Scorpio Rising

Scorpio Rising
Author: Nicky Scorpio
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Hi, welcome to Scorpio Rising! If you are someone who is focused on different ways to be more productive and healthier mentally and physically, you have come to the right place! In this show, Nicky Scorpio takes a look at mental health and wellness in the world of entertainment and entrepreneurialism. Nicky is a singer, songwriter, producer, and activist who was raised in a very diverse upbringing, and in this podcast, he will speak from a place of inclusivity and connectivity, All are welcomed in this community and we look forward to connecting and sharing and growing together.
24 Episodes
I had the privilege to speak with Dr. Robyn Graham about what branding REALLY looks like in 2021 and 2022. If you are looking to connect with a coach, teacher and mentor, now is the time! Having a coach and someone in your community who can help you map out your vision is the smartest investment you can make. What did you learn from this episode? Let me know!
What is Misophonia? Well, it is more common than you might realize and today I was honored to have Tom Dozier on Scorpio Rising to discuss this common occurrence and how to help ourselves and others thrive who are sensitive and get triggered by everyday sounds. Please share this episode with others to increase awareness of Misophonia. For more information please check out these resources. email: links:
Hi! As someone who was recently diagnosed with depression, I thought it would be important to discuss this topic since many of us are dealing with it now more than ever. It's not a scary thing. Here is the documentary "Wisdom of Trauma" check to see when it's showing next.
Hi! Have you ever felt like you don't fit in with society? Well, it might be the greatest gift you're given in this lifetime, and in this episode, we're going to talk about why.
Hi! I say enemy light-hearted, but in society, we are now more focused on cancelling than respecting and understanding. I have seen more division now than ever on social media and I want to take a quick dive into this conversation for anyone interested in improving our society as a whole We Win Together!
Our words are powerful. Our thoughts create our world. We are powerful beings. I want to remind you of that the same way people remind me. It's time to access the part of you that maybe you forgot you had access to.
If you are looking for a new perspective on how to give and receive LOVE turn this up. A new look at why we argue with our families and people we love and care about and how to resolve it.
Hi! What a time to be alive. Have you ever thought about the reason why people are in your life? Are you someone hoping to make the world a better place? I'm excited to announce season 2 is here! We are going to make big changes together. Listen Love and Share. Visit me on my new website
Hi I hope you're being kind to yourself. Thank you for joining Scorpio Rising! Have you recently had difficulty in your relationships? Well instead of being upset at another person, why not go beyond and learn a new way to observe anger and how aware we TRULY are. Affiliate / Mental Health / Cognitive based businesses that I support Experience Ormus -
Hi! You're awesome. We are warriors. Do you love poetry? Maybe you don't even know that you do. In this episode, I'm going to share a poem I read and how technology is helping end racism and bring people together. Affiliate Links Enter "NIKSCO" to get a 10% discount
Hi Let's share. I like to tell stories from my life because I believe that's a beautiful aspect of life and also as difficult as these moments were IN THE MOMENT, they built me to a place of no matter where I am, I am at home. In peace. If you resonate with that statement if you feel where I'm coming from and if you've felt different or unheard then come with me. It's a long journey that will be beautiful and ugly. It's time to come together. I hope you enjoy this episode. Leave a comment on reviews with your IG handle and I will share your story. Thank you again. Enter "NIKSCO" to get a 10% discount Enter NICKYSCORPIO at checkout for a 10% discount
Who are you supporting? Who is supporting you? How loyal are your friends and family? How many people do you need to remove from your life? Follow me as I go on a tangent to discuss the overwhelm many people are feeling right now and how to move past it. I also really want to thank you all for your support in this journey for the downloads, comments, and shares. I am eternally grateful. I hope these episodes help and make an impact in your life and if they do your reviews online help bunches to build this community and create a demand for more content focused on promoting mental health.
Hi I am honored to share this interview with Anthony who is brave enough to tell his story. I am a big advocate for the LGBTQ+ community and for disrupting the negative story put onto this beautiful community and especially the trans community who experiences hidden abuses. The Jail system is a tough place already that consists of fear and abuse and Anthony tells his story of the abuses that went on while incarcerated. Our jail systems are beyond broken and it's not "cool" to discuss this topic, however, this is supposed to be a correctional facility and often it can be counterproductive. Connect with Anthony on Connect with Anthony on Connect with Anthony on Snapchat: @manatworknajera Clubhouse: @anthonynajera Connect with Anthony on Check out Anthony's ***Please be advised this episode will be discussing LGBTQ+ rights and traumatic experiences involving incarceration***
Hi! Have you ever wondered how you can possibly break free from the patterns that you know are holding you back? From addiction to ADHD, mental clarity and opening up your 3rd eye (intuition) Ormus has been around for centuries. Anu Alchemy has a special formula incorporating rare blessed water that comes from a sacred part of the world and Swaha Ron and Tison will be sharing insights, meditation, sound healing, and more. If you are energy sensitive, a seeker or looking to break free, definitely tune in to this special episode. *Please note* this was streamed live on Instagram - there will be brief pauses in the audio and that is where the magic is.
Hi! Have you ever lost a loved one or experienced heartbreak? Abandonment can be devastating and blinding. This episode was inspired after seeing someone in a toxic relationship and wanting to discuss how abandonment affected me and how I healed and overcame years of trauma. If you are looking to boost your brainpower, consider checking out get a 10% discount entering NICKYSCORPIO at checkout! If you need a friend or want to create, feel free to reach out to me via my website ^^^
Hi! We all had teachers we liked and teachers that we didn't like. For many of us, school was difficult or we feel short-changed by the education system. Have you ever wondered what teachers have to go through and what it's like behind the scenes? Well tune in and turn up because I had the opportunity to talk with a teacher who has been teaching for over 40 years and is giving insights not normally shared due to the education system's policies. I hope you find this episode and insightful. connect with me and my team at If you are looking to boost your brainpower, consider checking out get a 10% discount entering NICKYSCORPIO at checkout! If you need a friend or want to create, feel free to reach out to me by clicking Support Teachers and education!
Hi! Have you ever wondered what makes you uniquely you? What diet should you be eating to give you the optimal energy? Are you in a relationship or looking for a healthy relationship and want to know how to communicate and be communicated to? If you are looking to make a big leap this year in personal growth this is the episode for you! In this year we are all in we are facing big changes. Confronting many different emotions and with all this change it helps to know yourself through all the fear, doubts, insecurities, and blessings life hands us. I connected with Sonia Petecka via and got a LOT of insight not only for my personal life, but my business and romantic relationship. Connect with Sonia Also on If you are looking to boost your brainpower, consider checking out get a 10% discount entering NICKYSCORPIO at checkout! **If you need a friend or want to create, feel free to reach out to me by clicking
Hi! Episode 7 has arrived. If you are looking to improve in your business, in your creative side, or in your personal life then the first question is how are you talking to yourself when nobody listens? With all the news, stress, anxiety, and fear being promoted in our world, we need to check in with ourselves and be aware of the inner dialogue we carry. How do you talk to yourself when you feel stressed out, angry, or insecure? Do you know that you can actually change this dialogue? Tune in, turn up the volume, and take notes because this is going to help you be unbreakable and to navigate through uncertain times and have bigger victories! Here is information about Here is information about If you are looking to boost your brainpower, consider checking out get a 10% discount entering NICKYSCORPIO at checkout! If you need a friend or want to create, feel free to reach out to me
Hi! Are you looking to build your brand/business this year? In this follow up episode with the amazing artist, coach, podcaster, and powerhouse Katie Chonacas, we go more in-depth into personal relationships and how to build your brand/business. This is a must-listen for entrepreneurs and anyone looking to commit to their new year resolution! Katie and I are discussing how family affects our business, how to set healthy boundaries, and how to have healthier beliefs and communication for our personal growth. You can connect with Katie If you are looking to boost your brainpower, consider checking out get a 10% discount entering NICKYSCORPIO at checkout! If you need a friend or want to create, feel free to reach out to me
Happy New Year! In this episode, I have the honor of introducing my first guest, Katie Chonacas. Katie is very insightful when it comes to communicating in the business world and making deals. This ended up being a 2 part series as Katie and I are two intense Scorpios and are very passionate about communication! No matter where you're at in the world of making money and building your dream, you will want to tune in to this episode and listen to Katie's insight. You can find Katie If you are looking to boost your brainpower, consider checking out If you need a friend or want to create, feel free to reach out to me
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