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Author: Lars Schreiber

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Everything Microsoft Power BI!
20 Episodes
Chat with Wyn Hopkins

Chat with Wyn Hopkins


Wyn is a Microsoft MVP, Author, Speaker in the Power BI & Excel space. His goal is to make life easier for people & improving the quality of information for decision makers.
Chat with Mathias Thierbach

Chat with Mathias Thierbach


Mathias is the creator of pbi-tools and a German expat in the UK. His CV is quite exciting: from a philosophy student, to a degree in literature, to a self-taught software developer and business intelligence expert. It was my pleasure to have him on my show. We talked on September 1st 2022.
Chat with Tom Martens

Chat with Tom Martens


Tom is one of the most competent Power BI experts I have had the pleasure to meet. We have known each other for many years and I was very happy that he visited me in my studio for this podcast.
Chat with Nikola Ilic

Chat with Nikola Ilic


Nikola is a data and BI professional with experience from very large data projects. He is a vibrant part of the Power BI Community and just a wonderful human beeing.
Chat with Imke Feldmann

Chat with Imke Feldmann


Imke is a freelance Power BI and especially Power Query expert with many years of experience in controlling and finance.
Chat with Rob Collie

Chat with Rob Collie


Chat with Jeffrey Wang

Chat with Jeffrey Wang


Jeffrey Wang is a Principal Software Engineer Manager at Microsoft. He leads the development of DAX (Data Analysis eXpressions) programming language and query processor with focus on in-memory database engine development. He is known as one of the inventors of the DAX language
Chat with Alberto Ferrari

Chat with Alberto Ferrari


Alberto Ferrari is a Business Intelligence consultant. He is also a speaker in international conferences like European PASS Conference and PASS Summit.
The powerBImap is "The world‘s most comprehensive guide to the Power BI ecosystem" and it - like the whole Power BI platform - constatly growing. I talk with the creators about this offering.
Justyna and I talk about her presentation at the 2020 Gartner Bake-Off Session, the possibilities and limitations of AI and how AI visuals reduce the hurdles for so-called citizen developers. We also talk about her path from her Oxford Master in Politics to an AI position at Microsoft.
Chat with Marco Russo

Chat with Marco Russo


Marco is a business intelligence consultant and mentor. He and Alberto Ferrari run
Matt started building his consulting business back in the PowerPivot days and today has a successful consulting business for Power BI. We talk about critical success factors like network, know-how and the ability to ask for help when your own know-how is not sufficient.
Adam founded Guy in a Cube in 2014, he and Patrick built this great brand and recently cracked the 120,000 subscribers in a niche as small as Power BI. I wanted to know what drives both of them.
IBCS stands for International Business Communication Standard. These are  practical rules for designing reports, presentations, dashboards and the charts and tables they contain. Zebra BI, a software development company based in Ljubljana, Slovenia, designs and programs amazing looking, absolutely reponsive and user-friendly visualizations for Microsoft Power BI and Microsoft Excel. In this Expert's Talk I talk with the founder and CEO of Zebra BI Andrej Lapajne about the principles of IBCS, how your products implement these principles and how this has a positive impact on your customers' work. At the end follows a personal creation story how Zebra BI was founded.
Template Apps in Power BI are a great way to distribute prepackaged dashboards and reports that can be connected to live data sources. In addition template apps give you - as the developer - the opportunity to protect all your intellectual property. Listen to my interview with Reid to learn more about Template Apps in Power BI.
Report design is an important topic, to communicate the essence of your report to it's consumer in a clear way. In this podcast I have the opportunity to interview Miguel Myers from the Power BI Customer Advisory (CAT) team on Designing best practices in Power BI reports. Miguel is a Power BI Designer and Solution Developer based in Toronto, Canada.
Process Mining ist eine Methode, Prozesse in Unternehmen grafisch darzustellen und somit deren Analyse und anschließende Optimierung zu vereinfachen bzw. überhaupt erst zu ermöglichen. In dieser Episode erklären die beiden Process Mining-Experten Ula Jessen und Lucas Schroth was es mit Process Mining im Detail auf sich hat.
Die Power BI-Plattform, als Data Analytics-Plattform ist groß und wächst ständig weiter. Dies ist speziell für Einsteiger schwer zu überblicken. Diese Episode soll daher einen Überblick und damit Orientierung schaffen.
Die Vorläufer der heutigen Power BI-Plattform, erblickten in Excel das Licht der Welt. Ihre Namen: Power Pivot, Power Query, Power View und Power Map (heute 3D-Maps). In dieser Episode erzähle ich ihre Geschichte und erläutere wofür diese Werkzeuge im Einzelnen da sind und auch, wofür sie nicht da sind.
Beim SSBI-PODCAST dreht sich alles um Daten, Business Intelligence, Microsoft Power BI, aber auch Unternehmenskultur und die sich ändernde Rolle des Controllers. Bleib dabei und beteilige Dich gern mit Deinen Fragen an diesem Format. Episode #0 erklärt was Dich als Zuhörer erwartet, welche Motivation hinter dem PODCAST steckt, wo ich doch bereits einen Blog zum Thema habe ( und wie Du auf kommende Podcasts einwirken kannst. Die Shownotes findest Du auf meinem Blog.