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Scott Kiloby’s Podcast - Natural Recovery from Suffering
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Scott Kiloby’s Podcast - Natural Recovery from Suffering

Author: Scott Kiloby

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Join spiritual teacher and author Scott Kiloby as he offers unique insights on a variety of topics (consciousness, inquiry, trauma, emotional repression, ending suffering, extra-terrestrial/dimensional phenomena, culture, politics, and LGBTQIA issues). This podcast will bust myths, shatter illusions, and welcome a greater depth of understanding and heart-centered wisdom around consciousness and this absolutely crazy, profoundly beautiful unfolding we call life!
Take this free repression test to get started on the path that Scott refers to in each episode:
27 Episodes
While Scott is on hiatus from podcasting, he wanted to do this special bonus season-end episode to announce his return to teaching on YouTube (Sundays at 5pm pacific - sometimes live)). In this episode, Scott shares intimately about his own personal process with KI 3-D repression inquiry, which led to his return recently on Youtube to being a non-duality (“spiritual enlightenment”) teacher again similar to other non-duality teachers out there in the world who don’t and can’t help us get to the root of suffering through THAT kind of teaching. Is Scott off his rocker? After all, he’s been on this podcast series talking about how THAT kind of teaching contains an inherent bypass. How on earth could he start doing THAT kind of teaching on YouTube after everything he has said on this podcast series about the ineffectiveness, inauthenticity, and inherent dangers of non-duality teachers who aren't trauma-informed and/or who ignore the science (and the body) telling us that hidden emotional repression is driving our suffering? The answer might surprise you! The fact that Scott’s nonduality teaching will now be FREE on YouTube is not really the twist. The twist is that this is just what Scott wants to do because he sees the value of giving away THAT kind of teaching and also pointing people out of its inherent bypass as his NEW way to teach non-duality. Tune in for this special bonus episode where Scott lays out for you everything you need to know about his teaching including where you should go if you have been following Scott’s social media and podcast but haven’t gotten the experiential aspect yet! For Scott, this is really the beginning of being the kind of teacher he always wanted to be but couldn’t due to emotional repression. Follow Scott on YouTube: Check out this playlist he just started - Free Nonduality Teaching: Save this playlist because all the free teachings will be added to it as they are released. If you are ready for 3D (ready to end the bypass) as Scott discusses on this podcast series, start with our free repression test: This will automatically put you on Scott’s newsletter to start receiving information and resources about KI 3-D. This podcast will resume in the summer of 2024 and Scott will be doing both podcasting and free teaching on YouTube at the same time to clarify KI - Natural Recovery From Suffering.
Last Episode of the Season

Last Episode of the Season


Scott sums it all up in this episode. Listen to his final rant of the season. This podcast will resume in the summer of 2024 after a special season bonus coming soon. To get started on the path that Scott discusses on podcast (KI 3D repression inquiry), take our free repression test:
Scott shares personal details mixed with the reality of the process of healing trauma. To get started on this path, take our free repression test:
Suffering Is Optional

Suffering Is Optional


Scott explains why he sees himself more as a mentor than a teacher now. He’s interested in empowering people to take responsibility for their own suffering so that they can end it. In the days when he was a teacher, and it was about pointing to presence, the focus was not on the root of suffering. People could not end their suffering and neither could Scott. In this podcast, Scott speaks very directly to all those who are interested in the question of suffering. Scott explains that suffering in each moment is optional with this work and that, if we are earnest, suffering overall can stop arising. To get started on this path, take our free repression test: Join our first online retreat in May 2024: Credit for the title of this episode goes to Dan McLintock and Ina Backbier.
Scott shares how disconnection was a way of life for him for many years and even how he used spirituality and the talk of separation to hide the actual programming of trauma and repression in his body producing the disconnection. In the last segment, Scott shares a solution for any and all experiencing disconnection. To get started on this path, take our free repression test: Join our first online retreat in May 2024:
Scott points to how Being and processing the main driver of suffering - emotional repression - come together to reveal our authentic self. This episode also illuminates how we easily get sucked into a vortex of bypassing where we believe falsely that we can just be with what is and truly embody freedom without discovering that we’ve been creating our suffering all along. To get started on this path, take our free repression test: Join our first online retreat in May 2024:
Scott shares intimate details of his life to answer the question, what is real vulnerability? This is a depthful conversation that doesn't settle for superficial. Here, Scott gets to the root of why vulnerability was a trauma response for him in many ways until we cleared the anger repression. To get started on this path, take our free repression test: Join our first online retreat in May 2024:
Scott breaks realization down very simply to the network of programs that creates the suffering according to science. This is perhaps Scott’s most direct and simplest explanation of how repression drives suffering and how we get free using these tools. To get started on this path, take our free repression test: Join our first online retreat in May 2024:
Scott is releasing this special episode as a precursor to the episode “All Your Suffering is Connected to One Thing” coming out Monday, April 1st. To get started on this path, take our free repression test: Join our first online retreat in May 2024:
Scott shares how the creative impulse in humans is tied to the wiring of emotional repression and how our unrealized potential awaits us, while we toil and spin in stories of being artists who must suffer in order to create. To get started on this path take our free repression test: Join our first online retreat in May 2024:
Scott explores approval seeking in all its forms, including how it has infused his life from addiction to recovery to teaching. The very act of holding back, or repressing, emotion is synonymous with the seeking of something outside ourselves, often approval. These two things cannot be separated because they are the same mechanism. Scott makes the case that both in inquiry and in life, if we look with the right skills within our own somatic awareness, we may find approval seeking less like an addictive behavior that we should focus on stopping, and more like an unconscious operating system connected directly to emotional repression that we make conscious to end the suffering. You may never look at approval seeking the same after this episode. In the last segment, Scott invites you into a direct taste of being you without the constraints of needing others to approve of you - and all the freedom, joy, enthusiasm and love that naturally comes with that realization. To get started on this path take our free repression test: Join our first online retreat in May 2024:
Listen if you are serious about ending suffering. A new path has been created. This may be Scott’s most direct message yet about this new work - Natural Recovery from Suffering. Learn about our first online retreat here: Take our free repression test here:
With references to Led Zeppelin, the Absolute, and the true source of suffering, Scott returns to pointing to awareness and to how the trillion distractions aren’t just coming and going to awareness. We are unconsciously creating it all. To allow what we create as it comes into awareness keeps us stuck unless we get to the source of the suffering. On this path, the trillion distractions from awareness are opportunities to live and embody awareness. Take this free repression test to get started with Scott’s work:
All the Rage

All the Rage


Despite the title, this episode isn’t just Scott promoting “all the rage” around the work. In this episode, Scott transparently discusses all the rage that was within him and that is unknowingly driving the suffering of many people. Scott explains how his buried anger - before this work - came out in the strangest of ways to blind him into continued, self-generated suffering. He exposes the funny thing about buried anger, how hurt felt intoxicating during his suffering days, and how he used vulnerability as both a weapon to manipulate others and a self-protective shield to hide his real wounds in relationship. Scott also clearly illuminates various stages of the path. This is the stuff anger repressors don’t know or never hear about - because they’ve buried anger. Take this free repression test to get started on this path:
Using a simple and practical context, Scott Kiloby explains Natural Recovery from Suffering and how the work can lead to self-realization. Although that may sound lofty, the realization - when embodied - ends up being simply an authentic human who no longer suffers. Take this free repression test to get started on this path:
Who wants to talk about hurt or anger if it’s buried and we are scared of it? However, in this work, it’s seen that fear is running it all and that includes fear of emotions. We hold ourselves back in relationship in all sorts of ways that have more to do with safety than love. The answer is not to try and be loving but rather to process the fear held deeply in the body that blocks us from the love that we already are. This is one of a two-part Valentines Day podcast. Listen to my other Valentines Day podcast called “Falling in Love: Is it Real or Just a Trauma Response?” released on February 11th. Take this free repression test to get started on this path:
Scott discusses how, when we are children, the experience of not feeling safe to express certain emotions sets in course a lifetime of suffering where we look to others for a sense of well-being. Others cannot meet our experience. Only we can. In this podcast, Scott points to the solution to the fundamental problem of looking to others to have our needs met. Take this free repression test to get started on this path:
Scott demystifies the phenomenon of falling in love and points to the root of it. This doesn’t take away the dazzle and allure of falling hopelessly in love, but rather sheds light on the source from which that comes and how that is also the source of suffering when we step into a relationship blind to who the other person is because we are blind to who we really are. This is the first of a two part Valentines Day podcast series. The second part will be released on February 18th and is called “Love Repression: You Can’t Be What You’ve Buried.” Take this free repression test to get started on this path:
Scott tells his story directly from the voice of the unconsciousness that created all of his suffering. This is a unique perspective on his personal suffering, which then becomes a teaching in and of itself, and a guide to others who desire to wake up out of victim consciousness and embody freedom. Take this free repression test to get started on this path:
Scott criticizes the bypass in his prior teaching and other teachings and explains the process of breaking trauma bonds that drive suffering in spirituality. Take this free repression test to get started on this path: