being in Christian community is that we see each other. There’s a relationship…people aren’t left alone. They become known. You become known. You become part of a family, a home. Our relationships will not always be perfect. In our humanness, we bump against each other and sometimes cause hurt. But the point of […] The post Vision appeared first on Rockpointe Community Church.



How would our world be transformed if we cultivated the fruit of the Spirit, rather than seeking to glorify power in its many expressions? Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control… As we navigate this year full of political and societal tension, let us keep our minds on these things. The world could […] The post Power appeared first on Rockpointe Community Church.
Surviving the Storm

Surviving the Storm


What help is there for the storms in our lives? Jesus is present with us through the storms and reveals himself in the midst of the storms. We can trust Jesus to calm the storms and we can trust Jesus to deliver us through the storms! 35 On that day, when evening had come, he said […] The post Surviving the Storm appeared first on Rockpointe Community Church.
We can trust God with the future. Even in the midst of suffering, we can rest in His promises. All the world can offer is wishful thinking, but as Christ followers, we can hold on to true hope for the future! 18 Yet what we suffer now is nothing compared to the glory he will reveal […] The post I Know the Plans…the Future appeared first on Rockpointe Community Church.
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