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Round Table China

Round Table China

Author: China Plus

Subscribed: 10,869Played: 254,231


Round Table is a premier English radio/podcast show, straight from Beijing.

Hear what's buzzing on the Internet and the main streets, see the latest lifestyle trends, and feel the pulse of life in China, Round Table is your golden ticket. With dynamic cultural exchanges between hosts from diverse backgrounds, we take you on a journey deep into modern China.

We invite you to join our conversation! Shoot us an email or a voice memo at Let the fun begin!

1895 Episodes
Instead of another ho-hum city vacation, why not plan your next trip around the weather! From stargazing under a meteor shower, to enjoying a stunning snowfall, why not give mother nature a chance to be your tour guide?/ RoundTable's Happy Place (19:34)! On the show: Heyang, Steve Hatherly & Yushun.
Beijing just hosted the Global Sustainable Transport Forum, from September 25 to 26. With newly-released reports, big plans, and game-changing ideas on the table, the event brought global leaders together to tackle the future of eco-friendly transportation. On the show: Heyang, Steve Hatherly & Yushun.
In the movie 'The Devil Wears Prada,' we all cringed when Anne Hathaway's character had to drop everything to get her boss lunch, even though it had nothing to do with her job. But that's only in the movies, right? Wrong. In real life, should employees be expected to handle personal errands for their boss? The answer should be clear—this isn't part of the job. One boss in China just got fired for crossing that very line. Where do you stand on this? / Can an AI boyfriend "cheat" (18:18)? On the show: Heyang, Steve Hatherly & Ding Heng
Alright, gamers! Black Myth: Wukong is straight-up shaking up the gaming world! But the original soundtrack? Absolute fire. We're talking music that slaps harder than Sun Wukong's legendary staff! We take a look at how the field of video game music has exploded and why Wukong is at the forefront of this sonic revolution! On the show: Heyang, Steve Hatherly & Ding Heng
Imagine yourself breaking out in a sweat to catch a flight but the passenger in front of you at the security checkpoint is taking his or her time laying out personal belongings in the tray in pretty patterns that you are in no mood to appreciate. What would you do? Would you call the airport authorities to intervene? / What can we learn from special tricks to engage children in a conversation (13:57)? On the show: Laiming, Steve Hatherly & Li Yi
The search never ends for ways to get better grades. Lately, sales of AI-powered educational devices have picked up in the Chinese market. Many parents are willing to spend good money on smart tablets or watches, which they believe will give their children a leg up. Let's find out whether AI educational devices will rise to change the landscape of education and related industries. On the show: Laiming, Steve Hatherly & Li Yi
Even professional chefs will sometimes hit a creative block. And as a result, some are turning to something unexpected for inspiration—Artificial Intelligence! Today, we're diving into the fun world of AI recipes—some are zany, but some sound surprisingly tasty! Also, how else is AI influencing restaurants and supermarkets? / Is pet perfume safe (18:38)? On the show: Heyang, Steve Hatherly & Li Yi
Ride-sharing in China, a paid version of hitchhiking, is on the rise, but so is the chaos. Conflicts are brewing between drivers and passengers with no clear end in sight. What are they fighting about, and what are some possible solutions? On the show: Heyang, Steve Hatherly & Li Yi
KTVs used to be the go-to place for belting out tunes, but now, they're the hottest study place for Gen Z. How did these singing rooms suddenly turn into a place to learn? / Motivational Monday (15:18)! On the show: Heyang, Steve Hatherly & Yushun
Does AI have no limits? It is now being used in the creation of ultra-short dramas. Now, entire series, everything from the visuals to the plot twists, are crafted by AI. Could feature films be next? Is the future of entertainment already in AI's hands? On the show: Heyang, Steve Hatherly & Yushun
Round Table's Happy Place! /Has the smartwatch evolved from an accessory to necessity? With new releases from Apple and Huawei, what's next in the race to dominate your wrist (11:40)? On the show: Heyang, Steve Hatherly & Yushun
World Alzheimer's Day reminds us of the tremendous challenges faced by patients and their caregivers. Join us to learn about this terrible affliction that affects millions around the globe. On the show: Heyang, Steve Hatherly & Yushun
Given the growing conversation around hair loss on Chinese social media, hair loss seems to be on everyone's mind. What are the available options? And should we try to address the emotional difficulty of dealing with hair loss as well? On the show: Heyang, Steve Hatherly & Yushan
As China opens its doors to fully foreign-owned hospitals, what does this mean for your healthcare choices? Join us to explore the implications for quality, access, and competition in our medical landscape! On the show: Heyang, Steve Hatherly & Yushan
A secondary school in East China's Hangzhou city recently held a unique parent-teacher meeting where fathers were required to attend. The school also drafted and issued a ten-point MOU outlining the responsibilities of good fathers. This inspired a discussion about a father's role in parenting. / Heart to Heart - please send your audio questions to (20:21). On the show: Laiming, Niu Honglin & Steve Hatherly
Shanghai, Zhejiang, and five other provinces and municipalities in east, central, and southwest China have been called out for the ways in which construction waste is handled in their jurisdiction. China has seen decades of rapid urbanization and countless construction projects over the past several decades, but it is not too late to adopt tougher oversight on waste processing and management. On the show: Laiming, Niu Honglin & Steve Hatherly
We all have that friend who thinks 'fashionably late' means showing up half an hour after the fun starts! But what if you could outsmart their chronic lateness by giving them an earlier time? Is it justifiable to lie about the start time to ensure they arrive when everyone else does? / Job interview attire. Dress down or suit up (19:15)? On the show: Heyang, Steve Hatherly & Li Yi
Full Moon, Full Hearts! Join us this Mid-Autumn Festival for talk on tasty mooncakes and some good holiday vibes. Let's make this celebration pop! On the show: Heyang, Steve Hatherly & Li Yi
Are 'female-only' parking spaces a smart safety solution or a step in the wrong direction in terms of gender equality? Tune in to our debate and discover global reactions! / Motivational Monday (17:37)! On the show: Heyang, Steve Hatherly & Li Yi
From construction to traffic sounds, noise pollution affects our health in more ways than you think! Let's find out how China is turning down the volume and turning up the quality of life. On the show: Heyang, Steve Hatherly & Li Yi
Comments (6)

MMua GGua


Jan 21st



Aug 25th

Andreas Karlsson

Hi! I just wanted to say I found an error/issue: This episode's audio doesn't match what the episode's description says it's about. The audio sounds like an identical duplicate of the previous episode's audio. Guess someone made a mistake uploading the audio file... I hope this problem can be resolved soon as I really wanted to listen to this episode! Thanks in advance :)

Feb 4th



Sep 25th

Meng Chen


Feb 7th



Aug 23rd