
Selfdom is defined as the essence of one's self. I want to share my own journey to help inspire others to live their best life. Life throws you curve balls, and change is inevitable so I hope to help you see how adversity leads to growth, and that you are not alone.

Deep chats with Bella Varelis - How to build a career in social media, the power of the mind on our physical and mental body and such more.

On today’s episode we have the incredible Bella Varelis. Bella is a style icon, sharing her fashion and travel through social media. She also her own fashion label The house of Eve. On todays episode we chat about navigating the high and lows that come with a career in social media, her journey in business, what helped her find her flow when it came to her body and mind and more.I loved this episode because Bella is a good friend of mine, and I loved learning more about her. She is truely inspiring.


Solo episode - why I stand by the 80/20 rule, my training schedule, body image, my experience post the pill and more

This week I answer your questions! I love doing this type of episode because it's a great way to see what topics you want more of on the pod. Thank you to everyone who wrote in and who supports this growing community!I chat about my experience coming off the birth control pill, how I find routine even when my schedule is super busy, I dive deep into my journey with body image and insomnia and so much more.If you love this type of episode, please share it and subscribe. It truely means the absolute world to me.Watch the video here:


Trust your gut! Carla Oates, the founder of The Beauty Chef chats all things gut and skin on this weeks episode

Today is all about how to find beauty from within. Gut health is such a hot topic in the wellness world at the moment, but today’s guest has been a pioneer in bringing its importance to the forefront. I am so excited to have Carla Oates on the pod today! Carla is the founder of the beauty chef, a wellness brand that is leading the way at brining awareness of the link between beauty, gut health and wellbeing. A little background knowledge on Carla, she worked as the beauty editor foer some Australia’s top magazines, she was shocked by all the toxins in our products, and moved more into the natural beauty space. We talk a lot about endocrine distruptors on the podcast, but this was in the early 2000s so Carla really was ahead of the game! This passion led to the creation of the beauty chef which if you follow me, you know is a non-negotiable in my routine.During covid i got really Carla’s cook books and her journey and her story truely put me on my own wellness path. I am so so grateful to have her on the pod today. Watch the full video here:


Stop drinking from plastic water bottles! Naturopath Bianca Melas chats all things endocrine disruptors, hormone health and more.

Today is all about natural medicine, how we can heal our gut, balancing our hormones, endocrine disruptors and so much more. As I’ve mentioned before, gut health is something I have struggled with through out my life, and recently getting off the pill has brought some more in-balances so I am very excited for this guest!Todays guest is Bianca Melas. A clinical naturopath and Alo Yoga’s pilates instructor! This girl glows, she oozes kindness too and is just a great role model for women. Watch the full episode here:


Navigating dating life to find the one. All things relationships with Tom and I on this weeks episode.

Welcome back to Selfdom beautiful humans. A safe place to learn and get inspired to live your healthiest and most fulfilling life!We have a very special guest this week on Selfdom. It’s my incredible partner in life Tom! This man has many credentials, above all is he the most caring and genuine human on earth. Apart from that he specialises in breathwork, he’s a dedicated meditator, teaches purpose courses as well as created his own community called the elephants. We thought it would be fun to answer your questions on today’s pod. We got some about us, about breathwork, relationship advice and more. Watch the full video here:


I'm going off the pill! All things cycle syncing, hormone health and more with clinical nutritionist Sarah Cooper

Today’s episode is one that I am really excited for, because it aligns to a big change in my life. I have been on birth control for a decade, and for fear of breaking out and other side effects, I haven’t gotten off it. A little bit about my own experience, I was put on the pill when I was 15 and didn’t really have a choice or know much about it. My mum had been on it for majority of her life, and she made me go on it for contraception. At the time the only risks we knew of were potential blood clots. I am 28 now, and I have made the decision to get off the pill for a number of reasons. The main one is that I have chosen to be as natural as possible when it comes to what I feed myself, so it feels right to become better intune with my 28 day natural cycle. I genuinely feel like I owe it to myself as an act of self love. In all honesty I am scared to get off it becasue I don’t really know myself without it. This is why today’s guest couldn’t have come at a better time. A lot of you may know Sarah Cooper for her instagram @scoopitup. A little bit about this power house, Sarah is a clinical nutritionist aswell as a pilates instructor who is well studied in how to move and nourish at different stages of our cycle. I personally feel like no one ever taught me anything about this and I am excited to be bringing this knowledge to the forefront. People like Sarah are my favourite to follow because I always learn and get inspired by her content. Watch the full episode here:


Getting into your flow state - what it means and how to do it!

Today’s episode is all about finding your flow state! I discovered this term when I was reading The Art of Impossible by Steven Kotler, and have since dived deep into ways to live in flow.I am sure a lot of you are wondering, “Dom what is this flow state?” The term Flow state was created by Mihaly Csikszentmihályi in the 1970s - referring to flow state as being so immersed in the joy of their work or activity “that nothing else seems to matter.” To me it is when you’re living with so much purpose, that the world seems to be working for you and with you. You feel light, a lot of effort can seem effortless, and you are really in the groove.The best example of being in flow is when we look at Athletes. They are so in their zone on the court that they are not thinking about anything else, they are hyper focused and fixated on what they need to do. So today’s episode is all about helping you find your flow state! This has been a real game changer for me, it has in all honesty changed my life and i’m excited to dive deep into the episode. Watch the full episode here:


Founder of The Pilates Class Jacqui Kingswell chats all things Pilates, running a business, her journey post partum and so much more!

Today I will be chatting to the founder of The Pilates Class, Jacqui Kingswell! I am genuinely so excited for today because when I started Selfdom and created a vision board, Jacqui was a dream guest! We will be chatting all things Pilates! Pilates was invented around 100 years ago, and it is becoming an increasingly popular form of exercise. I practice pilates 3-4 times a week. It is my go-to training because it leaves me feeling long, mobile and releases all those happy endorphins after class! Jacqui has been at the forefront of pilates popularity, and has helped to bring confidence to so many women globally! Jacqui chats about her journey postpartum, what she does to feel good, balancing work/mum life and so much more! A truely inspiring conversation. Watch the full episode here:


Mouth tape before you medicate - Ice bath expert Dean Gladstone talks about the power of the breath

On today’s episode we have Dean Gladstone. Dean has one of the most impressive list of qualifications I have ever seen, but to name a few he is a certified ice bath instructor, a personal trainer, the founder of the app power of the breath and a lifeguard at my local, Bondi Beach! Dean’s purpose is to empower people to manage and influence stress for better health and performance. He has a strong focus on nutrition, mindset, goal setting, movement and breathwork. I love his holistic approach to health and I am so excited to pick his brain today!We will be focusing on ice baths, managing anxiety, the power of the breath, what we should be prioritising if we are time poor and Deans tips for becoming your best self physically and mentally. Watch the full episode here:


Meditation will change your life - Leading meditation expert Luke Mcleod explains all.

Today’s episode is all about meditation. Whether you are new to meditating or someone who has had a practice for years and years, I know you will gain a lot from this interview.Today’s guest is Luke Mceloud. Luke is one of Australia’s most popular thought leaders and practioners in mindfulnes and meditation. Luke has been practicing for over two decades now, and he specialises in helping others deal with anxiety, overwhlm and emotional distress through meditation. Luke is the founder of The Mindful Life App, Soul Alive and the author of his new book Everyday Enlightenment. Make sure to give this pod a review, it really really helps the channel grow. See you on the next episode! Watch the full episode here:


Q & A with me - how I train, how to find your tribe, tips to make you present and more!

This week I did a question box on the @selfdom Instagram and answered your questions. I speak about how I train, how to find friends who lift you up, how to be present and more. Let me know if you like this style of pod and I can do more! Thank you for everyone who asked a question.Watch the full episode here:


Modelling 101 - How to start, how to thrive and more!

Today is going to dive deep into the modelling - how to get started, challenges that will come up, how to handle rejection and so much more. Today’s guest is Shannon Lawson, a model, health and fitness advocate, digital personality and a mum! Shannon has been modelling for over a decade and has shot all around the world. Our worlds always seemed to cross paths even in the early days, and I feel so lucky to call her a close friend of mine. Shannon has been an amazing role model to me and so many others so I can’t wait to pick her brain. I have always looked up to her not only physically because she is so much taller than me, but because she is so professional.I can't wait to hear your thoughts on the episode! Make sure to follow and share.


5 Tips For Becoming a Morning Person - solo episode with me!

Welcome back to Selfdom. Today is a solo episode all about seizing your morning! I am the biggest believer in the power of a morning routine. This time is sacred to me, and sets the tone for my entire day. Creating a solid morning routine has been life changing for me. I am calmer, more focused and to be honest a nicer person in general because I have my “me” time every day.A big reason I am such a believer in seize the morning seize the day is because I know how crazy our days can be. We often have plans to go to the gym after work but then a meeting is pushed back, or we just feel a lot more tired in the afternoons. By getting it done in the morning, you have already achieved a goal. Not only does this take pressure off for getting it done after a busy day of work, it also means you are in a better mood all day because you have already achieved something before the business day has started. A reminder throughout this episode is that waking up early doesn’t mean you are jeopardising your sleep. More and more studies have come out showing the importance of high quality rest on your overall health. A good nights rest is importance for your cognitive functioning, it boosts your immune system, improves your metabolic health and helps your skin - beauty sleep isn’t a myth!I promise that after a few weeks of sticking to this you will really see the positive impacts to your body and mind. Give these tips and go and let me know how you go. A reminder that I love seeing your dms and messages about your progress, so never be shy to share. .Follow me at @selfdom and @dominiquelissa


"Being different is what colours the world" Former Miss Universe Laura Dundovic shines on this weeks episode

On today’s pod we have Laura Dundovic. Laura is known for a whole variety of things, but as a back story in 2008 she won Miss universe Australia, kicking off a career for her in acting, fashion and so much more. Laura has a cert 3 + 4 in personal training, as well as a bachelor in psychology! She really embodies beauty and brains. What I love about Laura is that she shares her struggles, she shows a realness and relatability on her socials. she has been open about her struggles with Hashimoto's disease, an auto immune disease. On today’s episode we will be chatting about her experience as miss universe, how being in the public eye impacted her relationship with herself, her journey with Hashimoto’s disease, what she does to feel her best and so much more! 


Model Trainer Janis Blums is back answering your questions!

Today is part 2 of a 2 part series. Part 1 has been my most listened to episode, so I had to get this guest back! Janis Blums is one of Australia'a most sought after fitness coaches training many Australian and International models.Today’s questions are all from the listeners. There were over 100 questions so I’ve chosen a good mix to touch on nutrition, mindset, plateauing at the gym and so much more!A reminder to follow and share, I have such big dreams with this podcast and it would really mean the world.


All things gut health and feeling your best - Clinical Nutrionist Brooke Kelly explains

Welcome Back to Selfdom beautiful humans. I am so excited for todays guest becasue I genuinely save every one of her recipes. Brooke Kelly is a Clinical Nutrionist, sharing her love for nourishing food on her Instagram. I have been following Brooke for a number of years and she has inspired a lot of my cooking! I love that Brooke focuses on mixing it up with different veggies and proteins, she creates the rainbow on her plate and she really shows that healthy and nourishing cooking doesnt need to take hours or break the bank. Social media can create a lot of confusion when it comes to whats right to eat. There is so many different opinions and information online! I am so excited to have Brooke here today to get all her tips and tricks for living your healthiest and happiest life! 


Why you need Self-Love to find Love - Deep and personal solo ep!

Today we are going a little bit deep and a little bit personal. Self love is one of my favourite topics and It is something I work on every day. Like any relationship with a partner, family member of friend, it only exists when you put the work into it. I have had a lot of people ask about relationships on the Selfdom Dms, and you may be thinking that relationships are self love are mutually exclusive, but they couldn’t be more relatable. This was something I realised from spending a year single. I wanted to talk about 5 ways to find self love and nurture the most special relationship in your life, the one with yourself. These are practices you can do every day to check in and become your most authentic and genuine self. 


How 5 minutes of breathing can change your entire day! Inspiring conversation with Breathwork coach Eddie Nelson

All I can say is wow! Some conversations really click, and this was one of them. Eddie is a qualified breathwork coach and has inspired many with her teachings. Eddie explains how the power of breath completely changed the trajectory of her own life. This was a great reminder of how just 5 minutes of mindfulness can completely change your life. Breathing is the most natural thing we do, so be intentional and make the most of this incredible practice. Make sure to follow Eddie Nelson and Bred on socials, and don't forget to subscribe and comment on the episode. Enjoy the episode!


Why weights won't make you bulky - Model trainer Janis Blum explains all!

On today's episode I chat to my personal trainer and good friend, Janis Blums. Janis is IMG's and CHIC's go-to when it comes to finding their models a trainer. He has taught me so much when it comes to the mind body connection, and he is the man who changed my perspective when it comes to weight training! I loved filming this episode. Let me know if we should do a part 2 as we had so much more we wanted to speak about.


5 Ways to Cultivate Joy in Your Life

It is sad to think that as a child we are full of joy, even over the smallest of things. As we get older, we start to lose that inner child and get so consumed by the outer world. I hope you learn some new tricks in this episode that can help you to find happiness every single day.


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