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Romancing the Story: Writing Romance, Storytelling, and Book Structure
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Romancing the Story: Writing Romance, Storytelling, and Book Structure

Author: Sarah Gamez

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Story enthusiast and romance writer Sarah Gamez explores the creative craft and pragmatic aspects of writing with niche topic discussions, inspirational pieces and industry insights. Join in on conversations with authors and experts on creating engaging stories, marketing your books, and navigating the (self) publishing world. Whether you write romance or not, there's plenty of tips to be found on storytelling, genres, and medias. Sometimes, with a twist of romance.

81 Episodes
"...if I want readers to be able to identify with the character then I want them to be able to identify with the illness specifically...I can't be ashamed to put the name (of illness) on the page."Romance author Cara Dion knows writing through the pain of chronic illness is not just about the physical aspects but touches ever part of her life. We chat her experience with chronic illness, the way it affects her writing and using romance as a way to create relatable characters and powerful comm...
"I think initially planning it out was kind of difficult. Only because...(the writer) is very descriptive. She says she can't draw, but in my mind, (they) just do it differently. (Writers) do it with words."USA Today Bestselling Author C.A. Szarek collaborated with comic artist Gilbert Perez to create an illustrated version of her romantic fantasy novel. Chrissy provides the writer's perspective of how she was able to convey and hone down her story to the essentials to be illustrated. Gilbert...
"....(Screenwriting) is, to me, a lot more puzzle-like than novels...if somebody gives me a screenplay to read that is 140 pages, I know it doesn't work."Award-winning author Emily Roberson explores the intricacies of adaptation as she delves into how to write compelling scripts. From options as an author to translating a story to the screen, Emily shares insights, challenges, and plenty of examples. Whether you’re a writer or simply curious about storytelling, join us as we unpack the writte...
"As a romance fan, we couldn't get anybody or any of the networks to buy into....(or) pay to make these adaptations, and so we started our own streaming platform..."Tosca Musk, CEO and founder behind streaming service Passionflix, takes proper time, care, and effort to make a romance book into a movie for the fans. We chat determining what role she takes in each production, the power of delegating and getting fans involved with productions. It's all part of her master plan-fingers crossed! Co...
"...and if you create this single story for a people of a certain historically, marginalized identities; you know, that gets taken by readers and it gets inside of them in ways we might not expect or intend to..."Award-winning author Alex Temblador commitment to diverse storytelling helped create a tool to authentically write and edit a character whose identity differs. We delve into the art of authentically writing characters whose identities differ from our own by exploring the complexities...
"...Introducing family shows a different side (to the character) and allows the character to be a little more well-rounded in the way they interact..."Writing instructor and multi-genre author, Amber Royer, encounters the challenges and surprises of introducing new characters with her Bean to Bar Cozy Mystery Series. She even touched on understating off-page characters until authors know the dynamics they present with the main protagonist and the importance of moving a character forward. ...
"It's been fun to kinda see (Melissa's writing) evolve also in the narration I have done for her....her stories get better and better with time. It's the same with narration too."Romance author Melissa Whitney Author and narrator Harlow Wilde are a dynamic duo when it comes to audiobooks. We discuss the changing production process of each book, what to expect creating an audiobook, and working together as an author and narrator for the best listening experience in an audiobook.Honestly, this ...
"If you're just starting out, I personally would recommend waiting (to invest in audiobooks) until you have a full series selling well. ...If the series isn't working, you're not going to know that until the series has been out for a while."As an author and narrator, Karen White knows what it takes to get into listening ears. We discuss her passion for audiobooks with the creation of Home Cooked Books, an audiobook community designed to support authors and readers. She shares levera...
"I try to write really fierce, headstrong characters...but at the same time, it's ok to be vulnerable. It's ok to say I don't have all the answers."Author Kimberly Packard lovingly calls women's fiction the "trash can punch" genre since it has a little bit of everything, and while her characters and novels run the gamut within the genre, the emotional arcs that keep readers invested is the glue that holds them all together. We delve into balancing emotional arcs in a plot that helps readers r...
"If it feels like I'm trying to force something...that's usually when I know to kinda let go. Either set it down or hold it with an open hand and see what happens. Whatever happens with it, let that be. "Amy Kelly, the new leader at Lone Star Literary Life, shares her unique journey as an author, podcaster and literary advocate to enrich both Texans and other authors. We explore how previous experiences and knowledge all lead to taking over LSLL and managing time and effort into the right end...
"There's this living in alignment, in integrity, and I don't like to do things out of alignment...and this is an area that has some consequences."Bestselling Author, Tedx Speaker, and therapist, Marcy Pusey helped me delve into the ethical use of AI in the creative process - pros and cons. She illuminates how AI operates with creative recycling and what questions authors should ask when considering its use - even with freelancers. Together we explore defining ethical for an author's writing i...
"(It) started as a blog, Unleashing the Next Chapter, to document my stroke recovery and unleashing is a nod to the fact that I had just gotten Gizmo (service dog) (now) having a boutique marketing agency..." Kathryn McClatchy is an authorpreneur and consultant who lived two distinct lives: one before strokes and one after. She reveals what it took to rebuild a life in the aftermath of multiple strokes and turning her passion of helping others into a thriving business and the Authorprene...
"....Whenever you are going to write disability or anytime you're going to write outside of your lived experience, first you have to ask yourself: Do you already platform and support this community?"As a romance writer with a disability, Melissa Whitney writes fantastic HEAs for non-typical protagonists - who have disabilities and neurodivergences. In the discussion, we explore the nuances of creating authentic characters with disabilities and how to write with empathy and accuracy while brin...
"...I certainly hope that (this book) reaches the people who do, for one reason or another, feel that the world has just been so unfair to them and why can't it pick on somebody else for once..."After both her parents died, Courtney penned those tragedies into a debut book, When Happily Ever After Fails. In the book, she proves all tragedies can be rewritten, and happiness can bloom where you least expect it. We chat revising a happily ever after doesn’t have to be an “all or nothing” mentali...
" we're solving problems in our own stories, we're creating problems for the other stories that (Lark and Catrina) had to work in... It made for some really creative outcomes." - Lucy LimonAs critique partners and writers with complementary strengths, romance authors Lark Green, Lucy Limon, and Catrina Bell devised a plan for a holiday novella series where a one author took a different book. We chat how their masterful coordination, thorough world-building, and developmental courtesy hel...
"They always say start your book on a day that's different. That's called an inciting incident. That's what I try to do naturally. Sometimes it works; sometimes it doesn't."A decade into writing her Highlander series, USA Today Bestselling Author C.A. Szarek has built a large cast of interconnected books, and her unorthodox method continues to have no hard and fast rules of writing. We chat about how she gets reacquainted with her books after a period of time away from writing in the world an...
"We need to see writer's block in a different way. It's really not the enemy,'s a sign. And usually, it's that your body and your mind are telling you something is off..."Author and writing coach, Dr. Nicole Janz, helps creatives use their writing voice with breakthroughs on writer's block and procrastination. Straightforward and detailed, we chat about what causes procrastination and how to approach writer's block in a way that is conducive and keeps your story moving forward. The W...
"(Not) to dive into the core fear...that we're unrelatable that people will not communicate with us...and I think that's one of those things you see get demonstrated with monsters in the history of storytelling."Romance Author Kate Prior fell into writing Monster Romance by accident and now, has three books to show for her Claws and Cubicles series. We discuss writing creatures as an allegory for differences in ourselves and reader's interest in an otherworld romance where Monsters are love i...
"You know it is such a beloved story but the modern's really a celebration of queer joy and a true Hallmark-y story nothing truly bad happens."We're celebrating the most fabulous time of the year! Contemporary Romance Author Kelly Farmer crafts heart, humor, and depth into her books and gave the premise of "It's a Wonderful Life" a make-over with LGBTQIA+ characters. We chat the process of lightening the mood with Hallmark vibes and the process of switching charact...
"I think the key is either treat the character (animal) as a sounding board...or you treat this as another character on the same level as a human character."Writing instructor and multi-genre author, Amber Royer, incorporates all types of animals in her writing - from an octopus to a cockatoo. She directs us in how writing sidekick animals and pets typically follow the "save the cat" rule. Plus, how an animal can provide development and impact in a story - including her own cozy mystery Bean ...