Santa's Podcast

<p>Santa Claus delivers a special message in his podcast beginning on December 1st and each and every day until Christmas! Santa will answer the most asked Christmas questions, such as how does Santa get into homes without chimneys and what is Mrs. Claus' name? Enjoy festive stories, the origins of holiday traditions and positive messages, such as the importance of being kind to others. Follow Santa's Podcast to receive a new episode each and every day!</p>

Daily episodes of Santa's Podcast begin December 1st!

Subscribe to Santa's Podcast to ensure that you and your children receive each daily episode through Christmas Day. If you'd like Santa to thank your child for her/his letter, please send a note to us on Twitter (@santaspodcast) or on Facebook (, please share a link to Santa's Podcast on your Facebook, Twitter and Instagram pages, so that other parents can find the podcast, as well! Here's the link:


Santa shares how children can get onto his nice list!

Santa shares with children the ways to stay on his nice list and off of his naughty list. He encourages children to try to help others, try to share, try to always tell the truth and to be kind to others.Subscribe to Santa's Podcast to receive a new episode each and every day until Christmas!


Santa tells the story of Rudolph and the importance of being nice to others

On today's episode of Santa's Podcast, Santa shares the story of Rudolph. He tell children how the things that make us different make us special and that it is important to be kind to others.Subscribe to Santa's Podcast to receive a new episode each and every day until Christmas!


Santa explains how he delivers gifts to homes without a chimney

Have you ever wondered how Santa delivers gifts to homes without a chimney? Santa shares all about the magic key and elven dust he uses on Christmas Eve!


Santa answers some commonly asked questions from children

In today's episode, Santa answers some questions about the North Pole, his age and more.


Santa shares his favorite Christmas cookies!

In today's episode, Santa shares his favorite Christmas cookies!


Santa tells the story of the first Christmas stockings

Santa shares how a family's wet stockings turned into a Christmas tradition.


Santa tells a story about the joy that comes from giving to others!

On today's episode, Santa tells about the joy that comes from giving to others and shares a story - Noel's Gift by Holly Brooke Jones.


Santa tells all about his ride on Christmas Eve!

In today's episode, Santa tells all about his big ride on Christmas Eve, including how he delivers presents to children around the world in one night, where he stops first and what happens when he returns to the North Pole.


Santa is joined by Mrs. Claus!

Do you know Mrs. Claus's first name? Surprisingly, few people do. Mrs. Claus joins Santa on today's episode to answer that and other questions.


Santa shares some of the funniest letters

On today's episode, Santa shares some funny letters he's received from children.


Santa tells a story abut the first ornaments!

Santa tells a story about the young elf who created the first ornaments.


Santa tells a story about the joy that comes from giving to others!

In today's episode Santa shares a story about two siblings who understand the joy that comes from giving to others.


Santa talks about being kind to others!

In today's episode, Santa reads a letter from a boy who wishes children would talk to him at school and shares why it is important to be kind to others.


Santa gives a tour of his workshop!

Santa takes children on a tour of the workshop in the North Pole and introduces them to a few of the elves that work there.


Santa shares why it is important to be nice to others

In today's episode, Santa shares a letter from a boy who only wishes for children to be nicer to his sister at school.


Santa shares all about bells at Christmastime!

In today's episode, Santa talks about the many types of bells associated with the Christmas season.


Santa shares all about Christmas trees!

In today's episode, Santa shares the origin of Christmas trees and reads a letter for a girl who wishes for gifts for her mother.


Santa answers questions about the elves with Delph the elf!

Santa welcomes Delph the elf to answer commonly asked questions about the elves in the North Pole.


Santa shares a story about a special gift!

In today's episode, Santa tells the story of a boy that wants to buy a Christmas gift for his mother but doesn't have any money.


Courtney Chadwick

what a cute idea!! my kids love it!

12-02 Reply

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