Metro Life Church Sermons

This page contains the sermons and teachings of Metro Life Church Casselberry Florida

Proverbs 7 - Warning Against Violations

Solomon trains and equips us through an illustration. It is a warning against sexual sin lest we violate God’s good design.


Proverbs 4 -The Heart of the Matter

True life does not flow into us from external circumstances; true life flows out of us from the internal fullness of the Holy Spirit given by our Savior, Jesus Christ.


Proverbs 3:13-35 - Wisdom Over Worth

Scripture instructs us to seek wisdom over the world's esteem or the fleeting worth so many pursue.


Proverbs 3:1-12 - A Prosperous Good News

Through faith in Jesus, we access the blessings of the covenant. Through our relationship with Jesus, we experience the grace of our covenant-keeping God.


Proverbs 1:20-33 - Lady Wisdom Speaks

Wisdom is a person who pleads with us to repent and not perish.


Proverbs 1:8-19 - Spiritual Wisdom

Unchecked greed for money and stuff is foolish because it will destroy you.


Proverbs 1:1-7 - Beginning of Wisdom

Throughout our Proverbs series this summer, we'll learn that the key to wisdom is a right relationship with Jesus.


Hezekiah - Trust & Pray

God is the craftsman at work in us. He is the one in whom we place our trust and direct our prayers. We have hope, knowing that he is also the one who can complete his work and answer our prayers.


Peter - Comfort & Commissioning

Let us marvel at our grace-filled comfort from Jesus. And give ourselves to the work we are commissioned to do.


David - Confession & Restoration

The darkness of the bad news of our sin only reveals the brilliance of the good news that God is gracious.


Abigail - Difficult People, Trials, and the Goodness of God

Abigail’s story is captured in this one chapter of scripture. In the darkness we walk through in this life, it is a beacon of hope. Shining forth for those who face difficulties and oppression in relationships.


Elijah - Ministry to the Spiritually Depressed

Following the events at Mount Carmel, Elijah gets extremely discouraged, but God graciously renews His servant.


Jonah - Running FROM or WITH?

It’s imperative for us to preach the good news of Jesus. Calling those running FROM God back to him for their salvation. It is also correct for us to examine our lives. Asking ourselves the question, “Am I running WITH God?”


Esther - Compelling Hope

od used only one perfect person to accomplish his redemptive purpose. As scripture attests, God uses imperfect people for the rest of his agenda.


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