Shift to a better state of mind anytime.

Shift Your Buzz

Every cell of our bodies is born of energy and filled with energy.Our cells interact with each other to produce our experience of life.We're energetic beings. We can connect with the awareness of ourselves as energy beings by making what I call the Epic Shift So let's do it now. First, say to yourself “I'm making a journey into my inner world to connect to silence” — the energy of life that flows through you. ——————Now, feel the silence — feel that energy flowing through you by allowing 100% of your attention to focus into your body.——————Just feel your body with 100% of your attention. ————————Notice the tingling sensations percolating on your skin——————Allow any thoughts that arise as you focus your attention in your body to melt right back into the energy of silence flowing through you.——————Only feeling.No thinking. ————————If you get distracted anytime, don't judge yourself.Just bring your attention back to noticing the energy that is your buzzing body.Let’s sit together in silence.Just feel the buzz of your body.———————————————————————Feel the aliveness of your body——————————————Okay, perfect.Now, direct your attention away from that silent buzzing of your body — and toward listening outside your body.Listen to the outer world.Listen to any sounds that arise that you may usually not notice.————Allow your hovering attention to listen to life.————————Be open and receptive to the world.———————And again, if you get distracted during this task, same thing — don't judge yourself.Know that you can bring your attention back to the task you're focused on — listening with 100% of your attention.———————Listening strengthens your attention.It moves you more consistently toward living in presence with full attention.————Let's listen together.———————————————————————————————Nice.Now see if you can feel the tingling in your body as you listen to the outer world buzzing too.———————Can you feel your body as part of the buzzing silence of life?———————————Feel it.———————————————Perfect.Have a great rest of your day.I'll talk to you soon.Stay present,SeanThe OnePerfect Shift app is free to you if your employer or school subscribes your community.Contact us for a team trial or try it on iPhone or Android today. This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit


Shift Your Daily Emotional Cycle

Let's take a long, deep breath together. How are you? ——————How about a couple long, deep breaths? ————————————————I hope things are good.I've been looking forward to saying hello for a little bit here. Have you been living in a present state of mind and body lately? It's worth taking stock of that. When you take stock, you tend to prioritize it more moving forward. So, how present have you been feeling lately?———————Related that topic, one way to think about yourself, and your mental health, and your wellness, and really, your day, is to recognize that we each go through emotional patterns that repeat every day. Think about a 24-hour day as an emotional cycle. If you were to map one 24-hour period to another one within some close proximity in time, in all likelihood you would see enormous overlap in the emotional patterns that you roll through during the course of each 24 hours. We often think of the content that's causing or provoking our emotional cycles to be the important thing to pay attention to.However, the reality is that if you have an existing pattern of emotion that you repeat regularly — and we all do — then you should instead focus on noticing what that pattern is for you if you want to better understand yourself and your mental wellness.Developing a baseline understanding of your repeating emotional patterns, and how to improve your patterns, (e.g., by learning to shift your emotional state when you choose to), is incredibly helpful for feeling connected to the present moment of your life more often. To put that a bit more concretely…You might wake up in the middle of the night stressed during one of your emotional cycles. And or, you might wake up happy in the morning.Later in the day, you might feel guilty. Maybe you feel guilty because something happened during the day, or maybe it’s because you tend to feel guilty regularly as part of a repeating emotional pattern of yours.If you do feel shame or guilty regularly, your mind is managing to consistently populate with content (e.g., thoughts, conversation, media, etc.) that provokes you to feel of guilt or shame regularly. In some future Shift, we’ll walk through a process for evaluating your pattern for yourself. For today, we’ll just notice the fact that we each experience repeating emotional patterns. Noticing any aspect of your patterns can help you become more aware of how your mental health is evolving, or revolving, repetitively each day. Knowing that your emotional patterns exist makes it easier to recognize them run the future. Once you notice a repeating emotion, you're in a position to do something about it. And what is it that we do about it? We Shift. We learn how to recognize that when we’re feeling guilty it may just be because we feel guilty regularly (for example) and not for some reason that you actually should feel guilt, or shame, or anger, or frustration, or whatever the repeating emotion might be for you. So let’s take a long, deep breath and notice how we feel right now.———————Relax your shoulders.———————Relax your arms.———————Sink into your space.———————Set an intention to be 100% present for the next minute or two. ————————————Sink deeper into your space. ———————Feel your body weight against your seat. ———————————Allow your head to fall backwards if you want to. ———————————————If that feels good for you, relax even further. ———————Good. Now, close your eyes with me — if you're in a place where that's a safe thing to do. Set the intention to be a 100% present again. ————Listen to life and feel life on your skin at the same time now. Focus 100% of your attention on listening to and feeling life for the next 30 seconds. Ready? Listen and feel. ——————————————————————Notice how your body shifts into presence as thoughts or emotional cycles that may bubble up are allowed to relax away, for now.————————————Release everything into the ether, for now.————Release the content.————Release the emotion.—————— ————————————————If thoughts arise to distract you from your pure intention to be present, notice them and let them go. Notice them as cyclical thoughts that provoke cyclical emotions. Take another long, deep breath. ———————————Listen.—————————————————————Feel yourself coming into presence. ————————————————Allow your attention to be focused right here, listening right now. ———————————Keep listening to life as long as you want. Keep listening even after I say goodbye. Just stay present. ———————————————————————————————Perfect.Goodbye for now. Have a great rest of your day. I'll talk to you soon.Stay present,SeanThe OnePerfect Shift app is free to you if your employer or school subscribes your community.Contact us for a team trial or try it on iPhone or Android today. This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit


Energy Shift

Let's take a long, deep breath.———————————Nice. Let's take another longer, deeper breath. ———————————I hope you're having a great one. The focus of this Shift is managing your energy level.A variety of strategies can move your energy level around.Today, we're going shift our attention in different ways while noticing how alive and awake we feel. Can you feel the air on your skin right now, for example?——— ——— ——— If you want to shift into a better energy state, noticing your body is helpful.Take your shirt off if you need help feeling the air brushing against your skin.If you walk with your shirt off, you'll more clearly feel air brushing against your skin. ————————Take another deep breath and feel the air on your skin.—————————Are you fully present to the sensations?—————————Next, notice the thoughts flowing through your mind for a few seconds. ————————————————Are your thoughts swirling at a fast or slow pace right now?Unless it's intentional (if you’re in your creative zone, for example) fast, swirling thoughts usually mean that you’re not feeling present.If you're feeling low energy, and you're having swirling thoughts, it’s likely a cue that you're not currently fully awake and present. It’s the same principle when you close your eyes and listen.Let's try that next.Take another deep breath and close your eyes and listen as you notice your energy level.————————————Can you notice your energy level rising?————————Even if listening with your eyes closed settles you down, it can also raise your available energy.—————————Can you feel your level of aliveness and awakeness growing as you listen?——————————————Notice how alert you are?————————————Can you feel your presence raising your available energy?————————————Shifting into presence consolidates your available energy.Let's listen to life and be fully present together for 30 seconds now. ————————————Keep 100% of your attention on listening to life in this moment. ————————————————————————————————————————Good.Whenever you're not in a good energy state, ask yourself: Am I present?Take another long, deep breath.—————————Let’s just be here together for a little while longer, listening to life.—————————————————————Allow your shoulders to relax.—————————Allow your body to relax fully.————————— Feel your body weight on whatever you're pressing against.Just feel the weight of your body for a moment.—————————Good. Take a few more deep breaths. ————————————Again, focus 100% of your attention on listening to life.————————————Listen with your ears.———————————————Listen with your body.——————————————————Be present with me for a while longer.———————————————————————————If you get distracted, Shift back into presence. Place 100% of your attention on listening to life.———————————————When gratitude starts to flow, you're in the sweet spot.——————————————————Perfect.Now set your intention to be 100% present for the next hour of your life. —————Make sure you feel your intention anchor in your body.—————————Nice. You can shift your attention into the present moment to shift your energy anytime.And, as a side-note, remember also that light is deeply connected to your physiology.Bright light can help awaken you anytime too.Bright light can lighten your inside world — not just your outside world.So when it’s dark and you're feeling low on energy — or feeling stressed — go get some light in your eyes, and on your body, for a few minutes. Bright light can accelerate your state shift too.Have a great rest of your day.I'll talk to you soon.Stay present, SeanThe OnePerfect Shift app is free to you if your employer or school subscribes your community.Contact us for a team trial or try it on iPhone or Android today. This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit


Shift Into Now

Let's take a few minutes of pure, unadulterated, me-disappearing-into-now time.Take a deep breath. —————————Resettle into your space. ——————————Remind yourself to be comfortable.——————————Allow your body to relax.——————————Maybe stretch your neck a little bit. ——————————Move your head from side to side. ——————————Allow your shoulders and your arms to fall toward the ground. ——————————Let go of everything — except your awareness of sensations. ——————————Feel.——————————————Relax into this moment. ——————————————Notice your body's tingling.——————————————Notice where your body touches against whatever you're sitting on or lying on.——————————————Allow your head to fall back a bit into perfect comfort. ——————————————Melt into your space.——————————————Melt into the seat — or the mattress, if you're lying down.——————I think of it as melting into the cushion.——————————————————Enjoy right now.——————————————Enjoy this eternal moment feeding you, rejuvenating you.————————————————————Just be relaxed for a while——————————————Chill. ——————————————Love life. ——————————————————————————————————————————————Let life be.———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————Perfect.Stay present,SeanThe OnePerfect Shift app is free to you if your employer or school subscribes your community.Contact us for a team trial or try it on iPhone or Android today. This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit


The Breakthrough Mindset Shift

Let's take a long, deep breath.—————————Relax your shoulders.———————Allow your arms to fall toward the ground as you settle in.———————————————I’ve been asked about what mindset ‘breakthroughs’ I've experienced that have contributed to feeling more present, more consistently.We all have fantasies about what we hope might happen in our lives — what we, and our lives, might ‘become’ in the future.A powerful realization is that when some version of your personal fantasy becomes reality, it will likely simply mean that you've learned to conduct a larger orchestra within whatever domain your personal development(s) (i.e., your personal mastery, or expertise, or growth) has occurred during your life.The second half of that ‘breakthrough mindset’ is recognizing that being a ‘player’ in the orchestra of life can always be as beautiful a part of your life’s journey as conducting an orchestra can be.They are different in type, not kind.When you’re deeply present, you are as fully alive as you can ever be.When you’re fully embodying your life’s unique journey, sometimes you're playing solo, other times you’re playing in the orchestra, and other times you may be conducting.That mindset helps keep you from distorting your fantasies about what the future may or may not bring, while also acknowledging that by consistently attending to the present moment you’re living an unfathomably complex and beautiful existence. Your orchestra may grow, or not, throughout your life.Regardless, that ‘breakthrough mindset’ encourages you to return your attention to the present moment always — which deepens your unique relationship to life throughout your life.That’s why I find it so powerful.Take another long, deep breath and listen to life with me with 100% of your attention.———— ——— —— ——— ——— ——— ——— ——Allow that idea to sink in a bit, if it resonates.— — ——— ——— ——— ——— ——— ——— ——100% focus, right here.— ——— ——— ——— ——— ——Nice. Getting in touch with a sense of yourself as a conductor, an orchestra player AND a soloist can release you from ‘future fear’ too. The mindset releases you from distortions in your fantasies about what success or failure ‘must’ to look like for you. Imagining your life as being better in the future can subtly imply to yourself that the present moment will always be a problem — which is a self-defeating mindset.Instead of trying to control the future, the breakthrough mindset shifts you into living this moment fully. It shifts you back into awareness that your life is always taking place in this perfect present moment.Invariably, the breakthrough mindset reminder returns your attention to listening to life to live fully right now.So let’s do that. Let’s listen in full presence together for a little while longer. ——— ——— ——— ——— ——— ——Feel life flowing into and through you.— ——— ——— ——— ——— —————— —— The breakthrough mindset is also a reminder that the most wonderful experiences of our lives so often occur when we feel deeply embedded with others — with family, friendship, and or, community. Within those containers of love, you know and feel yourself as a singular aspect of this miraculous symphony we share.———————Let's take one more long, deep breath and shift again with the breakthrough mindset.——————The best reminder of life’s never-ending beauty comes from placing your attention fully in the present moment.—————— ——— ——— ——— ————————————Listen to life with me with 100% of your attention for a while longer. ————————————Focus 100% of your attention on listening with your ears, and your eyes, and your body now.————————————————— ——— ——— —— ——— —— ——— —— ————————————————————— Perfect.Do you notice a difference in how you feel?Can you feel any shift that has occurred in your state of mind and body?——————————————— ——— Listen to life with me with 100% of your attention for 15 more seconds.—————————————————————————————— ——— ———— ——— ——— ——— ——— —— ——— —— ——— ————————————Perfect.I wish you all the best with your fantasies and your reality — your life’s unique and beautiful journey.Have a great rest of your day.I'll talk to you soon.Stay present,SeanThe OnePerfect Shift app is free to you if your employer or school subscribes your community.Contact us for a team trial or try it on iPhone or Android today. This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit


Shift The Noise

Let's take a long, deep breath.——————————————————————————Take another deep breath and relax your shoulders and arms.——————————————————————Maybe find a seat if you're standing, or lie down if you choose.———————————————————Breathe deeply.———————————————————————————Set the intention to be fully present for a little while.———————————————————Place all your attention in the present moment, right here.————————————————————————Shift your attention to listening to ALL the sounds of life now.————————————————————————————————————Good. Use any moments of distraction, like a refrigerator in the background, or a car driving by, as reminders that when you get distracted you can get annoyed. Remember, those moments of distraction, of annoyance even, can become cues to come back into the present moment. To take another deep breath and listen even more deeply.Then, feel as presence emerges. ———————————————Every sound can become a part of the whole of life — and annoy you less.——————————All sound is life.Listen.—————————————————————————————————You are 30-trillion cells buzzing as life.You get to have life flow through you as you — as your life — each moment.You get to play with that. You get to experiment with that.You get to learn about it for a lifetime.Listen and feel. ——————————————————————————————Good.Let’s take one full minute with our eyes open now, just looking around our space listening with 100% of our attention. Notice how the flavor of your presence changes as your listen.That's how you explore your inner world as you explore your outer world.——————————————————————————————————————Good.Now, settle on a single object — listen to it and see it with all your attention. Notice something about it you've never noticed before.There are many things you haven't noticed about this object before.Reflections of light, shadows — things that could only exist at this exact moment, with this exact lighting, on this exact day.————————————You are changing all the time too.So “who” is seeing the object has changed since the last time you saw it as well.What do you see now?——————————————————————————————Feel what's occurring in your inner world shifting as you focus on something new about your object.——————————————————————————————————What happens for you when you merge all of your attention into the object?—————————————————————Can you feel gratitude pouring into you from being present?Let’s spend ~20 more seconds sitting together in silence.————————————————————————————Be 100% here.—————————————————————————————Allow any thoughts that arise to immediately fade away.———————————————————————————————————One more deep breath.——————————————————————————Listening and seeing and being now.———————————————————————————————————————I love it.————————————Perfect.Have a great rest of your day.I'll talk to you soon.Stay present,SeanThe OnePerfect Shift app is free to you if your employer or school subscribes your community.Contact us for a team trial or try it on iPhone or Android today. This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit


Shift To Full Presence

What is “Presence”? Enjoy one of our most popular Shifts…Hello, hello! How are you?———I'm looking forward to the next several minutes with you. A question frequently raised is, ‘What is presence?’Presence is an experience. Let's have that experience together. Notice how you're feeling right now. ———Now, dedicate all your attention and intention to coming into complete presence with me for the next few minutes.  Let’s have the experience that emerges when 100% of our attention is focused in the present moment.Doing that translates into an incredible feeling — presence, aliveness, connection, peace, and freedom from fear. So take a deep breath in.———And out.———Settle into this moment with me by listening to life with 100% of your attention.Invite all your attention to observe this moment, wherever you are. Notice your body pressing against whatever you're pressing against — a seat, the ground, a bed.———Feel every sensation.———Release any stories that are buzzing through your mind. Maybe 10% of your attention is distracted by the past or thinking about the future.But right now, bring 100% of your attention right here by listening to the sounds of life.———Be.———Feel.———Know that by returning your attention to the present moment, you're strengthening your ability to shift into presence anytime you choose throughout your day.Notice how you feel right now again. Just mark it for yourself.———Notice how life feels when you’re fully present. —————Good. Let's set an intention to sink deeper into presence now. ————Can you feel your intention being set?————For 20 seconds or so, look around your environment slowly. Notice details.Move your visual field around your environment. Stop and study objects if they appeal to you. Ready?Go.————————————————————————————Beautiful. Keep looking.  Study your environment.You are deepening your presence.———————————————————————————————Good. Coming into presence allows you to focus your attention wherever you want to focus it next. So, let's shift our attention again.Now that we're more present we can more easily notice that silent, tingling of our bodies.Focus all your attention on any part of your body now. Start by squeezing your left thumb hard and then releasing it. Then, feel all the blood rushing into your thumb.———————Again, squeeze your thumb hard for a few seconds, and then release your thumb and feel the tingling. ———————————————Can you feel it? ———Focus on that sensation — that silent buzzing of your body, the buzz of life. Notice it pulsating through your whole body at once. Feel life energy flowing through your body, producing your experience of life in this moment. Full presence in your body. Just settle in.Let's do that for a little, short while together.Close your eyes.All your attention in your body. Feeling that buzzing, that tingling aliveness.Ready?Go. ————————————————————————————Keep feeling the buzzing of your body. Your life is flowing into form each moment. —————————Can you notice a shift in how your mind and body feel compared to just a few minutes ago?That's presence. Feel it.————————The more you practice, the more contact you'll have with that creative peace that's buzzing through you all the time. It’s buzzing through you, into your life, as your life, each moment. ———Live presently.Have an incredible day.SeanThe OnePerfect Shift app is free to you if your employer or school subscribes your community.Contact us for a team trial or try it on iPhone or Android today. This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit


The New Year Shift

Enjoy the background waves…Happy New Year, friend! Let’s make it a great one :)—————Take a long, deep breath.———————————————How have you been?———How were your holidays?———How's life?———It's so nice to be back talking to you again.——Let’s relax our shoulders on our next exhale.——————Allow your whole body to sink into the present moment.—————————Just listening to life.—————————Feel the gratitude that engulfs you when you listen to life. ———————Focus 100% of your attention on listening to life. ——————————————————————————————————————Life is good.—————————————Life is beautiful.————————————————I'm so grateful to be back in the saddle in a new year connected with you.——————Can you hear the dogs?The dogs are ready for a new year.——————Have you heard the saying, “If I were half the person my dog thinks I am, I'd be twice the human I am.” —( Charles Yu said it btw )——————Dogs are very perceptive about how a human treats them.They're a mirror.Dogs feel you.——————Dogs are also extremely forgiving.They'll give you another chance — again and again.——————The way they look at you tells you about how they feel you treat them.——Do you have animals in your life?——I'm scratching the back of one now.——————————————————Take another deep breath and come fully into the present moment.Let's set an intention for this entire year to return to presence whenever we notice we’ve drifted away.—————————We get off-kilter when our brain starts to run too fast. Presence begins to reduce.That's when we go off track.So, our intention is to bring ourselves back into the present moment whenever we feel off, (i.e., when you feel stressed). Stress can be a signal that your inner life feels are odds with your central purpose — your unique life purpose. That's why I love the idea of setting an intention to be as present as you can this year.Last year, I set the intention to listen to more music.Music can be an immediate presence-maker.Opening yourself to listening to different kinds of music is a way to bring yourself into presence — just like a hard workout can bring you into presence, or a hard run, or jumping into the ocean. Jumping into cold water brings you immediately into presence. That's partly why a lot of people believe in taking cold baths, or cold plunges, regularly.For other people, watching birds makes them immediately present.For my dad, playing tennis, being a tennis competitor — a tennis champion — is one of the things that brings him into presence.My dad lives deeply in presence for long stretches.He taught me to prioritize presence.He taught me about that beautiful relationship that you can have to life that is so uniquely yours — so presently yours.So… do you want to set that intention with me to be present for 2024?We’ll return to presence as a priority.Why don't we solidify that resolution together by listening to life again for 30 seconds?———I'm out here listening to waves and feeling gratitude. Listen with me.———————————————————————————————————————Now feel gratitude vibrate through the buzz of your body as you listen to life in full presence.——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————Perfect.Happy New Year to you and yours!I hope you have a great one.Let's be present as much as we can.Presence brings peace and silence to a loud world.And that brings peace to our inner lives.Those two things really do sync up, right?How peaceful you are in your inner world is how peaceful your entire world becomes.Let's do it together.I’m grateful for you being out there — and being able to talk to you each week.I'm also excited for what's ahead for us for the coming year. I'll keep you posted.———I hope you had a great holiday!Talk to you soon.Stay present,SeanThe OnePerfect Shift app is free to you if your employer or school subscribes your community.Contact us for a team trial or try it on iPhone or Android today. This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit


Shift Into Holidays

Let's take a long, deep breath together. Come into the holidays the same way that we came into the new year — with an intention to bring ourselves into presence as often as possible.And whenever we choose to, to be fully engaged, alive, connected to, empathic with, and in love with our lives.———I'm walking here today.I did get a couple complaints about the sound quality last time — too many cars around. I hope that's not the same situation this time.I'll make sure we're somewhere nice and quiet when we drop into a deep dive with presence in a minute here.So how are you?Are you ready for your holidays?Ready to see your people or connect with them maybe on the phone or however you do?Take another long deep breath.————————————Allow your shoulders to relax.—————————Think about how you want to be with your people for a minute.As you relax your body 100%.———————————————Relax even more.———————————————Another deep breath.————————————Maybe stretch your neck out a little bit.———————————————Pull your shoulders back for a couple seconds and then release and relax your body.——————————————Can you connect to your body buzz a little bit?————————————Notice the buzz in your hands.———————————————Now pick up the buzz in the rest of your body.——————————————————Good.Feel that relaxed loving state of mind that you want to bring to being with your people. Be fully attentive. Fully here. Fully listening.Let's sit in complete silence listening to life and feeling life on our skin with an intention to be 100% present for 30 seconds.Ready?Listen and be present.——————————————————————————Feel your body shifting.——————————————————————If anything arises — maybe the annoyance of a sound pops up — just let it go.Relax back into presence, knowing that life is sound.Life is here and now.Listen.—————————————————————————————————————————————If you get distracted, just allow the thoughts to melt away as soon as you notice.——————Come back to another 30 seconds of coming into the holiday silence.A deep dive this time.Fully present.Listen with 100% of your attention.—————————————————————————————————————Life is a beautiful sound.—————————Listen to it fade away.————————————————————————Hear that?Life is beautiful.Life is good.Enjoy it with your people.Hoping you have a little bit of time to recharge and bring your presence to your world.Have a great rest of the year.I'll talk to you soon.Stay present,SeanThe OnePerfect Shift app is free to you if your employer or school subscribes your community.Contact us for a team trial or try it on iPhone or Android today. This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit


Shift Into Loving Your Life

Let's take a long deep breath.—————————Settle into this moment.—————————Maybe move your head around and stretch your neck a little bit.—————————Feel yourself relax into the now. 100% of your attention right here.———Listening.—————————————————Being.—————————————————Letting everything else go for a little while.Just be with me.———————————————————No thoughts.—————————————————No plans.—————————————————No responsibilities.——————————————Just peace.—————————Just reconnecting to that love of life.—————————Feel life.—————————————————————————————————————————————Feel yourself shifting into presence.—————————Presence overlaps with your love of life.A seemingly universal story of human development is that of growing from a child born with an innate connection to the present moment with a natural love and curiosity for — and playfulness with — life.As we age, we often lose aspects of our inherent relationship to the present moment. The joy inherent to childhood is so often replaced, or covered up, as we ‘grow.’Disconnecting from presence by adding psychological layers of distraction and abstraction is often unfortunately associated with ‘growing up.’As grown-ups though, we can also reconnect strategically and intentionally to the deep connection to life we observe in children at play.With intention, we can maintain that beautiful, alive relationship to life throughout our lives. And we can feel the joy of living.Those two things are actually one and the same, right?You feel joy when you are engaged in a love affair with life.Let’s take another long, deep breath.———————Set an intention to protect your relationship to presence.——————————Your connection to presence is your birthright. It's also something that you can have huge influence over. The more you value presence and prioritize presence in your life the more time you're likely to spend in presence. Take one more deep breath to come further into presence for another minute.——————————————Let's feel life tingling on our skin. I'm out for a walk right now, so you probably hear some cars going by.Feel life tingling against your skin.——————————————————————————————I feel the cool air against my hands.—————————Listen to the sounds of life as you also feel the buzz of life on your skin.————————————————————Be fully present.——————No agenda — except a child’s love of life.Immerse completely.——————————————————————————————If you get distracted from your intention to love life fully at this moment, just reset your intention to let everything go. Then, listen to life for a while longer. Be presence for another 30 seconds or so.———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————Perfect.I love it.Take that feeling — your love of life — with you for the rest of your day. I hope you're having a great one wherever you are. I'll talk to you soon.Stay present,SeanThe OnePerfect Shift app is free to you if your employer or school subscribes your community.Contact us for a team trial or try it on iPhone or Android today. This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit


Shift From Under A Car

Let's take a long, deep breath.———Relax your shoulders.———Sink into your space.—————————————————————Set that intention to be present.———Full attention on your intention to be present for a while.——————For the next few minutes together, focus 100% of your attention on listening to life. ———Listen to the sounds of life.———You'll hear some sounds coming from where I am because I'm at a mechanic shop.————————————We were actually under a car looking at a transmission mount, looking to see what's going on with this car.I thought, well, what better time than the present to step away for a minute and remind myself of my commitment to full presence throughout the day?If you share that commitment — the commitment to always return to presence — in all likelihood it’s also a commitment to fully living your own journey too.A commitment to presence is a commitment to fully living — to embracing your own story through life — to embracing your unique journey through life. To be fully here for it.———To be present. ——————Whenever you're feeling too stressed it can become tricky to stay tapped into the unique journey that you're meant to live.Intentionally dropping into a presence often has the effect of reminding you of your intention to live fully, each moment, each day.———Personally, I happen to need a lot of reminders :)———Take another a long, deep breath.———Relax your shoulders again.———Come into your space.———Do you. ————————————Be you.————————————Listen to life.——————————————————————————————————————————I hope the sound of the car being worked on isn't too distracting for you.——————Keep that intention to be fully present right now.I'll step outside.It may be easier to focus on being fully present out there.Let's focus one full minute on being with life together.All your attention focused right here, right now.Listening.Knowing that if you take a nice, deep dive into presence right now (and or, intermittently throughout your day) a consequence is that you'll bring that deepened presence, and your corresponding intention to be present, more deeply into your life for the rest of your day too.Take one more deep breath and listen to life again for 30 seconds.Just listening in silence together.100% of your attention right here, right now.Listen…——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————Perfect.Have a great rest of your day.I'll talk to you soon.Stay present.SeanThe OnePerfect Shift app is free to you if your employer or school subscribes your community.Contact us for a team trial or try it on iPhone or Android today. This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit


Shift Back To Life

Let's take a long deep breath.———I'm in a San Francisco restaurant after being dropped off by an Uber, after arriving from a trip to South Africa — the retreat to prioritize 24/7 presence that I referred to during our last Shift.I had a beautiful experience and have been looking forward to talking to you and shifting with you. I’ve also noticed that I often do not mark transitional occasions like returning from a two-week trip as intentionally as I might. I think there’s some good and some bad in that habit.The bad is that I don't necessarily concretize learnings as well as I could by identifying the insights that I want to make more of a priority in life moving forward.On the plus side, just staying in the flow of life whenever you’re in the flow — as long as avoiding something that you need to deal with is not the reason you're not concretizing your learnings — is often the best way too keep ‘walking the pace of your miracle.’ When I feel I’m walking the pace of my miracle, I don’t tend to worry about too much else. But, when it comes to feeling like you need to get yourself back to living the pace of your miracle it's a good idea to be strategic about concretizing your insights. You can personalize your own shifting strategies by noticing what's occurring for you and applying the lessons from it. That’s how you become a master of shifting yourself back into the present moment anytime.So…what did I learn from my retreat?Let's first take a long deep breath and drop into this moment.———Set an intention to be together for a little while.———Set your intention to be fully present by listening to life.I'm in a restaurant so we can hear voices all around.Let’s listen to the sounds of life with 100% of our attention.—————Be life.———————Feel yourself sinking into presence.———————Perfect.The short version of this Shift Back To Life is that I had an incredible time on my journey — an unbelievably beautiful time.The retreat reinforced everything about the value of prioritizing presence — being fully wherever you are as you are.The takeaway that I wanted to share with you will likely not be much of a surprise to you because ‘insights’ tend to be things we already knew own some level. The lesson is to watch closely for how much time you spend online. There are some wonderful things to do online, but if you are online more than you need to for some neurotic reason, take a look at it.A great way to take a look at it is to set that intention to be present and go away for a while. Get off the grid. Spend time with yourself, and or, loved ones — whatever this moment in your life is calling for.That's it.There are more insights, but it’s easier to absorb one at a time.One breath at a time.———One moment at a time.———I feel gratitude to have a community to come back to and drop into presence with.Let's listen together for 20 seconds more and then say goodbye for today.By the way, I'm excited about our shifting future. Having spent a couple weeks hyper-focused in presence, I'm looking forward to what we have to share together in 2024.Okay, let’s listen with 100% of our attention again.———Set that intention again — the intention to be fully present for a while.Listen.—————Can you feel the presence?————Can you feel the gratitude?—————Nice.Have a great rest of your day.I'll talk to you soon.Stay present,SeanThe OnePerfect Shift app is free to you if your employer or school subscribes your community.Contact us for a team trial or try it on iPhone or Android today. This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit


Shift Into Retreat Mode

Hello friend!I recorded this ‘Retreat Shift’ to let you know I’ll be on retreat for a couple weeks — and to prepare for the journey a bit. I’ll be back in touch with our next Shift when I return. Have a present couple weeks!SeanLet's take a long, deep breath.—————————Allow your body to relax.—————————Allow your shoulders to fall toward the ground.—————————Feel life and be life for a while.—————————Listen to life with 100% of your attention.—————————————Listen.—————————Notice your body shift into presence.————————————Take a deep dive into presence with me.——————————————————————————————————Feel all the stress, anxiety — future worry and past worry — fade away with another deep breath.Presence melts it all away.——————————————Can you feel that?——————————————If you get distracted, when you notice, shift all your attention back to listening, feeling, seeing again.————————————————————————————Perfect. Feels good, right?I’m beginning two weeks of retreat into a deep consistent experience of presence. I’m so looking forward to it. When was the last time you experienced that feeling of having some time away from your routine coming up?———————————Can you remember what that feeling is like?————————Even if it's not happening in your immediate future, you might think about how to prioritize finding that time for yourself.——————————Time away from your routine can help you step up your presence practice. It can help you follow through with your intention to live as deeply and beautifully and intentionally as you choose.————————————Let's take another long, deep breath. ——————————————Stretch out a little bit.————————————Move your head from side to side.———————————————Stretch your neck in every direction.—————————Let's be together for another 30 seconds in silence, listening to life and recharging together.—————————————————————————————————————————————————————————When you drop into presence you can better hear your next step. It flows through you into the world. ———————————————What are you hearing?—————————————————————————What’s next for you?————————————————————————Could there be a retreat on your horizon?————————————————————Take a final long, deep breath for now. ——————————————————————————————————————————————Nice. I wish you a beautiful next couple weeks. I'll be back here with you with our next Shift when I return.We’ve had over two years of weekly shifting together here. A beautiful trip it’s been.I look forward to sharing the new nuggets of beauty we stumble across during our next two years together.Have a great rest of your day.I'll talk to you soon. Stay present,SeanThe OnePerfect Shift app is free to you if your employer or school subscribes your community.Contact us for a team trial or try it on iPhone or Android today. This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit


Shift Your Future

Take an extra long, deep breath.————————————Relax your shoulders.————————————Allow your arms to fall toward the ground.————————————Life is good.Listen to the ocean crashing in the background.————————————Listen to the beautiful bird squawking away on the tree above.———————————————————Allow your arms to fall toward the ground even more. —————————Sink into this moment with me.—————————————————————Something's happening here. Can you feel it?—————————————There's something going on right now.——————————It's that thing that is always going on.—————————————————It's the flow of life through you that is creating your next moment — your future.If you listen to it with 100% of your attention you can hear what the flow of life is saying to you.What is its message for you?————————————Take another long, deep breath and put all your attention into listening to life for 30 seconds.————————————————————————————————————————————Perfect. What did you hear?——————————————Notice how you feel right now.—————————Perfect.What's exciting you about your life right now?—————————What's that next step that you’re looking forward to?——————————————What do you want to be focused on as a next priority?———————————————What’s the healthiest, most exciting, most personal next step for you?——————————————Listen for 30 seconds more with 100% of your attention. ————————————Listen to life.—————————————————————————————————————————————What did you hear?—————————————————————————Good.Allow whatever you heard to sink in a bit more by listening to life a bit more.—————————————————————————————————————————————Perfect. Perfect. Perfect.Set your intention to lean into your next step in your life. ————————————————————Just shift back into presence by listening to life whenever you need to. ———————————Feel your intention as strong as ever now.——————————————————Perfect.Have a great one.Talk to you soon.Stay present,SeanThe OnePerfect Shift app is free to you if your employer or school subscribes your community.Contact us for a team trial or try it on iPhone or Android today. This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit


Shift How You Feel Right Now

Let's take a long deep breath.—————————Relax your shoulders and your neck and your entire body.Notice the feeling of presence going straight from your deep breath, into your body, and into the tingling buzzing of life that you are.—————————Close your eyes if you want.Sink into chill for a while.—————————————————————Take another deep breath. —————————Nice. Shift how you want to feel.Let’s do that today.———One thing that’s really helpful if you're going to do a Shift, and also to help you get better at shifting in general is: At the beginning of your Shift, precisely describe for yourself the state of mind that you want to find yourself in five minutes from now.Describe to yourself the state you’re expecting to shift into clearly and intentionally.—————— I like the idea of defining your own states — rather than choosing from a list of mind state descriptions provided by someone else. When you define your own states for yourself they become more meaningful to you because you associate a translation of one of your emotional states in your own words, (i.e., ‘my bummed out state’), with an actual feeling experience that you’ve had repetitively.Surely you don’t encounter that feeling state all day, every day. Maybe you just drop into it once a day, or a few times a day — or weekly. However frequently a particular state arises for you, after you define what the state feels like by naming it you'll get quicker at shifting yourself into or out of it, on demand.Obviously, ‘my bummed out state’ is an example of a negative state. When you’re choosing a state you're going to shift into, you’ll usually want to select a positive state.For example, you could say to yourself: ‘I want to shift into feeling completely dialed into what I’m working on next today.’ Or maybe, ‘I want to be completely relaxed or loving right now.’ Or, ‘I want to be fully present right now.’Those are examples of positively-toned state descriptions. If you want to, you can get even more specific than that about the state you intend to embody today.Take another long deep breath.————— ———— ———— How would you define the state that you want to embody by the end of this Shift?It’s probably somewhere on the spectrum from ‘relaxed and loving to motivated and engaged.’ Choose a desired state for yourself now. ————— ————— Now that you've set an intention for yourself, and I've chosen mine, let's intend ourselves into our chosen state during the next minute or two of silence.Again, close your eyes if you want to just listen as you begin to see yourself in your chosen state. For example, if you want to do something for the next hour, you should focus on seeing a scene of that activity in your inner world — see yourself becoming immersed in the scene into the state you selected.Let’s begin our state shifts by letting our minds completely clear for the next 30 seconds. Then, we’ll invite ourselves into the state we want to find our way into. Sound good?Take another long deep breath. ——————Relax into your space even more. ——————Allow your shoulders to fall toward the ground. ——————Just listen to life with all your attention for the next 30 seconds.———————— ————— ————— ————— If you get distracted, reset 100% of your intention to focus 100% of your attention into listening to sounds that you wouldn't hear otherwise. ————— ————— ————— Listen through your body to the buzzing of your life————— ————— ————— Nice. Feel yourself shifting into presence.———————— ————— Sit in complete silence for 10 or 20 seconds more.—————————————— ————— Take note of any shift to your state that is occurring or that has occurred already. —————————————Notice how presence feels to you today.———————— ————— ————— ————— And now… bring fully to mind the state you’ve intended to shift into today.————— Conjure your chosen state definition in your inner world now.————— ———————Fill your inner world up with a clear imagination of your desired state for the next 30 seconds.————— ————— ——— ——— ——— Good. Keep feeling it.————— ————— ——————————————See it occurring in your inner world now too.————— ———————————— Are there any associations with your chosen state that you can connect to in the physical world?————— ————— Are you intending to interact with someone or something today after you've fully embodied your selected state of mind and body?————— ————— ——— ——— See your state even more clearly now.————— ————— ——— ——— Feel it even more clearly now.——————————— Nice job!We did it.It took five minutes to shift to a very different, intentional state of being.Open your eyes when you're ready. Enjoy your chosen state.Have a great rest of your day.I’ll talk to you soon.Stay present, SeanThe OnePerfect Shift app is free to you if your employer or school subscribes your community.Contact us for a team trial or try it on iPhone or Android today. This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit


Shift To Power Up (1)

Okay, here's a good Power Up.If you're listening to this, it's likely that you've been exposed by now to the lessons of the great master teachers.The teachers who teach about being present and about how to make changes.But still, with all those master’s gold mines of information out there, all the great writers and great teachers, I've so often heard:“I understand the books and I understand the teachers and they resonate with me, but the changes I make, they don't stick. They don't stay with me. A few days or a few weeks after I've learned or practiced something new, the learning seems to fade and my behavior returns to what it was before.”So, how do we address this?Take a long, deep breath.Reconnect with this moment.—————————The moment we're sharing together.———————————————Just be here for a little while.———————————————Allow your physiology to come back to a baseline of peace.———————————————Just chill.——————————Listen to life with 100% of your attention. ———————The truth is, we know exactly how to change.We know how change occurs on a cellular level inside your brain, in your nerve cells — your neurons.When your neurons change in certain ways, your behaviors in the world have to change, and your experience of life has to change.That's why the enduring philosophy of the master teachers has now become the biology lessons of the world's best scientists.And that means a process can be applied to make the changes you want to make.It also means that it doesn't happen overnight.It turns out that we humans all change in a similar way.The process requires a bit of time, a bit of repetition, and a lot of listening to ourselves, observing ourselves, shifting our intentions — in a word, ‘meditating’ for a while — practicing shifting into presence.That's the fastest route we know for emotional change.If you do it for a while, the changes that you make will stick.The changes you intend through your imagination will begin to anchor into the actual cells of your body.Over time, they become reliably reproduced in your life.That's what meditation does.That’s what shifting does.That's why I repeat mantras like… Take a long deep breath.———————And another. ————————————————Return your attention to the present moment over and over.————————————Allow background thoughts to fade away.————————————Connect here and now, without interruption.————————————Sit still with me. ————————————Just listen to life.————————————Notice any thoughts that are arising.————————————————————————Notice whatever comes into your awareness.————————————————Notice.————————And, let it go.Let's do that together for a little while longer.Listen…——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————Good.If you continue to return to listening, after a while you won't have to struggle to remember to apply the wisdom you connect to when you meditate — the wisdom of the masters.Once you build the habit of listening into your life, you become the wisdom.The habit becomes second nature as you begin to embody the wisdom over time — through practice.So let's take one more long, deep breath together for now.———————————————————————————Dropping more deeply into this moment.—————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————Good!Have a great day.I’ll talk to you soon.Stay present,SeanThe OnePerfect Shift app is free to you if your employer or school subscribes your community.Contact us for a team trial or try it on iPhone or Android today. This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit


Shift A Core Priority

Let's take a long deep breath. ———Come into the present moment.———Listening to life with all your attention.———Trusting that if you simply listen to life with all your attention, and I mean the full 100% of your attention, you’ll drop further into a sense of presence. ———Each time some attention fades away from your intention to listen, redirect your attention back and just keep listening untill you get to feeling like you're putting 100% of your attention into listening. ——————Listen with your ears. ——————Listen with your body. —————————Just being, for a little while. ——————Take a deep breath and listen.————————————————————————Feel presence.—————————————————————————Feel gratitude come into your inner world as presence comes into your inner world.Rather, I probably should say, ‘Feel gratitude come into your inner world as the distractions that sit on top of, and obscure, and disguise, and hide presence fade away,’ because presence is always there, after all.Be presence for a while longer with me.—————————————————Merge into presence anytime, by listening.—————————————————Then, take note of your subtle ( or maybe massive :) shift into presence.———————————Feel the shift?———————Nice. I thought to jump on and shift with you today because today’s Shift idea reminded me of why I moved to a very small mountain valley beach hut in California a little more than 8 years ago. I’ve been living there in a tiny, tiny space ever since. I thought that living sparsely surrounded by nature’s beauty was a beautiful idea. I’ve loved doing it.But the real motivation for my move to the hut was a recognition that I truly wanted to prioritize coming into presence by listening to life as consistently as possible — as we do when we shift together. I felt that if I didn't prioritize that intention, I wouldn't be able to make massive progress with building that habit into my life, or improve at helping others learn how to shift, because I can be fairly distractible — particularly back then. Being distractible makes it even more difficult to prioritize a non-concrete objective like living in presence — living in this moment — returning to this moment each time you get distracted from your intention.My move to the hut led to an incredible personal journey. I’ve loved it.What provoked me to share that bit of a story today was recognizing that today’s Shift also flows out of the same intention. And that same intention drives what we do here at OnePerfect with Shift Therapy® and OnePerfect Shift, including our personalized shifting apps ( iPhone | Android ). Everything we do here is driven by the exact same intention that compelled me to move to a little beach hut in the mountains to prioritize presence...To master shifting back to presence whenever you need to.The tools that we're developing and sharing, like Shifts — and the different ways we now offer to engage with a Shift — are getting better and better. I'm so inspired to have found that not only can we each make choices in our outer lives in support of prioritizing living in presence — from choosing where you live, to the kind of work you do, to how you structure your day, to the people that you surround yourself with, to your wellness practice, to the habits that you build into your life, to how you love — all of those things contribute to your ability to come more fully into presence more often. AND… targeted and ever-improving digital tools are also now available for you to layer on top of your lifestyle choices to amplify your chances of getting better and better at shifting into presence — to strengthen your shifting muscle and master the skill. We keep getting better at sharing smarter and more effective tools and strategies with you. We’ll keep at it.The core intention always remains — learn and prioritize the practice of coming into presence.Presence is where you find peace.When you know you can find peace, a lot changes about your life.Especially in those moments that get tough. You can come to know that you have this strategy to return yourself to peace in order to take that next step to cope with whatever it is that is feeling very tough emotionally, and or, physically in any given moment. That's what we're doing together here.I see developing that intention as the most powerful thing each of us can focus on in our lives.Meanwhile, we are also a community, so I like to share what we're doing and why we're excited about it to give everyone an opportunity to jump in. I'm glad you're doing exactly that right now by reading, and or, listening, and perhaps sharing this Shift… If you want to take another step of engagement, try everything out and email me. Let me know what you think, or what you’d like to see more of. What might help support your presence practice? Let’s take one more long, deep breath together now and come into the present moment by listening to life fully again.———————————————————Nice.Perfect.Feel that Shift.—————Maybe also think about one thing you can do today to improve your strategy, your structure, and your prioritization of coming into presence.What’s one thing that you could do for yourself?Maybe set an alarm, or a reminder to shift each day first thing in the morning, with your coffee maybe?That's what I do.When I do, life is very good.Like right now, today.Do you have a little step that you can take to affirm your commitment to return to presence and aid you in shifting a core priority?If so, write it down where you’ll see it regularly.And have a great rest of your day.I'll talk to you soon.Stay present,SeanThe OnePerfect Shift app is free to you if your employer or school subscribes your community.Contact us for a team trial or try it on iPhone or Android today. This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit


Shift Into Fearlessness

Hello, again!Let's take a long deep breath…and exhale.———As your body releases tension, settle into comfort — knowing that we have good days sometimes and bad days other times, and great days when we feel connected to purpose.Life feels meaningful and connected because it is — when you discover yourself within the universal story.Paulo Coelho tells us, “To realize one's destiny is a person's only obligation”. You can live the life you're here to live, knowing that inevitable stress will arise and difficult days will come — if you also know that you can always relax and reconnect to yourself in the midst of living out your destiny, without resistance, by just listening.—————————Allow your shoulders to fall toward the ground and your neck to relax.—————————Relax your arms.——————Listen with 100% of you attention.————————Notice your body shift toward peace.———————Good.Is there anything that's not objectively scary but still kind of terrifies you?Maybe it's saying ‘no’ to someone who's pressuring you.Maybe it’s making a speech in public. That's it for a lot of people.Maybe it’s allowing yourself to be vulnerable.Just putting yourself out there can be terrifying for some people, even if it's not objectively scary.How about honestly speaking your truth to some particular person in your life?Maybe for you it’s just sitting quietly alone in this moment.If there is something in particular for you, and you'd like to be fearless through it, whatever ‘it’ is, the fear needs to be confronted. Just thinking that you'll face it differently next time, is the best way to ensure you'll repeat that same emotional cycle again later.If you ever want to move through it, now is the time to plan for the next time your fear arises.Take another long, deep breath.—————————Relax.—————————Come fully into the space you're sitting even more intentionally now.—————————Whenever anxiety arises, even a little bit, always return to this moment by bringing your full attention to listening, here and now.——————————Good.Now, ask yourself: What fear do you need to confront so that the next time you’re faced with it you’ll have confidence that you can face it head on?What is that next fear for you to overcome?The patterns of our arising fears repeat over and over again.So, you have to actively make the decision about whether you want to confront it.You'll have to face it consistently.When you decide to make a different choice like we're going to do today, you'll begin to have a different outcome.It can be scary. But, it's a choice.Take another deep breath.———————————A great way to motivate yourself to address an old fear in a new way is to ask yourself, what's the most important thing that will happen when you confront the fear successfully?One answer I can assure you of is that you'll have a different physiological body afterwards.Your body's reaction will change when you face the fear because you will have given your body and your brain a new experience, which means they're required to produce a different future for you.You’ll have walked into what you saw as a fire in your body, and you will have come through it.So, your body will know that the fire is not what you thought it was and a new body state will begin to arise to respond differently next time the fear begins to arise.That's growth.Take another deep breath with me.——————Now, bravely invite into your mind and body the next fear that you feel you need to confront.What is it?——————Have you identified it?——————When you’ve got it, make a sincere commitment not to turn away the next time it arises. Fully commit to confronting it.——————Invite it to arise a little bit more right now — so you can connect to the feared feeling state a little bit.————As you sense the stress arising, make a sincere commitment to facing that feeling the next time it arises in your life uninvited. ——————Have you committed to facing it?Good.Here's how you can amplify your commitment.Answer this question: What will happen for you when you confront the fear — when you stand up to this false demon?I want you to recognize the benefits of standing up to this fear.How will your life change for the better?——————Can you see or feel what life might be like when you don’t have this fear hanging over your head?—————Your answer to that question is your motivation to face your fear. ———Got it? Good.I'll leave this with you… If you make a practice of stepping toward fear each time it arises, instead of turning away from it, you'll get better and better at facing it — until you've mastered a new part of your life.Then, you'll feel ready to take on the next challenge your life offers.You will have seen that conquering fear feels amazing. That opens up your path to moving forward in your life fearlessly.So commit to stepping toward fear to let it go.You can do this!Good luck.Good job listening for and hearing a fear provoking story you're telling yourself — and experiencing aspects of the story that is creating your life of tomorrow.Some days will have a greater sense of fearlessness pervading the background of your awareness, and a greater sense of being meaningful.Getting to that place of fearlessness is different for everyone.For each of us though, it's essential to learn how to face fear in order learn how let it go.Facing fear is how you discover what works to shift yourself into a state of mind and body that is connected to your purpose.Face whatever you're resisting in any moment. Then, take a long deep breath and let it go.Have a great day.I’ll talk to you soon.Stay present,SeanP.S. Personalize a Shift in OnePerfect Shift iPhone or Android app anytime. This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit


A Shift Before Important Events

Take a walk with me, if you have a few minutes.Hello! I took a walk while recording this Shift. Apologies for the audio buzz from the wind on this recording. We’ll get it cleaned up.For now, please enjoy this live cut with me.Stay present,Sean P.S. - Time is running low to invest in Shift Therapy®.Let’s take a long, deep breath.———Feel yourself slowly shifting into a more relaxed state with one long, deep breath. ——————Maybe take another deep breath now.—————————Nice. When I have what I think of as an ‘important upcoming event,’ my mind often starts going a little bit faster — into a new gear — to prepare. Does that happen to you too?It can be good and bad, right?The good is the intensity is there. That accelerated emotional and psychological space tends to surface things that are important for that particular ‘important’ endeavor.That tends to be the case for all of us.The downside is that your thinking can get in the way.It can also provoke anxiety when your mind races about something that you think of as important to you.So today I wanted to talk about how you find that sweet spot that allows you to get amped up to prepare in a way that's effective, while not getting in your own way. And, when you do start to sense yourself getting in your own way you can have a strategy that you can rely on 100% to bring you back to where you need to be… presence.Let's take another long, deep breath.——————And just listen to life.——————Drop into presence more deeply with me for 20 seconds or so just listening with 100% of your attention.What are those sounds you hear right now that you otherwise wouldn't hear?—————————Notice the shift continuing — into presence.————————————What do you hear?————————————Perfect.Through that listening exercise, I hoped to illustrate the main point and strategy that I wanted to share today.This strategy works for me and I think it works universally if you learn to apply it in your own life: That is, understanding that your rapid thinking is what tends to get in the way of your ability to listen.When you're rapidly thinking, and it's not based on having listened closely to what you’re hearing in your inner world and in the outer world, you’re not allowing your mind to fully engage in that moment.When you stop listening, your rapid thinking can quickly turn into emotional distraction. One of the forms of emotional distraction can be stress, anxiety.I’m talking about the importance of fully recognizing that your life experience flows through you in every moment.You life flows through your 30 trillion cells, and then it flows into your inner world —including into your mental experience. So, being able to listen and hear that activity needs to be a higher priority to you than dictating what the present moment is, i.e,…You can't tell 30 trillion interacting cells what they ‘should’ be saying.You need to listen to hear what they are saying — and follow their lead.When you’re doing that, that's your sweet spot.That's your flow.That's your zone.That's when life gets very free and very good — and also oftentimes accelerates you into a new level of confidence and performance, because you've removed all the friction in your inner world. By listening fully, you remove the friction that gets paradoxically generated from trying too hard by from thinking too much — from the cycle of thinking too much that can occur when stress and fear arise — because you're not fully listening in the present moment.Listening is an act of trust and curiosity.It's saying: I believe, I understand, I know that if I listen, to myself, to life, that my unique purpose, which I know is flowing through me each moment, will be facilitated through the act of listening with all my attention.If you've done a bunch of Shifts, you know that you can listen with your ears and you can also listen with your other ‘portals of presence.’The more portals of presence that you're listening through, the more deeply you might embody the lessons of any given moment.Let’s listen to life together as we feel air on our skin now.Close your eyes if you want — if you're sitting still. Allow yourself to feel that body buzz that you can pick up after you've noticed the feeling of air brushing against your skin. ———Deepen the listening with your body by listening to your body and to the outer world at the same time.——————As you shift, notice if some gratitude arises as presence emerges.————————————Nice. That was a perfect quick Shift into presence. Thank you for shifting with me.Have a great rest of your day!Set your intention to stay present with whatever is next for you today.————————————Feel that intention anchoring in your body now.—————————Can you feel the intention anchored in your inner world?————————————Perfect.I'll talk to you soon.Stay present.SeanPS — Only ~10 Days left to invest in Shift Therapy®.Personalize your next Shift in the app anytime.iPhone | AndroidIf you like Shifts, give them to a team you love.It takes ~1 minute to request a team trial. This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit


Shift When You Don't Feel Like Shifting

You know when the best time to Shift is?When you don't feel like it.When you're in a place that you're not feeling like taking care of yourself as well as you could.When you don't feel great, you often won't really want to do anything about it. That's the moment that should be the trigger to do a Shift.That's how I was feeling today — just now, actually.So I’m heading out for a little walk to shift my mind and body with you.Take a long, deep breath.—————————Set the very specific intention to bring yourself into the present moment — into presence — for the next few minutes.—————————Recharge.——————Allow your whole body to relax. —————————Allow your shoulders to fall towards the ground. —————————Allow your arms to fall towards the ground. ————————————If you're walking like I am, relax into each step.————————————Commit to enjoying the next few minutes of peace and presence.—————————Nice.Let's listen to life together now.There's some ocean sounds in the background where I am.If you listen closely you might hear it.Let's go 20 seconds with 100% of our attention focused on listening to life.————————————As you listen, notice whether you shift a little bit. —————————Notice if you come into a deeper sense of presence. —————————Notice if whatever it was that was bringing you down before — whether it was the thoughts running through your mind, or just a little bit of tiredness — notice whether how you’re feeling shifts a little bit as you listen.—————————Let’s listen for another 20 seconds.Just listening with 100% of your attention——————————————————Perfect.Feel that?Feel any different?Feel a bit of a shift?It always helps to take a few long, deep breaths and set the intention to be present for a little while.You can allow yourself to be focused on any of your portals of presence anytime.Let's feel the air on our skin together now, as we keep listening to life for 20 seconds more.100% of your attention listening and feeling that air on your skin now.————————————Again, feel yourself shifting into presence.————————————It doesn't have to take much time or effort — especially when you're not doing great.Just take a little dive into the present moment. Especially if you're not doing great, you'll often quickly get a bit of a shift into a better place — if not a big shift.————————————If you start that way — by coming into presence. Then, after you shift a bit, set an intention to focus on whatever you want to be focused on for the next hour or so. What will you be doing to keep bringing yourself back into a good state of mind — a state of mind you want to be in?——————What will make you feel engaged, motivated, or perhaps at peace with a nice quiet mind for the next hour?—————————Whatever is next for you today, bring it into your awareness and intend to engage with it fully — for the next hour or so.—————————Can you feel your intention to fully engage being set inside you?—————————Nice. Have a great rest of your day.Stay present.I'll talk to you soon.SeanP.S. Learn about Shift Therapy®Personalize your next Shift in the app anytime.iPhone | AndroidIf you like Shifts, give them to a team you love.It takes ~1 minute to request a team trial. This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit


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