Sanity Lounge

<p>Welcome to SANITY LOUNGE, a rhythmic fusion of iconic movies, Baltimore's artistic tapestry, the pulsating world of drumming, and the pursuit of sanity! Join us as we dissect timeless films while tapping into Baltimore's vibrant art and music scene. From exploring the artistry of drumming to discussing what keeps us sane in a hectic world, we harmonize the beats of cinema with the eclectic creativity thriving in our city. Featuring interviews and performances with local drummers, artists, bands, and insightful discussions on the various elements that keep us grounded in a world of art, music, and movies.</p><p>Uncover the vibrant artistic pulse of Baltimore through SANITY LOUNGE, an enthralling podcast in collaboration with Black Dog Audio</p>

#4 - Outcalls

In this lively episode, we explore the musical world of Outcalls, Baltimore's opera queens. Founded by classically trained sopranos Melissa Wimbish and Britt Olsen-Ecker, Outcalls blend their operatic prowess with modern pop sensibilities, creating a sound that is both timeless and contemporary. Their powerful vocals, clever songwriting, and genre-defying performances have earned them a dedicated following and critical acclaim. Learn what it truly means to be classically trained and how these artists are revolutionizing the genre. We'll also dive into a lighthearted discussion on everyone's favorite—and least favorite—condiment. Whether you're a music aficionado or just curious, this episode is packed with insight and fun!


#3 - Tristan Gilbert

In this episode, we sit down with Tristan Gilbert, a dynamic drummer renowned for his versatility and powerful performances across multiple bands in the vibrant Baltimore/Delaware music scene. From his early days discovering rhythm to his current gigs that have him bouncing between genres, Tristan shares his journey and the artistic influences that shaped his sound. We'll dive into his experiences playing with various bands and the creative process behind his music. This episode offers a fascinating glimpse into the life of a multifaceted artist who's keeping the beat alive in Baltimore.


#2 - Ricky Wise

In this episode, we delve into the world of Ricky Wise, a maestro behind the kit whose rhythm resonates far beyond the stage. Not only does Ricky keep the beat for numerous bands, but he also orchestrates an intimate house concert series in downtown Baltimore, bringing music lovers together in a symphony of sound. Join us as we learn about Ricky Wise, where every beat tells a story and every rhythm ignites the soul. Get ready to feel the groove and discover the heartbeat of Ricky Wise.


#1 - Davis & Leppo

In the first episode of 'Sanity Lounge,' hosts Davis and Leppo kick off their journey into the heart of drumming and the vibrant Baltimore local music and art scene, promising listeners insider access and electrifying stories. Join us as we get to know each other just a little bit more while introducing the upcoming guests.


Sanity Lounge Teaser

A fresh new podcast out of Baltimore. This teaser will give a brief introduction on what we are about.


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