Senpai Sanctuary

Senpai Sanctuary is a 1 - 2 episode a week podcast. Where you join host Victoria aka ReddFox as she talks to you and the occasional guest speakers about everything Anime, Manga, Conventions, Cosplay, and Japanese news, history, and culture. If you'd like to get involved with future podcast Follow her on Instagram! WARNING!! vulgar/explicit language or topics may be said or talked about at any time.

What happened to Senpai?

This episode explains a little why I stopped recording podcasts. --- Send in a voice message:


FAQs for Anime lovers

Hello, my nerds! it's been a hot minute since I posted and that is because I've been really sick and busy with con. now I have free time here and there and will be recording massive amounts of content! If you like this show please feel free to share it with others or in general, also don't forget to follow me on Instagram @reddfoxcosplay. PSA: I will be working on making a separate Instagram for Senpai Sanctuary but everything else will stay as reddfoxcosplay like twitter, facebook, Tumblr Etc. --- Send in a voice message:


Top 5 Anime's in Japan right now!

Hello, My nerds! Welcome back this episode we talk about the top anime's in Japan this month. Also, the past two weeks have been crazy if you follow me on Instagram you'll know all about it. Let me know what you lovely people think of this episode on my Instagram or Facebook page. --- Send in a voice message:


CEF!-I'm coming home 🎵

Hello, my nerds, Happy Friday! here's one of two current Events we get to talk about today. Leave me your thoughts on my Instagram post for this current event! Article Link: --- Send in a voice message:


The Do's and Don'ts at conventions

Hello, my nerds! it is con time, well for me it is. Here are some Do's and Don'ts that I compiled from going to cons. If you have any more that were not listen in this episode feel free to share them on my Instagram, there will be a post for you to comment on! --- Send in a voice message:


Getting to know ReddFoxCosplay

Hello Everyone!!! Thank you for coming to listen to another episode of Senpai Sanctuary, Last week there was no episode so this week there will be DOUBLE!!! Today I answer some cosplay questions so you lovely people can get to know me as a cosplayer a little bit better. Don't forget to follow me on Instagram if you don't already so you can leave me your answers to some of these questions! I want to get to know you too! --- Send in a voice message:


CEF - 10 Bullet Trains Scrapped

our very first current Event Friday!!! Today we talk about Japan's Bullet Trains. Don't forget to follow me on Instagram for podcast updates and to get involved so your voice is heard on here too! Let me know what you think of this episode! Article Link: --- Send in a voice message:


The Stigma of Buying your Cosplay

Do you feel embarrassed or ashamed for buying your cosplay because it doesn't look good like everyone else's? Do you worry about what people are going to say about your costume? Let me tell you the things i've noticed as a cosplayer over the years. Don't forget to follow me on Instagram @reddfoxcosplay --- Send in a voice message:


7 Facts about the Anime & Manga of Naruto

Hello my lovely nerds, it has been some time almost two or three months. been really ch=razy with everything going one and starting a new job but here's to hopefully starting up again. Naruto is one of my favorite shows and I love cosplaying Naruto, So i really enjoyed learning some new things about the show and the author Masashi Kishimoto!  Let me know what you lovely people think on our instagram page which is link below and if you also want to check out my Naruto cosplay my personal instagram is also linked below!!! & Love and appreciate all of you!!!! --- Send in a voice message:


Update 1/29/20

Hello my nerds this episode explains why I haven’t been able to post any new episodes. I’m hoping this weekend will allow me to record several episode for future weeks --- Send in a voice message:


Cosplay tips!!!

Hello, my lovely nerds, we're back with another episode talking about cosplay tips mostly for beginners but everyone can benefit from hearing other people's tips and tricks of the trade. Don't forget to follow the show on Instagram and drop a follow and let me know what you think.  --- Send in a voice message:


10 Random Facts about Bleach!

Hey Nerds! I'm going to be really disappointed in you if you thought I was talking about the cleaner and not the anime. Let me know what you think about this episode on our Instagram post!! Thank you for sticking around and listening if you wish to help support the show feel free to donate. Not mandatory but appreciated. --- Send in a voice message:


CEF! - Carlos Ghosn escapes!

Hello, my nerds welcome back to the first episode of the new year! Today we talk about a popular topic in Japan right now and that is the former boss of Nissan leaving the country while awaiting trial. As Always here's the link: Don't forget to leave me your thoughts on the Instagram post. I would love to hear your feedback!!! --- Send in a voice message:


CEF! - Rethink Drinking with the boss

Hello, my Nerds today we talk about drinking with our boss(s) of course let me know what you think on our Instagram page!!! Also yes I know I promised two but I explain in the podcast why there is only one so sumimasen!! I will admit I was rushed for this episode so my normal intro is not in here but I love and appreciate everyone who listens and supports this podcast I'll see you lovely nerds on Tuesday!!! --- Send in a voice message:


Celebrating Christmas in Japan!

Hello, my nerds! Today we educate ourselves on how Christmas is celebrated in Japan!!! I know this episode is coming out late but  I got an emergency phone call and have been making sure everything is okay. so without further ado here is the other episode I promised and I will have two episodes being put out tomorrow I promise. Please let me know what you think of this episode on the Instagram page which is now linked so go check it out! Thank You for everyone who has been listening and staying caught up with the podcast, love and appreciate each and everyone one of you!! <3  --- Send in a voice message:


Top 5 Digital Manga In Japan as of 12/2019

Hello, my Nerds! Welcome back to another episode. I want to thank you all for continuing to support me and this podcast I know last month I fell behind because of some personal stuff going on but we are back and there will be two episodes posted today, not sure when the second one will be posted but it will be today. Also, go drop a follow and leave me your thoughts on this episode and all episodes on our Instagram Senpai_Santuary or if you'd like to follow my personal account you can follow me at reddfoxcosplay. I'll see you Nerds in the next one! --- Send in a voice message:


CEF! - The Feud Between South Korea & Japan

Hello my Nerds welcome back to another Current Event Friday, I appreciate every one  of you who join me. Today we talk a little bit on why South Korea and Japan are feuding right now. Like always leave me your thoughts on the matter on our new Instagram Page we'd love to hear your opinions and for you to participate in future episodes. I also would like to thank you for sticking around as November was crazy for and i fell behind making episodes so for the next week roughly there will be two episodes posed on Tuesday and Fridays! If you enjoy this podcast please share it to other people who might enjoy it or just share it in general! --- Send in a voice message:


CEF! - Yahoo Japan & Line set to Merge!

Hello Everyone welcome back to another episode! I am trying my hardest to get caught up with all the episodes i have planned for this Channel so please bare with me for another week and i will be all caught up for you! I would like to also like to announce that we have our own Instagram page now where you can comment on the latest episodes posted, I would love to know some of your thoughts on the episodes regardless of where you are so please follow and comment. I want to hear from you lovely people. Personal Instagram: Article link: --- Send in a voice message:


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