SCP: Find Us Alive

SCP: Find Us Alive
Author: Hodgepodge Audio
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Find Us Alive follows the strange developments at Site-107, a small Foundation research site trapped inside dimensional anomaly SCP-6320, as narrated by the site’s radio operator, Dr. Harley.
60 Episodes
Find Us Alive is a monthly SCP narrative podcast following the strange developments at Site-107, a small Foundation research site trapped inside dimensional anomaly SCP-6320, as narrated by the site's radio operator, Dr. Harley.
Find Us Alive is written by Anna Maguire and narrated by Ian "Zynd" Charles. Episodes available on Spotify and Youtube.
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Dr. Harley is the Radio Operator at Site-107, and since his facility got pulled into a pocket dimension, his job has gotten a bit more difficult. This episode was written by Anna Maguire and features the voices of Ian "Zynd" Charles (Harley), Tabi Bardall (Agent Love) and Jackson McMurray (Lancaster). CONTENT WARNINGS: loud noises, gunfire, implied violence, discussions of death. Follow us on Twitter @Site107 for updates, info and more. Available on Spotify, iTunes, YouTube and more. Explicit rating for language. This podcast and all content relating to the SCP Foundation are released under a Creative Commons Sharealike 3.0 license.
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Site-107 has reached a new equilibrium within the rift. Or at least they're trying to. This episode was written by Anna Maguire and features the voices of Ian "Zynd" Charles (Harley) and Taschia Ritter (Klein). Follow us on Twitter @Site107 for updates, info, jokes and more. CONTENT WARNINGS: discussions of death, mental illness, earthquake, Word of mouth is the best advertising, so be sure to rate us on iTunes and share with your friends if you like the show! This podcast and all content relating to the SCP Foundation are released under a Creative Commons Sharealike 3.0 license.
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The Foundation has eyes everywhere. After all, "everywhere" is a place anomalies can easily hide. This episode was written by Anna Maguire and features the voices of Ian "Zynd" Charles (Harley), Jackson McMurray (Lancaster), Tascian Ritter (Klein) and Anna Maguire (Officer Raddagher). Original theme written by Jackson McMurray. Follow us on Twitter @Site107 for updates, info, art and more. CONTENT WARNINGS: loud noises, mental illness, human experimentation, earthquake. Word of mouth is the best advertising, so be sure to share with your friends if you like the show! This podcast and all content relating to the SCP Foundation are released under a Creative Commons Sharealike 3.0 license.
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Employee relations are hanging by a thread. And according to periodic lapses in lighting, so are parts of the electrical system. This episode was written by Anna Maguire and features the voices of Ian "Zynd" Charles (Harley), Jackson McMurray (Lancaster), Taschia Ritter (Klein) and Tabi Bardall (Agent Love). Original theme written by Jackson McMurray. Follow us on Twitter @Site107 for updates, info, art and more. CONTENT WARNINGS: violence, discussions of death, mental illness, blood. Word of mouth is the best advertising, so be sure to share with your friends if you like the show! This podcast and all content relating to the SCP Foundation are released under a Creative Commons Sharealike 3.0 license.
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Strange things happen in the dark. Humans are dangerous creatures. This episode was written by Anna Maguire and features the voices of Ian "Zynd" Charles (Harley), Jackson McMurray (Lancaster), and Tabi Bardall (Agent Love). Original theme written by Jackson McMurray. Follow us on Twitter @Site107 for updates, info, art and more. CONTENT WARNINGS: violence, loud noises, discussions of death, torture mention, mental illness, unreality, gun handling. Word of mouth is the best advertising, so be sure to share with your friends if you like the show! This podcast and all content relating to the SCP Foundation are released under a Creative Commons Sharealike 3.0 license. Music is Suspense BG Music by Argsound.
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Confined spaces can have strange effects on things, people and otherwise. Lancaster makes a reveal. Harley connects some dots. Love needs some space. This episode was written by Anna Maguire and features the voices of Ian "Zynd" Charles (Harley), Jackson McMurray (Lancaster), Tabi Bardall (Agent Love), Taschia Ritter (Klein) and Anna Maguire (Raddagher). Original theme by Jackson McMurray. Follow us on Twitter @Site107 for updates, info, art, and more. CONTENT WARNINGS: violence, death mention, torture mention, panic attack, claustrophobia, hyperventilation, unreality, loud noises, mental illness, monster, spiders. Join us on Patreon for exclusive behind-the-scenes content! Word of mouth is the best advertising, so be sure to share with your friends if you like the show! CONTENT WARNING: hyperventilation. This podcast and all content relating to the SCP Foundation are released under a Creative Commons Sharealike 3.0 license.
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The dangerous thing about anomalies is we can never be certain about how far their abilities can reach. This episode was written by Anna Maguire and features the voices of Ian "Zynd" Charles (Harley), Jackson McMurray (Lancaster), Tabi Bardall (Agent Love), Taschia Ritter (Klein) and Anna Maguire (Raddagher). Original music by Jackson McMurray. Follow us on Twitter @Site107 for updates, info, art, and more. CONTENT WARNINGS: violence, loud noises, gunfire, animal/creature death, spiders, fire, earthquake, injury, mild body horror. Join us on Patreon for exclusive behind-the-scenes content! Word of mouth is the best advertising, so be sure to share with your friends if you like the show! CONTENT WARNINGS: gunfire, violence, earthquake. This podcast and all content relating to the SCP Foundation are released under a Creative Commons Sharealike 3.0 license.
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The Reset has the staff a little shaken. Plans are developed and answers are sought. This episode was written by Anna Maguire and features the voices of Ian "Zynd" Charles (Harley), Jackson McMurray (Lancaster), Tabi Bardall (Agent Love), Taschia Ritter (Klein) and Anna Maguire (Raddagher). Original music by Jackson McMurray. Follow us on Twitter @Site107 or visit for updates, info, art, and more. CONTENT WARNINGS: alcoholism, animal/monster death, unreality, mental illness, death mention, injury. Join us on Patreon for exclusive behind-the-scenes content! Word of mouth is the best advertising, so be sure to share with your friends if you like the show! This podcast and all content relating to the SCP Foundation are released under a Creative Commons Sharealike 3.0 license.
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Take a breath. Center yourself. Working as a team can be difficult. Klein makes a plan. Love and Raddagher notice a change. Harley and Lancaster do some remodeling. There's something in the walls. This episode was written by Anna Maguire and features the voices of Ian "Zynd" Charles (Harley), Jackson McMurray (Lancaster), Tabi Bardall (Agent Love), Taschia Ritter (Klein) and Anna Maguire (Raddagher). Original music by Jackson McMurray. Follow us on Twitter @Site107 or visit for updates, info, art, and more. Join us on Patreon for exclusive behind-the-scenes content! CONTENT WARNINGS: unreality, mental illness, injury mention, discussions of death. Word of mouth is the best advertising, so be sure to share with your friends if you like the show! This podcast and all content relating to the SCP Foundation are released under a Creative Commons Sharealike 3.0 license.
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Love makes an effort. Raddagher has a system. It is indeed a very small room. This episode was written by Anna Maguire and features the voices of Ian "Zynd" Charles (Harley), Jackson McMurray (Lancaster), Tabi Bardall (Agent Love), and Anna Maguire (Raddagher). Original music by Jackson McMurray. Follow us on Twitter @Site107 or visit for updates, info, art, merch and more. Join us on Patreon for exclusive behind-the-scenes content! CONTENT WARNINGS: mental illness, character is drugged. Word of mouth is the best advertising, so be sure to share with your friends if you like the show! This podcast and all content relating to the SCP Foundation are released under a Creative Commons Sharealike 3.0 license.
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Harley and Lancaster continue investigating the mysterious device in the walls. Klein connects some dots. This episode was written by Anna Maguire and features the voices of Ian "Zynd" Charles (Harley), Jackson McMurray (Lancaster), Taschia Ritter (Klein), and Anna Maguire (Raddagher). Original theme by Jackson McMurray. Follow us on Twitter @Site107 or visit for updates, info, art, and more. CONTENT WARNINGS: mental illness, alcoholism, mild injury, discussions of death, violence/body horror mention, physical illness. Join us on Patreon for exclusive behind-the-scenes content! Word of mouth is the best advertising, so be sure to share with your friends if you like the show! This podcast and all content relating to the SCP Foundation are released under a Creative Commons Sharealike 3.0 license.
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Klein holds the world on her shoulders. A D-class is acting strangely. This episode was written by Anna Maguire and features the voices of Ian "Zynd" Charles (Harley), Jackson McMurray (Lancaster), Tabi Bardall (Agent Love), Taschia Ritter (Klein) and Anna Maguire (Raddagher). Original music by Jackson McMurray. Follow us on Twitter @Site107 or visit for updates, info, art, and more. CONTENT WARNINGS: human experimentation, unreality, animal/monster death, mild violence, loud noises. Join us on Patreon for exclusive behind-the-scenes content! Word of mouth is the best advertising, so be sure to share with your friends if you like the show! This podcast and all content relating to the SCP Foundation are released under a Creative Commons Sharealike 3.0 license.
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Duke 'Till Dawn was written by SCP Wiki user DrKondraki and adapted/directed by Anna Maguire. Original soundtrack by Jackson McMurray. Cover art by Taschia Ritter. This special episode features the voices of Gianni Matragrano (Narrator), Taschia Ritter (O5-2), Justice Washington (Dr. Kondraki), Ryan Short (SCP-083), Madison Warnock (Interviewer), Vi Huntsman (Dr. Bright, Prof. Kain Pathos Crow), SCPIllustrated (Dr. Gears), TheeSherm (Dr. Iceberg), Logan Laidlaw (Dr. Clef), Dan "Coda" Goldberg (SCP-682) and Tabi Bardall (Dr. Rights). Additional voices by Jackson McMurray, Anna Maguire, Arlo Ritter and Joe Walker. Content warnings: loud noises, violence, gunfire, smoking. For full credits, listening guides, transcripts, merch and more, visit This podcast and everything relating to the SCP Foundation Wiki is licensed under a Creative Commons 3.0 license.
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Chaos has taken hold of the site. Communications are failing, directions are unclear, things are rapidly spinning out of control. This episode was written by Anna Maguire and Jackson McMurray and features the voices of Logan Laidlaw (Harley), Jackson McMurray (Lancaster), Tabi Bardall (Agent Love), Taschia Ritter (Klein) and Anna Maguire (Raddagher). Original music by Jackson McMurray. Follow us on Twitter @Site107 or visit for updates, info, art, and more. CONTENT WARNINGS: human experimentation, violence, unreality, loud noises, hyperventilation, death mention. Join us on Patreon for exclusive behind-the-scenes content! Word of mouth is the best advertising, so be sure to share with your friends if you like the show! This podcast and all content relating to the SCP Foundation are released under a Creative Commons Sharealike 3.0 license.
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Harley takes the wheel. The departments put their unusual skills to use. Site-107 finally gets to let loose. This episode was written by Anna Maguire and features the voices of Logan Laidlaw (Harley), Jackson McMurray (Lancaster), Tabi Bardall (Agent Love), Taschia Ritter (Klein) and Anna Maguire (Raddagher). Original music by Jackson McMurray. Content warnings: gunfire, violence, animal/monster death, mild body horror. Follow us on Twitter @Site107 or visit for updates, info, art, and more. Join us on Patreon for exclusive behind-the-scenes content! Word of mouth is the best advertising, so be sure to share with your friends if you like the show! This podcast and all content relating to the SCP Foundation are released under a Creative Commons Sharealike 3.0 license.
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How did they get into all this, anyway? This episode was written by Anna Maguire and features the voices of Logan Laidlaw (Harley), Jackson McMurray (Lancaster), Tabi Bardall (Agent Love), Taschia Ritter (Klein) and Anna Maguire (Raddagher). Original music by Jackson McMurray. Follow us on Twitter @Site107 or visit for updates, info, art, and more. CONTENT WARNINGS: Death mention, military, mental illness, homelessness mention, violence mention. Join us on Patreon for exclusive behind-the-scenes content! Word of mouth is the best advertising, so be sure to share with your friends if you like the show! This podcast and all content relating to the SCP Foundation are released under a Creative Commons Sharealike 3.0 license.
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Lancaster interviews a wayward D-class. Klein struggles to find answers. Raddagher hires a replacement. Harley works on a project. This episode was written by Anna Maguire and features the voices of Logan Laidlaw (Harley), Jackson McMurray (Lancaster), Tabi Bardall (Agent Love), Taschia Ritter (Klein) ,Anna Maguire (Raddagher) and Jory Stultz (D-1). Original music by Jackson McMurray. Follow us on Twitter @Site107 or visit for updates, info, art, and more. CONTENT WARNINGS: restraint, implied violence, incarceration, mental illness, gun handling. Join us on Patreon for exclusive behind-the-scenes content! Word of mouth is the best advertising, so be sure to share with your friends if you like the show! This podcast and all content relating to the SCP Foundation are released under a Creative Commons Sharealike 3.0 license.
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Schemes of all kinds are forming all throughout the site. Harley writes a code. Lancaster's plan is revealed. This episode was written by Anna Maguire and features the voices of Logan Laidlaw (Harley), Jackson McMurray (Lancaster), Tabi Bardall (Agent Love), Taschia Ritter (Klein) and Anna Maguire (Raddagher). Original music by Jackson McMurray. Follow us on Twitter @Site107 or visit for updates, info, art, and more. CONTENT WARNINGS: alcohol mention, injury mention, animal/creature death mention. Join us on Patreon for exclusive behind-the-scenes content! Word of mouth is the best advertising, so be sure to share with your friends if you like the show! This podcast and all content relating to the SCP Foundation are released under a Creative Commons Sharealike 3.0 license.
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Site-107 conducts some monster tests. The Departments prepare for Psychology's morale project. Love has a secret. This episode was written by Anna Maguire and features the voices of Logan Laidlaw (Harley), Jackson McMurray (Lancaster), Tabi Bardall (Agent Love), Taschia Ritter (Klein) and Anna Maguire (Raddagher). Original music by Jackson McMurray. Follow us on Twitter @Site107 or visit for updates, info, art, and more. CONTENT WARNINGS: creature death, animal experimentation, needles. Join us on Patreon for exclusive behind-the-scenes content! Word of mouth is the best advertising, so be sure to share with your friends if you like the show! This podcast and all content relating to the SCP Foundation are released under a Creative Commons Sharealike 3.0 license.
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I thought you were going to leave us hanging after the boom, and I did cuss at the show. But then, the monitor beeping, and I almost started crying
my emotions are being toyed with 🥺
Dr. Kondraki needs his own show. This episode was probably the best thing I've listened to all year.
love and ratteger being "suspicious" lmao 😏
I in this one
Fantastic episode as always.
god dammit my heart I wanna cry this is so sweet Im gonna cry.
Dumptruck is precious and so is this ship I almost lost it at work when Love said they were making out lmao!
why does this not have more subscribers and a bigger fan base I love this whole thing and I'm always excited for the next update!
Just started this show! The sound quality is really good too! Cant wait to see what happens next (: