Roni Noone Rambles

A weekly blogcast by Roni Noone, co-author of What You Can When You Can. Rambles include fitness, food, parenting, weight loss, and whatever else Roni's feeling at the moment.

Stop Perfecting Failure! And 3 Series Recommendations

This week I talk about ways we let "perfect" get in the way of progress when it comes to food journaling and working out. I also share three new series I'm currently watching. 


Need Workout Ideas? Learn more about Deep Athletics!

This week I interview Aaron Adams of Deep Athletics. I’ve been using their programming for my workouts for the last two weeks, and I love it!Aaron is a former USA Weightlifting record holder and three times National Weightlifting champion. He’s an all-around cool guy, and I’m totally stoked he agreed to be my first interview!


A Help Reminder, Opening Doors, and Lots of Movie Recs

This week, I remind you to ask for help, share a story about the 9-Year-Old who opened the door of bike riding and talk movies. A lot of movies! 


Why I Deactivated Facebook and 4 other Ways to Stay Sane in an Insane World

This week's podcast is all about my approach to staying sane in an insane world. Plus, three movie recommendations -- two horrors and a comedy! 


My Top Weight Maintenance Tip and Two Movie Recommendations

I'm back! A little early for reasons explained in the podcast. This week I answer a question about the top thing I did that has helped me keep my weight off over the long term. My response is a ramble for sure! 


Thought Worms, Dinner Parties and a Fun Movie

Episode 2 is full of life updates, thoughts on "thought worms," dinner party menus, and a fun movie I watched that no one else will probably like. Linke to everything I mention can be found on my blog:


Happy Birthday to Me!

Kicking off the new podcast with a ramble on my birthday. 


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