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Set Apart Podcast

Author: Leslie Ludy

Subscribed: 3,686Played: 122,750


Inspiring women of all ages to pursue Christ-centered femininity, bestselling author Leslie Ludy speaks straightforwardly, giving biblical and practical advice on how to live as a godly woman amidst a self-seeking and shallow culture. With episodes on purity, purpose, devotional living, true beauty, Bible study, mentoring, leadership, friendships, romantic relationships, marriage, and family, this soul-stirring podcast will encourage you to surrender your life to the one true King and find true fulfillment and purpose in Him!
313 Episodes
Leslie continues her Most Asked Questions series with a practical and eye-opening look at true Biblical modesty. We often make the mistake of defining modesty only by the style of clothing someone is wearing, but as Leslie shares in this episode, modesty is far more of an outflow of someone’s heart condition than anything else.  If we truly desire to showcase honor; to glorify Jesus and point eyes to Him, true modesty will be the natural outflow of our lives, not just in what we wear but in how we act, how we conduct our conversations, and how you show respect and honor to others around us. As Leslie reminds us in this message, true modesty is not dour and oppressive, but life-giving and liberating.To register to watch our 2024 Set Apart Conference online, visit To learn more about our 2024 Ellerslie Discipleship programs, visit To support Set Apart Ministries, visit For more resources from Leslie, visit
Leslie continues her Most Asked Questions series with a practical look on becoming an effective speaker. Contrary to popular belief, it's not always those who are impressive by human standards that God chooses to deliver His most important messages. As Leslie shares in this episode, if we become willing and open vessels that God can work through, He can use our words to change lives for eternity, even if we don't feel qualified or perfectly polished. Whether you are a public speaker or simply seeking to share Truth with others in your life, this message will encourage and equip you with spiritual tools for effectively communicating Truth.For more resources from Leslie, visit To learn more about our 2024 Ellerslie Discipleship Programs, visit To register to watch our 2024 Set Apart Conference online, visit www. To support Set Apart Ministries, visit
Leslie continues her Most Asked Questions series with a practical look at effectively communicating Truth through writing. Whether you are writing blogs, articles, books or even just simple letters and texts, the written word is a powerful tool for communicating the life-changing Truth of the Gospel. In this episode, Leslie shares her own writing journey and offers some key Biblical principles for effective writing that she has learned through her years as a Christian author.For more resources from Leslie, visit To learn more about our 2024 Ellerslie Discipleship Programs, visit To support Set Apart Ministries, visit
Leslie continues her Most Asked Questions series this week with a Biblical look at decision making. Many Christians believe that it is more spiritual to use our common sense, follow our hearts, make our own decisions, and then ask God to bless them. The idea of waiting for God’s leading before we move forward with a decision is becoming a foreign concept among modern believers. If you’ve ever been confused about what role God wants to play in your decisions or how to determine His specific will for your life, you are not alone. In this episode Leslie unpacks what Bible has to say about being directed by God in our decision-making.To learn more about our 2024 Ellerslie discipleship programs visit w To learn about streaming a simulcast of our 2024 Set Apart Conference, visit For more resources from Leslie, visit To support Set Apart Ministries, visit
Leslie continues her Most Asked Questions series this week with a Biblical and practical response to the question, "how can I hear God's voice?" Many Christians assume that God isn't interested in offering direct guidance for daily decisions, but the Bible makes it clear that we can hear, know, and follow the voice of our Shepherd. In this episode, Leslie shares two key principles that can help us learn to recognize the voice of God in our lives and cultivate a listening ear to His Spirit's leading.For more resources from Leslie, visit To support Set Apart Ministries, visit To learn more about our 2024 Ellerslie Discipleship Training programs, visit To learn more about our 2024 Set Apart Conference, visit
Leslie continues her Most Asked Questions series this week by tackling the topic "How can I know God's will for my life?" It might seem hard to discern what God’s specific calling on our lives. Am I called to be married or single? Am I called to be a missionary? Am I called to have a career? Am I called to this specific opportunity? But as Leslie shares in this episode, we all too often we get caught up in those kinds of questions and miss the fact that all our decisions are meant to flow out of a much deeper understanding of who we are called to be - daughters of the King.To learn more about our 2024 Set Apart Conference (attending in person or via simulcast) visit For more resources from Leslie, visit To support Set Apart Ministries, visit
Leslie continues her Most Asked Questions with a powerful and refreshing look at understanding real prayer. Offering encouragement for those who have struggled to find a vibrant prayer life, Leslie provides practical keys that can help you take your praying from mundane and weak to powerful and effective. This episode reminds us of the importance and life-changing impact of true prayer, as well as equips us with real-life solutions to strengthen our praying in the midst of our busy and distracting world.Resources mentioned in this episode: He Is video: Ellerslie Discipleship programs: Additional resources on prayer from Leslie: To support Set Apart Ministries, visit
Leslie continues her Most Asked Questions series by tackling the challenging question "How do I overcome fear?" By unpacking the promises of Psalm 91, Leslie gives us a fresh vision of what a mighty God we serve, and His desire to show Himself strong on our behalf. Leslie shares Biblical principles that can help us learn to abide under the shadow of the Almighty and take refuge in the shelter of His wings in whatever situation we are facing, big or small. As this episode reminds us, God's eyes run to and fro throughout the whole earth, ready to show Himself strong on behalf of those who will dare to trust Him.For more resources from Leslie on overcoming fear, visit To learn more about streaming a simulcast of our 2024 Set Apart Conference, visit To support Set Apart Ministries, visit
Leslie continues her Most Asked Questions series this week with a deep dive into the question "Why does it seem like women's ministries are often shallow?" In this episode, Leslie unpacks some of the key reasons why many Christian leaders are choosing an easy, watered-down Gospel when it comes to women's ministry, and shows us how our own passionate pursuit of Jesus Christ can have a positive impact upon this modern-day trend. It won’t be chick flicks, spa parties, or shallow feel-good messages that will change a woman’s life and awaken her heart to the Gospel. It will be the pure, uncompromising, timeless Truth of Jesus Christ.  This episode reminds us not to settle for shallow when it comes to our spiritual lives, and offers practical ways we can influence the women around us to go after more of Jesus.For more resources from Leslie, visit To learn more about our Ellerslie Weeklong Discipleship Program August 3-8, visit www. To learn more about streaming a simulcast of this year's Set Apart Conference, visit To support Set Apart Ministries, visit
Leslie continues her Most Asked Questions series with a Biblical look at responding to manipulative people. Many women struggle with feeling controlled or strongly influenced by manipulative friendships, and it can be confusing to know how to respond to this challenge in a healthy and Christ-centered way. As Christians, we are to be controlled only by the Spirit of God, rather than by human manipulation. In this episode, Leslie shares three Biblical keys to becoming set free from manipulation. If you have struggled with being manipulated, you will be amazed and the freedom and joy you find once you allow God to remove the unhealthy control of others over your life, so that you can make yourself completely and fully available to Him.To learn more about our 2024 Set Apart Conference, visit For more resources from Leslie, visit To support Set Apart Ministries, visit
Is it possible to be healthy and balanced in both family and ministry? While ministry is a wonderful way to showcase Christ’s love to others, the enemy can often use our good intentions to serve others as bait for stress, chaos and overcommitment. Many Christians who start enthusiastically in ministry end up in a place of burn out and disillusionment as time goes on. In this episode, Leslie draws from her own ministry experience to share key Biblical principles that can help us approach ministry in a healthy and Christ-centered way. She offers insights into how to balance ministry with other responsibilities such as family relationships, and gives practical suggestions for avoiding ministry burnout. This episode casts a vision for ministry that goes the distance.To learn more about our 2024 Ellerslie Discipleship programs, visit To register for the 2024 Set Apart Conference, visit For more resources from Leslie, visit To support Set Apart Ministries, visit
In a world that constantly promotes "following your heart", how do we handle our emotions in a truly Biblical and God-honoring way? Leslie tackles that challenge in this episode of her Most Asked Questions series. In this week’s message, she unpacks what it means to be led by Truth vs. feelings. When our feelings will no longer dictate our thoughts, decisions, and daily actions, we can truly be led by God’s Spirit instead of our own emotions.For more resources from Leslie, visit To register for the 2024 Set Apart Conference, visit To support Set Apart Ministries, visit
Leslie continues her Most Asked Questions series with a Biblical look at how to overcome low self esteem and walk in true humility. In Scripture, we see the answer to both questions reflected in the life of John the Baptist who said, "He must increase, but I must decrease." Leslie offers key principles for exchanging concern over what others think for the desire that others would see Christ in and through our lives. In this episode, she also unpacks key Biblical truths that can help us combat the lies of the enemy when he attacks us in the area of insecurity and self-esteem.To register for our 2024 Set Apart Conference, visit To support Set Apart Ministires, visit For more resources from Leslie, visit
This week Leslie launches her new series, Most Asked Questions, with a poignant look at a question that many of us have grappled with - why hasn't God answered my prayer? In this episode, Leslie shares five key reasons why it may seem that God is not hearing or answering our prayers. This message is a refreshing reminder of what true prayer is and offers rich encouragement to anyone who is looking for more purpose and power in their prayer life.For more resources from Leslie, visit To register for our 2024 Set Apart Conference, visit To support Set Apart Ministries, visit
Leslie finishes her Navigating Modern Christianity series this week with a soul-stirring reminder about the importance of making Jesus our North Star. Christianity, in a nutshell, is all about a Person - the Person of Jesus Christ. As Leslie shares in this episode, anything in our spiritual lives that shifts our focus away from Jesus and His Great-Cross Work is off-center and a distraction from the true Gospel. In this message you'll glean three important principles that can help you keep Jesus as your North Star, and avoid many common pitfalls in the modern Church that come when we shift our gaze away from what truly matters.For more resources from Leslie, visit To support Set Apart Ministries, visit To learn more about our 2024 Set Apart Conference, visit To learn more about our 2024 Ellerslie Discipleship programs, visit
Leslie continues her Navigating Modern Christianity series with the second part of her message on Overcoming Mediocrity. While it's easy to point the finger at the apathy we see in the Church at large, God often wants change to begin within us. In this powerful episode, Leslie offers two practical ways to let God have his way in our lives, become an example of vibrant Christianity, and inspire others with the way we choose to live.For more resources from Leslie, visit To learn more about our 2024 Set Apart Conference, visit To learn more about our Ellerslie Discipleship Training programs, visit To support Set Apart Ministries, visit
Leslie continues her series on Navigating Modern Christianity with a powerful episode on overcoming mediocrity in our spiritual lives. In modern Christianity, we are facing a crossroads between comfortable mediocrity and radical devotion to Jesus. As spiritual apathy becomes the norm, Leslie challenges us to grapple with the questions: how far are we willing to go in our devotion to Jesus Christ?  Is there such a thing as being too extreme in our passion for Him?For more resources from Leslie, visit To learn about our 2024 Set Apart Conference, visit To support Set Apart Ministries, visit
Leslie continues her Navigating Modern Christianity series with a powerful and timely message about how to honorably handle weakness in other believers and in the Church as a whole. Our human tendency is to expose weakness in others and draw attention to it. But when we allow God to overwhelm us with His supernatural, victorious love toward His Body, our entire perspective changes. That’s when we become His blanket carriers, letting love cover a multitude of sins. The episode challenges us to let God flood us with fervent love for those in our lives and give us eyes not to see their weakness, but His strength, hope and redemption.To learn more about our Ellerslie Online Program, visit To learn about our 2024 Set Apart Conference (June 7-9), visit For more resources from Leslie, visit To support Set Apart Ministries, visit
Leslie continues her Navigating Modern Christianity series with a message about how to heal from legalism and respond to rules-based Christianity in a healthy way. If you have personally been hurt or oppressed by legalism, this episode will help you break free from rules and discover the freedom of the abiding life in Christ. Leslie also shares several practical keys for responding to legalistic Christians in a God-honoring way, forgiving those how have hurt you through legalism, and becoming a catalyst of God's amazing grace within the Body of Christ today.To learn more about our 2024 Ellerslie Scholarship giveaway, visit For more resources from Leslie, visit To support Set Apart Ministries, visit
Leslie continues her Navigating Modern Christianity series with Part Two of her message on keys to a healthy Christian community. In this episode, Leslie unpacks five principles that hallmark a truly healthy and Christ-centered community. These principles are invaluable to building a community that is Biblically-based, outward-focused, edifying, prayer-oriented and Christ-centered. This episode will inspire and equip you to help steer your Christian gatherings and groups toward God's pattern, whether you are a participant or a leader. When believers gather together in a way that brings glory to God, it is not only refreshing and beautiful, but world-changing.For more resources from Leslie, visit To learn more about our 2024 Set Apart Conference and save with early bird pricing, visit To learn about our 2024 Ellerslie Scholarship Giveaway, visit To support Set Apart Ministries, visit
Comments (20)

Allison Elder

I appreciate you and your ability to speak boldly the words of Christ.

Oct 26th

Gayla Tolbert

Why is Setapartgirl not on spotify?

Oct 24th


This has spoken to me on many levels

Oct 23rd
Reply (1)

esther dampson

hi im 17 and I really love your podcast and how it gives the Gods honest truth on living as a set apart girl

Sep 16th
Reply (5)

Sophie Farrington

sharing this with all my mama friends! fantastic!

Apr 26th

Sara Dyck

This whas really what I needed to hear, thank you so much Leslie, may God bless you richly! 😇

Apr 25th

Allison Elder

I love this podcast, but this episode is my favorite so far. I really needed these messages today. Thank you.

Mar 5th

Desray Tsch

those speeches are Amazing.... i have a couple questions for you? Could i some how contact you

Feb 19th

Shauna Jennings

Thank you for this!

Dec 21st

R Walton

Definitely Need to Implement Pray in My Marriage.

Nov 27th

Linda Sarah Gross

Thank you Leslie for not comprising or making excuses in any way for us ladies on how we should live, act and dress according to God's Word. I know it but it is wonderful when we have older married (and unmarried;)) ladies teaching by example! Just wanted to let you know, God bless you and keep you.

May 22nd

Ugbobor Victoria

Hello I'm Victoria, A Nigerian. God is really using you to bless me ma'am . I pray the hands of God will continue to be upon you and your family , the glory of God will continue to shine more on you, I pray the enemy will never succeed in their plans of pulling you and your ministry down. In the name of jesus. Amen

Feb 4th

Joy Wright

I totally agree!

Dec 4th

Daniela Arias

I love everything you have to share please dont stop!!!

Nov 11th