Seeking The Truth

Chapter by Chapter, verse by verse, expository commentary of the word of God. Bible Discussion Groups, too. confernce line 404-566-9585

Ezra 1:1 - 8. God Can Use Who He Wants to Building His House. Thursday, October 1, 2020.

Our verse by verse bible study through the book of Ezra.  The call of a pagan king, King Cyrus, to bring God's people back to the land to build the God of Israel a House. We must never underestimate The Most High's power to fulfill his will in the earth. Learn how the prophecy of Jeremiah came to pass in the days of Ezra. See how throughout Hebrew history, God has used not only His people but also those whose hearts were willing. Are we willing to be used by Him? Timothy Merritt, Pastor/Teacher


Haggai 2:14 -19. Many Christians are Practicing Atheist. Thursday, September 3, 2020.

Many Christians are practical / practicing Atheist in their judgments,lifestyles and behaviors. We will destroy the myth of Romans 10:9-10 that their easy believe-ism confessional rebellious christianity produces! These lawless atheistic religious people often don't see hardships as God's corrective measures, but if they return to Him He will restore one's to the abundance of the covenant. Let's examine Haggai 2:14-19 in light of what they had been taught as a nation and the hope that was in reach for them! The last 30 minutes is bonus live discussion.


Haggai 2:1-14. Restoration Begins With Repentance and Righteousness. Thursday, August 27, 2020.

Have you ever rejected the will of God Most High and suffered humiliation and the loss of many benefits while headed speedily toward damnation? Well, the people that Haggai prophesied to were granted a chance to be restored, after finding themselves in this situation! They realized that much of the grandeur that they once had was gone. Yet, God promised them that they would would see greater glory than they had before, because God was now with them. That same God can restore us and grant us a share of His glory even in the midst of our American Chaos...........I'm a living witness! However, if we don't reform, we will forfeit the glory that is to be ours, all of our worship will be as unclean, vile, filthy rags. Let's examine: Haggai 2:1-14 and see what Yahweh/God says about these kind of rebels. Bonus Included: A strong interactive discussion starting at the 1:157 mark .


Joel 2 pt. 2 Verse by verse commentary bible study

Continuation of our verse by verse bible study through the book of Joel. This message is incomplete. The full message will be uploaded shortly. Pastor Timothy Merritt, Teacher


Joel 2 pt. 1.

Continuation of our verse by verse bible study through the book of Joel. Pastor Timothy Merritt, Teacher


Joel 3. The Fight and Victory of The Most High GOD. Thursday, August 13, 2020

There comes a time when Yahweh/God defends and vindicates His people, and mercy is no longer an option for His / our enemies. We must mature enough to ask Him to fight for us and bring His prophesied judgment on our wicked oppressors. Why? Because we are are on His side and we want to see His step by step victories leading up to the ultimate victory over His enemies, yes, on this earth. Let's look at Joel 3 and examine what the fight and victory entails.   Pastor Timothy Merritt, Teacher


Haggai 1. How to be Free From All Oppression. Thursday, August 20, 2020.

Why are we so often struggling to have the best in life, justice, health, food, clothes, wine and family? Will our hopes be realized in Greek letter organizations or Secret Societies, political parties or activists groups? The book of Haggai shows the true way to get free from all oppression whether religious, governmental. Let's examine Haggai chapter 1 verse by verse and examine the question that was asked to disenfranchised victims of their own arrogance.   Timothy Merritt, Teacher


Joel 1 pt. 2. The Day of The Lord is At Hand.

Continuation of our verse by verse bible study through the book of Joel. Pastor Timothy Merritt, Teacher


The Book of Joel introduction and chapter 1pt. 1

Our verse by verse bible study through the book of Joel.   Timothy Merritt, Teacher


Numbers 36. Do All People in Covenant with GOD heaven inheritance in Him and In the Earth?Thursday, July 2, 2020.

Do all people in covenant with Yahweh/God have an inheritance in Him and in physical this world as  other ethnic groups enjoy ? Surely the wicked have an inheritance that their descendants enjoy. If we do have an inheritance,  can the inheritance of "black people" be confiscated and divided among others, and it not matter in the " Christian Church?"  The book of Numbers: chapter 36 ends with instructions about inheritance,  so a review of this pivotal book will show the great importance of the believers inheritance, in this world and in the one to come.   Pastor Timothy Merritt, Teacher


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