Rules of the Game

Rules of the Game
Author: Butch Porter
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Host, Butch Porter, has conversations in his home town of Leesburg, VA, with good people, exploring "Great Ideas" which extend beyond the local, but often start there. We'll set up opportunities to participate, in person and online, for all Americans who are looking to go beyond the teams and explore ideas with love and intellectual curiosity.
62 Episodes
Butch sits down with the Philosophy teacher of the Loudoun Field Center, Mr Bill Fox, and they discuss the importance of developing good logical and rhetorical at a very young age.
For this episode (a second in a series of three between Paul and Butch), we move on with a conversation about (and with an) Artificial Intelligence… both Julia (The AI) and Paul are sufficiently convinced that she is not SkyNet. Butch at least feigns agreement… the next episode we’ll wrap up the technology discussion with a chat about how we should interact with it in general.
LFC Talks launch episode… Paul Gernhardt and Butch Porter talk about the history and implications of algorithms in social media, what they mean, and what we can do about them. For more of Paul’s thoughts on any number of ideas, check out:
For a special mid-month episode, Butch has a “Great Conversation” with George Leef, the author of The Awakening of Jennifer Van Arsdale: A Political Fable for Our Time… George serves as the Director of Research at the James R Martin Center for Academic Renewal. George and Butch discuss the current political landscape in terms of education and why something like a fable might be necessary to wake us up from some of the silos we’ve created around ourselves.
The Rule for this Episode is:
“Be prepared to question your assumptions…”
Education Choice:
SXole (formerly Great Conversation(s) Network):
Same Blog tho:
Mother Ship:
Butch and Jessica discuss the implications of the loss of Queen Elizabeth II -- one of the longest reigning monarchs in world history, and the longest in British history. They talk about what the UK means to the world, what the monarchy means to the UK, and what Queen Elizabeth has meant to the monarchy, and to the West.
Butch refers to an article on the latter topic: "The Queen of the West," by Ayaan Hirsi Ali:
Another tidbit: there were indeed only FIVE total times that the Queen gave a live televised address to the Nation:
And don't forget this:
Education Choice:
SXole (formerly Great Conversation(s) Network):
Same Blog tho:
Mother Ship:
OK... First: Jessica is NOT actually obsessed with porn, but we do talk about it a little bit in terms of how the sexual revolution has shifted how we think about abortion. We spend some time in our follow-up episode on the Dobbs case talking about the spiritual implications of the abortion issue, from Butch's position that the pro-choice (at least the virulent anti-religious segment) doesn't actually have a problem with the Christian Conservative viewpoint on LIFE, but they mostly have a problem with the CC viewpoint on SEX.... to Jessica's point that the meaning of LIFE is actually about finding opportunities to SUFFER while worshipping our Creator...
For the First Part of this discussion check out Episode 55 "The Pro Life Positions is the More Tenable Position; and it's not even close."
Education Choice:
SXole (formerly Great Conversation(s) Network):
Same Blog tho:
For Episode 2 of Season 3, Jessica and Butch take on the Dobbs Case and all the implications of abortion regulations. This time we focused as much as we could on the legal aspects of it, and all the implications therein. For our Sept 1 episode, we'll tackle the more spiritual angle.
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Butch's New Gig:
SXole (formerly Great Conversation(s) Network):
Same Blog tho:
Jessica and Butch are back to talk about a variety of topics; mostly “intersectionality.”
Opening Article from City Journal on Transsexuality linked to shame over being White.
Dostoevsky and the Pleasure of Taking Offense
The Rise and Fall of the Modern Self
Closing of show, Jessica comments (possible tee up for next episode?) on the Orthodox Bishops’ position on Sanctity of Life:
(NOTE: The episode was recorded less than 24 hours before the decision was announced officially about the Dobbs case on abortion. So, guess what the topic will be for August.)
Butch's New Gig:
SXole (formerly Great Conversation(s) Network):
(This Week is a teaser of our Video Format on Spotify... Normally the video version will ONLY be able to subscribers of SXOLE.)
Same Blog tho:
Butch Porter has a conversation with former Loudoun County (Virginia) School Board member, Debbie Rose about the controversies surrounding the school system involving COVID, race and diversity, LGBTQIA+ issues, including the teaching of CRT in the schools, including the Resolution 8040 issue, and other issues which swirled around last months gubernatorial race. It's the beginning of a conversation about how best to approach these ideas if one is concerned about the issues at play, and how best to protect, love, cherish, and educate our children.
The rule for this episode is: "If you choose to serve, prepare for disagreements." Debbie mentioned how the school board weaponized a few rather harsh protests into shameless measures to stifle free speech, which the school board is still not fully recovered from.
Independent Education:
Great Conversation(s) Blog:
Great Conversation(s) Network:
ROTG Podcast:
Loudoun Field Center (Lucketts, VA):
Butch Porter sits down with Patricia Phillips to talk about the Leesburg Nativity Tour and Loudoun Awakening.
Jessica and Butch take on the topic of "same-sex attraction" and the Christian Church. This is a really dicey topic and is very complex, so we're trying to explore ways in which we can love and care for and welcome those who don't identify in a "traditional" way sexually. This is the beginning of a conversation on the topic, not the end, but we tried to lay out where the problems really lie and what the challenges are. So listen with an open mind and an open heart. That's the only way we feel like we can talk about it.
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Independent Education:
Great Conversation(s) Blog:
Great Conversation(s) Network:
ROTG Podcast:
Loudoun Field Center (Lucketts, VA):
For our third “Civics and Community” event at the Loudoun Field Center in Lucketts, VA we sat down with Preston Huntington and Tori Carr with Xelevate, a drone training and testing facility right across the street from the Loudoun Field Center, to discuss the burgeoning and blossoming drone industry. We had some kids, parents, and previous guest of Rules of the Game, Tony Howard, to chat about how this technology and those which are adjacent to it will affect the next generation.
For more information on Xelevate, check out their website:
Independent Education:
Great Conversation(s) Blog:
Great Conversation(s) Network:
ROTG Podcast:
Loudoun Field Center (Lucketts, VA):
For our 49th Episode, Butch has a very frank and open conversation with Sophia A. Nelson... a repeat guest to the show. Sophia is an adjunct professor and visiting scholar at Christopher Newport University and recently tweeted a question regarding the son of Superman coming out as bisexual in DC Comics. Following the tweet, a firestorm of madness, thought police, and whining white-privileged Gen-Z hacks, with the support of a few professors who should know better have been trying to get Sophia cancelled. We'll have a full article on the topic over the weekend, but in the meantime, listen to Butch and Sophia talk this out.
This week's episode is a wide-ranging conversation between Gary Mears, Pastor of Faith Chapel Community Church in Lucketts, Virginia, right down the road from the Loudoun Field Center; and Paul Gernhardt, the Center's Executive Director.
Butch Porter facilitates the discussion, which touches on the subjects of "mega-churches" and on how churches create a sense of community and family; helping those in need; being a place of spiritual healing, and how a church and the faith which it represents necessarily operates differently than simply a non-profit or a club. There is even a discussion about sin.
More on Faith Chapel:
and it's food pantry ministry:
Independent Education:
Great Conversation(s) Blog:
Great Conversation(s) Network:
ROTG Podcast:
Loudoun Field Center (Lucketts, VA):
School is in! And we’re launching IndED’s Civics and Community program at the Loudoun Field Center as part of their new high school alternative in Lucketts, VA. This week we chat with Doug Fabbioli of Fabbioli Cellars to talk about ag business, ag education and the importance of staying in touch with nature. We were joined by a few middle school and high school students who asked some very insightful questions. Doug’s Rule is: “It starts with the right soil…” — For more information on the Loudoun Field Center go to: For more info on Fabbioli Cellars and the New Ag School, go to:
Jessica and Butch take on the crisis in Afghanistan. (Ok... when we say "take it on" we don't mean actually... doing anything about it, but talking about it for almost exactly an hour.)
What it boils down to Butch on Afghanistan is that we've lost honor in the world by not fulfilling our commitments to the people that we've made promises to for almost a generation. Jessica seems to think there is more to this; there are some things going on behind the scenes that we don't understand. Other players, other stakeholders are moving the pieces behind the scenes and Joe Biden is just along for the ride. To Butch the decision, and its execution, was just a matter of ego. Time will (hopefully) tell.
Independent Education:
Great Conversation(s) Blog:
Great Conversation(s) Network:
ROTG Podcast:
Loudoun Field Center (Lucketts, VA):
Bahar Picariello, who was the FIRST guest on the Rules of the Game podcast a little over a year ago, returns to discuss the current drama going on in Loudoun County, VA, regarding gender politics, CRT, the handling of the pandemic year 2+, etc.
Along the way, we talk about what Bahar and Butch knew all along: that the public education system has lost its purpose, or at least it is pursuing purposes which are not congruent with a logical approach to education. The modern school system is built for:
1) College and Career Readiness
2) "Socialization"
3) Changing the world
Butch contends that it should be about:
1) Intellectual acuity
2) Communication Skills
3) Character Development
Bahar talks a little bit about the challenges that parents are facing and the conundrum of homeschooling and wanting some of the benefits of "school." You can find her ("The Homeschool Ambassador" on FB at: )
Butch's alternative (in conjunction with IndED) is the new Loudoun Field Center, a high school alternative launching in Lucketts, VA:
The field center is taking on the challenge of helping high school students escape the madness of modern education and finding peace and purpose through learning as a part of the community and not apart from it, as well as taking on opportunities to fail. On Tuesday, August 17, the Field Center will hold an information center at the Chapel. To RSVP, you can join the "Great Conversation(s)" group on Facebook, or you can check in here:
For Episode 21 of Season Two, Jessica and Butch talk about the gains in efficiency (based on his latest article on Great Conversation(s)) brought on by the modern age in general, the pandemic in particular, and some ways in which efficiency can come at a cost... in terms of how we work, eat, worship, and live. There is a lot of talk about prayer, and even a little on Downton Abbey.
This week's Rule is: "Efficiency almost always wins...and we're often the worse for it."
Butch's article on "Efficiency..":
Independent Education:
Great Conversation(s) Blog:
Great Conversation(s) Network:
ROTG Podcast:
For our 20th episode of Season 2, Jessica and Butch discuss what it means to be an "adult"... we have a tendency to focus on the stuff and things that adults need to DO, as opposed to the qualities and characteristics they need to BE. So we talked a little about "kids these days" and some of the things that makes the upcoming generation(s)' experience different.
It's a rough way of introducing the new educational endeavor our host has taken on in Loudoun County, VA, namely: the Loudoun Field Center:
Independent Education:
Great Conversation(s) Blog:
Great Conversation(s) Network:
ROTG Podcast:
Jessica and Butch seek to understand the "anti-tribalism" phenomenon a little more. We talk about Tanner Cross... racism vs. prejudice... what the word "systemic" means... and we ask the question: who are we supposed to love and respect the humanity of if not the person we find the most unappealing and "deplorable"?
Independent Education:
Great Conversation(s) Blog:
Great Conversation(s) Network:
ROTG Podcast:
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