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RollTheCredits's podcast

Author: Frank DiSalvo and Zach Johnson

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Hosted by Frank and Zach, this is a podcast all about film discussion. We talk movies, directors, actors, cinematographers, and everything in-between.
295 Episodes
Masterpiece Movies

Masterpiece Movies


The term perfect is usually used sparingly, but when it comes to films there is always an opinion on at least a few that fit this. We should point out that these are our opinions with our reasons, but that doesn't mean that we don't want to hear some of yours and craft the best we can of masterpiece movies.



How far are you willing to go to gain revenge? Nicholas Cage might have an idea as he plays Red, a man with nothing to lose after a group of hippie cultists murder his wife Mandy. A film that holds nothing back with a unique style of gore, special effects, and just good old fashion chainsaws while still holding a few hidden metaphors as well as themes to pick apart. In the end, it's all about what we do for love.
When films do well at the box office, the next thing to come is usually a follow-up film. The thing is, there are a plethora of movies out there that are great as stand-alone films but we still need to ask "what if?". As always we want to know some of your picks as we make 9 more films about the same thing, with movies we wish had sequels   



How far are you willing to go to save a family member, or even test your faith? In this Netflix original, we follow Thomas as he makes his way to a cult island to rescue his sister, all while uncovering a dark secret of the land. This is not a perfect film, but it does excel at providing a cohesive story with great gore, compelling characters, and a director who knows what he is doing. This is definitely a film that slipped by most, but with Spooky season right around the corner, "pray for us" and check it out  
Great Set Designs

Great Set Designs


How many films have you seen that behind the characters is empty space, and you're okay with it? The sets play just as significant a role as the story does, creating great spaces that can feel like you are in a battle or the smallest details that lead you down a rabbit hole. As always we want to know some of your favorites as we build up the walls for great set designs
If you grew up in the 90's there's a good chance that you witnessed a once-in-a-lifetime film. A one-time event for both Disney and Warner bros. as they were featured in a movie about a detective trying to prove the innocence of a cartoon rabbit in a murder case. It was a film that broke so many rules, perfectly blending animation and live action in a way that still holds up today despite the nightmare it must have been to make. A film that might be a bit more adult than you remembered but in the end, I'm a toon, toons are supposed to make you laugh
Production Companies

Production Companies


Without the financial backing, most of our favorite films wouldn't have ever been made, unless you are Sam Raimi. When you watch a movie and see a list of logos flash across the screen before the title screen, it's often an afterthought but when you really look at them it's surprising how much one company can be involved in. Today we talk about those unsung heroes in film and as always we want to know your picks as we invest in movie production companies.
The Seventh Seal

The Seventh Seal


The thing we as humans seem to ponder the most is the idea of what is there beyond this world, whether there is more, and what happens after death. A classic film follows Block as he travels back home after the crusades, looking for life's mysteries, and challenging death to a game of chess for his soul. While this is a loose description, this is what most people know about this film, and to be honest, it is much more than this. While being a slow burn you get to seek the same questions. This can be terrifying for some in its own right but "we must make an idol of our fear, and call it God"
Best Opening Shots

Best Opening Shots


They are the first things you see after the title screen, the first thing to set the mood of the film, and the first thing that can gauge how invested you will be. The opening shots are incredibly important in film and deserve some time to talk about. As always we want to know some of your favorites as we transition from the title screen to some best opening scenes in films.
A Clockwork Orange

A Clockwork Orange


"You can't change who you really are" unless you possibly undergo experimental treatment? A Stanley Kubrick classic, we follow Alex as he leads a dystopian gang and eventually tries to become reformed while in prison. A film that has been talked up and down we decided to discuss the use of themes, incredible music score, and how there are no wasted scenes to tell a unique story in film history. If you haven't seen this one before, it is definitely a film unlike any other, and after seeing it you will feel like you have been "cured" 
Ambiguous Films

Ambiguous Films


Stare long enough into the abyss, and the abyss stares back. Questions and metaphors are present in life constantly, so wouldn't it make sense to have films that thrive doing the same? There are a plethora of films out there that have open-ended stories and endings and today we talk about the idea of whether that is good or bad. As always we want to know your thoughts as try to crack the code and watch explain videos, on ambiguous films.
The Power of The Dog

The Power of The Dog


When push comes to shove, family oftentimes is all we have, and that means we are willing to do anything for them. Phil and George, brothers who are ranchers, together become entangled with the lives of a new wife Rose, and son Peter. What unfolds is mental warfare with an outcome that you would not expect at all. While this film does have great cinematography, acting, and touches on great themes it does feel rushed at points and some things don't feel connected. Nevertheless, this is a breakout film of the year, just make sure you don't touch anthrax-ridden cows.
Music has been said to be the universal language, and in films, the idea of a soundtrack can bring an enhanced excitement while a score can bring an even wider array of emotions. Today we talk about these instances that through sound were able to bring a film to life for us. As always we want to know your favorites as we crank up the volume to our favorite scores and soundtracks.
Men (2022)

Men (2022)


Toxic masculinity is a real issue no matter where you live in the world, being such a horrific thing, it only makes sense to be a horror film. We follow Harper, escaping to a countryside getaway weekend after witnessing her husband's death, and what ensues is a fever dream nightmare. A film that definitely uses the shock factor towards the end, does use genuine horror with a mystique around it from a director known for science fiction. This is absolutely not for everyone but it is something interesting to check out because "what do you want? To be loved"
Deep Cuts

Deep Cuts


Hey, do you remember that one movie, with that weird plot but decent scenes? No? Well, I don't think it was a fever dream. This is the feeling that we all have had at some point in time about a weird movie that only we have seen. Today we talk about the obscure and rare, and as always we wanna know your picks as we pick out our favorite deep cuts that no one knows about. 
Phantom Thread

Phantom Thread


Love is a very complicated thing, some days you and your partner may be head over heels for the other, and some days you might be poisoning them with mushrooms. In this, we follow Reynold Woodcock, a famous dress designer, who finds a new muse in Alma. What begins as love, becomes heartache as routine and lack of empathy take hold. A film that breaks down a romance in a very different way shows just how harsh co-dependency can be. Ultimately some may think this is a "boring" film but to them we say "the tea is going out, but the interruption is staying right here with me" 
That's right, he did a thing, Frank has been working for some time now eluding to talking with local artists and people in our communities and that's exactly what he did on film. Today we talk about everything that goes into something like this in hopes people in your area may want to do the same or create film clubs. As always, more than ever, we would like to know what you think with a nice little link down below as we discuss how Frank made a short film 
The Breakfast Club

The Breakfast Club


Going through Highschool there are a number of clicks and groups that are easily recognizable but the thing you don't realize until you are an adult is that we are all the same during that time in our own way. On a Saturday morning, five students are joined together for detention for various things they had done. A film that perfectly captures the 80's and is easily known by everyone but what people don't realize is how heartfelt and heavy this film can be. Having no weak links in acting, just a few scenes that don't add up. That being said, this is a classic, and "don't you forget about it".
Most Rewatchable Films

Most Rewatchable Films


To some people, there are those movies that come along every time they show up on demand, while channel surfing, or with some friends that you just can't help but watch again. This effect is very rare and brings on a question of what makes them so rewatchable? Today we talk about this and as always, we wanna know some of your favorites as we watch over and over again our most rewatchable films.



Not knowing what a person has gone through until you walk a mile in their shoes is a very poetic phrase for this film. At three separate points in a young man's life we follow Chiron as he goes through life as first "Little", then "Chiron" and finally "Black". In a film that paints a scary yet beautiful story of a boy struggling with bullying, poverty, and his sexuality you can't help but to want the best for him and to see him overcome all the hardships no matter what it takes. A top A24 film to check out if you haven't already because "it can't be worse out here"
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