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Shadow Politics with US Senator Michael D Brown
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Shadow Politics with US Senator Michael D Brown

Author: BBS Radio, BBS Network Inc.

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Shadow Politics is a grass roots talk show giving a voice to the voiceless. For more than 200 years the people of the Nation's Capital have ironically been excluded from the national political conversation. With no voting member of either house of Congress, Washingtonians have lacked the representation they need to be equal and to have their voices heard. Shadow Politics will provide a platform for them, as well as the millions of others nationwide who feel politically disenfranchised and disconnected, to be included in a national dialog.

We need to start a new conversation in America, one that is more inclusive and diverse and one that will lead our great nation forward to meet the challenges of the 21st century. At Shadow Politics, we hope to get this conversation started by bringing Americans together to talk about issues important to them. We look forward to having you be part of the discussion so call in and join the conversation. America is calling and we're listening… Shadow Politics is about America hearing what you have to say. It's your chance to talk to an elected official who has spent more than 30 years in Washington politics. We believe that if we start a dialog and others add their voices we will create a chorus. Even if those other politicians in Washington don't hear you — Senator Brown will. He's on a mission to listen to what America has to say and use it to start a productive dialog to make our democracy stronger and more inclusive. If we are all part of the solution we can solve any problem.
323 Episodes
Shadow Politics with Senator Michael D. Brown and Co-host Liberty Jones With Guest, Admiral Joe Sestak - American Politician and Retired U.S. Navy Officer Guest, Admiral Sestak, a Former 3-star Admiral, an experienced, independent leader who served in the Navy for 31 years and then as the highest-ranking military officer ever elected to Congress when he represented Pennsylvania’s Seventh Congressional District, joins the show to discuss current American politics with Senator Michael D. Brown and co-host Liberty Jones. The Current state of the Democratic party, what went wrong with the 2024 election and President Trumps intentions this year and the closure of U.S.AID.
Shadow Politics with Senator Michael D. Brown and Co-host Liberty Jones With Interview Guest, Mr. Charles "Chuck" Hicks, Mr. Black History from the D.C. Black History Celebration Committee Charles “Chuck” Hicks is the founder and director of the DC Black History ( Celebration Committee which celebrates black history year-round. He is a community activist focusing on issues that directly affect the community. Hicks serves on several Martin Luther King Jr. committees providing guidance, leadership and support. His work includes serving on the executive committee of the Martin Luther King Jr. DC Support Group, Inc.and the Martin Luther King, Jr. Scholarship Award Committee. Hicks co-chaired the DC Host Committee for the dedication of the Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial. He was co-chair of the DC Host Committee for the opening of the new National Museum of African American History and Culture. Hicks is also a member of the Southern Poverty Law Center.
Shadow Politics with Senator Michael D. Brown and Co-host Liberty Jones You're Fired! - With guest Former USAID Administrator J. Brian Atwood The Trump administration is putting all staff at the United States Agency for International Development on administrative leave as of 11:59 pm on Friday, February 7th. View the official message on the website of the USAID — the principal U.S. agency to extend assistance to countries recovering from disaster, trying to escape poverty and engaging in democratic reforms. What does this mean for the government agency's mission? Former USAID Administrator J. Brian Atwood will give us his take on this recent development and what this means for the agency's 10,000 employees across the globe.
Shadow Politics with Senator Michael D. Brown and Co-host Liberty Jones Vote for Free - With guest, DNC Vice Chair Candidate, Kalyn Free I've known Kalyn Free for more than 15 years. I've worked on political campaigns with her and helped her train candidates to run for public office, many of whom were successful. She's an amazing organizer, fundraiser and political activist. It's obvious that the Democratic Party must change and Kalyn and I will discuss what those changes need to be and how we can effectuate them. Join me and my new co-host Liberty Jones as we discuss the future of the Democratic Party along with Kalyn Free, Vice Chair Candidate. A citizen of the Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma, Kalyn Free’s career spans decades of leadership, advocacy and winning results. Kalyn has had a trailblazing career — she was the youngest attorney ever hired by the U.S. Department of Justice and the first Native American supervising attorney in its history. A red-state champion, Free was the first Native American woman elected District Attorney in Southeastern Oklahoma and delivered justice for the most vulnerable in one of the reddest parts of the country. She is proven strategist. With more than 30 years of campaign experience, Kalyn has helped Democrats win in tribal, rural and urban communities alike. With a unique perspective — from rural Oklahoma to Washington, DC — Kalyn Free has the vision and experience to lead the Democratic National Committee forward.
Shadow Politics with Senator Michael D. Brown The new Shadow Politics with Co-host Liberty Jones and guest Dr. Howard Doyle Join Host Senator Michael D. Brown and Co-host Liberty Jones as they interview guest, Dr. Howard Doyle and discuss the latest in American politics and the recent death of former U.S. President Jimmy Carter.
Shadow Politics with Senator Michael D. Brown A Seat at the Table - With guest Internationally Acclaimed Spiritual Author and Lecturer, Marianne Williamson On December 26, 2024, Marianne announced her candidacy in the election of the Democratic National Committee Chairperson. She is determined to make a difference in politics in America and within the Democratic Party, in particular. Marianne cares about poverty; international peace; an Economic Bill of Rights — including universal health care, tuition-free college and tech school, and a guaranteed living wage; the establishment of a Department of Peace and the Department of Children and Youth; the declaration of a Climate Emergency to mass mobilize for the development of a green energy grid; and ending America’s Drug War. I will discuss these and other issues with this important voice in today's political dialogue. After more than 25 years' experience with the Democratic National Committee, including working on the campaign to elect Ron Brown Chairman, we will have a lot to talk to about. Tune in and listen to this interesting and provocative discussion where Marianne explains what she's up to now. Marianne Williamson ran for the Democratic nomination for President of the United States in 2024 and 2020. In 2014, Williamson ran for a seat in the U.S. House of Representatives. Now she is running to be Chair of the Democratic National Committee. Marianne is a successful entrepreneur, bestselling author, political activist and globally influential spiritual thought leader. For more than three decades, she has been a leader in spiritual and progressive circles and is the author of 15 books — four of which have been #1 New York Times bestsellers. Williamson founded Project Angel Food, a nonprofit organization that has delivered more than 16 million meals to ill and dying homebound patients since 1989. The group was created to help people suffering from the ravages of HIV/AIDS.
Shadow Politics with Senator Michael D. Brown Jimmy Carter's passing and what's in store for the future of the United States of America. Senator Michael D. Brown goes over the passing of Former President Jimmy Carter and his impact on his life. Senator Brown also discusses the evolution of American politics going into 2025 and the future of America.
Shadow Politics with Senator Michael D. Brown Will DC Become the Testing Ground for the New Republican Radical Agenda? - With Guest, Former Ward 2 Councilmember, Jack Evans Councilmember Evans was on the DC Council while the Control Board ran Washington, DC. I will discuss with him, what that was like, and whether it can happen again. What can we expect from President-elect Donald Trump who has vowed to seek retribution on the Democrats who live in our hometown. What's next, what can we do, and how will this shape our city moving forward? Jack Evans was first elected to the Council of the District of Columbia in a 1991 special election and re-elected in 1992, 1996, 2000, 2004 and 2008. Jack was elected by his colleagues to serve as the Chair Pro Tempore (Vice Chair) of the DC Council in 2001. Jack's work in DC politics and other organizations included: 1992, 1996 and 2000 Democratic National Conventions, as well as 2004 Howard Dean DC Co-Chair; 1992 and 1996 Bill Clinton's DC Co-Chair; 2008 Hillary Clinton DC Co-Chair; and DC Democratic Party Treasurer (1988-1991). Evans received an economics degree with honors from the Wharton School in 1975 and a law degree from the University of Pittsburgh, School of Law in 1978. He began practicing law at the Securities and Exchange Commission in the Division of Enforcement.
Shadow Politics with Senator Michael D. Brown Did we elect Donald Trump because he's a celebrity? - With Guest, Dr. Paul Harrison, Senior Lecturer and the Unit Chair of Consumer Behavior in the Department of Marketing in Deakin Business School. Since November 5th, Democrats have been looking for the answers on what they could have done differently. What we need to do really, is focus on who we are and how we came to elect a man who is so unfit to serve. Tune in as Dr. Harrison and I discuss how our biology makes us act in certain ways and ultimately affects the decisions that we make. Are we fated to be attracted to celebrity more than substance or can we still make rational decisions? Do our perceptions of reality override our DNA or are we slaves to our biology? Don't miss this fascinating discussion! Dr. Paul Harrison is a Senior Lecturer and the Unit Chair of Consumer Behaviourin the Department of Marketing in Deakin Business School. Dr. Harrison's research is focused on emotional and rational behavior, and how our biology and the environment interact to influence the way we make decisions. His work has been published in a wide range of international journals and conference proceedings and has informed policy and business practice in Australia and internationally. Dr. Harrison is currently working on international research projects with Yale University in the US, The Open University in the UK and Universita Cattolica del Sacro Cuore in Italy. Paul also appears in the media discussing marketing and consumer issues and writes op eds for a range of newspapers and online sites including The Conversation.
Shadow Politics with Senator Michael D. Brown Who are the people who voted for Trump? AND WHY?! - With Guest, Distinguished Professor of Anthropology, Alex Hinton Who are the people who voted for Trump? AND WHY?! PROFESSOR ALEX HINTON Will Tell Us Five things to understand about MAGA supporters - We were so sure of ourselves... so, what happened? Who are the people who voted for Donald J. Trump and why? What can Professor Hinton tell us about the psychology of these people and where the country is headed — based on his research, and what he knows about white power and the rising threat of genocide? Tune in as we discuss the future of America and what changes will come over the next several years. Alexander Hinton is Distinguished Professor of Anthropology, Director of the Center for the Study of Genocide and Human Rights, and UNESCO Chair on Genocide Prevention at Rutgers University. He is the author or editor of seventeen books including the award-winning Why did they Kill? Cambodia in the Shadow of Genocide (California, 2005). His most recent books are It Can Happen Here: White Power and the Rising Threat of Genocide in the US (NYU, 2021), Anthropological Witness: Lessons from the Khmer Rouge Tribunal (Cornell, 2022), and Perpetrators: Encountering Humanity's Dark Side (Stanford, 2023).
Shadow Politics with Senator Michael D. Brown Did the Crystal Ball Crack? - With Guest, Professor and Political Analyst - Allan Lichtman Contemplating electing a vile and convicted felon to lead our great nation for the first time in American history, I think not about Donald Trump, but about us. Who have we become? In my America, we chose acceptance over bigotry, hope over fear, country over self. At the most divisive time in our country's history, President Abraham Lincoln stood up and called for "the better angels of our nature." I will speak with Professor Lichtman about what has changed, what has affected his model which has been so accurate and how we can move forward in a positive direction, in the midst of all this negativity. Where do we stand and where do we go from here? Join the conversation... Allan J. Lichtman's prediction system — The Keys to the White House — has correctly predicted the outcomes of all US presidential elections since 1984. He was listed in as #85 among 100 most influential geopolitical experts in the world and received the lifetime achievement award from Who's Who. Professor Lichtman has published 11 books and several hundred popular and scholarly articles. He has lectured in the US and internationally and provided commentary for major US and foreign networks and leading newspapers and magazines across the world. Lichtman has been an expert witness in some 100 civil and voting rights cases. His book, "WHITE PROTESTANT NATION: The Rise of the American Conservative Movement" was a finalist for the National Book Critics Circle Award in nonfiction. He co-authored a book with Richard Breitman, "FDR AND THE JEWS," which won the National Jewish Book Award Prize in American Jewish History and was a finalist for the Los Angeles Times book prize in history. His book, "THE CASE FOR IMPEACHMENT" was a national independent bookstore bestseller. While many election forecasters base their findings exclusively on public opinion polls, Professor Allan J. Lichtman looks at the underlying fundamentals that have driven every presidential election since 1860. In his book, "PREDICTING THE NEXT PRESIDENT: The Keys to the White House," Professor Lichtman explains the 13 historical factors or “keys” (four political, seven performance and two personality) he uses. In the updated 2024 edition, Lichtman applies the keys to every presidential election since 1860 and shows readers the current state of the 2024 race. In doing so, he dispels much of the mystery behind electoral politics and challenges many traditional assumptions. This book is an indispensable resource for political junkies!
Shadow Politics with Senator Michael D. Brown What really happened at WaPo? - With Guest, associate editor of The Washington Post, Marc Fisher What happened at The Washington Post? Why no endorsement in 44 years for the 2024 presidential election? Did the billionaires unite from the Los Angeles Times and The Washington Post? What really happened and WHY?! I will have a frank conversation with editor Marc Fisher about these questions and others as we approach the final stage of the most consequential election of the last 50 years. Tune in for this exciting discussion as we see if we can restore our faith in our hometown newspaper!
Shadow Politics with Senator Michael D. Brown Initiative 83 - Ranked Choice Voting YES or NO - With Guest, Political Strategist, Lisa D.T. Rice Voting for five people for every office; does it make sense? Expand our democracy, increase voter participation, too complicated, votes thrown out — what's the truth? Should we vote "yes" or should we vote "no"? Tune in and hear both sides of the debate, which will be resolved on November 5th. Rank your vote or stay the course — what does the next election hold for Washingtonians? Lisa D.T. Rice is a political strategist — passionate about reform and political innovation. Rice is active in bringing productive change to U.S. politics. An independent, Lisa advocates for a stronger American democracy rooted in active participation by a plurality of citizens and loosening the grip of the two-party duopoly. Rice holds a master’s degree in management from the MIT Sloan School and a BA degree from the Newcomb College of Tulane University. A native Washingtonian, Lisa lives in the District of Columbia with her husband. Her son, also a graduate of Tulane University, teaches in the DC Public Schools system.
Shadow Politics with Senator Michael D. Brown Keeping an Eye on our Government - With Guest, Former Councilwoman and DC Auditor, Kathy Patterson Former Councilwoman Kathy Patterson has seen DC government from all angles — inside and out. We will discuss the policy changes that are in the works, the things in the District of Columbia that could work better and how best the government can serve the people. In my 18 years of government service, I have never met anyone in DC government more honest and dedicated to the people of the District than Kathy Patterson. I'm excited to speak with her about what the future holds for the District and I look forward to an honest and frank discussion about what needs to be done to make government work for everyone. I encourage everyone to tune in to this retrospective as we look at where we are and where we need to go as a community.
Shadow Politics with Senator Michael D. Brown Who will be the Next President of the United States - With Guest, Professor and Political Analyst - Allan Lichtman Who will be the next president: Aren't you dying to find out? I know I am. Tune in as Professor Lichtman looks into his crystal ball and tell us what the future holds for America. Will we go back or move forward? Dr. Lichtman will share his insights into the presidential race, civil rights in America and where we go from here.
Shadow Politics with Senator Michael D. Brown Trump This - With Guest Congressman - Dan Goldman Lead Counsel in the First Impeachment of Former President Donald J. Trump. What can Congressman Goldman tell us about former President Donald J. Trump that we don't already know? What's the status of H.R.396 - Closing the Bump Stock Loophole Act of 2023? Ending mass shootings, dealing with our current political mass hysteria, the upcoming election and what's next, We'll talk about it all. Tune in and listen to what this sitting Member of Congress has to add to the discussion. D. Sack in the Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit. Congressman Dan Goldman is an attorney who, before running for office, served as lead counsel in the first impeachment of former President Donald J. Trump and as an Assistant United States Attorney in the Southern District of New York. Goldman has written about, and provided expert analysis on, significant topics ranging from criminal justice reform to the Special Counsel’s investigation. In law school, Goldman contributed to Michelle Alexander’s seminal book, "THE NEW JIM CROW: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness," which addresses the inequalities in our criminal justice system. As lead counsel in the first impeachment of Donald Trump, Goldman directed the strategy of the investigation and led the closed depositions and questioning of witnesses during the Intelligence Committee’s open hearings. Goldman oversaw the drafting and publication of the Select Committee’s 300-page report on the investigation — "THE TRUMP-UKRAINE IMPEACHMENT INQUIRY REPORT" — which exhaustively detailed Trump’s efforts to extort Ukraine for his personal benefit. He also presented the report in testimony before the House Judiciary Committee. Finally, he served as lead counsel for the House Impeachment Managers during the Senate trial of Donald Trump. During his 10-year tenure as an Assistant U.S. Attorney in the Southern District of New York, Goldman focused on organized crime and white-collar prosecutions, representing the United States in all phases of the federal criminal process — from investigation through appeal. He conducted and supervised hundreds of investigations involving racketeering, murder, money laundering, gun trafficking, firearms, narcotics, extortion and loansharking offenses, securities fraud, wire fraud, mail fraud, health care fraud, tax fraud and other white-collar crime.
Shadow Politics with Senator Michael D. Brown Fly Me to the Moon - With Guest Astronaut, Educator and Consultant – Eileen M. Collins Our guest is Astronaut, Educator and Consultant – Eileen M. Collins! I'm so excited to interview a female astronaut who has paved the way for those who have come after her. We'll talk about the struggles she encountered on her journey to outer space, the privatization of space travel, the future of NASA and our exploration of the universe. Where do we go from here in our continued effort to have our reach exceed our grasp? Eileen M. Collins was an aviation trailblazer and role model her entire career — from being one of the United States Air Force’s first female pilots to commanding the space shuttle on its return-to-flight mission after the Columbia disaster. Collins is a former astronaut, a retired U.S. Air Force colonel, a former military instructor and test pilot. Collins graduated from the Air Force Test Pilot School at Edwards Air Force Base, California. After tours at Kennedy Space Center (shuttle launch and landing) and Johnson Space Center (shuttle engineer and capsule communicator), Eileen flew the space shuttle as pilot in 1995 aboard Discovery. Collins was also the pilot for Atlantis in 1997, where her crew docked with the Russian Space Station MIR. Her final space flight was as commander of Discovery in 2005 — the "Return to Flight Mission" after the tragic loss of Columbia. She has logged more than 6,751 hours in 30 different types of aircraft and more than 872 hours in space as a veteran of four space flights.
Shadow Politics with Senator Michael D. Brown With Guest, Legendary Athlete, Businessman, congressman - Tom McMillen Put on your high top sneakers . . . Our guest is Legendary Athlete, Businessman, congressman - Tom McMillen - I'm excited to have a conversation with sports legend and old friend, Congressman Tom McMillen. Tom and I first met in 1980 at the Democratic National Convention in New York. I will speak with him about the evolution of the Democratic Party over the past 45 years, his predictions for the 2024 elections and, of course, his amazing athletic career which spanned decades. Tom McMillen is the president and chief executive officer of the LEAD1 Association. Founded in 1986, LEAD1 Association has 130 members located in 41 states. The association is dedicated to the success of student-athletes — both in the classroom and on the playing field for college and afterwards. As a high school student, McMillen was the most highly recruited athlete of his era and the second high school student ever to appear on the cover of Sports Illustrated. Tom was appointed by President Richard Nixon to serve as the youngest presidential appointee ever on the President’s Council on Physical Fitness. An All-American basketball player, Tom still holds the school record for career scoring average at the University of Maryland. The first Rhodes Scholar from the University of Maryland, Tom received a Bachelor and Master of Arts in Politics, Philosophy and Economics at Oxford University. A member of the controversial 1972 Olympic basketball team, he also played in the NBA for 11 seasons. Representing the fourth district of Maryland, McMillen served three consecutive terms (1987-1993) in the U.S. House of Representatives. He served on the Energy & Commerce Committee; the Banking, Finance & Urban Committee; and the Committee on Science, Space & Technology. He was president of the freshman class of the historic 100th Congress. President Bill Clinton appointed Tom as co-chair of the President’s Council on Fitness and Sports. McMillen also founded several publicly traded companies and has been a successful entrepreneur. He was a member of the Board of Regents of the University of Maryland System, the founding chairman of the National Foundation on Physical Fitness, Sports and Nutrition, and author of "OUT OF BOUNDS: How the American sports establishment is being driven by greed and hypocrisy – and what needs to be done about it." — a book examining the influence of sports on ethics. His op-eds and articles have been published in The New York Times, The Atlantic Monthly, USA Today and The Chronicle of Higher Education.
Shadow Politics with Senator Michael D. Brown Guest, Dr. Jonathan Metzl author of Dying of Whiteness - How the Politics of Racial Resentment is Killing America’s Heartland It's more than just about the guns. Although it has become clear that any person who wants a gun can get one, the problem is more complex than that. I will discuss with Dr. Metzl the intersection of guns, race and mental health. What do we need to do to reexamine our approach to ending the plague of gun violence in America? Why do we vote against our own self-interest? Jonathan M. Metzl MD, PhD is an acclaimed physician and sociologist who speaks, teaches and writes on a range of topics including mental illness and gun violence, race and whiteness in America, health and healthcare and diversity and structural competency in higher education. Dr. Metzl is the author of the groundbreaking book, "DYING OF WHITENESS: How the Politics of Racial Resentment is Killing America’s Heartland." A New York Times bestseller, the book is an in-depth look at why so many working-class white Americans support politicians whose policies are literally killing them. The book was also the winner of the 2020 Robert F. Kennedy Book Award. Being a gun violence expert, professor and psychiatrist is a unique combination that allows Dr. Metzl to speak and write about gun violence in America, and in particular to address stereotypes that link guns with race or mental illness, or that blame mental illness for mass shootings and other gun crimes. The topic is the focus of Dr. Metzl’s most recent, "WHAT WE'VE BECOME: Living and Dying in a Country of Arms," a book that, by looking at a racially-charged mass shooting in Nashville, Tennessee, reexamines how we as a nation should address gun violence. Dr. Metzl is the Frederick B. Rentschler II Professor of Sociology and Psychiatry and the director of the Department of Medicine, Health and Society at Vanderbilt University in Nashville, Tennessee. Metzl received his MD from the University of Missouri, MA in humanities/poetics and psychiatric internship/residency from Stanford University, and PhD in American culture from the University of Michigan. Winner of the 2020 Robert F. Kennedy Human Rights Book Award, the 2020 APA Benjamin Rush Award for Scholarship and a 2010 Guggenheim fellowship, Dr. Metzl has written extensively about the relationships between guns, mass shootings and mental illness. His books include: "THE PROTEST PSYCHOSIS: How Schizophrenia Became a Black Disease," "PROZAC ON THE COUCH: Prescribing Gender in the Era of Wonder Drugs," "AGAINST HEALTH: How Health Became the New Morality," "DYING OF WHITENESS: How the Politics of Racial Resentment is Killing America’s Heartland" and "WHAT WE'VE BECOME: Living and Dying in a Country of Arms."
Shadow Politics with Senator Michael D. Brown With Suprise Guest Donald Newsom, 2024 Election, the Candidates and Thoughts on Modern American Politics Senator Michael Brown is joined by guest, Donald Newsom, Founder of BBS Radio. Senator Michael Brown and Donald Newsom talk all thing Modern American politics, from the current candidates for the 2024 election, to their opposing yet similar thoughts on the future of this nation.