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Sex and Other Human Activities

Author: The Last Podcast Network

Subscribed: 10,942Played: 63,311


Each week, Marcus Parks and Jackie Zebrowski explore the worlds of screwin' and bad brain business as they answer questions from you, the listener! Email us at to ask us questions!
180 Episodes
Jackie & Marcus discuss the pressure from family to get married, slowly growing apart from a SO and answer a listener's email about issues orgasming while on medication. Got a question? Email us at
Jackie and Marcus discuss using anger productively, getting back up after falling on your face, and tiny tantrums.
The hiatus is over and Marcus and Jackie are back in studio to discuss breakups, fake anxieties and starting life all over again.
Episode 180: Moving On

Episode 180: Moving On


Marcus and Jackie discuss what it means to be able to end a therapy cycle, and hear from a woman who has trouble communicating her emotions to those closest to her.
Jackie and Marcus discuss recovery from a bout of depression, and read a letter from a woman who is concerned about starting the wrong medication.
Marcus and Jackie discuss the idea that part of growing up is learning to communicate the hard stuff with yourself and your loved ones, and respond to a letter from a listener trying to decide if they’re on the right medication.
Marcus and Jackie are back after a brief hiatus to talk about how paranoia can affect a relationship, and answer a letter from a woman who is having trouble balancing her sex-positive world views with her desire to date monogamously.
Jackie and Marcus talk about bad dreams and answer a question from a guy wondering whether he should get a hold of an ex girlfriend to ask for forgiveness.
Jackie and Marcus talk about how to both say no and avoid the anxiety that comes along with it and answer a question from a woman whose husband is oh so addicted to porn.
Marcus and Jackie talk about the road to the right medication and answer questions from a woman whose boyfriend is driving all her friends away with his constant demands on her time.
Today on SAOHA: Marcus and Jackie talk about accepting the realities of medicating and answer a question from a gal looking for self esteem tips and a guy wanting to know how to deal with homesickness during the holidays.
On today's SAOHA: Jackie talks about dealing with her anxiety about the immediate future, whatever it may be, and answer a letter from a woman wanting to keep her own kids from having the combative relationship she's got with her own sister.
This week on SAOHA: Jackie and Marcus talk about how to appreciate the person on the other side of your mental struggles and answer questions from a nanny looking to get out of her job and a girl looking to control her OCD-induced anger.
Today on SAOHA: Jackie and Marcus talk about holding on to the good shit and answer a question from a girl with Borderline Personality Disorder.
This week on SAOHA: Jackie talks about a friend going through a sticky time and we answer a question from a woman thinking about getting into escort work.
Today on SAOHA: Marcus and Jackie talk about a recent huge milestone in Jackie's life and answer a question from a Democrat in love with a Republican.
Episode 167: Grudge

Episode 167: Grudge


This week on SAOHA: Jackie and Marcus talk about poison grudges and answer a question from a woman asking about her fiance's non-existent sex drive.
Marcus and Jackie are back after a long hiatus to talk about what's been going on these last couple of months and answer a letter from a gal asking if she should just give up on romantic relationships.
Episode 165: Human

Episode 165: Human


Jackie and Marcus finally figure out a good way to talk to someone who doesn't live with mental illness and answer a question from a woman trying to figure out how to not get bored and chuck away every relationship she's a part of.
Episode 164: Sturgill

Episode 164: Sturgill


Today on SAOHA: Jackie talks about her recent experience seeing Sturgill Simpson and how it relates to courage in artistic expression and the two answer an email from a woman asking about getting married too early.
Comments (8)

Elaina Black


Feb 12th

Shelley Emary

Wayyyyy too much judgement, sex shaming, fat shaming.... unsubscribing

Nov 17th

Kimberly Farron

I miss this. sometimes I re-listen to the episodes to drill home messages I need to revisit.

Apr 23rd

Carl Doby

The baby voice is annoying

Nov 4th

Narsiso Torres

los ale del Barranco

Nov 5th

Big Black Booty Daddy

Absolute filth

Aug 17th


are there ever gonna be new episodes?

Jul 23rd

Nanak Chand Nanakchand

pinky sandhu model

Dec 20th