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Author: Emma & Vincent

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Saxophone players unite! It’s time to get really bloody good at the saxophone, just five minutes at a time.
Join Dr Emma Di Marco, Australian saxophonist and music educator, for a quick five minute saxophone lesson where she shares the best tips, tricks, ideas, and practice strategies to make you the best saxophone player you can be. Episodes drop on Saturdays. What can you expect from an episode? Emma will share her insights into a new topic or pain point for saxophonists leaving you with strategies you can put IMMEDIATELY into your own musical practice. These bite-sized episodes will leave you more motivated and excited to play the saxophone than ever and will benefit students, teachers, and enthusiasts alike.

Have a question for Emma?
Submit it via Instagram (@emmaldm1), TikTok (@emmaldm1), or email the team at
30 Episodes
Today's episode unpacks what you should look for when buying a saxophone for an advanced player. Based on Emma's 15 years of experience as a saxophone teacher, the advice in today's episode will make sure you get yourself a great horn for learning on and avoid some of the common pitfalls out there in the market! This is Part 3 in a three part series on purchasing a new saxophone. Have a question for the Sax Bites Podcast? Submit it via Instagram (@emmaldm1), TikTok (@emmaldm1) or email the team at   Want something for free? Visit Emma's online store ( to download a free long tones worksheet to take your saxophone practice to the next level. More companion worksheets to podcast episodes will be available on the store soon as well as further paid resources for all saxophonists.   Please rate, review, and subscribe to help the Sax Bites Podcast grow!   And finally, a big thank you FASSounds for our theme music, provided by Pixabay royalty free music. Check out 'Best Time' on Pixabay to hear this great tune in its entirety.
Today's episode unpacks what you should look for when buying a saxophone for an intermediate player. Based on Emma's 15 years of experience as a saxophone teacher, the advice in today's episode will make sure you get yourself a great horn for learning on and avoid some of the common pitfalls out there in the market! This is Part 2 in a three part series on purchasing a new saxophone. Have a question for the Sax Bites Podcast? Submit it via Instagram (@emmaldm1), TikTok (@emmaldm1) or email the team at   Want something for free? Visit Emma's online store ( to download a free long tones worksheet to take your saxophone practice to the next level. More companion worksheets to podcast episodes will be available on the store soon as well as further paid resources for all saxophonists.   Please rate, review, and subscribe to help the Sax Bites Podcast grow!   And finally, a big thank you FASSounds for our theme music, provided by Pixabay royalty free music. Check out 'Best Time' on Pixabay to hear this great tune in its entirety.
Today's episode unpacks what you should look for when buying a saxophone for a beginner player. Based on Emma's 15 years of experience as a saxophone teacher, the advice in today's episode will make sure you get yourself a great horn for learning on and avoid some of the common pitfalls out there in the market! Have a question for the Sax Bites Podcast? Submit it via Instagram (@emmaldm1), TikTok (@emmaldm1) or email the team at   Want something for free? Visit Emma's online store ( to download a free long tones worksheet to take your saxophone practice to the next level. More companion worksheets to podcast episodes will be available on the store soon as well as further paid resources for all saxophonists.   Please rate, review, and subscribe to help the Sax Bites Podcast grow!   And finally, a big thank you FASSounds for our theme music, provided by Pixabay royalty free music. Check out 'Best Time' on Pixabay to hear this great tune in its entirety.
Today's episode explains the optimal right hand position we should be aiming for when playing the saxophone and why Emma has taken the thumb rests off her saxophones (?!?!) Have a question for the Sax Bites Podcast? Submit it via Instagram (@emmaldm1), TikTok (@emmaldm1) or email the team at   Want something for free? Visit Emma's online store ( to download a free long tones worksheet to take your saxophone practice to the next level. More companion worksheets to podcast episodes will be available on the store soon as well as further paid resources for all saxophonists.   Please rate, review, and subscribe to help the Sax Bites Podcast grow!
Today's episode is diving into listener questions we have received in order to solve your real-world saxophone problems. Have a question for the Sax Bites Podcast? Submit it via Instagram (@emmaldm1), TikTok (@emmaldm1) or email the team at   Want something for free? Visit Emma's online store ( to download a free long tones worksheet to take your saxophone practice to the next level. More companion worksheets to podcast episodes will be available on the store soon as well as further paid resources for all saxophonists. Please rate, review, and subscribe to help the Sax Bites Podcast grow!



Squeaking a saxophone is an annoying problem and something that frustrates a lot of students along their musical journey. But, the fact is, it's totally normal and it happens to everyone! Squeaking tends to get worse the more we focus on it or worry about it... so how on earth do we fix it? Today's episode breaks down why you might be squeaking when playing the saxophone and how exactly you're going to fix it.    Have a question for the Sax Bites Podcast? Submit it via Instagram (@emmaldm1), TikTok (@emmaldm1) or email the team at   Want something for free? Visit Emma's online store ( to download a free long tones worksheet to take your saxophone practice to the next level. More companion worksheets to podcast episodes will be available on the store soon as well as further paid resources for all saxophonists. Please rate, review, and subscribe to help the Sax Bites Podcast grow!
Your neck strap is with you through thick and thin as a saxophone player. Lord knows I've been using the same neck strap for the past decade! Finding the right neck strap is not only a consideration of comfort but it's an important part of staying fit and healthy as a musician. Listen along to today's episode to help you choose the right neck strap for each of the different saxophones.    Have a question for the Sax Bites Podcast? Submit it via Instagram (@emmaldm1), TikTok (@emmaldm1) or email the team at   Want something for free? Visit Emma's online store ( to download a free long tones worksheet to take your saxophone practice to the next level. More companion worksheets to podcast episodes will be available on the store soon as well as further paid resources for all saxophonists. Please rate, review, and subscribe to help the Sax Bites Podcast grow!
Your embouchure is crucial to your sound. And the corners of your mouth? Well that's the most important spot for improving your tone. Have a listen to today's episode to get more ideas on how to manage the corners of your mouth when playing the saxophone and what to look out for when you're practising.    Have a question for the Sax Bites Podcast? Submit it via Instagram (@emmaldm1), TikTok (@emmaldm1) or email the team at   Want something for free? Visit Emma's online store ( to download a free long tones worksheet to take your saxophone practice to the next level. More companion worksheets to podcast episodes will be available on the store soon as well as further paid resources for all saxophonists.   Please rate, review, and subscribe to help the Sax Bites Podcast grow!
Dynamics are such an important part of our expressive techniques as musicians and it's crucial that we constantly refine our skills here. But, who (honestly) can say that they practise dynamics regularly? Or who has even practised dynamics at all?? (And no, practising them IN your pieces doesn't count). Today's ep is going to give you some great ideas for improving your dynamics on the saxophone.    Have a question for the Sax Bites Podcast? Submit it via Instagram (@emmaldm1), TikTok (@emmaldm1) or email the team at   Want something for free? Visit Emma's online store ( to download a free long tones worksheet to take your saxophone practice to the next level. More companion worksheets to podcast episodes will be available on the store soon as well as further paid resources for all saxophonists. Please rate, review, and subscribe to help the Sax Bites Podcast grow!
Today's episode continues talking about articulation and this time it's all about STACCATO. Pretty much all students know that staccato notes need to be played short... but how short is short enough? And how do we make that happen on the saxophone? Tune in to find out   Have a question for the Sax Bites Podcast? Submit it via Instagram (@emmaldm1), TikTok (@emmaldm1) or email the team at   Want something for free? Visit Emma's online store ( to download a free long tones worksheet to take your saxophone practice to the next level. More companion worksheets to podcast episodes will be available on the store soon as well as further paid resources for all saxophonists. Please rate, review, and subscribe to help the Sax Bites Podcast grow!
Tonguing is such an important part of playing a wind instrument and, in today's episode, we're going to talk about the exact movement of the tongue touching the reed. This episode is great for those students looking to refine their articulation on the saxophone.   Have a question for the Sax Bites Podcast? Submit it via Instagram (@emmaldm1), TikTok (@emmaldm1) or email the team at   Want something for free? Visit Emma's online store ( to download a free long tones worksheet to take your saxophone practice to the next level. More companion worksheets to podcast episodes will be available on the store as well as further paid resources for all saxophonists. Please rate, review, and subscribe to help the Sax Bites Podcast grow!



Is it a tuning problem? Or is your timbre just incapable of blending with other players? Today we're going to find out!   Have a question for Emma? Submit it via Instagram (@emmaldm1), TikTok (@emmaldm1) or email the team at Want something for free? Visit Emma's online store ( to download a free long tones worksheet to take your saxophone practice to the next level. More companion worksheets to podcast episodes will be available on the store as well as further paid resources for all saxophonists. Please rate, review, and subscribe to help the Sax Bites Podcast grow!
Today we look a the simple way you can diagnose problems in your playing while practising at home, between your lessons.  Have a question for Emma? Submit it via Instagram (@emmaldm1), TikTok (@emmaldm1) or email the team at Want something for free? Visit Emma's online store ( to download a free long tones worksheet to take your saxophone practice to the next level. More companion worksheets to podcast episodes will be available on the store as well as further paid resources for all saxophonists. Please rate, review, and subscribe to help the Sax Bites Podcast grow!
Ok, so people have searched some CRAZY things about the saxophone and Emma's here to answer them. This episode is a fun one so we may just have to do a Part Two!   Have a question for Emma? Submit it via Instagram (@emmaldm1), TikTok (@emmaldm1) or email the team at Want something for free? Visit Emma's online store ( to download a free long tones worksheet to take your saxophone practice to the next level. More companion worksheets to podcast episodes will be available on the store as well as further paid resources for all saxophonists. Please rate, review, and subscribe to help the Sax Bites Podcast grow!
Articulation is so important and Emma's got some quick tips to improve your tonguing. Get these basics right so you're ready to dive in to more complicated articulation concepts on our next episodes!   Have a question for Emma? Submit it via Instagram (@emmaldm1), TikTok (@emmaldm1) or email the team at Want something for free? Visit Emma's online store ( to download a free long tones worksheet to take your saxophone practice to the next level. More companion worksheets to podcast episodes will be available on the store as well as further paid resources for all saxophonists. Please rate, review, and subscribe to help the Sax Bites Podcast grow!
It's time to decide, once and for, which is the best note on the saxophone? (Ok, there's a little more to today's episode but we'll leave it as a surprise for when you actually listen)   Have a question for Emma? Submit it via Instagram (@emmaldm1), TikTok (@emmaldm1) or email the team at Want something for free? Visit Emma's online store ( to download a free long tones worksheet to take your saxophone practice to the next level. More companion worksheets to podcast episodes will be available on the store as well as further paid resources for all saxophonists. Please rate, review, and subscribe to help the Sax Bites Podcast grow!
It's time to get your fingers moving FAST on the saxophone. It's easily one of the most common issues that comes up with students who just want to absolute shred on their horn. Today's episode gives you some easy to implement advice on how to play fast and move those fingers smoothly and effortlessly.   Have a question for Emma? Submit it via Instagram (@emmaldm1),  TikTok (@emmaldm1) or email the team at Want something for free? Visit Emma's online store ( to download a free long tones worksheet to take your saxophone practice to the next level. More companion worksheets to podcast episodes will be available on the store as well as further paid resources for all saxophonists. Please rate, review, and subscribe to help the Sax Bites Podcast grow!
Welcome back to SAX BITES for 2023! TUNING TIPS: Part Two The second episode with some quick tips for improving your intonation all focussed on building your ear 'on the go'. Don't forget that, with tuning, one of Emma's favourite resources is The Tuning CD by Dr Richard A. Schwartz (check it out on YouTube Music here: Have a question for Emma? Submit it via Instagram (@emmaldm1), TikTok (@emmaldm1) or email the team at Want something for free? Visit Emma's online store ( to download a free long tones worksheet to take your saxophone practice to the next level. More companion worksheets to podcast episodes will be available on the store as well as further paid resources for all saxophonists. Please rate, review, and subscribe to help the Sax Bites Podcast grow!
TUNING TIPS: Part One The first in a series of episodes that will narrow in on how to improve saxophone intonation. Today's episode is starting with tips for young players and those that are teachers of young players. It also references one of Emma's favourite resources: The Tuning CD by Dr Richard A. Schwartz (check it out on YouTube Music here: Have a question for Emma? Submit it via Instagram (@emmaldm1), TikTok (@emmaldm1) or email the team at Want something for free? Visit Emma's online store ( to download a free long tones worksheet to take your saxophone practice to the next level. More companion worksheets to podcast episodes will be available on the store as well as further paid resources for all saxophonists.



After the last episode, #09 INTRO TO SCALES, today we will unpack some of the most useful ways to incorporate scales into your practice routine. Don't just run the fingers up and down, add a whole lot more! All discussed in today's Sax Bites, the five minute saxophone lesson podcast. Have a question for Emma? Submit it via Instagram (@emmaldm1), TikTok (@emmaldm1) or email the team at Want something for free? Visit Emma's online store ( to download a free long tones worksheet to take your saxophone practice to the next level. More companion worksheets to podcast episodes will be available on the store as well as further paid resources for all saxophonists.