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Seun Richboss

Author: Seun Richboss

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Seun Richboss is a Marketing Strategist and Digital Marketer by profession. Out of work, he helps young Africans to be purpose-driven by sharing inspirational and educative content of thought leaders and godly influencers.
20Β Episodes
Apostle Joshua Selman talks, what you need to know before going into a relationship.
Fela Durotoye is always a blessing to me. In his teaching; Living The Unstoppable Life, I learnt the right way to set goals. So, I thought it wise to share what I learnt with. I hope it resonates with your heart as it has done with mine. Enjoy! P.S: To get the best listening experience, I recommend you use an earphone🎧. Contact: +2347011981938 Audio Created by @medemedeconcept
Listen to Ejimi Olufukeji, as he speaks on how you can be financially free forever. Money Tree... It is sad how many hardworking folks still struggle with the idea of being financially independent/free. For some; it is the nature of their work while for others it is their level of conviction. However, you must understand that the growing/pilling bills gives no regard to any of these two factors. What limitation have you placed on yourself that is affecting your finances? If you want the answers to this and most importantly the wealth solution; listen to Ejimi Olufukeji as he clearly explains the gateway to being Financially Free! Contact: E - mail: Phone Number: +2347011981938 Instagram: @seunrichboss
In this video, Pastor Arome Tokula, the Senior Pastor of Christ Family Ministries, explains how to become great. . What's Your Position? How far and high are your dreams? There comes a time when you must move from mere dreaming to setting yourself apart to be the best version of your dream. Obtaining a status quo requires more than just sitting on the fence. It needs more than you can give at every point in time. Like the popular adage "To who much is given more is expected". Are you willing to pay the price for that great vision? What steps have you taken to start your journey? These and much more are what you need, to constantly remind you of what is at stake in being complacent. Listen to Pastor Arome Tokula as he reveals the dangers of certain limitations. Contact: E - mail: Phone Number: +2347011981938 Instagram: @seunrichboss
Pastor EA Adeboye, the General Overseer of The Redeem Christian Church of God (RCCG) speaks on mistakes to avoid before marriage. This is vital for everyone in a relationship or intending to get into one. . The Decision The general saying marriage is an institution holds true to date. Hence, you must aim to build and get what is needed to manage "The Institution". While peer pressure and societal expectations drives many to jump on this lane; they soon realize that they lack adequate preparation and knowledge which often results in regrets. However, while you wait, you can learn all you can to make your marriage work. An African proverb reads 'what an adult can see a child cannot see even when he climbs the top of an Iroko tree'. Therefore, knowing has always been the best remedy to ignorance. Listen to Pastor E. A. Adeboye as he reveals the secret to making the best marital decision. Contact: E - mail: Phone Number: +2347011981938 Instagram: @seunrichboss
Apostle Joshua Selman speaks of Koinonia speaks on love in this audio. Too many times we are overwhelmed by feelings and emotions; such that the realness of a thing is overlooked or ignored. In a way, butterflies are beautiful in the same way it can be a pest. However, does it mean the beauty never existed? The answer is No! Same is applicable to love. Like roses, it comes with its special kind of thorns. Yet you must understand fully what it means else just like the sea, you would be forced to dance to whatever tides that comes with it. This in turn can be detrimental to you mentally/psychologically. To understand this feeling and get to a point where nothing affects you negatively listen to know the pros and cons to the word LOVE. Contact: E - mail: Phone Number: +2347011981938 Instagram: @seunrichboss
In this audio, Archbishop Benson Idahosa shares his story of how to win in life. The journey of life is never known to be an easy fit. However, a few people have got the mystery wrapped around it. The going eventually gets tough no doubt but have you got what it takes to pull through. It is vital to note that at every point in time, you must take out time to ask yourself these questions and evaluate your outcome. Herein people mistake only war and battle as the only situations that call for power. If you're in this category then you most needs this. I tell you 'life' is the real test for power. Now the question is; how well are you equipped to sojourn through it and emerge victorious. Do watch the video to find out and make sure you subscribe. Thanks. Contact: Mail: Phone Number: +2347011981938 IG: @seunrichboss YouTube: Seun Richboss
In this audio, Apostle Joshua Selman speaks on how to be relevant in life. . Have you Discovered your Purpose Yet? For many, this word seems too difficult and they ask questions like what is purpose? Life has been underrated by so many people; the few who have been able to catch and know their destined and purposed place are the once fully making impact. The world is a very large place and just like the sky, everyman can make their shine and create an amazing story. However, it takes more than mere wishful thinking and hope to get there. Strategically and intentionally decide to find your path and in no distance time, you will experience the peace that comes with being YOU. As the saying goes there are no two same persons on earth, even twins have their disparities that makes them unique. Listen to this video and learn how you can grow from ambition to walking in purpose. Dare to be YOU in an Amazing way!!! Contact: Mail: Phone Number: +2347011981938 IG: @seunrichboss
Are You Ready? "The saying when preparation meets opportunity births success" is a long-aged secrets some people choose to ignore. This is synonymous with a generalize saying "opportunity comes but once". No doubt you want to be successful, the question is how prepared are you? The need to be intentional about adding value while you wait cannot be over emphasised. Your process is as important as the position (destination) you want to attain. Hence, you must nurture your mind to challenge yourself each day to hit your goal. To know how and what preparation you need listen to Emmanuel A. Ahmadu as he sheds light on one of the easiest way to become successful.
Bishop David Oyedepo in this video talks about how to become a star in your field. "Be Extraordinary" There is a level of excellence you must attain to be at the top. If you aim to fly high in life then you must position yourself to tap into greatness. Makers are world changers. To make anything happen you have to set your mind to reach the apex. What have you put into achieving your goals and visions? You must pay the price to get the prize. It is no news that to get what others don't have, you must be willing do go the extra mile and do what others fail to do. It's a sea of vast and endless opportunities. How deep can you dive, and how far can you swim? Think about it. Listen to a world changer as he shares his secret to a life of consistent difference. Contact: Mail: Phone Number: +2347011981938 IG: @seunrichboss
Apostle Joshua Selman in this video speaks on what to know before celebrating your birthday. Discovery is Key! Till date many still lack the orderliness and passion to make a change in their life. The will to settle for average is a much larger enemy that being a failure. You wonder why things don't seem to move or work to your favour? It is because you haven't aligned yourself with what is needed to stir a positive change in your life. When you first discover, it is one step into starting out on your success journey. It doesn't matter what life throws at you, your discovery gives you the propensity to stay focused and on track. Life in it self is sweet but, with misplaced priorities it becomes weary. So yes! you must plan to gain a space at the centre stage or remain broken for failing to plan. I'm sure you don't want the experience of "Once bitten twice Shy" The choice is yours! Contact: Mail: Phone Number: +2347011981938 IG: @seunrichboss
Pastor Chris Oyakhilome's teaching is worth listening to over again. The road to wealth is a much talked about topic. Many questions surrounding this topic have been put forward and answered. However, we still struggle with the strategies given for no just cause. The way to be wealthy is a much disciplined path, and only those who are willing to pay the price can attain it. Being wealthy is a path one must consciously and deliberately choose to enter and stay on course, else it be considered a burden. Wealth is attained. Like a school, you must stay focused till you are sure you've gotten the needed skill to be classified as being rich. This short video is a pointer to one key strategy to employ, in other to device your path to wealth. On the journey to wealth everyone has a story. Why not listen to Pastor Chris Oyakhilome and begin your own story today! Contact: Mail: Phone Number: +2347011981938 IG: @seunrichboss
Archbishop Benson Idahosa's sermons and messages are always a blessing. I remember watching The Benson Idahosa Story on Grace Digital Network, I also watched How Archbishop Benson Idahosa raised the dead (his first dead) on Rhema Drops and I was richly blessed at both times. Agreeably there's never an end to the trials and troubles of life. An end of a challenge might just mean the beginning of another difficult situation you just need to overcome. Things at some point gets so bad that in an attempt to save the situation, you desperately look for help and solutions outside your strength, knowledge and understanding. You also reach out to friends who you consider destiny helpers; only to be turned down. Another disappointment that's reminds you that in this journey of life, no one knows and understand your struggles better than you. Should you give up? No! Should you be weary? It's understandable. But remember in all these, there is One Bigger and Greater who knows it all even before we experience. To remain on the track of success, there is a pattern you must unwaveringly follow and practice.
Ejimi Olufukeji Adegbeye, also known as Ejimi The Profitable Investor, explains How To Become Rich and Successful. The power of value is never underestimated. Your value commands your result. However, many of you still feel lost and often confused as to how to establish and deliver value. Focus is an attribute that shouldn't be taken for granted on the journey to success. Yes! Success is a journey, and trust me you don't want to end half this journey half way. Starting something new is good, but you must be well grounded to achieve results. We grow by consistent learning. You must develop the habit to imitate others, it is on this ground you gain mastery. On this note ensure you position yourself to get the best so you can give the best. The question is what have you captured to prepare you and launch you to SUCCESS!!! CONTACT Phone Number: +2347011981938 E-Mail: Instagram: @seunrichboss
In this audio, Elisha Mamman shares four (4) Lessons he learnt from life. As it stands, he era of having an entitlement mentality is gone. If you are among the few percentage of people who still carry this luggage, then you have intentionally signed a pact with failure. Every individual is an embodiment of greatness. But, you must be hungry enough to dig deep and search wide to bring it out. Your responsiveness to life issues and challenges makes the difference. The change, you must understand comes from within. What you carry on the inside; like a jar of oil, is a grease that propel and overcome life's difficulties. Your association determines how far your desire is to grow in life. Like the law "Seed and harvest time" life activities and how to become an institution is no different. As you bear in mind that your mental capacity is an adverse indication of the circle/information you expose yourself to. In all this, you must decide; are you prepared for an expansion program or a limitation program.
The term "Life is what you make out of it" has never been more clearer. The journey of life is wrapped up in distractions, some both personally and socially construed. Thus, the time to be more deliberate and intentional is now or never. The act of discipline is life itself to some, while others see it as 'Let me just try'. In being discipline you can lay a foundation to a world of stability and ease. With discipline you build focus and hitting your goals becomes as sweet as taking an ice cream. Just as procrastination is to killing dreams and destiny, discipline is the tool you need to establish a system of constant successes. "High discipline equals high level of accomplishment". My point is you can't afford to be on an endless spin in this space of life, make a pact with discipline today and see how distinguished and established you become.
John Obidi speaks on achieving global relevance from a third world country. As a global digital achiever, he is known for his commitment towards challenging and breaking the limitations to creativity and opportunities in the digital space. In his pursuit that youths acquire social relevance in the ever-evolving digital world, John Obidi launched Head Start Africa. A globally recognised virtual platform that host live changing summits and conferences. Also, John Obidi telegram channel named Head Start Oasis brings to the public various transformational opportunities; scholarship, mentorships, grants, and leadership training for the empowerment of youths across all nations. The John Obidi podcast engages great minds and thoughtful influential leaders who tell their stories to inspire, educate, and motivate aspiring successful people. In all these, we are always reminded that the sky is wide enough for all to fly. Make-up your mind to be among the high flyers today.
When I took the Venture course by African Leadership University, I learned a very vital lesson in the module titled: The African Century. As I observe the challenges Nigeria and other African countries are facing, it dawned on me that the solution to these challenges is what Fred Swaniker shared in the lesson. Hence, I thought it wise to share part of the lesson with you. I hope it resonates with your heart as it did with mine. Enjoy! P.S: To get the best listening experience, I recommend you use an earphone🎧. Contact: +2347011981938 Video Created by @medemedeconcept
Unarguably, the best teaching on finance I have listened to this year (2020), is 'Business Session' by Sir Olufukeji Ejimi. Since it blessed me so much, I thought it wise to share one of the lessons I learned with you. I hope it resonates with your heart as it has done with mine. Enjoy! P.S: To get the best listening experience, I recommend you use an earphone🎧. Contact: +2347011981938
I listened to the message titled 'Write The Vision' by Pastor Poju Oyemade and I was richly blessed, so I thought it wise to share one of the lessons I learned with you by creating a cinematic visual and adding audio effects to dramatize the message. I hope it resonates with your heart as it has done with mine. Enjoy!
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