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Seekardo Show

Author: seekardo

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Listen to two generations talk about the most challenging issues people face and how to overcome them. The powerful tools and techniques you will hear about can be used instantly to change your life
72 Episodes
In part one, we introduced you to the concept of trading thanks to expert trader - Alistair Crooks. If you haven’t listened to part two, you can click here and do that now. If you’re ready for part two, then you’ll know the reason we wanted to bring this subject to the forefront is - one of the most significant ways to create turning point in your life is to transform your wealth, your finances and your money situation.  One of the best ways to do that, a proven, tried and tested way to do that is trading.  In part one we learned more about Ali Crooks, Traders Support Club and his journey from where he started to becoming an expert trader and achieving 18,000 hours live trading hours. In part two, Ali deep dives trading and introduces you to: Trading through systems His Four Pillars to trading success Why most experience traders fail (hint - they don’t have all four pillars in their arsenal) How to trade under pressure Overcoming recency bias (every traders kryptonite) And much much more. You can consider this episode a trading introduction masterclass. Go ahead and listen to episode two now. Learn more about Ali Crooks and Traders Support Club: Get access to Free Traders Support Club membership site click here. To learn more about Ali and Traders Support Club click here. --- Please subscribe and review. For show notes, to become a supporter and get your perks go to
In this episode, Dr Ro and Harminder talk about a heavy subject - corporate bullying. Which takes place at various levels of extremity, in organisations everywhere. Unfortunately, companies advertise a healthy vision and culture. But the polar opposite is true behind closed doors. This shows up through corporate pressure, emotional blackmail, manipulative techniques - used to get you to do something you are uncomfortable with. That feeling of uncomfortableness can be attributed to you being asked to do something which is in misalignment with your core values. Your core values are the internal compass for how you show up in the world. In this episode Dr Ro and Harminder explore: How does corporate bullying show up Techniques used to get people to do things they are not comfortable with Becoming aware of your internal value system Being in a position where you have to compromise your values What do you do if you are in a corporate bullying situation And more in-between.  Please subscribe and review. For show notes, to become a supporter and get your perks go to
One of the best ways to create a turning point (a Seekardo) in your life is to improve your finances. One way in which to improve your finances is to expand your knowledge around creating wealth and money. Within this large category of ‘creating wealth,’ there are tried and testing methods.  In this episode, we’re talking about one of the most popular ways of making money and creating wealth - Trading! For most people when they think ‘Trading’ they think - isn’t it risky? Don’t you need money to start? What if I’m rubbish at maths? Can I really become a full-time trader? How much time do I need to spend on trading a day? And that’s no doubt just scratching the surface of the questions you have. To help answer these questions and more, we’re joined by a special guest and expert full-time trader: Alistair (Ali) Crooks At the age of 45, Ali Crooks has been trading since 2001 and has traded successfully through two bull markets and the financial crash of 2008. Alongside his own trading portfolio, he now trades his own fully regulated UK trading fund which has over £1million in assets under management and is currently running at over 22% ROI since its inception in June 2020. He has spoken alongside many famous investors and traders and personalities from the world of business and sport including Robert Kiyosaki, Jordan Belfort, James Caan MBE and Dame Kelly Holmes OBE.  He is one of a handful of trading educators to ever agree to trade their own accounts live at the London Forex Expo and was hand-picked to be on the Rich Dad Education’s Global Board of Advisors in 2011 & 2012.  He is the Founder & Head Trainer of the Traders Support Club where since 2009 he and his team have put in over 18,000 hours of live trading and coaching time since TSC opened its first trading room in 2011.  He has coached and mentored 100’s people globally to make consistent full and part-time incomes from trading and he enjoys nothing more than being in the live trading and coaching environment.  — The best place to open your mind to the world of trading is through this episode with Ali Crooks - Founder of Traders Support Club. By the way, this is just part one. Where you’ll discover how Ali fell into trading, his approach to risk, the mindset of a trader and more. Listen to part one now and look out for part two - coming soon. Learn more about Ali Crooks and Traders Support Club: Get access to Free Traders Support Club membership site click here. To learn more about Ali and Traders Support Club click here. Please subscribe and review. For show notes, to become a supporter and get your perks go to
In part one, Jaco Van Gaas described in detail his military operation in Afghanistan. The operation led to career-changing injuries. In part two, Jaco shares his journey from being in critical condition in hospital - to double Paralympic champion and world record holder in cycling for Team GB. In this truly inspiring episode, Jaco shares: What was it like going through the realisation he had career-changing injuries? How he decided between acceptance vs given up on his life The self-talk helped him create a rapid turning point How he dealt with rejection (twice) by running marathons His North Pole expedition with Prince Harry Climbing Mt Everest and experiencing his second close shave with death Went on to represent Team GB and achieve champion and world record holder status How he uses short-term goal setting to prepare for major events And more. This episode is woven with lessons and principles for overcoming adversity and leading a successful life filled with joy. To learn more about Jaco you can visit his personal website here. To listen to part one of this inspiring episode click here.  Please subscribe and review. For show notes, to become a supporter and get your perks go to
Typically the first episode of any year will focus on how you can make this your best year ever. This year Dr Ro and Harminder are kicking the year of slightly differently.  Although the New Year is a universally accepted demarkation of old and new. But what if this time of the year is disrupted? In the case of Dr Ro, that meant getting COVID.  So in this episode, Dr Ro shares with you his personal experience with COVID. As part of this conversation, you can extract learnings as to: Mindset around COVID Positive health habits Using technology to monitor your health Managing Stress Managing Noise Family Interactions The importance of rest Putting aside the ego Including an alternative perspective that isn’t often heard in the media.  Important information about this episode: The conversation and experiences shared are of personal nature. Nothing in this episode should be construed as medical advice. For all things concerning your health, always consult your doctor or medical professional. Please subscribe and review. For show notes, to become a supporter and get your perks to go to
One of the best ways to achieve perspective for any adversity we have in our lives, is to look at extreme scenarios. This doesn’t mean your adversity is any less important, but it does allow you the space required to say: ‘I can deal with this’. At time of recording, the global pandemic has amplifies this sense of adversity and continues to be a challenge on a macro and micro level. So the question then is, how do we overcome this adversity as a collective and on a personal level? To help Dr Ro and Harminder not only answer that question, but leave you with jaw wide open - a special guest by the name of Jaco Van Gaas joins the conversation today. Jaco Van Gaas Jaco is a keen Adventurer, Motivational Speaker, World & Paralympic Champion Para-Cyclist and a World Record holder For his full bio head to: In part one of a two part special, Jaco shares with us his journey from childhood to becoming a member of the British Armed Forces Parachute Regiment. To that fateful night where he experienced life changing injuries that altered the trajectory of his life for good. Interweaved in this incredible story are stand out learnings and hidden insights. Based on your life as of listening, you’ll no doubt experience unique feelings and learnings of your own. Including perspective, direction, inspiration, motivation and more. Finally, at the end of part one, Jaco shares with the listeners one of the key activities which shifts the tide on how you are feeling about your personal challenges and adversity. Listen to part one now and look out for part two early next year. Please subscribe and review. For show notes, to become a supporter and get your perks to go to
When setting out to start a business with other people, often excitement and motivation are the leading forces. Without a doubt these are important because often the startup phase requires immense energy to bring an idea into existence. However what is crucially missed in the midst of all this excitement is - are the people I am about to go into business with the right people?  The answer to this question is almost always - yes absolutely. After all, you don’t want to be the spoil sport that raises concerns whilst there are big dreams being discussed. But unless the question is considered internally and amongst your soon to be business partners with total transparency, everything that needs to be said will be left unsaid. Which if said 2-5 years down the line will be both expensive and heartbreaking. To help avoid both the expense and heartbreak and instead thrive as a team for years to come, Dr Ro and Harminder discuss the following questions in this episode: How to select your business partners? What are the most important areas which create the biggest impact when selecting business partners? What important topics of discussions must be had before you kick start anything? Both Dr Ro and Harminder talk into their personal experiences when things have gone well and not so well. How to separate business from friendship? How to approach things rationally without losing the excitement of a new venture? When should you be having these candid conversations and why? And much more in-between.  Go ahead and listen to this episode and set in motion a wonderful business based on sound business relationships from day one. Please subscribe and review. For show notes, to become a supporter and get your perks to go to
Motivation is a key ingredient in breaking inertia. In other words, it’s what’s needed to get your giant wheel of dreams moving. In this episode Dr Ro and Harminder talk about exactly this subject - How do you motivate yourself to act? Weaved into the conversation are tools, techniques and insights into how you can both motivate yourself and others. These tools will be especially important given the current state of play -  Pandemic, Being locked down, Job Loss, Working from home, Binge watching Netflix and the like, Economic uncertainty and more. With this in mind, it’s critical to understand how to self-motivate and self-instruct. So in this episode Dr Ro and Harminder aim to help you achieve just that. Please subscribe and review. For show notes, to become a supporter and get your perks to go to
Mel Aldridge from alliance for natural health international is back. You will recognise her form episode number 043. On this episode Mel's here to literally help us survive winter. Because with any seasonal change, people typically get sick or catch something. But this year (2021) is slightly different. In that, the media have suggesting we’re going to get covid, the flu, the cold and maybe something else yet to be discovered - all at the same time. This level of induced fear in itself can cause stress and illness. So Mel will be talking about what we all can do to best prepare our bodies and immune system, so that we not only stand a fighting chance, but we come out unscathed. Please subscribe and review. For show notes, to become a supporter and get your perks to go to
Here’s a special audio extract from Dr Ro’s Live Communicating With Impact™ WebClass. Where he taught an online audience how to improve their communication within their career and the workplace. The WebClass was broken into two parts. Part one focused on solving the most common workplace communication mistakes, by using Dr Ro’s CWI™ System. In part two, Dr Ro coached live on-screen a participant who had a challenge with communication in their career which involved: Lack of confidence, having their ideas taken by others and being cut off during senior meetings. The coaching extract from this web class is shared to help you self-coach. By using the tools Dr Ro shares whilst coaching, you too can create a personal turning point. To be invited to the next WebClass, simply complete the Free Communication test: Please subscribe and review. For show notes, to become a supporter and get your perks to go to
Whether you are pursuing financial freedom or a new business idea. There’s a high chance you’ll stop that pursuit well before it starts or at some point before you reach your goal. This is typically because you’ll hit blocks. Sure they’ll be external blocks out of your control. But what about the internal blocks? These are often the most powerful. In this episode, Dr Ro and Harminder focus on helping you overcome these blocks by highlighted the most common blocks in stopping people from achieving financial freedom and what you can do about them. Please subscribe and review. For show notes, to become a supporter and get your perks to go to
Most people confuse or label synchronicity, as a coincidence. A random occurrence that has no meaning. But this approach misses so much magic. As well as missing the magic of life, you may be missing important messages/signals encouraging you to make a decision that could change the direction of your life for the better. In this episode, Dr Ro and Harminder focus on unravelling everything around Synchronicities including how it links to the law of attraction. Please become a supporter. Please subscribe and review. For show notes, to become a supporter and get your perks to go to
Miscommunication in the workplace can turn a simple solvable problem into a complex web of political ‘Chinese Whispers’.  The reason this is so important to supervisors/managers/directors is because there can often be irreversible consequences such as - people falling out with each other, lapse in productivity,  people leaving the team, conflict, veering away from the collective goal and more. In this episode Dr Ro and Harminder focus on improving your communication skills in the workplace in order to avoid miscommunication in the first place. Please become a supporter. Please subscribe and review. For show notes, to become a supporter and get your perks to go to
Englands Euro Finals penalty misses could have happened to anyone. In this event, however, they happened to three young talented footballers.  With this event in mind, Dr Ro and Harminder answer the following question: What can we - as everyday people- learn from Euro finals?  In particular, how can young people take insights from this event, and in turn apply these learnings to their personal and professional life? Please become a supporter. Please subscribe and review. For show notes, to become a supporter and get your perks to go to
The year 2020-21 will go down in history. A modern-day pandemic sweeps the globe. The reality however is, because of the nature of this particular virus and given how interconnected we are as humans - this virus and future evolutions of it may be here to stay. In this episode, Dr Ro and Harms address this topic with the help of a medical expert. Specifically answering the question - How we can learn to live with covid? Please become a supporter. Please subscribe and review. For show notes, to become a supporter and get your perks to go to
On today’s Seekardo Short, we focus on - how to regain focus after a period of being away from your day to day work or business. With the aim being, returning to your work and immediately being back to your best. Please become a supporter. Please subscribe and review. For show notes, to become a supporter and get your perks to go to
What can we learn from F1 race driver Sergio Perez about re-framing your situation? Dr Ro and Harminder de-code how high performers break a negative response pattern. And how you can break your own patterns of reacting negatively to circumstances. Are you always reacting with anger, frustration and sadness? In this episode you’ll learn how to break these patterns permanently. Please become a supporter. Please subscribe and review. For show notes, to become a supporter and get your perks to go to
In a world with too many choices, it becomes ever more difficult to actually make a decision. So when it comes to important ‘big decisions’, we don’t have the muscle power to effectively decide. Instead, we opt to stay undecided. The consequence of which is regret, anxiety or valuable time wasted. To help restrengthen the muscle Dr Ro and Harminder talk through two practical approaches to help you make decisions quicker. Please become a supporter. Please subscribe and review. For show notes, to become a supporter and get your perks to go to
The internet changed the world. This change destroyed the idea of a ‘job for life’. Where if you went to school, got good grades, you’d be guaranteed a job for life. Once you were done with that job you could retire happily on a sufficient pension. Dr Ro and Harminder talk into this space and answer the question - Is the education system out of date. Please become a supporter. Please subscribe and review. For show notes, to become a supporter and get your perks to go to
Many people are unaware they're coming solely from the headspace. This typically plays out in everyday communication. The consequences of coming ONLY from a headspace includes - disconnect, frustration, distance, at-logger-heads, confusion and more - in professional and personal settings. So in this episode, Dr Ro and Harminder talk through how to start communicating from the heart space. Please become a supporter. Please subscribe and review. For show notes, to become a supporter and get your perks to go to