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Roll A D20

Author: Roll A D20

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The roleplay podcast of the laziest fashion!

One GM and four players take us on a journey to possibly the most bastardized version of a roleplaying game to grace the interwebs. With very little rules and endless possibilities; these five friends create some weird adventures and a generally fun time.
19 Episodes
Another Halloween Special! Wow, we made it, kids. The GM really pulled out the baby names website for this one. Join the gang as they live through a spooky day in a wet hot american summer. Special thanks to the band Tangelo for use of their song Valentine as our intro music.  Another special thanks to Caleb for editing for us!
Join us on a story including many of the USA's favorite pass times; furry mascot costumes at amusement parks, slacking off at a job that doesn't pay you nearly enough, and watching an innocent man die. Alright, I promise the episode is more light-hearted than I make it seem, this is a comedy podcast after all.  Special thanks to the band Tangelo for use of their song Valentine for our theme song. Check them out! Super special thanks to Caleb for editing this episode. You are truly baller.
We are back from summer vacation! Thanks for sticking around. This is an exciting and fast paced episode following a day in the life of a niche youtuber our players created. Spoiler warning for the finale of the TV series 'Lost', for no reason other than we wanted to rant about it at the end of the episode and I didn't feel like cutting it out.   Special thanks to the band Tangelo for use of their song Valentine for our theme song. Check them out!
In this episode Andy compares our podcast to the hit HBO show 'Game of Thrones'! No idea why he did that, to be frank.  Trisha is super sleepy during this episode and the editor has admittedly left in a few things they should have edited out. This month is probably the busiest month of the whole year for us! Try to follow along as our players spend this episode in a rage-filled journey for revenge. It's not easy being undead, it's almost as difficult to handle as the cravings for a 7-11 slurpee. Will they be seeing red or the light at the end of the tunnel? Special thanks to the band Tangelo for use of their song Valentine for our theme song. Check them out!  Special thanks to ESKRY  on YouTube for the royalty free beats I used for the remix in this episode. Special thanks to YOU! Thanks for bothering to read the description of the episode.
"This is the best episode yet!" -Andy Finally an episode that contains your daily vitamin C requirement! This one is short and sweet. Listen to hear the story of a determined fruit and a dramatic crime. Nobody can stop our players as they guide the plot in ways unimaginable and somewhat unforgettable, no matter how much some of us try to forget. Special thanks to the band Tangelo for use of their song Valentine for our theme song. Check them out! 
This episode has us join the crew as they control a reality TV contestant. Their goals? Unclear. Their nationality? Surprisingly irrelevant. What is relevant and clear is that they are NOT here to make friends.  Can we just steal you away for a second, so you can enjoy this roughly 45 minute adventure filled with generic white people, shoe fetishes, and deep dark secrets? Remember everybody, Ellen doesn't kill people, she maims.    Special thanks to the band Tangelo for use of their song Valentine for our theme song. Check them out! 
Join us as we take Grunt through yet another nerve wracking adventure. After losing her best friend and vowing never to return back to the farm again, Grunt must find her way out of the dangerous caverns and gets herself into an even more peculiar situation. Will the players be able to keep her alive for one more episode? Will they find another piece of the Amadeus puzzle? Find out this episode!  Special thanks to the band Tangelo for use of their song Valentine for our theme song. Check them out! 
No furries were harmed in the making of this podcast episode, however, I think a few may have been born, in a spiritual sense. Join our players as they take on semi-pro gaming and the hard pressure of being a moderately famous furry in a modern world. Will they live up to the hype or will they battle-royally screw up this time?!?! I promise this isn't the most poop-centric episode we will ever do, but it sure is for now.  Special thanks to the band Tangelo for use of their song Valentine as our intro music.   
You know what M.D. stands for? Take a guess. ;) In this episode our crew takes on the silver screen as a real life Soap Opera star! More rolls for seduction, more Fortnite references, and the #1 nerdy fact about one of our players (Natasha), will keep you enthralled and wondering how any of us leave our parents' basements. Stay sexy, listeners.  Special thanks to the band Tangelo for use of their song Valentine as our intro music 
This episode is for all those people out there who have accidentally sent a message to the wrong contact in your phone. Join our players as they guide this weeks character through a rough and complicated social journey. Will they complete the mission or let down their closest and most important work friend? How many Fortnite mentions can we have before our listeners riot? And how sensual can this podcast truly get?  Special thanks to the band Tangelo for use of their song Valentine as our intro music.  
In this spin off episode we try something new and familiar. Join our players as they control Ryan on his mysterious co-occurring journey of sweat, tears, and strange noises in the vents.  Special thanks to the band Tangelo for use of their song Valentine as our intro music. 
 The hardest challenge yet, motherhood, and the players don't particularly seem good at it. In this episode the players take their sexy self, fashioned with shapeless tan overalls and the strength of a thousand kroger's coupons, to divorce court. Follow their journey to win the custody of their multiple children and the hearts of all those in the crowd. Will they come out victorious or lose it all? Is the GM's Judge Judy impression REALLY that bad? Find out on this episode of Roll a D20! Oh, has anybody seen Ryan....anybody?  Special thanks to the band Tangelo for use of their song Valentine as our intro music.
Have you ever had a shitty minimum wage food service job? Well this episode might give you strange flash backs. The gang plays a game of tug o' war as they guide an unfortunate soul through the ropes of menial labor, lower body confidence, and romantic hubris during this episode. Special thanks to the band Tangelo for use of their song Valentine for our theme song. Check them out!
Happy Holidays and a Happy New Year! For this hour long Christmas special, our players go on a festive journey filled with powerful magic and even more powerful friendships. Sumo suits, strange anatomical misunderstandings, and a certain fellow of the Pumpkin variety make this episode the refreshing escape from your family's crappy party you really needed. Just remember to wear headphones; this podcast is marked explicit after all.  Special thanks to the band Tangelo for use of their song Valentine for our theme song. Check them out!
In this episode we learn the true meaning of friendship, or lack thereof. Join us in the Pacific Ocean (we looked it up and Orcas do exist there,) for a tale of carnal lust and regret. Special thanks to the band Tangelo for use of their song Valentine for our theme song. Check them out!
Trisha is missing for this one. :( But she'll be back next episode! In this episode we go back to high school and start our search for the perfect gang. An emotional roller coaster and identity crisis, this episode is a little nostalgic, but also a little gross. Special thanks to the band Tangelo for use of their song Valentine for our theme song. Check them out!
It's our Halloween special! One serial killer, one horrible British accent, and four players who aren't afraid to make this story a little bit sexy. Stay spooky. Special thanks to the band Tangelo for use of their song Valentine for our theme song. Check them out!
In this episode our DM promises us an adventure in space and then sticks us on earth for the entire episode. Thanks a lot. At least we got some graphic depictions of a skin suit. Special thanks to the band Tangelo for use of their song Valentine for our theme song. Check them out!
Oh hey, it's our first episode! Did anybody think we would make it this far? Hey! Have more faith in us! In this episode we take a journey to a classic DnD setting and show off our approximate knowledge of shark biology. Bless this mess. Special thanks to the band Tangelo for use of their song Valentine for our theme song. Check them out!