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Rockstar Podcast - The Business Parent Cast
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Rockstar Podcast - The Business Parent Cast

Author: Rockstar Podcast

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A New Jersey Based Podcast About Small Business, Parenting, Marketing, Entrepreneurship, Life and Social Media called Rockstar Podcast. Hosted by Lorenzo of and Mariano of We combine every day life, parenting mixed with business and humor to try and help inspire and educate.
76 Episodes
Rockstar Podcast Outtakes - Calling Freshbooks Live
Rockstar Bloopers - Episode 15
Rockstar Bloopers Episode 2 - Mariano Sings
Rockstar Podcast Bloopers 1
Episode 6 of The Bell Cast from Bell Works in Holmdel, NJ. You can find us live at every Friday at 11am. Kevin and Lorenzo meet with one of Bell Works original tenants, Peter Dant who is a seasoned Photographer and provides much more. We discuss Peter's view of the growth of Bell Works, his professional career as a photographer and more. Guest: Peter Dant Photography Mike: True Connect Kevin: Refresh Advertising Lorenzo: Screaming Lunatic Brand Development
Mariano and Lorenzo discuss our guest rescheduling, Tony is stacked, Lorenzo's Bell Cast Episode about Raising Your Price and the importance of Logos vs Marketing. That and all the in-between stuff. WATCH as we record each episode on Instagram at Lorenzo Screaming Lunatic Design Mariano Avelient Tony Drophouse
Episode 5 of The Bell Cast from Bell Works in Holmdel, NJ. You can find us live at every Friday at 11am. Kevin, Mike and Lorenzo discuss: Where we are taking the Bell Cast future Podcasts That We Enjoy The Hip Trend of Marketing/Design Leaders Answering All Questions With "Just Raise Your Price" as a fix all solution Mike: True Connect Kevin: Refresh Advertising Lorenzo: Screaming Lunatic Brand Development
Episode 4 of The Bell Cast from Bell Works in Holmdel, NJ. You can find us live at every Friday at 11am. Kevin and Lorenzo welcome Bell Works resident, Mariano and Sam from Avelient and discuss: Where is Mike? Sam's (Seattle) impression of Bell Works Services Avelient provides New Jersey Aint So Bad After All Kevin and Sam's new Bromance Mariano & Sam: - marketing agency for the digital age solving business internet marketing problems with a spotlight on what makes your business unique. Kevin: Refresh Advertising Lorenzo: Screaming Lunatic Brand Development
Mariano and Lorenzo discuss a whole lot of topics which you wont hear because Garage Band dumped us. THE GOOD NEWS you can WATCH the whole episode from our IG Live cast at
Mariano and Karen like to text....
Episode 3 of The Bell Cast from Bell Works in Holmdel, NJ. You can find us live on Facebook under every Friday at 11am. Kevin, Mike and Lorenzo discuss: Participation Awards & Entitlement Translate to Work New Business Opening on Bell Cast Bell Work Reviews and Whats Coming Kevin’s Refresh Advertising Client Commercial Mike Has A New Response to Everything 23 And Me DNA Conspiracy
Mariano, Tony and Lorenzo speak about each of our own current Cable Providers, Fobu TV, what we pay and how and what we watch tv. We also discuss the roles of boys, girls in society, a little bit of Kevin Hart and the usual silliness in between. Oh and Mariano's hair has a mind of its own.
Mariano, Tony and Lorenzo tackle the business of business reviews. From how to handle them, when to ask, bad reviews, good reviews, how to distribute and whether to respond to them or not. We open with the usual random life stuff going on like Mariano adding a West Wing and Lorenzo not wanting to bother to explain his new home buying adventure.
The Return of the Rockstars. Mariano, Tony and Lorenzo are all back to re-start the Rockstar Podcast. We talk about what has gone on with us over the past 3 years and then get right into with discussions about Facebook's Advertisement responsibility in light of the past 2 years, Mariano is still not on Instagram and apparently also considered "doing a podcast" without telling Tony or Lorenzo. That and much more!
We Back! RP Ep 26.1

We Back! RP Ep 26.1


A quick "Hello" from Lorenzo about our RP return!
Rockstar Podcast Episode 25 LinkedIn Makeover plus Social Advertising
Rockstar Podcast Episode 26 The App Roundup
Rockstar Podcast Episode 24 Developer Craig Caruso - Mobile App World
Rockstar Podcast Episode 22 Jack Bermeo and Jorge of LJ Productions - Judged By Peers, Bad Debt & Shenanigans
Rockstar Podcast Episode 23 Get Off My Lawn