
Podcasting & interviewing runners in English, German, French, or Dutch.

Running during and after pregnancy with Daniela Oemus (German)

How to adapt your running before and after giving birth? In this episode, I talk to Daniela Oemus, a mom-of-two, doctor, and successful trailrunning athlete competing for the German Salomon Trailrunning Team about her approach to running during and after pregnancy. We talk about limiting factors for running during pregnancy and the challenge of breastfeeding and competing without a lack of energy or milk. We talk about Daniela’s personal goals, which embrace getting back into work life, raising two kids, and qualifying for the Golden Trail Series Final at Madeira later this year. Links: @daniela_oemus (Instagram), Daniela Oemus (Strava), daniela.oemus (Facebook), @sophie.cro (Instagram)


Running Moms with Simone Schwarz & Susi Reichert (German)

How to adapt your running before and after giving birth? In this episode, I talk to Simone Schwarz and Susi Reichert, a mom-to-be and a mom-of-one, both running for the German Salomon Trailrunning Team. We talk about how they adapt(ed) their running during pregnancy and when and how they switch(ed) to alternative sports. We discuss whether an athlete's body is beneficial during birth and whether breastfeeding and competing can be combined. In the end, we talk about how Susi got back into running and how Simone is planning to do the same, and which personal goals they both have as running moms. Links: @monekaffeebohne (Instagram), Simone Schwarz (Strava), susi_reichert (Instagram), @sophie.cro (Instagram)


From California to Marquartstein for the Golden Trail Series with Dani Moreno (English)

How to go from US college running to turning trailrunning pro? In this episode I talk with Dani Moreno about her bio from being a college running athlete to being an international trailrunning pro. She shares her insights from pursuing the US running trajectory in high school and college and how that left her fed up with running. Dani took a break from running worked as an outdoor guide and found back her love for running on trails. At Marquartstein where she finished 5th at the Chiemgau trail, which is part of the Golden Trail Series, she explains her race preparation and what she has learned during the race. Links: @dan_yell_a (Instagram), Dani Moreno (Strava), @sophie.cro (Instagram)


Trailrunning vs. Roadrunning with Anna Hahner (German)

What’s cool about trailrunning? In this episode, I talk with Anna Hahner an Olympian marathon runner about how and why she currently prefers to run on trails rather than roads. Anna, who moved to the Chimgau Alps two years ago, explains how nature has always been a source of energy and rest for her. As of this year, she has added a competitive edge to being in nature by racing and winning her first trail races. We talk about the impact that trailrunning has on her training, her motivation, and her future goals. Links: @hahnertwins (Instagram), Hahnertwins (Facebook), @sophie.cro (Instagram)


Vegan running with Aoife Quigly (English)

How to run and perform on a vegan diet? In this episode, I talk to Aoife Quigly a passionate trailrunning athlete competing for the Salomon Team Germany about her vegan diet. Aoife explains why she switched from being vegetarian to being vegan almost 10 years ago and what being vegan means in her everyday life. In terms of sports, we talk about challenges and tricks when traveling and competing. We discuss what influence a plant-based diet can have on performance and recovery and the increasing trend of athletes becoming vegan. In the end, Aoife explains how she has personally benefitted from being vegan and shares tips on how to try a vegan diet for a month. Links: @aoife_quigly (Instagram), Aoife Quigly (Strava), @sophie.cro (Instagram)


Running during pregnancy with Sophie Crommelinck (English)

What does running a marathon have in common with pregnancy and giving birth? In this episode, I provide a review after each trimester of my pregnancy. Going into pregnancy and wanting to run, I did not find much information on what to expect and what to consider. With an active pregnancy now laying behind me, I would like to share my experiences on how I combined sports and pregnancy and what changed for me in terms of food, sleep, and training. At the end of the episode, I share my thoughts on similarities and differences in marathon running and giving birth, an often-heard comparison that is not entirely true. Links: @sophie.cro (Instagram)


From sea to summit by running 450km across the Alps with Janosch Kowalczyk & Christian Alles (German)

In this episode I talk to Janosch Kowalczyk and Christian Alles about their running adventure in summer 2020. In 7 days, they ran from Nice to Chamonix covering 450km with 22k+. We talk about how they planned their daily portions of running, eating, drinking, sleeping and equipment and how these points turned out during the trip. Janosch and Christian talk about their most rememberable positive and negative moments and what lessons they take away from this journey. Links: Links: @vom.gluecker(Instagram), Janosch Kowalczyk (Facebook), @christianalles(Instagram), Christian Alles (Facebook), @sophie.cro (Instagram)


Balancing running with Guinness World Records, motherhood, and PhD life with Heather Young (English)

In this episode I talk to Heather Young, the current world record holder for the fastest 10k with a hula-hoop (50min) and the fastest female marathon finisher in an Elvis costume (3h11min). She explains why running is like breathing to her and how it has accompanied her during life. She is a mother of one son who accompanies her along many runs. Heather explains how and why she wants to inspire him with her joy for running. We also talk about her current challenge of finishing her PhD in the Netherlands and how running is restricted but required during this period. Links: @hulahooprunner(Instragram), Heather Young(strava), @sophie.cro (Instagram)


Setting crazy records in running with Nikki Johnstone (English)

How to set challenges in running to inspire oneself and others? In this episode, I talk to Nikki Johnstone, who follows a rather unusual training and racing regime for a guy with a marathon PB of 2:21h. He holds the unofficial World Record for running the fastest marathon (2:37h) in an Elvis costume and is known to run multiple races within a few days. We talk about how running became an essential part of his life, his passion for racing and his quest to find and set crazy running records to inspire himself and others. Links: _nikkijohnstone_ (Instagram), Nikki Johnstone (Facebook) Nikki Johnstone aka Elvis (Strava), @sophie.cro (Instagram)


Writing marathon plans with Nicolas Alexandre (French)

How to write training plans for oneself and others? In this episode, I talk to Nicolas Alexandre, a passionate marathon runner who writes trainings plans for himself and others. We talk about his marathon experiences and how he adapted his preparation himself and with the input of coaches. Nicolas shares the development of his training philosophy and how that helped him to improve his marathon time. Links: Nicolas Alexandre (Strava), @sophie.cro (Instagram)


Between professional runner and professional lawyer with Markus Weiss-Latzko (German)

How to develop in and through running? In this episode, I talk to Markus Weiss-Latzko, who used to be one of Germany’s fastest marathon runners. He explains his beginnings in running, his paths to running a marathon PR of 2:18h, and his attempt to qualify for Olympics. We talk about what experiences and qualities running have brought him and how he now transfers these to his professional life as a lawyer. Links: @markus_weiss_latzko(Instagram), Markus Weiß-Latzko (Strava),,  @sophie.cro (Instagram)


Pacing elite female marathon runners with Matthias Eder (German)

How to become pacer for elite female marathon runners? In this episode, I talk to Matthias Eder who started as a triathlete, then competed as a duathlete in the German national team before turning to marathon running at around age 30. In between he also participated in long distance triathlons and ultra trail runs. As a marathon runner with a PR of 2:25h he started supporting various elite female runners as a pacer and helped them reach national titles and qualify for Olympics. We talk about his experiences and strategies as a pacer. Links: @matthias_von_der_alm (Instagram), Matthias Eder (Asics Frontrunner), @sophie.cro (Instagram)


Deciding to run professionally with Fabienne Königstein (German)

How to decide to become a professional runner? In this episode, I talk to Fabienne Königstein one of Germany`s fastest marathon runners (2:32h) about her trajectory to become a professional marathon runner. We talk about where and why she started running and what motivated her during her studies to investigate more and more time in running. Fabienne explains why she has recently changed her trainer and how she trains for Olympia and sets future goals during the corona epidemic. Links: @fabienne.koenigstein (Instagram), Fabienne Königstein (Facebook), @sophie.cro (Instagram)


Photographing athletes with Florian Freundt (German)

How to combine sports and photography? In this episode, I talk to Florian Feundt, who runs, cycles and photographs about every moment of his life. We talk about his beginnings in photography and how this activity developed into his way of keeping a diary. Florian explains how he started photographing sport events professionally alongside being physicist, and why he now prefers photographing trainings over competitions. He shares his experience from having entered the market as wedding photographer and what makes this less challenging than professional sports photography. Links:, @ffreundt (Instagram), @sophie.cro (Instagram)


Mastering Comebacks with Frederic Giloy (French)

How to get back to your old or an even better shape?  In this episode, I talk to Frederic Giloy, who has mastered several running comebacks caused through injury or illness. During his 15 year career as a middle distance runner, he fought back from not moving to training and competing at German national level several times. We talk about where he found his motivation, his tricks to restart, the difficult and the rewarding moments of comebacks and why he hopes for a future without them. Frederic shares his personal comeback stories and the lessons they taught him for his personal life.  Links: @fredruns800 (Instagram), Full Control Bodyweight & Athletic (App), (Instagram), @sophie.cro (Instagram) Picture: @ffreundt (Instagram)


Running during and after pregnancy with Julia Bongiovanni

How does running influence a woman`s period and pregnancy and vice versa? In this episode, I talk to Julia Bongiovanni a mother of three kids, a doctor working at the hospital, and an ambitious runner with a marathon PR of 2:56h. We talk about how running influences the menstrual cycle and vice versa. Julia explains how she experienced each trimester of her three pregnancies as a runner. We talk about why running gets more uncomfortable during pregnancy, without getting harmful. Julia, who is running 10k to marathon competitively in the past 14 years explains how and when she got back into running after giving birth and why she returned faster each time. Links: @sophie.cro (Instagram)


Runners for Future with Filip Neuwirth (German)

How to become a greener runner? In this episode, I talk to Filip Neuwirth about how he combines a sporty and a green life. Filip, who swims, cycles, and runs since years explains how he made his life greener and lists specific examples that everyone can relate to. We also discuss examples for a green running both in terms of role models and events. Links: @ibbes68 (Instagram), @sophie.cro(Instagram) Picture: @ffreundt (Instagram)


Core Stability Motivation with Lea Düppe (German)

How to be motivated for core stability? In this episode, I talk to Lea Düppe about how and why she regularly includes core stability in her training routine. Lea, who runs (half) marathons, explains the benefits she experiences from doing core stability 2-3 times/week in terms of injury prevention/treatment and general physical fitness. We discuss current and future core stability trends and how core stability can be combined with traveling. Links: @leaduppe (Instagram), @Lea D (Strava), (Instagram), @sophie.cro (Instagram)


Running to the National Top at Age 40 with Ingrid Prigge (Dutch)

How to start running and reach the national top at an age at which other professional runners start retiring? In this episode, I talk to Ingrid Prigge, who has been 17 times Dutch Masters Champion over various distances from 10k to marathon. At age 35, shortly after giving birth to her second daughter, Ingrid wanted to get back in shape and started running. Coming from a background that was not too enthusiastic about running, she discovered her talent and passion for the sport. Talking about the past 20 years, Ingrid explains, how and why running became one of her big passions. We talk about her fast, and at times naive and bumpy way to running to the national top. Now at age 55, she explains why she started coaching other runners and what messages she would like to convey to them. Links:, Ingrid Prigge (Facebook), @sophie.cro (Instagram)


Getting Older as a Runner with Wan Bakx & Roelof Schoppers (Dutch)

What changes when running since over 40 years? In this episode, I talk to Wan Bakx and Roelof Schoppers, who have been running since 40 years. While Wan, who has won multiple national master titles, has always focused on short distances, Roelof preferred longer distances while competing at local races around Enschede. We talk about their earlier years in running, about Wan's experiences at European Masters Championships, and about what has changed in training and equipment. Wan and Roelof explain why they stuck with the sport for that long and what motivates them now to go out running. Links:, Wan Bakx (Facebook), @sophie.cro (Instagram)


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