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Shallow Oceans Podcast

Author: Alexander Teichert

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In a world that seems so vast... It‘s really not as deep as you think 🌊 A Daily Podcast constantly challenging the beliefs of not only the world around us but our most inner thoughts about the most important person in our lives... ourselves.
142 Episodes



The safest place to be is outside of your own mind. Stop allowing yourself to create these internal realities that don't deserve your energy or focus! Start by evaluating the simplicity all around us and following the teachings of nature. To be present at all moments allows the world to unfold before your eyes. Sit back, relax, and enjoy the show! Follow the YouTube page for video form podcast show and daily affirmations: (2) Shallow Oceans Podcast - YouTube 
Taking Accountability.

Taking Accountability.


More than ever before, it's time to stop blaming others for the reality you live within. Stand tall and take responsibility for the wrongs you've done and the part you've played in others pain. Suffering only continues like a river if we allow it to flow continually. Turn into the ocean and welcome in all pain to create an oasis of divinity. Sit back, relax, and enjoy the show! Follow the YouTube page for video form podcast show and daily affirmations: (2) Shallow Oceans Podcast - YouTube 
One of the hardest character traits to develop is forgiveness. Learning to innerstand the pain we feel, the reason it was given to us, and the ways to be free from the hurt we hold onto. Remember that you alone have the power to heal the family trauma you've been given. Never allow yourself to give up on the happiness you deserve. Sit back, relax, and enjoy the show! Follow the YouTube page for video form podcast show and daily affirmations: (2) Shallow Oceans Podcast - YouTube 
Time doesn't exist yet, the time spent watching it pass does. Join Alex as he reminisces about his recent camping trip to the Grand Canyon and the vast number of secrets hidden within its depths that lead back to creation itself. Plus, a reality check we all need in reminding ourselves that the Calendar dates and passing of months mean absolutely nothing. Sit back, relax, and enjoy the show! Follow the YouTube page for video form podcast show and daily affirmations: (2) Shallow Oceans Podcast - YouTube
Shed Your Skin.

Shed Your Skin.


Changing ourselves and our mindset is a constant battle. You can only win this battle momentarily before the next one arises. Removing the old layer of yourself allows you to develop into a brighter, more vibrant being elevated with light and love. Continue to shed the parts of yourself that need to be let go for the new to grow. Sit back, relax, and enjoy the show! Follow the YouTube page for video form podcast show and daily affirmations: (2) Shallow Oceans Podcast - YouTube
One of the greatest lies ever told was never known to be a lie at all. Since the beginning of human his-story we have believe everything told to us without a single doubt in our minds. But, what if the entire reality we live within is a complete stage that constantly changes depending on the developers direction. Sit back, relax, and enjoy the show! Follow the YouTube page for video form podcast show and daily affirmations: (2) Shallow Oceans Podcast - YouTube
The Wild Robot - PT. 1

The Wild Robot - PT. 1


Welcome to the first ever edition of... nighttime reading with Mr. Shallows! For our first bedtime story, we read none other than: "The Wild Robot" by Peter Brown. A beautiful story about a robot learning to not only exist within a brand-new world, but the effects the world has on us all. Sit back, relax, and enjoy the story! Follow the YouTube page for video form podcast show and daily affirmations: (2) Shallow Oceans Podcast - YouTube
Raise The Energy.

Raise The Energy.


Everyone around you is driven by energy. The trick is realizing the effects it has not only on your mind but on your entire reality. Begin to observe everything surrounding you and increase your awareness of the effects of your own vibration. Once you understand who we are, you can begin to change the world you reside in. Sit back, relax, and enjoy the show! Follow the YouTube page for video form podcast show and daily affirmations: (2) Shallow Oceans Podcast - YouTube
The Ocean.

The Ocean.


All questions about human existence, secrets from our past, and the hidden truth about us all lie in the waters below and above us. Take a deep dive with me into a place that's been said to have been barrenly explored yet holds all the answers we need. For the ocean not only carries life itself but also holds the gateway into different planes of creation! Sit back, relax, and enjoy the show! Follow the YouTube page for video form podcast show and daily affirmations: (2) Shallow Oceans Podcast - YouTube
Ego Death.

Ego Death.


One of the greatest blockers and destroyers of your happiness is your ego. Constantly fighting off uncomfortable feelings and emotions while simultaneously destroying any sense of a healthy relationship in your life. Fight back by breaking down the false exterior construct of your entire image of yourself. Become comfortable with the concept that you are nothing, thus allowing you to become everything you've wanted to be. Happy, healthy, and truly your authentic self! Sit back, relax, and enjoy the show! Follow the YouTube page for video form podcast show and daily affirmations: (2) Shallow Oceans Podcast - YouTube
Get To Know Me.

Get To Know Me.


Let's take a moment to get to know the man behind the microphone a little bit better tonight. Find out what made Alex the man he is today, the passion and purpose behind the show, and the reason for his intentions throughout all aspects of his life. Plus, some really interesting fun facts about his life may surprise you. Sit back, relax, and enjoy the show! Follow the YouTube page for video form podcast show and daily affirmations: (2) Shallow Oceans Podcast - YouTube
Healthy Detachment.

Healthy Detachment.


Letting go of someone we love or the person we've always been can be extremely difficult and terrifying. But innerstand that in order for the things that are meant for us to come into our lives, we must let go of the things holding us back. In order to transform into a new version of ourselves, we must fully let go of the old self. Fear not, for every experience and lesson helps shape you into who you've always wanted to be. Enter your cocoon and turn into the beautiful butterfly you're destined to be! Sit back, relax, and enjoy the show! Follow the YouTube page for video form podcast show and daily affirmations: (2) Shallow Oceans Podcast - YouTube
Welcome to the Game.

Welcome to the Game.


If you knew the entire game revolved around you playing, would you sit idlily by and never pick up the controller? Welcome to your life. This is the most amazing and engaging experience you will ever encounter. The trick is that you must be aware that you're in the game to play it. So rather than allowing the world to decide who you are and what way you'll adventure through this experience, begin to play it your own way. Escape the game to beat it. Sit back, relax, and enjoy the show! Follow the YouTube page for video form podcast show and daily affirmations: (2) Shallow Oceans Podcast - YouTube
Daddy Energy.

Daddy Energy.


The highest form of attraction to women isn't becoming an alpha or beta male or showing off with money and cars, but rather allowing your masculine aura to evolve into daddy energy. Allow yourself to create a state of peace filled with confidence, protection, and safety. One of the biggest misconceptions in the dating world today is that women don't want a safe place to call home. Become the man the girl has always dreamed of. Sit back, relax, and enjoy the show! Follow the YouTube page for video form podcast show and daily affirmations: (2) Shallow Oceans Podcast - YouTube
Changing the world for the better all starts within ourselves and at home. To build up a community, we must possess the potential to help others without taking away from ourselves. Becoming one as a population and unifying with our surroundings will ultimately change the reality that we all inhabit together. We have what it takes to change the world, but we must first change the way we see one another. Sit back, relax, and enjoy the show! Follow the YouTube page for video form podcast show and daily affirmations: (2) Shallow Oceans Podcast - YouTube
It's That Easy.

It's That Easy.


We tend to not only overthink everything in our lives, but for some reason we also love to overcomplicate things when they should always be so easy. Nothing in life is truly that serious. Life is the greatest comedy show you'll ever have the privilege of enjoying from the front row seat of your life. So rather than allowing yourself to fall down the vast hole of difficulties and indecisions, try letting everything go and flow with the way life takes you. Sit back, relax, and enjoy the show! Follow the YouTube page for video form podcast show and daily affirmations: (2) Shallow Oceans Podcast - YouTube
Death Of Celebrities.

Death Of Celebrities.


Imagine if you will worshiping the land someone walks on for either playing pretend really well or having an enjoyable voice. Rather than seeking true value within someone and using their calling or abilities to better themselves and the world around them, we tend to follow the flashing lights surrounding certain individuals. Being famous or being classified as a celebrity is finally coming to an end. It's time we start giving our attention and love to those who truly deserve it. Sit back, relax, and enjoy the show! Follow the YouTube page for video form podcast show and daily affirmations: (2) Shallow Oceans Podcast - YouTube
Life's A Comedy.

Life's A Comedy.


Take a moment to laugh. Nothing is truly that serious. If the things weighing on your mind or upsetting you won't matter in five years from now, do yourself a favor and laugh it off. One of the greatest things in life is laughter. Do yourself a favor and enjoy every single moment with a belly full of happiness. Sit back, relax, and enjoy the show! Follow the YouTube page for video form podcast show and daily affirmations: (2) Shallow Oceans Podcast - YouTube
Actions Over Words.

Actions Over Words.


Although it feels amazing to hear someone speak so highly of us, our love interests, or accomplishments, the truth is that their actions towards us far exceed their words. Focus on the extent to which they carry themselves with you and away from you, as well as the persona they speak so highly of. When actions overweigh their words, it's time to start tuning out their audio and focusing on their visuals. See what isn't being said. Sit back, relax, and enjoy the show! Follow the YouTube page for video form podcast show and daily affirmations: (2) Shallow Oceans Podcast - YouTube
Generational Trauma.

Generational Trauma.


Breaking free from the cycle of trauma single-handedly changes the entirety of your lineage. Quiet simply put, hurt people hurt people. Rather than continuing the suffering throughout your bloodline, it's time to let go and begin a new path. Heal the trauma within your bloodline to further your ability to break free from low-energy suffering. Sit back, relax, and enjoy the show! Follow the YouTube page for video form podcast show and daily affirmations: (2) Shallow Oceans Podcast - YouTube