DiscoverSecrets of Prophecy
Secrets of Prophecy

Secrets of Prophecy

Author: 3ABN Australia Radio

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Welcome to Secrets of Prophecy! This fascinating series will answer the big questions about your spiritual and secular life, plus cover the Biblical foundation for all the prophecies now being fulfilled regarding rising political powers.
19 Episodes
1,000 Years of Peace 1. How many Resurrections are there in the 1,000 years?2. When does the 1,000 years, or the Millennium begin?3. What happens to the Wicked at Jesus' second coming?4. What happens to the Righteous at Jesus' second coming?5. What will we really enjoy about living in the New Earth? Download…Q9moqBw-9A/videos Watch on…Q9moqBw-9A/videos Music Credits:Wind of Discovery by Keys of Moon | @keysofmoonMusic promoted by Commons / Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
Where on Earth is Hell? 1. Is anyone suffering in Hell today?2. Where does Hellfire actually take place?3. How did the teaching of Eternal Hellfire originate?4. What does the Bible mean by ‘eternal’ punishment?5. What’s God’s final endgame for Death & Hell? Download…Q9moqBw-9A/videos Watch on…Q9moqBw-9A/videos Music Credits:Wind of Discovery by Keys of Moon | @keysofmoonMusic promoted by Commons / Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
Life After Death - SOPS2317

Life After Death - SOPS2317


Life After Death 1. What role can the Supernatural play in end time events?2. Why does God forbid talking to the spirits of the dead?3. What’s the divine formula for creating Humans?4. Where does a person go to when they die?5. What happens to the Righteous dead at Jesus' second coming? Download…Q9moqBw-9A/videos Watch on…Q9moqBw-9A/videos Music Credits:Wind of Discovery by Keys of Moon | @keysofmoonMusic promoted by Commons / Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
The Mark of the Beast 1. What is the antidote to the Mark of the Beast?2. Who receives God’s final Mark or Seal of Loyalty?3. What’s the 1st Beast power’s special mark of authority?4. How many times did the 1st Beast change God’s Law?5. What two things do the Sealed or Marked people of God do? Download…Q9moqBw-9A/videos Watch on…Q9moqBw-9A/videos Music Credits:Wind of Discovery by Keys of Moon | @keysofmoonMusic promoted by Commons / Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) DanielRevelationBibleProphecySeminarGodJesusCosmicWarfareControversyConflictWorshipBabylonBeastsLittleHornSanctuaryJudgement
The Final Superpower 1. Name the two Superpowers in Revelation 13?2. Where do these two Superpowers arise from?3. What is the final issue that divides the World?4. How does the final Superpower exert control?5. What does Jesus promise to those who stand for Him? Download…Q9moqBw-9A/videos Watch on…Q9moqBw-9A/videos Music Credits:Wind of Discovery by Keys of Moon | @keysofmoonMusic promoted by Commons / Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
Who is the Antichrist? Part 2 1. What do we have to do to understand Bible truths?2. Why does God allow harsh messages to be given out?3. How many identifiers for the AntiChrist does the Bible share?4. What did the AntiChrist power do to deflect its identification?5. What does the AntiChrist power do at the end of time? Download…Q9moqBw-9A/videos Watch on…Q9moqBw-9A/videos Music Credits:Wind of Discovery by Keys of Moon | @keysofmoonMusic promoted by Commons / Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
Who is the Antichrist? Part 1 1. What does the Bible say about the Antichrist in 2 Jn 1:7?2. What’s another name for the Antichrist in 2 Thess. 2:3?3. What does a Beast stand for in Bible prophecy in Dan. 7:17?4. What’s the name of the power that arose out of Rome?5. Was the Little Horn power a political or a religious power? Download…Q9moqBw-9A/videos Watch on…Q9moqBw-9A/videos Music Credits:Wind of Discovery by Keys of Moon | @keysofmoonMusic promoted by Commons / Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
Symbol of the Sun 1. Which day really is the Biblical - LORD’S DAY?2. Was the Sabbath abolished in the New Testament?3. Did the Apostles/Early Church keep the seventh day Sabbath?4. How did the Christian worship day actually change?5. What’s the primary reason for keeping the Sabbath? Download…Q9moqBw-9A/videos Watch on…Q9moqBw-9A/videos Music Credits:Wind of Discovery by Keys of Moon | @keysofmoonMusic promoted by Commons / Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
Rest for the Soul 1. What is the seventh day Sabbath a modern answer to?2. Who was the Sabbath day really made to bless?3. Should the Sabbath be kept after Jesus died on the Cross?4. What promise is made to those who return to Sabbath-keeping?5. Does it matter which day we keep as the Sabbath? Download…Q9moqBw-9A/videos Watch on…Q9moqBw-9A/videos Music Credits:Wind of Discovery by Keys of Moon | @keysofmoonMusic promoted by Commons / Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)    
Inside the Lost Ark 1. What was inside the OT Ark of the Covenant?2. What is the purpose of God’s Law?3. Do Jesus' two new Commandments replace the old Ten?4. Does Grace mean you no longer keep God’s Law?5. Is true obedience ever legalism or works? Download…Q9moqBw-9A/videos Watch on…Q9moqBw-9A/videos Music Credits:Wind of Discovery by Keys of Moon | @keysofmoonMusic promoted by Commons / Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
Rebuilding the Temple? 1. What were the 2 main purposes of the OT Sanctuary?2. Was the OT Sanctuary a copy, or the original?3. What does all the OT Sanctuary furniture represent?4. What were the names of the 2 Goats used?5. Where is Jesus Christ right now & what’s He doing? Download…Q9moqBw-9A/videos Watch on…Q9moqBw-9A/videos Music Credits:Wind of Discovery by Keys of Moon | @keysofmoonMusic promoted by Commons / Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
Mystery Man of Prophecy 1. What OT book/chapter was Rabbinically cursed?2. How long was the OT Jewish nation given to repent?3. Which foreign King allowed the Jews to return home?4. What was predicted to happen to JC prophetically ?5. What is the main point of this Time Prophecy? Download…Q9moqBw-9A/videos Watch on…Q9moqBw-9A/videos Music Credits:Wind of Discovery by Keys of Moon | @keysofmoonMusic promoted by Commons / Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
Secrets of Prophecy 1. Who does God reveal His secrets through?2. When will the secrets of prophecy be revealed?3. What is the main purpose of Bible prophecy?4. Why was the Bible written in mysterious symbols?5. What warning does God give in interpreting prophecy? Download…Q9moqBw-9A/videos Watch on…Q9moqBw-9A/videos Music Credits:Wind of Discovery by Keys of Moon | @keysofmoonMusic promoted by Commons / Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
Steps to Spiritual Freedom 1. Who is the true source of real Spiritual freedom?2. What is the 1st major prophecy in Genesis?3. What are 3 main steps towards Spiritual freedom?4. Is the Christian life a boring journey?5. What real help does God promise Christians? Download…Q9moqBw-9A/videos Watch on…Q9moqBw-9A/videos Music Credits:Wind of Discovery by Keys of Moon | @keysofmoonMusic promoted by Commons / Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
Does God Care? - STC2405

Does God Care? - STC2405


Does God Care? 1. Who does God say He really is?2. Did God cause the problem of evil on planet Earth?3. What was God’s solution to the sin problem?4. Can God ever really understand our pain & suffering?5. How does God use our pain for our own good? Download…Q9moqBw-9A/videos Watch on…Q9moqBw-9A/videos Music Credits:Wind of Discovery by Keys of Moon | @keysofmoonMusic promoted by Commons / Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
The War Zone 1. Where did sin actually begin – The Garden of Eden?2. Can you list 5 Biblical names for the Devil?3. Why didn’t God immediately destroy Lucifer?4. Will the Devil ever be able to be destroyed?5. How can we resist & overcome Satan? Download…Q9moqBw-9A/videos Watch on…Q9moqBw-9A/videos Music Credits:Wind of Discovery by Keys of Moon | @keysofmoonMusic promoted by Commons / Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
How Will the World End? 1. How can we be certain that Jesus Christ will Return to this Earth?2. How will Jesus return at the End of this World?3. Will Jesus Return be like a "secret," or "silent" event?4. Will there be any deceptions regarding the Second Coming of Christ?5. Will every Christian believer be saved at the Second coming of Christ? Download Watch on…Q9moqBw-9A/videos Music Credits:Wind of Discovery by Keys of Moon | @keysofmoonMusic promoted by Commons / Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
Signs of the Times 1. Name one skill Jesus said was essential for living at The End?2. Does anyone really know the date of the Return of Jesus?3. List 5 of the Biblical last days - Signs of the Times.4. Name the greatest danger we face in these End Times?5. What does Jesus say we can do to be ready for His coming? Download Watch on…Q9moqBw-9A/videos Music Credits:Wind of Discovery by Keys of Moon | @keysofmoonMusic promoted by Commons / Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
1. What does an ancient Biblical secret of prophecy have to do witha coming New World Order, or world domination?2. What absolutely amazing time prophecy from ancient Biblicalwritings has destroyed the dreams of dictators over the past2,500 years? Download Watch on…Q9moqBw-9A/videos Music Credits:Wind of Discovery by Keys of Moon | @keysofmoonMusic promoted by Commons / Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)