Shadow to Self with Acharya Shunya

Join master spiritual teacher and best-selling author, Acharya Shunya on her new show, Shadow to Self. She'll help you understand the universal coexistence of light and darkness within each and every one of us, share real-life stories, and explore concepts surrounding non-dual spirituality, relationships, existential question marks, consciousness, karma, dharma, moksha and more. She will also have guests on occasion, where she'll have deep conversations that will open your heart to a higher dimension of consciousness and instill empowerment and freedom. Subscribe now for updates.

The Luminous Self: A Dialogue with Author Tracee Stanley

In this enlightening conversation, Tracee Stanley, the author of the bestselling book "Radiant Rest: Yoga Nidra for Deep Relaxation and Awakened Clarity," joins podcast host Acharya Shunya, a three-time bestselling author and esteemed Vedic teacher. Together, these two influential feminine leaders delve into the profound wisdom of yoga nidra, meditation, and self-inquiry, sharing insights and teachings that empower individuals on their journey of self-discovery and inner transformation. Tracee also offers a glimpse into her forthcoming book, "The Luminous Self: Sacred Yogic Practices & Rituals to Remember Who You Are," slated for release in October 2023.


Anchored but Unstuck: In Conversation with Teacher Author and Musician David Nichtern

Join Acharya Shunya in conversation with David Nichtern is a senior Buddhist teacher who has practiced meditation for over 40 years. He was an early student of Tibetan master Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche and teaches Buddhist principles through his Dharma Moon platform. David mentors students  and leads meditation teacher trainings worldwide. As an author, Nichtern has authored many books including Awakening From the Daydream, a contemporary exploration of the Buddha's Wheel of Life. He also hosts a podcast based on his book Creativity, Spirituality & Making a Buck. 


How Does Ayurveda Enables Health Despite Poor Prognosis

Ayurveda, the ancient Vedic system of health and healing is often able to deliver results despite a poor prognosis. How does that happen? How can you intellectually align with classic wisdom to benefit from the deepest promise of Ayurveda? What are some of Ayurveda's deep tenets and how can you come into alignment with your own deepest state of health? Listen to this informative and inspiring episode by Acharya Shunya, author of 'Ayurveda Lifestyle Wisdom' and other books.


Vedic Mythology: Metaphysical Guidance For Your Inner Journey

 Vedic mythology which is timeless and teaches us about ourselves, from beyond  culture, religion and gender. These myths are tales of characters who never existed, and yet the characters who variously embody shades of light and darkness, are eternal . They existed before we existed. They will survive us.  Learn from Vedic scholar and bestselling author Acharya Shunya, the ways you can glean deep lessons from Vedic mythology and act from light versus darkness, power over powerlessness, and discernment versus ignorance.


Awaken The Unstuck Dimension Within You

In this episode, Vedic Scholar and author of best selling book Sovereign Self clarifies how in each one of us we have a dimension that lives inside space and time constructs and occupies a story and a dimension that is beyond space and time and any kind of story. If we learn to connect more with the latter than the former,  we can have a human story but not be bound by it or suffer because of it; we can also plan for the story and help it move forward into greater ease and light, by pulling in greater spiritual resources from the universe. 


Activate Shree: Goddess Lakshmi's Wealth, Grace, Abundance

Shree or Shri represents Goddess Lakshmi herself and her grace, splendour, beauty, wealth, affluence, prosperity, good luck.  Did you know that each embodied soul has a karmic quota of "Shree' to unpack in a given lifetime. Sadly, many of us are not in alignment with Shree and harbor wrong beliefs that prevent Shree from manifesting  good fortune for us. In this episode, show host Acharya Shunya, who is a respected Vedic scholar and author of bestselling book Roar Like A Goddess, unpacks ways to claim the Shree (abundance) waiting for you!  


How to Be Fearless in Facing Your Shadow

If you’re willing to believe that  your shadow isn’t just the scary, fearful, uncomfortable part of you, but your inner friend, you can start to feel comfortable sitting it down, asking some questions, and seeing it as your teacher. Whether the shadow becomes your friend or enemy depends largely upon your relationship with the Self.


UNBOUND - Claim your Freedom today

Learn how to free yourself from your own negative, self-doubting and betraying mind. This timely episode is a soothing balm for our times. Discover how to embrace authenticity, self-love and rewrtie a life script of peace, clarity and purpose. This episode highlights Acharya Shunya's journey to freedom. Tune in, to transform your life and the world we live in. Be inspired and invest in yourself. Give yourself the gift of freedom today!


Enlightened Vulnerability – Hope amidst Hopelessness

Acharya Shunya talks about being whole and coming into a relationship with the Shadow and the Self. Being human means accepting the co-existence of the appearance and the truth – this phenomenon she calls “Enlightened Vulnerability.” She instructs us not to blame our Shadow, and that the Shadow tends to perpetuate itself – till we infuse it with the Truth. She re-stresses the importance of discernment and detachment – and provides us with a core teaching, by which we can access Absolute Truth.


How to Embody Ahimsa to be Truly Powerful

There is a deposit within all humans to be noble, considerate and above all, kind, because of who we truly are – the dharmic Self – and not what our ego thinks we are. Yet, we need reminders, because many times, we forget our deepest spiritual imperatives. In this episode of Shadow to Self, Acharya Shunya, shall delve deep into the concept of ahimsa (non-violence) and why and how you can practice it, first and foremost towards your own learning-struggling-growing self.


Cultivate Excellence for A Goddess Blessed Life Today

In this podcast, Vedic Scholar and bestselling author of Roar Like A Goddess, Acharya Shunya invites listeners on a quest for personal excellence in everything they do, for greater success and satisfaction in life. She explains how excellence is different from perfectionism and how the Hindu Goddess Lakshmi is all about excellence. By adopting this one dharma value of excellence, you will become exceptionally fortunate. Your life will change and everyone will see that unfold.


Diwali Special: Decoding The Ramayana With Michael Sternfeld

In the episode, Achara Shunya muses on the spiritual significance of Diwali - the Hindu Festival of Lights and delves deep into Ramayana, the epic story behind Diwali with Michael Sternfeld, MA, who is a distinguished scholar of Ramayana and also a producer/director with over 400 productions in theater, music, dance, audio and video to his credit. In addition to publishing the complete audio Ramayana, Michael has also published numerous other audiobooks, including his latest, Hanuman’s Leap of Faith with Krishna Das. Michael's path-breaking audiobooks can be downloaded @


Self Respect and How to Embody It Like A Goddess

Respecting yourself is a critical prerequisite to everything else such as self-esteem, self-love, self-consideration and even feeling worthy of fulfilling your needs and availing opportunities like everyone else. For many people, especially women, self-respect is blocked. Acharya Shunya discusses 4 ways to unblock the flow of this divine self-validating emotion within you that shall make you more whole as a person and goddess like, in essence.


The Goddess is Coming: Celebrating 'Navratri' 9 Nights of Feminine Grace and Power

The Vedic festival of Navratri celebrates the Divine Mother as Goddess Durga, Lakshmi, and Saraswati, who are said to descend to the earth plane through moon rays, to destroy negativity and instill dharma and power in the hearts of all humans who revere HER. Join Acharya Shunya, Vedic Scholar and Author of Roar Like A Goddess,  as she unpacks her festival memories along with rituals and practices associated with Navratri.


Colonial Trauma, Feminist Roar and Staking the Goddess Claim

Embracing the Inner Druga represents confidently riding the lion of colonialism, patriarchy and misogyny in the modern context, and becoming, not only defiant but invincible in your divine, goddess blessed life. In this power filled episode, Vedic scholar and lineage holder Acharya Shunya shares about her progressive Vedic roots, her first feminine lineage - ancestor and what will happen when all beings on our planet shall begin roaring with self-sourced goddess power, from within.


What's the Deal with Goddesses, Mangos And Handbags!

Goddess Lakshmi can be experienced in a myriad of ways but does it include material goodies like mangoes and handbags too? Acharya Shunya says an unapologetic yes and shares the importance of aligning our human spiritual goals with our material desires to not only be celebrated and holy but truly passionately whole.


Come Roar Like A Goddess With Me

In this episode, Vedic scholar, author and teacher Acharya Shunya unpacks what it means to roar like a goddess and why learning to roar is important for anyone who wants to lead a more empowered life. She talks about her newest book on this episode and discusses its sixteen pointed wisdom, applicable for all modern seekers of power, prosperity and peace.  


Ending Suffering Through the Five Pillars of Vedic Awakening

Vedic scholar and bestselling author Acharya Shunya has interpreted the ancient Vedic tradition to create her unique teaching on the five pillars of awakening. In this podcast, she provides step by step insight on the five pillars that help counteract existential suffering, from the root. Listening to her wisdom shall awaken new spiritual perspectives and activate the abiding light of wisdom within.  


Living The 7 Blessings of Human experience

In this episode Acharya Shunya interviews Simran, a soul friend, and a professional colleague who is a publisher of 11:11 Magazine and host of 11:11 Talk Radio, who is releasing the first of her trilogy of powerful books on self-realization - LIVING: The 7 Blessings of Human Experience. Enjoy this fascinating  conversation as Acharya Shunya and Simran  discuss  light  found by descending into the heart of darkness. This is more than a mere conversation


Suffering in Samsara and Accessing The Mother Goddesses

In this hope inspiring episode, Vedic Master Acharya Shunya explains "Samsara", literally, a never-ending ocean of repeated births and deaths in a realm of impermanence, transience and loss. Samsara imposes a chronic sense of sorrow, apprehension, disappointment and anxiety. However, each of the three chief Vedic goddesses Durga, Lakshmi and Saraswati, support, stabilize and liberate us from Samsara, especially when we understand what they represent and call upon them when in distress. Learn all about this relationship between Samsara and Divine Mothers Durga, Lakshmi and Saraswati.


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