SEO Rant Podcast

The SEO Rant Podcast, hosted by Mordy Oberstein (Head of SEO Brand) at Wix), gives its guests control of the mic so that they can share their deepest SEO thoughts without any inhibitions! Hear what search marketers of all backgrounds are saying about SEO both as a craft and as an industry. By giving each guest full rein the SEO Rant gives you the opportunity to get deep into how SEO experts feel and think about what does and does not work for ranking sites on the web!

Women in Tech: Where We're at in 2024 [Episode #116]

Lisa Schneider joins the SEO Rant Podcast to explain how we (men) can all be doing better (myself included) when working with women in tech!


Top Content Myths SEOs Should Be Aware of [Episode #115]

What content myths are being perpetuated and which ones should SEOs avoid the most? Missive Digitial's Himani Kankaria joins the SEO Rant Podcast to share her top content creation myths: * Why every piece of content does not need to drive conversions * Content marketing is not the same thing as content strategy * Why a good content strategy is not "set it and forget it" Tune in as Himani and Mordy Oberstein explore what sound content strategy looks like and what you should avoid!


The Mindset to Grow Your SEO Career [Episode #114]

How can you grow your SEO career? What mindset and attributes do you need? Crystal Ortiz joins the SEO Rant podcast to share her outlook: * How the nature of SEO and digital marketing forces you to adapt or fall flat * Why creating knowledge schemes is an SEO's best friend when advancing a career Listen in as Crystal and Mordy Oberstein share their experiences advancing their own SEO careers.


How SEO Agencies Can Create Client Satisfaction [Episode #113]

How can SEO agencies produce value for their clients? Nitin Manchanda joins the SEO Rant to talk SEO agencies and client satisfaction: * How to drive client communications that help drive organic success * How to tackle client expectations that change over time * How to best educate your clients about new SEO and content trends Tune in as Nitin and Mordy Oberstein share how SEO agencies can score positive reviews and future client revenue!


Building A Marketing Plan That Stands The Test of Time [Episode #112]

Does focusing too heavily on immediate ROI negatively impact long-term digital marketing success? LANC Marketing's Stephanie Pryor joins the podcast to share her outlook: Why pushing conversions too hard can have negative brand, and even SEO, consequences The impact of brand marketing on your performance marketing Why you need to value positive sentiment during the conversion & purchasing process Tune in as Stephanie Pryor and Mordy Oberstein push the envelope and try to push performance marketers to the dark side! (AKA brand marketing)


Is E-E-A-T A Ranking Factor? [Episode #111]

Is E-E-A-T a ranking factor? Erika Varangouli joins the SEO Rant Podcast to solve this question once and for all... not really. Instead, we chat about: Even if E-E-A-T isn't a ranking factor how does it "factor" into the SEO equation? Does it even matter if E-E-A-T is a ranking factor? Author bylines, should SEOs even care? Listen in as Erika and Mordy Oberstein dive into E-E-A-T as a concept to shore up your content, not a ranking factor. Sponsors: AlsoAsked: SE Ranking:


How to Make SEO Accessible [Episode #110]

Is there real value in making SEO accessible to business owners or should SEOs hold their cards (and their money) close to their vests? Crystal Waddell joins the SEO Rant Podcast to give her take on democratizing SEO. * The possibilities SEO creates for businesses and why they need to understand SEO * How to democratize SEO for broader audiences * Why democratizing SEO leads to a more confident business owner Listen in as Crystal Waddell and Mordy Oberstein explain why it's in the best interest of SEOs to make search marketing more accessible!


Why SEOs Need to Know Marketing [Episode #109]

How important is it for SEOs to have wider marketing knowledge? Ray Martinez shares his insights: * Why being top of mind is going to be more in focus and how SEOs need to adapt * Why SEO without qualifying leads and lead costs misses the mark * Why not thinking like a marketer makes SEOs miss their target audiences Tune in as Ray Martinez and Mordy Oberstein discuss why SEOs need to take a broader look at marketing in order to drive genuine success in organic Search. Sponsors: Also Asked: SE Ranking:


How Not To Market Your SaaS Product [Episode #108]

SaaS Solutions seem to have a hard time getting some good marketing momentum. Why is that? SEO Testing's Ryan Jones joins the SEO Rant to offer his take: * Why SaaS companies often show a lack of content strategy * The propensity of SaaS companies to ignore brand identity * Why when marketing a SaaS product you should not default to PPC Listen into the SEO Rant Podcast as Ryan Jones and Mordy Oberstein share how to best market your Saas solution.


SEO Testing: How to Do It & Sell It to Clients [Episode #107]

Celeste Gonzalez joins the SEO Rant podcast to share her thoughts on the value of SEO testing in the local space. * Real examples of what SEO testing without massive data looks like * How to sell a client on SEO Testing * Why SEO intuition should be embraced In SEO the little things can matter in big ways. That's why experimenting and testing is part of the game. Even small changes to title tags can make a difference for both rank and clicks. Listen in as Celeste Gonzalez and Mordy Oberstein explore SEO testing on this episode of the SEO Rant Podcast! Sponsors: AlsoAsked: SE Ranking:


The Impact of AI on SEO Tools and Beyond [Episode #106]

Ahref's Patrick Stox joins the SEO Rant podcast to share his take on how AI and SGE will impact SEO tools and the industry overall. * How SEO tools will need to adjust to an SGE world * Can SEO tools effectively integrate AI in a meaningful way? * Does AI mean the return of Google's walled garden? Listen in as Patrick and host Mordy Oberstein explore how AI is set to change everything from SEO tools to the SERP itself!


Is the Helpful Content Update Defective? [Episode #105]

With so many SEOs complaining about the Helpful Content Update demoting legitimate sites from the top of the SERP we ask: Is there really a problem with the Helpful Content Update? Rohan Ayyar joins the SEO Rant Podcast to separate the legitimate issues with the Helpful Content Update from just the usual SEO moaning and groaning. * The evolution of the Helpful Content Update means Google will get things wrong * Why a lot of the chatter about the Helpful Content Update being defective is a bit misguided * How the lack of incentive has led to a lack of helpful content Listen in as Rohan and host Mordy Oberstein share their insights about Google's Helpful Content Update. Visit our Sponsors: SE Ranking: AlsoAsked:


Like It or Not, SEO Requires Critical Thinking [Episode #104]

SEO isn't a mundane process that can be boiled down to a checklist or cheat sheet. The best SEOs problem-solve and have a conceptual understanding of Search. Sarah Presch joins the SEO Rant podcast to share why critical thinking matters so much to doing SEO: * Don't use SEO tools unless you also use your brain * Why having a conceptual understanding is a huge SEO advantage * Why thinking critically about SEO is not optional - it's a necessity that can't be avoided Listen in as Sarah Presch and host Mordy Oberstein kvetch about the lack of critical thinking often displayed in "SEO".


Driving SEO Knowledge with Honest SEO Conversations [Episode #103]

Listen in as Pedro Dias and host Mordy Oberstein discuss the balance between honesty and courtesy and how it can impact the SEO conversation. As etiquette evolves is it important to ensure both civility and integrity are maintained. Having honest and open conversations are vital for pushing the SEO industry to new places but basic civility has to be maintained.


What Does 'Discovered - Currently Not Indexed' Mean About Your Pages? [Episode #102]

Google's "Discovered- currently not indexed" - is it a simple indexation status or is it much more? RickeyRoo's Melissa Popp joins the podcast to explain what the status of your indexation says about your site's quality. * Why looking for pages marked "Discovered - currently not indexed" should be one of the first things you check when working on a site * Why Discovered- currently not indexed can be an indication of site quality * Why too many pages marked as Discovered- currently not indexed can make it harder for future content to be indexed It's one thing if Google can't find your content (which obviously is a problem in and of itself). It's another thing for Google to tell you that they know the content exists, they just don't care. This is what Google is essentially telling you (all things being equal and at face value) when they say your pages are "Discovered - currently not indexed." Listen as Melissa Popp and Mordy Oberstein discuss what "Discovered- currently not indexed" says about your site's overall content quality. Visit the SEO Rant website for me:


Should Google Be More Transparent? [Episode #101]

Google has come a long way from where it used to be and is far more communicative about its Google algorithm updates but is it enough? Caitlin Hathaway chimes in on: *Why Google updates are hard for SEOs *The case for Google being even more transparent about its algorithm *Confusion about where Google stands on the topic of AI content How transparent should Google be about its algorithm? It's a question SEOs (and beyond) have been dealing with for quite some time. While Google has been far more communicative in recent years some argue there is still a long way to go. It's hard for SEOs and content creators to align with Google's expectations if those expectations are a bit vague. While Google does try to offer guidance and examples the devil is always in the details and some SEOs argue there are just not enough details. Listen in as Caitlin Hathaway and Mordy Oberstein dive in!


Why You Need to be Cautious About AI Content [Episode #100]

When and where can you use AI-written content? It depends. One thing is certain you should be cautious. Ashwin Balakrishnan joins the SEO Rant to discuss the downside of over-relying on AI written content: * What AI lacks that makes it a terrible idea to use as a replacement for human content creators * Why making a business decision on a technology that is still emerging makes no sense * Why time will show that going all in on AI was a mistake for brands Listen in as Ashwin and Mordy kvetch about AI!


Why SEOs Need Strong Communications Skills [Episode #99]

Do SEOs need soft skills to succeed? Russ Macumber joins the SEO Rant Podcast to share his thoughts on why soft skills for SEOs matter more than many think: * Why SEO communications are quite nuanced * The power of identifying client communication styles * How to deliver SEO communications that resonate with clients Listen as Russ and host Mordy Oberstein share what communication styles resonate with your clients.


Being An LBGTQ+ Ally In SEO [Episode #98]

What does it mean to be an LBGTQ+ ally if you're in the SEO community? Sarah McDowell stops by to share her thoughts: * Why brands should not fake their support for the LBGTQ+ community * Why being an LBGTQ+ ally is just good marketing * Why sometimes it's the subtle things that matter most when supporting the LBGTQ+ community


The Problems with Tracking Rank & SEO [Episode #97]

Rank tracking is a go-to practice for nearly all SEOs but that doesn't mean it's not without its problems and idiosyncracies. Jason Pollack (SEO manager at NBC Universal) and Gaby Alias (SEO specialist at Peacock) share their thoughts on rank tracking: * How Google's SGE will impact rank tracking * Why knowing your SERP is more important than ranking #1 * Living with rank volatility Rank tracking sounds simple at first glance. You throw your keywords that you want to track into an SEO tool and you see where you're ranking. Unfortunately, it's a lot more complex. First off, ranking is not the goal per se, traffic and conversion are depending on your business model. Then you have to factor in rank volatility, which can be its own headache. Even where you're ranking #1 it might not be what you really want (as crazy as that might sound. If you're in the news business like Gaby and Jason are, then the traditional organic results are probably not even your target (at least your primary target). Listen in as Jason Pollack, Gaby Alias, and Mordy Oberstein dive into it!


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