SISTERHOOD OF SWEAT - Motivation, Inspiration, Health, Wealth, Fitness, Authenticity, Confidence and Empowerment

Welcome to the Sisterhood of S.W.E.A.T where we will approach the difficult topics of life, have inspiring guests, and bring empowerment to all. This community is a place where we can be who we are instead of who others want us to be.

Ep 619: Let it Rip Friday; Show Up Unapologetically

On this week's Let It Rip friday, we're showing up unapologetically and owning who we are!


Ep 618 - Why Weight Loss is Much More Complicated Than Calories In and Out with Dr Ashley Lucas

Are you interested in weight loss?  Have you been struggling with counting calories?  In this episode, we dive into the science behind weight loss. Today, I talk with Dr. Ashley Lucas. She holds a Ph.D. in Sports nutrition and chronic disease and is also a Registered Dietitian (RD). Following 15+ years of research and clinical practice, Dr. Lucas developed PHD’s science-based approach that revolutionized the science of weight loss. Her approach focuses on metabolic wellness, inflammation reduction, and behavioral/emotional support that creates profound sustainable transformation in the body and mind.  She joins us to discuss her approach to weight loss, as well as the dangers of restrictive dieting. We dive into many of the weight loss secrets that Dr. Ashley knows, and the first steps to a sustainable weight loss experience.   Questions I asked: Where are you from? Where are you currently living? What are the secrets to weight loss, and are they really secret? How did you get into weight loss? Did you go through an identity crisis? Why do you say weight gain isn’t our fault? What do we do to fix weight loss? What goes into successful weight loss? Can you tell us about the yo-yo phenomenon? Why is nutrition more than calories in and calories out? What kind of holistic approach did you take to help your clients lose weight? What can we do to get rid of cravings? Why is exercising not a great weight loss tool? How much do you think stress impacts people’s weight loss? What is one of your favorite client success stories? What are a few tips for everyone on their own transition? Where can everyone get your book, and get in touch with you? Topics Discussed: A holistic approach to weight loss. Recovery process. Stress and weight loss. Exercise isn’t a great weight-loss tool. Getting rid of cravings. Emotions with weight loss. The smarter way to weight loss. Eating timing. Mental approach to weight loss. Quotes from the show: “We’ve been told for so long weight gain is our fault. I don’t believe that.” @PHD_WeightLoss @SisterhoodSweat “We have triggers in our life that change the way we tolerate food.” @PHD_WeightLoss @SisterhoodSweat “I had discipline, and calories in and calories out wasn’t working for me, and it didn’t seem to work for others.” @PHD_WeightLoss @SisterhoodSweat “The risk of re-gaining weight is 90%.” @PHD_WeightLoss @SisterhoodSweat “It’s not just the nutrition, or the science of when to eat, but 80% come from the mind.” @PHD_WeightLoss @SisterhoodSweat “Weight loss is an addiction recovery process.” @PHD_WeightLoss @SisterhoodSweat How you can stay in touch with Dr. Ashley: Website Twitter Facebook – PhD Weight Loss Instagram Ultimate Weight Loss Secrets PDF LinkedIn How you can stay in touch with Linda: Website Facebook Twitter Instagram Pinterest YouTube SoundCloud   "Proud Sponsors of the Sisterhood of S.W.E.A.T" Essential Formulas


Ep 642: Motivation Monday: 14 Ways To Tell If A Guy/Girl Likes You

On this week's Motivation Monday, we're discussing what to look for in someone who truly likes you.   Research:


Ep 641: Let It Rip Friday: 365 Days To Lose Your Fear

On this week's Let It Rip Friday, we're discussing how to overcome fear.


Ep 640: Wake Up With The Chickens and Jumpstart Your Day with Farm Fitness with Amanda Nigg

Are you interested in a more natural way of living?  Have you been overwhelmed with all the fitness trends? In this episode I talk with Amanda Nigg. Amanda shared her journey of personal adversity and resilience, and how she used that experience to create a holistic wellness business. We discuss how to overcome hurdles, and why mental health is a priority. She discussed the mental health struggles she faced and how she overcame them. Amanda pivoted her career to create Farm Fit Mama, which focuses on quick and effective workouts as well as nutrition education. We discussed developing resilience after trauma, prioritizing mental health, simplifying life priorities, and debunking common fitness myths.   Questions I asked: ·      Can you give us your backstory? ·      What did you discovery from your loss? ·      How did you end up starting your business? ·      How does fitness relate to confidence? ·      How can we simplify our fitness? ·      What is Farm Fitness? ·      Why is nutrition so important? ·      Where can people find you online?   Topics Discussed: ·      Personal adversity and loss ·      Developing resilience ·      Overcoming mental health struggles ·      Pivoting in your career ·      Starting a business. ·      The importance of nutrients and nutrition. ·      Prioritizing mental health as part of holistic wellness   Quotes from the show: ·      “I remember lying in bed [after the house fire] cuz I didn't want to get out of bed, I didn't want to face people, I didn't want to talk to anybody, not even my kids.” @Farmfitmomma @SisterhoodSweat ·      “I started sharing online. I switched my handle to farm fit mama because everybody was questions are like what are you doing? Whose program are you doing? What are you doing for nutrition?” @Farmfitmomma @SisterhoodSweat ·      “I think I really discovered how resilient I actually was. I didn't realize like I could bounce back from something like a house fire.” @Farmfitmomma @SisterhoodSweat ·      “I wouldn't have my business today, if it wasn't for that sign. I have really taken a whole different level on my purpose and passion.” @Farmfitmomma @SisterhoodSweat   How you can stay in touch with Amanda: · · · · · ·     How you can stay in touch with Linda: Website Facebook Twitter Instagram Pinterest YouTube SoundCloud   "Proud Sponsors of the Sisterhood of S.W.E.A.T"  Essential Formulas


Ep 637: How To Heal the Body Naturally with Andrea Beaman

Are you interested in your thyroid health?  Have you been worried menopause belly?  In this episode we dive into how important our liver and thyroid are to our overall health, and how important it is to focus on your everything, instead of hoping for one thing, and a simple quick fix. In this episode I talk with Andrea Beaman, a Natural Foods Chef, health educator, thyroid expert, holistic health coach and herbalist, dedicated to alternative healing, and sustainable eating and living. Andrea’s past episodes have been some of the most listened to, and this will be no exception. Andrea and her husband both healed themselves naturally and she shares her story, and how she boosted her immune system and healed herself of a thyroid disease. Questions I asked: ·      Still going strong at 65, what’s your secret? ·      Why is nutrition so important? ·      What are some other good tips for people today that are really wanting to make changes in their health? ·      What are some ways and some tips and, and things that people can do if they're just sluggish and tired all the time? ·      You healed yourself naturally. Is that correct? ·      Is it worth it to try a natural path before medicine?   Topics Discussed: - Menopause and body comfort - Holistic health and nutrition - Toxicity in people, food and media - Self-improvement and personal growth - Censorship, immunity and truth - Freedom of speech and its importance - Thyroid health and adrenal fatigue - Healthy living and medication side effects - Fasting and gut health during menopause - Gut health and its impact on mental clarity   Quotes from the show: “It had more to do with my gut, instead of my thyroid.” @andreabeaman @SisterhoodSweat “We’re damaging our livers in so many ways in the modern world.” @andreabeaman @SisterhoodSweat “The vitamin C will help, but what else are you doing?” @andreabeaman @SisterhoodSweat “Do something that going to nourish you, instead of kill you. Stress is the #1 killer.” @andreabeaman @SisterhoodSweat   How you can stay in touch with Andrea: Andrea’s Books: Andrea’s Courses: Thyroid Myths: Health is Wealth Community:   Products Linda Mentioned: GI Revive - Healing The Gut Adrenotone Adrenal Complex - Nourishing The Thyroid     How you can stay in touch with Linda: Website Facebook Twitter Instagram Pinterest YouTube SoundCloud   "Proud Sponsors of the Sisterhood of S.W.E.A.T" Essential Formulas


Ep 636: Let It Rip Friday: 5 Approval Seeking Behaviors To Stop

On this week's Let It Rip Friday, we're discussing approval behaviors that need to stop to be successful.


Ep 635: Let It Rip Friday: Look For The Green Flags in People

On this week's Let It Rip Friday, we're discussing green flags for people.


Ep 634: Why Put Poison In Your Temple? with Dr. Tom O'Bryan - Part 2

Are you interested in a more natural way of living?  Have you been worried about the quality of your food? In this episode I talk with Dr. Tom O'Brien, a renowned expert in environmental medicine and gut health. He shared his extensive knowledge on these topics with the host. They discussed how toxins can impact children's development and strategies for lowering toxin levels at home. A key focus was inflammation as the root of major diseases and reversing autoimmune conditions through diet. Dr. O'Brien also explained recent research linking conditions like multiple sclerosis and leaky gut. Listeners learned about supporting gut health with fermented foods and houseplants' ability to filter indoor air. The interview covered complex scientific concepts in an accessible way while emphasizing small lifestyle tweaks can make meaningful impacts on long-term wellness. It provided a wealth of practical tips and food for thought around preventing illness through toxin reduction.   Questions I asked: ·      Why are you so passionate about this? ·      How could I fortify it? How could I reverse inflammation? ·      What are some strategies for everybody out there to help reduce the environmental toxins that they have at home? ·      Is Greek yogurt okay to eat if someone has dairy sensitivity? ·      How does gluten really impact health and what does the latest research say? ·      What are houseplants removing from indoor air and how does this help reduce toxins? ·      How young are you for the audience today? ·      Which fermented foods are recommended to support gut and overall health? ·      Where can people find you online?   Topics Discussed: - Toxins and their impact on children's health and development - Gut health and the microbiome - Reversing autoimmune disease through diet changes like going gluten-free - Inflammation as the root cause of chronic disease - Strategies for reducing environmental toxins at home - The role of leaky gut in disease development - The connection between gut health and overall well-being - Cancer prevention through reducing toxic chemical exposure - Taking small steps to improve health over time through lifestyle changes   Quotes from the show: ·      "When your immune system gets activated, and it's producing too much inflammation, the million dollar question is what is my immune system trying to protect me from?” @TheDR_com @SisterhoodSweat ·      "Inflammation is not bad for you. It saves your life every single day. It's essential to survival on the planet, in excess inflammation is bad for you."@TheDR_com @SisterhoodSweat ·      “Women are more attuned to the aging process then men are.” @TheDR_com @SisterhoodSweat   How you can stay in touch with Dr.Tom · · · · · ·  How you can stay in touch with Linda: Website Facebook Twitter Instagram Pinterest YouTube SoundCloud   "Proud Sponsors of the Sisterhood of S.W.E.A.T" Essential Formulas


Ep 633: Motivation Monday: Find Confirmation On Your Path.

On this week's motivation monday, we're discussing how you need to trust first and then you'll find confirmation your on the right path.


Ep 631: Why Put Poison In Your Temple? with Dr. Tom O'Bryan - Part 1

Are you interested in a more natural way of living?  Have you been worried about the quality of your food? In this episode I talk with Dr. Tom O'Brien, a renowned expert in environmental medicine and gut health. He shared his extensive knowledge on these topics with the host. They discussed how toxins can impact children's development and strategies for lowering toxin levels at home. A key focus was inflammation as the root of major diseases and reversing autoimmune conditions through diet. Dr. O'Brien also explained recent research linking conditions like multiple sclerosis and leaky gut. Listeners learned about supporting gut health with fermented foods and houseplants' ability to filter indoor air. The interview covered complex scientific concepts in an accessible way while emphasizing small lifestyle tweaks can make meaningful impacts on long-term wellness. It provided a wealth of practical tips and food for thought around preventing illness through toxin reduction.   Questions I asked: ·      Why are you so passionate about this? ·      How could I fortify it? How could I reverse inflammation? ·      What are some strategies for everybody out there to help reduce the environmental toxins that they have at home? ·      Is Greek yogurt okay to eat if someone has dairy sensitivity? ·      How does gluten really impact health and what does the latest research say? ·      What are houseplants removing from indoor air and how does this help reduce toxins? ·      How young are you for the audience today? ·      Which fermented foods are recommended to support gut and overall health? ·      Where can people find you online?   Topics Discussed: - Toxins and their impact on children's health and development - Gut health and the microbiome - Reversing autoimmune disease through diet changes like going gluten-free - Inflammation as the root cause of chronic disease - Strategies for reducing environmental toxins at home - The role of leaky gut in disease development - The connection between gut health and overall well-being - Cancer prevention through reducing toxic chemical exposure - Taking small steps to improve health over time through lifestyle changes   Quotes from the show: ·      "When your immune system gets activated, and it's producing too much inflammation, the million dollar question is what is my immune system trying to protect me from?” @TheDR_com @SisterhoodSweat ·      "Inflammation is not bad for you. It saves your life every single day. It's essential to survival on the planet, in excess inflammation is bad for you."@TheDR_com @SisterhoodSweat ·      “Women are more attuned to the aging process then men are.” @TheDR_com @SisterhoodSweat   How you can stay in touch with Dr.Tom · · · · · ·  How you can stay in touch with Linda: Website Facebook Twitter Instagram Pinterest YouTube SoundCloud   "Proud Sponsors of the Sisterhood of S.W.E.A.T" Essential Formulas


Ep 630: Motivation Monday: Be The Light

On this week's motivation monday, we're discussing how you can be the light.


Ep 629: Let It Rip Friday: Calm in the storm

On this week's Let It Rip Friday, we're discussing how to find the calm in life's storms.


Ep 628: Recognizing the Cycle of Ruptured Mother-Daughter Relationships with Kiara Croswaite Brindle

Are you interested in healing your past? In this episode I talk with Khara Croswaite Brindle is a licensed mental health therapist in private practice in in Denver, Colorado. She holds various roles, including financial therapist, TEDx Speaker, burnout consultant, author, and professor. Her new book is Understanding Ruptured Mother-Daughter Relationships: Guiding the Adult Daughter’s Healing Journey through the Estrangement Energy Cycle. She discussed the common stages and experiences of estrangement, including questioning the relationship, confronting the parent, and potentially experiencing a rupture. She explained how estrangement is a difficult process rather than an impulsive decision. The interviewees also shared personal stories of struggling to gain approval from their mothers and dealing with the lasting impacts. Overall, the episode provided validation for adult daughters experiencing estrangement and explored how to heal from a damaged mother-daughter relationship.   Questions I asked: ·      What brought you into talking about Mother Daughter estrangement as a topic? ·      What would you say some people's assumptions about estrangement need to be dispelled? ·      What separates these stages in the parental estrangement experience? ·      What would you say, separates these stages in the parental estrangement experience? ·      What would you speak to women today that have gone through something like abandonment by their mother to help them understand their value? ·      What are the social stigmas attached to this mother daughter estrangement? ·      What would you say the social stigmas are attached to this mother daughter estrangement? ·      What assumptions about estrangement need to be dispelled? ·      Where can people find you online?   Topics Discussed: ·      Validation ·      Healing ·      Community ·      Growth ·      Hope ·      Motherhood   Quotes from the show: ·      "Most of the people I work with are women of all different backgrounds, you know, all the way from like 19 years old to like 65 and there seemed to be this pattern that they all had a different, contentious relationship with mom, but they were just trying to heal or fix or make better." @KharaCroswaiteBrindle @SisterhoodSweat ·      “This book felt like a love letter to adult daughters who didn't feel seen.” @KharaCroswaiteBrindle @SisterhoodSweat ·      “I would say pick up the book and read these nine women's stories that might also bring some heart into it” @KharaCroswaiteBrindle @SisterhoodSweat ·      “There's hope there's, you know, there's a possibility that I'm not going to be in this feeling forever.” @KharaCroswaiteBrindle @SisterhoodSweat     How you can stay in touch with Khara Croswaite Brindle: · ·       The Burden of Busyness ·      Schedule with me for a Professional Consultation or Discovery Call ·      Am I a Perfectioneur? A Quiz! ·      Grow Your Business with Perfectioneur Pointers ·      Ready for the Perfectioneur Workbook? ·      Join the Perfectioneur community!     How you can stay in touch with Linda: Website Facebook Twitter Instagram Pinterest YouTube SoundCloud   "Proud Sponsors of the Sisterhood of S.W.E.A.T" Essential Formulas


Ep 627: Let It Rip Friday: Personal Power Is Our Responsibility

On this week's let it rip Friday, we're discussing personal power.


Ep 626: Motivation Monday: Compromise When It's Right

On this week's motivation monday, we're discussing compromise and making sure to keep what you want in mind.


Ep 625: Let It Rip Friday: The Right Place

On this week's Let It Rip Friday, we're discussing being in the right place.


Ep 624: How To Ignite Your Feminine Energy with Sami Wunder

Are you interested in improving your relationship?  Have you been worried about your boundaries?  This episode is perfect for right after Valentine’s Day. Today, I talk with Sami Wunder. She is a leading international dating and relationship expert, specializing in helping high-achieving women find and keep amazing romantic love. Sami prides herself on the incredible results her clients achieve through her soulmate attraction and intimacy-building processes inside romantic relationships. To date, she's helped over 450 + of her clients get engaged, and hundreds more attract happy, committed relationships, with over 90% success rate in marriage. Sami shares with us how to tap into our feminine energy and use that to find love. We also discuss what high-value dating is and setting boundaries. We discuss how to bring the spark back to your relationship.   Questions I asked: ·      What is not to miss in Europe? ·      What was the reason you got into relationships? ·      How can women get out of the control phase? ·      What are ways women can shift into feminine energy? ·      How can we stop over-giving in our relationships? ·      How can we keep our value while dating? ·      How can we avoid our partner controlling us? ·      How can we keep from avoiding issues in dating? ·      What can a lady do to put some sizzle in the relationship for Valentine’s Day? ·      Tell us about your free gifts.   Topics Discussed: ·      Relationships. ·      Dating. ·      Feminine Energy. ·      Masculine Energy. ·      High-Value Dating. ·      Female Empowerment. ·      Acceptance.   Quotes from the show: ·      “I brought too much masculine energy to dating.” @SamiWunder @SisterhoodSweat ·      “You need polarity, the presence of polar energies, feminine and masculine.” @SamiWunder @SisterhoodSweat ·      “You need to use both masculine and feminine energy to succeed.” @SamiWunder @SisterhoodSweat ·      “We need to decide if we can accept our men as who they are.” @SamiWunder @SisterhoodSweat ·      “Why do we keep doing what isn’t working for us?” @SamiWunder @SisterhoodSweat   How you can stay in touch with Sami: ·       Free Gift ·       Website ·       LinkedIn ·       Twitter ·       Facebook ·       Instagram ·       YouTube   How you can stay in touch with Linda: Website Facebook Twitter Instagram Pinterest YouTube SoundCloud   "Proud Sponsors of the Sisterhood of S.W.E.A.T"  Essential Formulas


Ep 623: Motivation Monday: Misconceptions On Marital Roles

On this week's Motivation Monday, we're discussing marital roles.


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