Sha'ar Hagan

This series is learning the sefer 'Daas Hasefiros' by Rav Reuven Schlossberg, entering deep into the world of pnimiyus hatorah.

(32) Reaching the Highest Place of Nishmas Yisroel

This series is learning the sefer 'Daas Hasefiros' by Rav Reuven Schlossberg, entering deep into the world of pnimiyus hatorah. Find this series on:Apple PodcastsSpotifyAll recent shiurim:Apple PodcastsSpotifyJoin our WhatsApp Status here! We'll be sharing updates when shiurim are posted and short nuggets. Check out our app in the Apple App Store here!Or in the Android App Store here!


(31) Yichud Unity Leading to Mesiras Nefesh

This series is learning the sefer 'Daas Hasefiros' by Rav Reuven Schlossberg, entering deep into the world of pnimiyus hatorah. Find this series on:Apple PodcastsSpotifyAll recent shiurim:Apple PodcastsSpotifyJoin our WhatsApp Status here! We'll be sharing updates when shiurim are posted and short nuggets. Check out our app in the Apple App Store here!Or in the Android App Store here!


(30) The Deepest Part of Our Essence

This series is learning the sefer 'Daas Hasefiros' by Rav Reuven Schlossberg, entering deep into the world of pnimiyus hatorah. Find this series on:Apple PodcastsSpotifyAll recent shiurim:Apple PodcastsSpotifyJoin our WhatsApp Status here! We'll be sharing updates when shiurim are posted and short nuggets. Check out our app in the Apple App Store here!Or in the Android App Store here!


(29) Nullification Into the Oneness of Hashem

This series is learning the sefer 'Daas Hasefiros' by Rav Reuven Schlossberg, entering deep into the world of pnimiyus hatorah. Find this series on:Apple PodcastsSpotifyAll recent shiurim:Apple PodcastsSpotifyJoin our WhatsApp Status here! We'll be sharing updates when shiurim are posted and short nuggets. Check out our app in the Apple App Store here!Or in the Android App Store here!


(28) The Light of Moshiach Is Being Revealed

This series is learning the sefer 'Daas Hasefiros' by Rav Reuven Schlossberg, entering deep into the world of pnimiyus hatorah. Find this series on:Apple PodcastsSpotifyAll recent shiurim:Apple PodcastsSpotifyJoin our WhatsApp Status here! We'll be sharing updates when shiurim are posted and short nuggets. Check out our app in the Apple App Store here!Or in the Android App Store here!


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