“This is where you’re supposed to be right now.” In this episode, I want to share the lesson of acceptance with you so that you can have some tools to help you when you find yourself questioning your life and be able to more easily move towards acceptance. It's also my final show. To learn more about my work visit pujamcclymont.com or Connect with me over on Youtube | Linkedin | Instagram
"A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty." Today I want to offer you the opportunity to explore having a perspective shift towards your problems. It’s inevitable that we’ll all have problems but the way we categorise, prioritise and then respond to them makes a huge difference in living an extraordinary life. We can’t escape problems but we can handle them much better when we look at them through a different lens and give ours...
What does it mean to awaken the leader within and transform your life? I’m defining it as a journey to awaken your deepest desires so that you can lead your life by aligning your actions to your truest values. Today my focus will be to guide you to unleashing your potential, defining your success, and creating an extraordinary life that aligns with your values. To learn more about my work visit pujamcclymont.com or Connect with me over on Youtube | Linkedin | Instagram
A special treat for you this week with my Self-esteem meditation. Enjoy this meditation before bedtime. Listen whilst still awake but if you fall asleep, it's ok, the affirmations will still resonate to your subconscious. On this Valentine's day in 2024, this is my gift to you, for you. To learn more about my work visit pujamcclymont.com or Connect with me over on Youtube | Linkedin | Instagram
Success has its value determined by the individual but we so rarely question what success actually means to us, that we end up running on life’s treadmill never being able to pull the stop ring. Success isn’t a dirty word. It’s actually the expression of your existence in this life. We’re all born for a purpose. We may not know what that purpose is but we know we’re called to certain things and we usually fulfil them. From the person who sweeps the road immaculately to the investment ba...
Today I want us to change the way we see ourselves and our job titles. We are not what we do. You cannot be defined by the job you’re doing. You are soooo much more than that and in this episode, I want to show you how to let go of the job title as your identity and instead move towards the true definition of who you are so that you can step into the most authentic version of yourself and achieve the life you so deserve to be living, your extraordinary life. To learn more about my work vis...
How are you? For my long-time listener, hey friend, I’ve missed you. I’m sorry for falling off the radar but I’ll be sharing what’s been happening over the past year today in the hope that you’ll forgive me and continue in this journey of self-discovery together. For any new listeners, welcome. I’m so happy to have you here. Today’s episode covers a lot of topics but mostly it’s about Awakening to a new dawn after a major life event. How to embrace your new normal, how to revise your prioriti...
Why do we still seek external validation when we now know better? Is status the only way to be recognised as being great at our jobs, our businesses? What proof is satisfactory to on-lookers and at what point are we enough? In this episode, I dive into the concept of status in society and explore how we can navigate it while still achieving personal success. And what are we chasing anyway? Do we want status so that we can be externally valued or do we want to do good work and be valued by ou...
What could you do to help yourself move from stagnation to growth? Is there something you’ve been meaning to get back into or want to try for the first time? Perhaps it’s a language, painting, singing, dancing, a sport, cooking or a brand new skill that you’d love to know more about. Flesh out some ideas after listening to this episode to build a list that you can try things from. Remember you’re simply trying some new things, you don’t have to commit to anything. The point is to discover som...
The most common manifesting mistake I see in with clients in my practice is that they focus too much on “how” which is why the manifestation technique doesn't work. As high-achievers, it’s normal for us to want to figure out how to do something but it won’t help if you’re trying to manifest something. In today’s video, I’m going to help you to be a 'master manifestor' by detaching from the outcome, cultivating positive thinking, spotting your own red flags and I’m going to share a secret tool...
In today’s episode, I’m talking about how streaming tv shows can actually help to open the heart and mind. We ridicule watching shows but this is our reality. I still of course encourage connection and engagement but if we are to watch tv, how about doing it with some intention? I’m not talking about documentaries but actually watching some incredible shows that offer some perspective into the way we are living our lives. I’ve picked 3 shows that inspire me personally and they are also the sh...
I’m back. That was a much longer break than I had planned for the show but it was definitely needed. To my loyal listeners, thank you for still being here and bearing with me. For new listeners, welcome, this show is about being real and supporting each other in this thing called life. I’m starting the new season with a topic that’s resonated with me these past few months and one that I think more of us should tap into for better wellbeing and most importantly for taking our experience of lif...
My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive; and to do so with some passion, some compassion, some humor, and some style - Maya Angelou Since 2020 and the pandemic, I’ve been surviving. You probably have to. But I know in my heart, I’m someone who needs to thrive. When I look back on this year, whilst I haven't achieved all the results I wanted, I have achieved my goals. In today’s show, I’m going to discuss the difference between the two as it’s a very key difference and...
This one isn't for the faint-hearted. It's bold and unapologetically direct. Coming up to the end of 2022. What an intense couple of years we’ve had. How has it been for you? Are you stronger or weaker? Are you more resilient? Have your ambitions changed? Have your values changed? What will you do in 2023? If you want your life to be different, you have to build resilience. You have to build self-belief. You have to remain focussed on your mission and most importantly, you have to be ...
Do you ever go on social media and get bored? Seeing the same old same old from influencers, brands and celebrities? Do you endlessly scroll reels and TikToks, come out of the app and find yourself back in again within minutes? That’s the dopamine effect. But what if what you’re consuming on social media is actually making you feel worse about yourself and your problems - your mental health and wellbeing? In today’s episode, I’m having a frank conversation with Alex Partridge who is one of...
In this episode I'm sharing a powerful tool that I use with my clients called what makes a good, great, amazing day? This tool is a brilliant way to begin a self-development journey especially if you find yourself lacking time to implement other things. Edward M. Hallowell, is an expert in attention deficit disorder (ADD) and he likens the experience of busyness to that of people suffering from ADD. Being busy, rather than focused on the big stuff, is more like ADD rather than being the supe...
I’ve been on a bit of bold discovery journey these past few months and I’m not mad at it. I’ve learned so much about myself, my work and how I show up in the world and you know what? I want to be louder. One of the things that I tend to downplay is the success my clients achieve as a result of working with me. Sound familiar? My clients say the work we do together is "life-changing." And so today, my dear podcast listener, I want to share with you 5 tools that have changed the liv...
Creating meaningful connections starts with creating a meaningful life. Whenever there's a problem, we tend to look outside of ourselves before looking inward but what we truly want is lying deep within us. If you know what a meaningful life looks like and you begin to live it, you will naturally seek the meaningful connections to enhance your life. Expecting others to give you what you need will almost always end in failure. So be brave, go within, who are you? What do you bring to the t...
Yes, SELF Care 101 is back. I had a serious wobble which I share with you in the show but first, I address why it happened because there’s a huge learning here for us all. We must give ourselves permission to slow down. To learn more about my work visit pujamcclymont.com or Connect with me over on Youtube | Linkedin | Instagram
Have you ever read a book and felt like the author wrote it just for you? When I was sent Career Self Care by Minda Zetlin, that’s exactly what I felt. Each page invited me to remember how difficult it was to be in the workplace and honestly, if I had this book before I burnt out, I might just be in a very different place now. Minda Zetlin is an author, speaker, journalist, and contributing editor at Inc. Her newest book is Career Self-Care: Find Your Happiness, Success, and Fulfilment at Wor...