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Author: Roy

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This is a “daily” podcast. Sometimes about music, sometimes about pop culture, sometimes about none of the above.

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404 Episodes
I am not talking about the song that has this title, although that is a song that I wish I could sing at karaoke. I cannot, and I will not, because of those high notes.
We’re going for it… again
Proving that my listeners aren’t just imaginary friends.
Be the vibe
Type your description here.
There are dozens of us. Dozens!
Is this the first time you’ve heard of Monobloc?
Welcome to the long cold shadow of the never-ending anniversary circuit.
Charting out my ideal course from the bedroom to the stage.
Long overdue, but SADDESTNIGHTOUT has re-entered the chat.
I got dreams, kid
So sentimental, not sentimental no…
Some disordered thoughts on all of the above.
This one’s for everyone who witnessed the Ryan-Storm.
Does anyone know what works anymore?
One month down, so far so slooow
I’m not a journalist, I’m just telling you about these things so that I have someone to talk to about them. Or in other words: SOMEBODY COME LOOK AT THIS.
Hello to anyone listening in 2124
To the songs they’re playing on the radio
You get a shout out. And you get a shout out. Everybody in this room gets a shoutout.