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School of War

Author: Nebulous Media

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This podcast seeks to learn what war teaches. There has been a steady decline in the study of military history and its associated theoretical discipline, strategy.This podcast seeks to fill that gap through in-depth interviews on military and diplomatic history. Our guests have included former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, the Cold War historian John Lewis Gaddis, and former China Select Committee chairman Mike Gallagher. We discuss the battlefield commanders, diplomats, strategists, policymakers, and statesmen who have had to make wartime decisions in the ancient and modern eras. The subject of an episode may be an historical battle, campaign, or conflict; the conduct of policy in the course of a major international incident; the work of a famous strategist; the nature of a famous weapon; or the legacy of an important military commander or political leader.  

Aaron MacLean is a senior fellow at Hudson Institute. He has worked as a foreign policy advisor and legislative director to Sen. Tom Cotton of Arkansas and spent seven years in the U.S. Marine Corps.

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179 Episodes
Christopher Kolakowski, director of the Wisconsin Veterans Museum and editor of Tenth Army Commander: The World War II Diary of Simon Bolivar Buckner Jr., joins the show to discuss the most senior U.S. officer killed by enemy action in WWII, Simon Bolivar Buckner Jr.  ▪️ Times      •      01:44 Introduction     •      02:15 In the shadows     •     03:53 Fathers and sons      •      06:28 Childhood      •      09:30 West Point Commandant of Cadets        •      16:03 Alaska ’41     •      20:18 The Japanese threat      •      24:20 10th Army        •      29:03 Notes for an unwritten memoir     •      31:02 Operation Causeway     •      35:47 Okinawa     •      41:52 Attrition     •      43:50 Another Anzio?     •      50:57 Homeward bound Follow along on Instagram, X @schoolofwarpod, and YouTube @SchoolofWarPodcast Find a transcript of today’s episode on our School of War Substack
David Betz, Professor of War in the Modern World at King’s College London and author of The Guarded Age: Fortification in the Twenty-First Century, joins the show to discuss how fortification is alive, well, and everywhere.  ▪️ Times      •      01:22 Introduction     •      01:53 A default condition     •     13:20 Why is that there?      •      22:13 Alexandrian foundations      •      28:50 Security and mobility         •      39:53 The pendulum swings     •      48:54 Intrigue   Follow along on Instagram, X @schoolofwarpod, and YouTube @SchoolofWarPodcast Find a transcript of today’s episode on our School of War Substack
Mick Ryan, a retired major general in the Australian Army and author of War Transformed: The Future of Twenty-First-Century Great Power Competition and Conflict, joins the show to discuss future-war fiction and the possible futures of current wars. ▪️ Times      •      01:23 Introduction     •      02:10 Tom Clancy     •     05:40 Accessibility      •      07:14 The Battle of Dorking      •      09:57 White Sun War        •      13:39 Diplomatic failures     •      15:40 Friction      •      18:50 Israel transformed        •      23:00 Existential threats     •      25:25 Ukraine     •      32:31 Pressuring Putin        •      35:01 Taiwan and Japan Follow along on Instagram, X @schoolofwarpod, and YouTube @SchoolofWarPodcast Find a transcript of today’s episode on our School of War Substack
Hal Brands, Henry A. Kissinger Distinguished Professor of Global Affairs at the Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies and author of The Eurasian Century: Hot Wars, Cold Wars, and the Making of the Modern World, joins the show to discuss the continued relevance of geopolitics. ▪️ Times      •      01:29 Introduction     •      01:54 Twentieth century     •     03:29 Advent of geopolitical theory     •      07:08 Land versus sea      •      13:09 Authoritarianism        •      17:40 Struggle for power     •      20:30 Burdens of defense      •      23:25 Eurasia        •      27:50 Different politics     •      36:09 “…a kind of American realism”  Follow along on Instagram or YouTube @SchoolofWarPodcast Find a transcript of today’s episode on our School of War Substack
Tom Karako, Senior Fellow and Director of the Missile Defense Project at CSIS, joins the show to discuss what President Trump’s executive order on missile defense portends. ▪️ Times      •      01:15 Introduction     •      02:08 Dawn of missile defense      •     05:50 Ups and downs     •      10:40 Arguments against      •      14:50 Capabilities       •      18:45 A layered defense     •      22:20 Cost      •      26:42 Tried and tested       •      28:21 A “Pearl Harbor” Pearl Harbor  Follow along on Instagram or YouTube @SchoolofWarPodcast Find a transcript of today’s episode on our School of War Substack
Eric Chewning and Thomas Moore of HII join the show to discuss America’s military shipbuilding challenges, and their potential solutions. ▪️ Times      •      01:32 Introduction     •      01:55 Origins      •     07:08 An eroded defense industrial base      •      10:20 Shipbuilding in 2025       •      17:11 Deindustrialization       •      21:46 Learning curves     •      27:00 Contract economics      •      32:26 Japan and South Korea       •      37:39 Thinking about the whole problem        •      39:03 Manned and unmanned        •      42:25 Force protection      •      45:06 Soft kills and hard kills Follow along on Instagram or YouTube @SchoolofWarPodcast Find a transcript of today’s episode on our School of War Substack
Diana Mara Henry and Gabe Scheinmann join the show to discuss the new book I Am André: German Jew, French Resistance Fighter, British Spy, which charts the astonishing, brave, and tragic World War II career of ‘André’ Joseph Scheinmann. ▪️ Times      •      01:50 Introduction     •      03:01 The story of a fighter      •     09:26 Born in Munich        •      11:87 Citizen without a country      •      17:08 Liaison to the High Command       •      21:46 MI6       •      25:20 Spycraft      •      30:27 London and capture      •      36:31 Interrogation       •      42:52 Max and Regina       •      46:40 Natzweiler      •      52:29 Dachau      •      55:30 America     •      01:01:17 “Jews as fighters” Follow along on Instagram or YouTube @SchoolofWarPodcast Find a transcript of today’s episode on our School of War Substack
Evan Mawdsley, Honorary Professorial Research Fellow at the University of Glasgow and author of Supremacy at Sea: Task Force 58 and the Central Pacific Victory, joins the show to discuss the successful 1944 U.S. naval campaign through the Central Pacific in World War II. ▪️ Times      •      01:36 Introduction     •      02:27 The Central Pacific      •      11:15 Carrier air power      •     14:31 Embracing the task force        •      20:00 Replenishment at sea      •      24:28 A campaign for airbases      •      27:56 Limiting loss       •      33:38 Spruance & Mitscher      •      38:36 Japanese defense doctrine      •      45:58 Parallels today     Follow along on Instagram or YouTube @SchoolofWarPodcast Find a transcript of today’s episode on our School of War Substack
Dmitry Filipoff, associate research analyst at the Center for Navy Analyses, joins the show to discuss the U.S. Navy surface component and the grave challenges it faces. ▪️ Times      •      01:19 Introduction     •      02:09 Lessons from the Red Sea      •      06:35 Friendly fire       •      10:55 Depletion        •      13:45 2027       •      18:07 How do fleets fight?      •      21:47 Scope and scale        •      24:57 “Catastrophic destruction”      •      29:00 The first few hours     •      34:30 Scripted exercises          •      37:15 Managing the chaos      •      41:34 Failing constructively   Follow along on Instagram or YouTube @SchoolofWarPodcast Find a transcript of today’s episode on our School of War Substack
Nadège Rolland, Distinguished Fellow, China Studies, at the National Bureau of Asian Research and author of Mapping China's Strategic Space, joins the show to discuss how to better understand the geopolitical premises of China’s strategic elites. ▪️ Times      •      01:36 Introduction     •      02:04 Strategic space      •      05:05 Mao’s strategic vision       •      11:12 Origin points       •      17:10 Geopolitical dimensions      •      20:25 Finding answers      •      26:35 Encirclement        •      33:55 Core interests      •      38:56 China’s end goal      •      45:37 Multilateralism        •      49:04 Risk and overextension  Follow along on Instagram or YouTube @SchoolofWarPodcast Find a transcript of today’s episode on our School of War Substack
Dan Blumenthal and Kyle Balzer, co-authors of The True Aims of China’s Nuclear Buildup for Foreign Affairs, join the show to discuss the geopolitical implications of China’s increasing and diversifying nuclear arsenal.  ▪️ Times      •      01:24 Introduction     •      02:40 China’s buildup      •      05:05 American perception       •     07:28 What is nuclear strategy?        •      11:49 Geopolitical vision      •      16:28 Shaping the world order      •      18:41 Restoring American credibility       •      25:10 Imagining failure      •      30:24 Prospects Follow along on Instagram or YouTube @SchoolofWarPodcast Find a transcript of today’s episode on our School of War Substack
Rachel Kousser, professor of Classics and Art History at the City University of New York and author of Alexander at the End of the World, joins the show to talk about the violent, brilliant, complex career of Alexander the Great. ▪️ Times      •      01:27 Introduction     •      01:59 Early years and conquest     •      05:45 Pragmatic opportunist       •     09:20 Persepolis burning        •      11:48 Darius      •      14:36 Alexander in the field      •      19:30 Understanding the geography       •      25:56 Dreamer      •      29:50 “A war of choice…”     •      32:57 Building something new      •      34:36 Breaking point       •      38:00 King with consent      •      41:48 Harnessing strength Follow along on Instagram or YouTube @SchoolofWarPodcast Find a transcript of today’s episode on our School of War Substack
Shyam Sankar, Chief Technology Officer and Executive Vice President of Palantir Technologies, joins the show to explain the broken Defense Department acquisition process and how he believes it can be fixed. ▪️ Times      •      01:24 Introduction     •      01:39 Employee #13      •      03:14 Palantir      •      06:22 Monopsony       •      11:18 Messy and chaotic      •      14:40 Dual purpose companies      •      17:18 The buying process      •      23:50 Pushback     •      25:59 Competing efforts     •      27:37 Heretics and heroes      •      31:22 Thinking about future war       •      35:05 A changing selection criteria      •      36:47 “The future is software defined”   Follow along on Instagram or YouTube @SchoolofWarPodcast Find a transcript of today’s episode on our School of War Substack
Mark Dubowitz, chief executive officer of Foundation for Defense of Democracies, joins the show to break down the collapse of the Assad regime and the implications for Israel, Turkey, and Iran. ▪️ Times      •      01:23 Introduction     •      02:49 What happened?       •      05:04 Rebels      •     08:17 Risk assessment       •      11:30 Factions     •      17:10 Extremists and radicals      •      19:15 “Our enemies lie to us…”       •      24:19 Defensive reshuffle     •      29:11 Nuclear Iran     •      34:59 A powerful message     •      42:40 Striking power       •      47:27 A new “Ring of Fire” Follow along on Instagram or YouTube @SchoolofWarPodcast Find a transcript of today’s episode on our School of War Substack
Host Aaron MacLean recently embedded with the Israeli Defense Forces and saw firsthand Israel’s war with Iranian proxy groups Hezbollah and Hamas. What lessons can Americans learn from Israel’s year of fighting for its survival?  ▪️ Times    •      03:28 The North      •    04:26 Metula      •    07:45 Yishai     •    10:00 Realities and misconceptions       •    18:06 Stalemate     •    22:33 Shaping the fight      •    40:00 Reconnaissance-strike complex       •    46:38 Dotan Razili     •    50:50 Iron Dome in action     •    54:43 Sarit Zehavi     •    1:11:01 Hezbollah defeated       •    1:12:58 “Knowing but not understanding” Follow along on Instagram or YouTube @SchoolofWarPodcast Find a transcript of today’s episode on our School of War Substack
Michael Leggiere, Professor of Humanities at the University of Florida and editor of War Studies Journal 1, joins the show to discuss the sad state of military history in higher education. ▪️ Times      •      01:17 Introduction      •      02:48 Military history in academia      •      03:53 PME      •     05:22 What is “new” military history?       •      11:55 “History shouldn’t be a mystery”     •      17:55 The Journal     •      20:45 Suggested pieces       •      24:32 Napoleon       •      26:58 Lee Follow along on Instagram or YouTube @SchoolofWarPodcast Find a transcript of today’s episode on our School of War Substack
Mackenzie Eaglen, senior fellow at AEI and author of Keeping Up with the Pacing Threat: Unveiling the True Size of Beijing’s Military Spending, joins the show to discuss the dire situation the U.S. defense budget is in.  ▪️ Times      •      01:22 Introduction      •      02:48 Keeping up      •      05:26 China’s spending      •     10:01 Equipment costs       •      13:46 “Stealing our stuff”     •      18:25 5 alarm fire     •      20:32 U.S. budget truths       •      24:50 BCA 101      •      31:32 Today or tomorrow      •      39:23 Defense is cheaper, not better     •      43:21 Solutions   Follow along on Instagram or YouTube @SchoolofWarPodcast Find a transcript of today’s episode on our School of War Substack
Thomas Barfield, Professor and Chairman of the Anthropology Department at Boston University and author of Shadow Empires: An Alternative Imperial History, joins the show to discuss empire.   ▪️ Times      •      01:15 Introduction      •      03:20 Understanding Afghanistan      •      05:15 Classifying empires      •     09:59 Failures and features       •      12:24 Borders     •      15:30 Exogenous empires     •      21:36 Brits and Athenians       •      26:40 Vulture empires      •      32:21 Taking responsibility      •      37:15 Empires of nostalgia     •      44:50 Vacuum empires       •      51:05 American/Athenian policy      •      54:53 China and empire today Follow along on Instagram or YouTube @SchoolofWarPodcast Find a transcript of today’s episode on our School of War Substack
Rebeccah Heinrichs, senior fellow at the Hudson Institute and author of Duty to Deter: American Nuclear Deterrence and the Just War Doctrine, joins the show to make the moral argument for why the United States should modernize and grow its nuclear arsenal.  ▪️ Times      •      01:15 Introduction      •      01:48 A net good     •      04:50 Tactical nuclear weapons     •     10:25 The argument of disarmament      •      14:03 Cold War strategy     •      19:53 Capability and will     •      26:06 Downside of “no first use”       •      32:03 The nuclear triad      •      37:20 Russia and China      •      40:56 The moral argument Watch today’s episode on YouTube @SchoolofWarPodcast Follow along  on Instagram Find a transcript of today’s episode on our School of War Substack
Randall Schriver, Chairman of the Board at The Project 2049 Institute, and Dan Blumenthal, senior fellow at the American Enterprise Institute, join the show to discuss a road map for economic competition—and warfare—between the U.S. and China.  ▪️ Times      •      01:55 Introduction      •      02:30 Planning for economic warfare     •      06:27 Endstate     •     10:18 Leadership     •      12:21 NSDD     •      14:59 Starting points     •      17:10 Decoupling       •      20:03 Where is the stuff coming from?      •      23:50 Degrading the Chinese economy      •      27:33 A dream of cooperation     •      32:17 Slow the growth     •      36:08 Wargaming       •      41:41 Protraction     •      44:49 International and Congressional concerns Click the link to read the report - DEFEATING THE CCP A RUNNING START Follow along  on Instagram or YouTube @SchoolofWarPodcast Find a transcript of today’s episode on our School of War Substack