See Beyond Where You Are

<p>Hi, I'm Cathy. A faith-based encourager and motivator and the host of See BeYOND Where You Are podcast. Have you made up your mind that it's time for you to live the life God intended you to live? Do you know where or how to start? I believe that it starts in your mind. Sometimes we are consumed with trying to just get through the day that we forget just how powerful words are. And how words shape our minds. If you allow the word of GOD to shape your mind, it will transform your life. <br><br>On this podcast, I will encourage and inspire you with practical, motivational and biblical messages to get you to See Beyond Where You Are. If you are enjoying this podcast, please share it with others and support me. Email me at with positive comments and suggestions. Until next time...</p>

The Unseen Strength in Waiting: A Path to Success

Ever thought the word 'wait' could become your secret weapon in achieving success? Brace yourself as we unveil the immense power that lies within this simple term that is often misunderstood. We'll embark on a journey, uncovering the real significance of waiting and how it gears you up with strength, courage, and refined vision. We'll be shedding light on the art of patience, the power of venting your experiences, and the magic that unfolds when you let go of negativity.Strap in as we delve deeper into the divine promises mentioned in Isaiah 40:31, linked with waiting on the Lord. This episode is a call to harness your innate instincts, comprehend when to make a move, and dare to wait to reap these divine benefits. By the end of it, you'll view 'waiting' as a vital step on your journey to success, well-equipped to face life's challenges with a renewed strength and courage. Get ready for a transformational shift in mindset that'll empower you like never before!Support the showC Bond (@seebeyondwhereur) • Instagram photos and


Start Climbing: Navigating Personal and Professional Mountains with Courage and Stability

Promise yourself that you'll stop falling and start climbing after tuning into our latest episode of See Beyond When You Are. We guarantee that you'll walk away with a fresh perspective and practical tools to tackle any mountain, big or small, that life throws your way. In this captivating discussion, I, your host C. Bond, use the metaphor of mountain climbing to symbolize the challenging journey of personal and professional growth. From harnessing the power of stability to the indispensable need for courage, we dive into the mechanics of self-improvement while navigating through life's rocky terrain.In the latter half of our journey, we venture into the realm of courage, an underappreciated quality that is crucial for initiating change and tackling challenges. Drawing from Miriam Webster's powerful definition, I encourage you to venture, persevere, and withstand the fear or difficulty that makes your mountain appear unscalable. I dare you to start climbing your personal and professional mountains, emphasizing that the starting point is irrelevant, but the start itself is pivotal. So, strap on your metaphorical climbing gear, and let's embark on this thrilling journey towards success and fulfillment together.Support the showC Bond (@seebeyondwhereur) • Instagram photos and


Mastering Life's Challenges with An Unshakeable Foundation

Imagine navigating life's trials with an unshakable core, built firmly on integrity and character. That's what we're diving into today - a comprehensive discussion on the parallels between the process of building a house and the formation of your character. When the foundation of our character encounters external pressures, we stand strong, maintaining our integrity. But what happens when our foundation is shaky? We end up with flaws in our character, cracks in our integrity, and a damaged personality structure. In the second leg of my discourse, I'll delve into the essence of honesty and the power of seeking help. Through encouragement, I will show you how a strong, uncracked foundation can save you from the impatience and frustration of those around you. It's worth noting, however, that the journey of self-improvement, like construction, can often slow your pace, causing friction with others. So, join me as I explore the art of constructing a robust character foundation and mastering the skill of tackling life's challenges gracefully. Let's build not just houses, but characters!Support the showC Bond (@seebeyondwhereur) • Instagram photos and


Breaking Free from Regret: Strategies for Overcoming Bad Habits and Reclaiming Your Life

Do you feel trapped by your bad habits and poor decisions? Are you ready to break the chains of regret and reclaim your life? In this eye-opening episode, I share my faith-based encouragement to help you develop strategies for overcoming negative patterns and making better life choices. Discover the power of mental exercises, strengthening your mindset, seeking support, and embracing growth to outlive your past mistakes.Regret can be a heavy burden, but it's never too late to turn things around. Join me as we face our regrets head-on and seize opportunities to create a better future. Whether it's completing your education, reconnecting with loved ones, or learning from past experiences, now's the time to take charge and live a life without regret. Don't miss this chance to transform your life and leave your old habits behind for good.Support the showC Bond (@seebeyondwhereur) • Instagram photos and


Living a Purposeful Life: The Power of Prayer and Scripture

I recently experienced a profound epiphany while navigating a challenging season in my life, which completely shifted my approach to prayer and Bible study. Join me as I share how immersing myself in Psalms 9 and Revelation 19 reminded me of God's unwavering faithfulness, the purity of His word, and His role as our King of Kings and Lord of Lords. This newfound perspective allowed me to transcend my current circumstances, find strength in applying biblical teachings, and ultimately live a more purposeful life.Are you ready to refocus your vision and transform your prayer life? Let me inspire you to look beyond your current situation and allow your vision to carry you to new heights. By grounding ourselves in faith, diligently studying the Word, engaging in prayer, and living out God's teachings, we can seize control of our lives and pave the way for improved outcomes. Don't miss this uplifting episode that could be the catalyst for a more fulfilled and purpose-driven life.Support the showC Bond (@seebeyondwhereur) • Instagram photos and


Dangerous & Damaging

Negativity such as gossip, manipulation, and negative thinking are all dangerous to our mental health and damaging to our faith. Negativity is dangerous to our self-esteem, our confidence, our families and friends and even our careers. But it is also damaging to relationships, it damages the trust that others have in us, it damages our reputation and even our lives. And negativity is like garbage, it smells. But I want us, to be positive people whose scent cannot be confused with the stench of negativity.  Support the showC Bond (@seebeyondwhereur) • Instagram photos and


Through The Pain part 3

Even in intense or excruciating pain, I want to See Beyond Where I am and be the best me that I can be. And I realize that our experiences, the people who care for us, the facilities we go to for help when we're in pain, can help us strive for being better. I am still dealing with this pain and will be glad when it's over. But until then, I'll keep praying, singing, studying God's word so that I can be prepared for the next situation that comes in my life to make me better. Support the showC Bond (@seebeyondwhereur) • Instagram photos and


Through The Pain part 2

There are situations that seem to bring us only pain. That's what it like dealing with Sciatica and sometimes with life. And during those times we get lost in the pain, the process, and the problems and can't See Beyond that situation. But I encourage you to let go and let God help you. When we do that, we can see how Amazing God truly is. Support the showC Bond (@seebeyondwhereur) • Instagram photos and


Through The Pain part 1

Let me tell you what was going on and how I made myself See Beyond my situation. It started Aug.17th, three days after a virtual workout with 2 of my family members. I had done those exercises several times before and didn’t have any problems. Well as I said, on Aug. 17th I started having back pains. They were not bad pains, so I thought I just needed to relax or ice or put heat on my back. So, I iced my back and relaxed. Then I decided to soak my back. I bought some Epsom salt and got in tub. First, I couldn’t get comfortable in the tub. I also couldn’t turn the water on to reheat the water. But the worse part was I could not get out of the tub by myself. I was hurting just that bad. Each day the pain was getting worse.I cried so much last year, and I did a lot of almost hysterical crying for 5 days of this year. It has journey and hot an easy one. But as I said earlier, I knew that God was and is with me. Support the showC Bond (@seebeyondwhereur) • Instagram photos and


This Is The Day

The title of today’s podcast is This is The Day. I want to talk about my title using a scripture that is very familiar. However, I think we, especially me at times, don’t think about it or live it like we should. But while a lot of us are enjoying this season; some people are having a hard time. Some people are mourning people they loss this year. And for some people it is hard because this time of year reminds them of loved ones, they lost years ago. And for some people Christmas is the loneliest time of the year. But here I am encouraging you to rejoice and be glad. Support the showC Bond (@seebeyondwhereur) • Instagram photos and


This Is a Test

I can’t remember when or if this has stopped but, when I was a kid, I remember the public service announcement would come on across the bottom of the tv screen. And a voice would say, this is a test, this is only a test. And that’s what I want to tell you today. Whatever you are going through, it’s a test, it is only a test. Failing is the easiest way of dealing with any test. But it is also the costliest. It costs more time, more energy, more money. Because we will have to deal with that same test again and the next time it will be harder. It also costs us emotionally, intellectually, and sometimes it costs us relationships when we fail tests. Especially when we repeatedly fail the same test.I would like to say that retaking the test is our only option. For some of us it is and for some it is not. Giving up is an option for some people. But it should not be. Giving up always seems easier but it’s not. Giving up allows us to get to a place, and once we get to that place we begin to die internally, intellectually, spiritually, emotionally, physically, and financially. Support the showC Bond (@seebeyondwhereur) • Instagram photos and


A Lot of Our Waste Is Salvageable

Waste Management is a billion dollar industry. As a matter of fact, in 2021, the Waste Management industry made almost 20 billion dollars in revenue collecting waste. Today I am talking about how we waste time, how we waste resources, and about the three principles of waste management.The three principles of waste management are reduce, recycle, reuse. That’s what I want to encourage you to do today. Reduce the waste of your time, money, and resources. Recycle your time, money, and resources. Reuse your time, money, and resources. Support the showC Bond (@seebeyondwhereur) • Instagram photos and


Polluted Mind, Body, and Relationships

Now let’s talk about pollution. If pollution is bad for the environment, water, and earth, then you know it is bad for our health, minds, bodies, and relationships. The kind of pollution I am referring to are behaviors and characteristics that contaminate us.   Pollution clouds the vision and causes to use poor judgement concerning people and things.  Just like plastic pollutants affects our eco system, a bad attitude, jealously, and selfishness affects our biological system.   So instead of allowing pollution to live in your body, rent free. Evict all the characteristics, attitudes, and behaviors that causes pollution. Work on being a better person. Support the showC Bond (@seebeyondwhereur) • Instagram photos and


Keep Pursuing

When my youngest nephew was a toddler, he used to say, “don’t stop, gilly gilly”. What he was really trying to say was, “don’t stop, get it get it. It was something my family used to say quite a back then. It simply meant, don’t stop keep going. Keep doing what you’re doing to achieve whatever it is that you want. Or keep pursuing to you get what you want.So, this Monday I want to say to you, don’t stop, get it get it. Or keep pursuing. Keep pursuing peace, health, and prosperity until you get all three. We deserve all to have all three.Support the showC Bond (@seebeyondwhereur) • Instagram photos and


Handling Life's Hardships

I was inspired to do this podcast because one of my sisters asked me to listen to a YouTube video titled Kara Lawson: Handle Hard Better. In the video, Kara stressed that we should not get discouraged during the hard times. She said, it is supposed to be hard. I believe that it is supposed to be hard, because the hard times shows us that we are stronger, more resilient than we think. I will admit that life is a challenge. And it not just one challenge. Life is a series of challenges that can either make us of break us. But we get to decide. After listening to this podcast, I encourage you watch the video. Support the showC Bond (@seebeyondwhereur) • Instagram photos and


Sticks & Stones

Remember what we used to say as kids? Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me. We know that's not true. How many of us have been hurt by words? Too many of us. We remember vividly the words that were spoken to us years ago that wounded us. We remember who said it. We remember what they said. We can even remember their facial expression, what they had on, where we were and what we were doing. Words like you’re stupid, you will never be anything, or you’re wasting your time trying to do…. Its these words that become a roadblock for us. It makes it difficult to See Beyond Where You Are. So today we are talking about it.  I want us to deal with the wounds of words so that we are not going through life dying a slow death from hurtful words while we are still alive. Support the showC Bond (@seebeyondwhereur) • Instagram photos and


The Why

I know how important it is to See Beyond Where You Are. It can change our lives, it did for me. The ability to See Beyond Where You Are is a skill and anyone can learn it and use it to their advantage. That is why I call this podcast See Beyond Where You Are. I have been seeing beyond situations in my life for a very long time. Even when time looked bleak, I still saw better. Even when I became an adult and went through my own hard times, I had to see beyond. Now, its your time to See Beyond Where You  Are...Support the showC Bond (@seebeyondwhereur) • Instagram photos and


Are You Ready For A Yes

What if today was the day that God said yes, you can have all of your desires. Are you ready for that? Are You Ready For A Yes from God? Maybe, maybe not. Maybe you're getting ready. Or perhaps you are ready. This episode of See Beyond Where You Are wants to encourage you to be ready and stay ready to receive a yes from God concerning the desires of your heart. Support the showC Bond (@seebeyondwhereur) • Instagram photos and


Finish The Year Strong

So, it’s September and you feel like you don’t have enough time to do the things you said you were going to do at the beginning of the year. I know this can be or is discouraging.I believe there is a way to get on track and finish the year out strong. And I have three suggestions. My three suggestions are. 1. Have faith. 2. Do the work 3. Ask, Seek, and then Knock. I believe this will help you finish the year out strong.  Support the showC Bond (@seebeyondwhereur) • Instagram photos and


Why Is It So Heavy?

In this episode, we discuss the weight of problems. The weight a problem or situation can change.  But it depends on us. We determine how much weight of the problem we carry. And that weight correlates with the way we see ourselves, how we feel about the situation, and we work the problem. When we don't have a plan to deal with the problem, that’s when we start asking ourselves why is this so hard? Or making confessions like, I can’t handle this, this is too much. What you are really asking yourself is Why is this so Heavy?Support the showC Bond (@seebeyondwhereur) • Instagram photos and


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