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Scott Hensler Network

Author: Scott Hensler Update

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Scott Hensler Network includes teachings on demonic activity, deliverance, world issues and why they all parallel each other.
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268 Episodes
For the next months Scott Hensler Network Show will be on Tin Foil Hat Club until further notice. Join me there Tuesday and Thursday at 5pm pacific time. Julie Flores will join me as regular on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Also, you can link through
Part five closing. Galatians 6:7 - Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. (KJV) History and the curse on our nation from the Freemasons. Albert Pike and the killing of Abraham Lincoln to today. Does not matter what they call themselves from masons, luciferians or Illuminati, they all work for the dark side. So your bloodline has masonry whether you know it or not and your life has been cursed from it in some way or another. Time to understand what is really going on and take back what the enemy has stolen form you and everyone else in America including the rest of the world!
Part four. History and the curse on our nation from the Freemasons. Albert Pike and the killing of Abraham Lincoln to today. Does not matter what they call themselves from masons, luciferians or Illuminati, they all work for the dark side. So your bloodline has masonry whether you know it or not and your life has been cursed from it in some way or another. Time to understand what is really going on and take back what the enemy has stolen form you and everyone else in America including the rest of the world!
Part three. History and the curse on our nation from the Freemasons. Albert Pike and the killing of Abraham Lincoln to today. Does not matter what they call themselves from masons, luciferians or Illuminati, they all work for the dark side. So your bloodline has masonry whether you know it or not and your life has been cursed from it in some way or another. Time to understand what is really going on and take back what the enemy has stolen form you and everyone else in America including the rest of the world!
Part two. History and the curse on our nation from the Freemasons. Albert Pike and the killing of Abraham Lincoln to today. Does not matter what they call themselves from masons, luciferians or Illuminati, they all work for the dark side. So your bloodline has masonry whether you know it or not and your life has been cursed from it in some way or another. Time to understand what is really going on and take back what the enemy has stolen form you and everyone else in America including the rest of the world!
Part one. History and the curse on our nation from the Freemasons. Albert Pike and the killing of Abraham Lincoln to today. Does not matter what they call themselves from masons, luciferins or Illuminati, they all work for the dark side. So your bloodline has masonry whether you know it or not and your life has been cursed from it in some way or another. Time to understand what is really going on and take back what the enemy has stolen form you and everyone else in America including the rest of the world!
The Body Snatchers

The Body Snatchers


One day at a time. One more day closer. One more day to make up your mind. Or is there? Right now the move by those who wish to control and destroy are finalizing their last play. Are you ready? Or are you just like the rest who bodies and minds have been snatched away!
Baptize or no to Baptize

Baptize or no to Baptize


Baptise is the preferred spelling outside North America; as well as: baptised and baptising. For North America the standard is baptize, baptizing, baptized. Either way you spell it are we called to do it? The answer is yes, and anyone who says otherwise is not acting in your best interest. Tonight we see where curses are allowed in our lives because we are not doing the great commission of Jesus Christ!
Making Bad Choices

Making Bad Choices


Presidential candidates come and go. Some stay around longer and are harder to get rid of like Hilary Clinton. Are you compromising and choosing the lesser of two evils? Are you willing to bet your life and the life of the ones you love on any of them? It has come down to that whether you know it or not. So time to start putting things in their prospective place and make the right choices that will alter the course of time.
Storm Watch

Storm Watch


Areas around the country have storm watcher and chasers. Something so simple but effective for saving lives why are we as Christians as a whole not sounding the alarm for the coming destruction? We have a responsibility to do what we have been given by God to do. To much is given much is expected. Where do you stand? Are you just another Christian or are you a bond servant of Jesus Christ?
Open Season

Open Season


Like shooting fish in a barrel. Right now the elite think of us as nothing more as dead weight and some as useful idiots. They cannot wait to deploy their rain of terror on Gods people. How does God see us and how does He see them who wish to enslave the world? Who is Gods enemies and who is His servants? Where do you stand?
Commitment and staying the course. Paul the Apostle tells us to run the good race meaning never give up into defeat. So why are so many defeated before the real tribulation even starts. Why? Compromise and cowering to the enemy who has already been defeated. How can this be? Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their faith. Meaning, time to fight back and take back what the enemy has stolen!
To Hell and Back

To Hell and Back


You have made it this far now what? Turn back? Give up? Or just lay down and die. That is what the devil wants! The way I look at it is if that is what he wants than I should do the opposite. So what do you thin?
New Heavens and a New Earth

New Heavens and a New Earth


Paul is named a vessel of Jesus Christ described in Acts 9:15 - But the Lord said unto him, Go thy way: for he is a chosen vessel unto me, to bear my name before the Gentiles, and kings, and the children of Israel. So why is Paul being removed from teachings to Christians. Or why are they saying his epistles are not for us who are followers of Christ?
Let No Man Deceive You

Let No Man Deceive You


Make no mistake about we are in the last days. A line has been drawn in the sand weeks ago. Jesus said if you love me you will keep my commandments. So what does that mean? It means all that He has told us to do we should be doing it. If the churches are not doing it does it mean they really do not love Him. Where are you in all this?
False teachers, false prophets and those who are among us. We cannot give up our birthright given to us by God through Jesus Christ and what he did no the cross. Call no man rabbi and no man teacher. It is important to understand that by placing yourselves back under the law we are destine to do this. It is Jesus plus nothing who has given us a new convenient. By any other means will not put us in relationship with God. By doing anything other you are rejecting Jesus Christ!
Powers Of The Air

Powers Of The Air


Wherein in time past ye walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that now worketh in the children of disobedience. Ephesians 2:2 Tonight we stand against the powers of the air corporeality! Joins in the fight against the principalities whose soul desire is to steal kill and destroy. However, the gates of hell will not prevail against the Church of Christ! Whose side are you on?
Long ago congress sold us out to a foreign country and we have been under rule of law by them since 1871. The stage was set in 1776, but need the support of our representatives to completed the final nail in the coffin. Tonight I will show the similarity between the corporate church and corporate Untied States.
Everything you ever wanted to know about electronic mind control being perpetrated on every human on the planet. We are already at a point of no return when it comes to phycotronics and the devastation it will play for the New World Order takeover happening right now!
Are you a Man or a Mouse

Are you a Man or a Mouse


Time to do what you are called to do! Stand and fight like a man against the devils advancements. Do not take it laying down. We fight or we die, no other way to look at it!