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Shalom Macon: Messianic Jewish Teachings

Author: Shalom Macon - Messianic Jewish Teaching

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Shalom Macon is a growing and vibrant Messianic Jewish congregation in Macon, Georgia, serving all of the Middle Georgia area. Our congregation is a diverse community, comprised of families from many nations, tribes, and tongues (Revelation 7:9). Therefore, obviously, many are not from a Jewish background. And while we are a Jewish synagogue, committed to the Jewish traditions, teachings, and lifestyle exemplified by our ancestors, our vision is to practice an inclusive Messianic Judaism for All Nations; a restoration of the faith of the earliest communities of Yeshua-followers; a window into the Judaism of the Messianic Era in which King Messiah will reign.
382 Episodes
Paul says that Gentiles who come to Yeshua are grafted into the “nourishing root of the olive tree” of Israel (Romans 11:17), “fellow heirs, members of the same body, and partakers of the promise in Christ Jesus” (Ephesians 3:6), and “Abraham's offspring, heirs according to promise” (Galatians 3:39). How do daughter of a pagan priest, two adopted sons, a marriage contract, and an Israelite who walks like an Egyptian help us explain Paul’s radical good news for Gentiles? Join me to find out in this week’s 5 Minute Torah. Join Shalom Macon Live! at 11am EST every Saturday (#Shabbat) for uplifting Worship Music and Teachings on our YouTube channel If you get value from our work, please consider Supporting Shalom Macon -- Ways to Support Shalom Macon -- Our Website | | PayPal | Text "GIVE" to (706) 739-5990 God provides for the work of Shalom Macon through the giving of those who benefit from that work and in turn, give generously to allow it to continue. Whether you are an in-person or virtual member, your support is vital to sharing the message. We thank you for joining us, Shabbat Shalom!
It's 2025. Are you where you thought you would be in life by now? Or are you stuck in the same place you were at the beginning of 2024? If you're tired of ending up at the same place year after year, then this teaching is for you. Let's go from living an ordinary life to an EXTRA-ordinary life. Let's reboot our personal operating system and create new habits and patterns in our lives to bring in the New You for the New Year. Join Shalom Macon Live! at 11am EST every Saturday (#Shabbat) for uplifting Worship Music and Teachings on our YouTube channel If you get value from our work, please consider Supporting Shalom Macon -- Ways to Support Shalom Macon -- Our Website | | PayPal | Text "GIVE" to (706) 739-5990 God provides for the work of Shalom Macon through the giving of those who benefit from that work and in turn, give generously to allow it to continue. Whether you are an in-person or virtual member, your support is vital to sharing the message. We thank you for joining us, Shabbat Shalom!
Hope is powerful. Unfortunately, many people today have lost hope. As followers of Yeshua, we have a hope that is greater than what this world provides. However, it is easy to lose sight of it. Learn how to recover it and share it with others through an examination of the life of Joseph. Join Shalom Macon Live! at 11am EST every Saturday (#Shabbat) for uplifting Worship Music and Teachings on our YouTube channel If you get value from our work, please consider Supporting Shalom Macon -- Ways to Support Shalom Macon -- Our Website | | PayPal | Text "GIVE" to (706) 739-5990 God provides for the work of Shalom Macon through the giving of those who benefit from that work and in turn, give generously to allow it to continue. Whether you are an in-person or virtual member, your support is vital to sharing the message. We thank you for joining us, Shabbat Shalom!
What lessons can we learn about God’s role in our hardships? Discover how even through pain, there is a divine purpose that shapes our lives, teaching us resilience and transforming our sorrows into a source of strength. Join us in uncovering how every struggle we encounter is an opportunity to grow and how our darkest moments can lead to the most beautiful revelations about our faith and ourselves. Join Shalom Macon Live! at 11am EST every Saturday (#Shabbat) for uplifting Worship Music and Teachings on our YouTube channel If you get value from our work, please consider Supporting Shalom Macon -- Ways to Support Shalom Macon -- Our Website | | PayPal | Text "GIVE" to (706) 739-5990 God provides for the work of Shalom Macon through the giving of those who benefit from that work and in turn, give generously to allow it to continue. Whether you are an in-person or virtual member, your support is vital to sharing the message. We thank you for joining us, Shabbat Shalom!
If you had a dream or vision of being inside a bank with an open vault and a voice from heaven said, “Go, take, and spend” … how would you understand that dream or vision? Would you act on it? Would you try and see if there might be a deeper meaning behind it? Or would you simply ignore it? The Apostle Peter had a similar vision in Acts 10 that is often misunderstood. What does this have to do with our current Torah portion? Stick around to find out in this week’s 5 Minute Torah. Join Shalom Macon Live! at 11am EST every Saturday (#Shabbat) for uplifting Worship Music and Teachings on our YouTube channel If you get value from our work, please consider Supporting Shalom Macon -- Ways to Support Shalom Macon -- Our Website | | PayPal | Text "GIVE" to (706) 739-5990 God provides for the work of Shalom Macon through the giving of those who benefit from that work and in turn, give generously to allow it to continue. Whether you are an in-person or virtual member, your support is vital to sharing the message. We thank you for joining us, Shabbat Shalom!
Paul’s olive tree analogy in Romans 11 reveals a profound mystery: God’s enduring plan for Israel and the nations. This teaching unpacks Paul’s passionate plea against arrogance, the temporary ‘callousness’ of Israel, and the divine purpose of bringing Jews and Gentiles together under Messiah. What does ‘All Israel will be saved’ truly mean? Dive into this deep exploration of redemption, faithfulness, and the irrevocable gifts of God. Join Shalom Macon Live! at 11am EST every Saturday (#Shabbat) for uplifting Worship Music and Teachings on our YouTube channel If you get value from our work, please consider Supporting Shalom Macon -- Ways to Support Shalom Macon -- Our Website | | PayPal | Text "GIVE" to (706) 739-5990 God provides for the work of Shalom Macon through the giving of those who benefit from that work and in turn, give generously to allow it to continue. Whether you are an in-person or virtual member, your support is vital to sharing the message. We thank you for joining us, Shabbat Shalom!
Sometimes our eyes can play tricks on us. Other times we’ve been intentionally duped. Still other times we may not have all of the information we need to accurately interpret what we’re seeing. What does all of this have to do with understanding our current Torah portion? Stick around to find out in this week’s 5 Minute Torah. Join Shalom Macon Live! at 11am EST every Saturday (#Shabbat) for uplifting Worship Music and Teachings on our YouTube channel If you get value from our work, please consider Supporting Shalom Macon -- Ways to Support Shalom Macon -- Our Website | | PayPal | Text "GIVE" to (706) 739-5990 God provides for the work of Shalom Macon through the giving of those who benefit from that work and in turn, give generously to allow it to continue. Whether you are an in-person or virtual member, your support is vital to sharing the message. We thank you for joining us, Shabbat Shalom!
Has God rejected His people? In Romans 11, Paul tackles a dangerous misconception brewing among the Roman Gentile believers: that Israel has been replaced in God’s plan. With urgency, Paul unveils the “critical exigency”  and warns against it. Through the olive tree allegory, Paul explains God’s faithfulness, the inclusion of Gentiles, and the unbreakable covenant with Israel. This sermon unpacks the climax of Romans, revealing profound truths about God’s promises and purposes. Join Shalom Macon Live! at 11am EST every Saturday (#Shabbat) for uplifting Worship Music and Teachings on our YouTube channel If you get value from our work, please consider Supporting Shalom Macon -- Ways to Support Shalom Macon -- Our Website | | PayPal | Text "GIVE" to (706) 739-5990 God provides for the work of Shalom Macon through the giving of those who benefit from that work and in turn, give generously to allow it to continue. Whether you are an in-person or virtual member, your support is vital to sharing the message. We thank you for joining us, Shabbat Shalom!
You’ve been given a name, an identity. What traits do you associate with your name—your identity? Character traits like Purpose, Success, Motivated, Content, etc. or traits like Purposeless, Failure, Lethargic, Depressed, etc.? If you’ve ever wanted a new name—a new identity—a new lease on life, then stick around to find out how you can receive one in this week’s 5 Minute Torah. Join Shalom Macon Live! at 11am EST every Saturday (#Shabbat) for uplifting Worship Music and Teachings on our YouTube channel If you get value from our work, please consider Supporting Shalom Macon -- Ways to Support Shalom Macon -- Our Website | | PayPal | Text "GIVE" to (706) 739-5990 God provides for the work of Shalom Macon through the giving of those who benefit from that work and in turn, give generously to allow it to continue. Whether you are an in-person or virtual member, your support is vital to sharing the message. We thank you for joining us, Shabbat Shalom!
What does Paul mean by “Christ is the end of the Law” or “There is no distinction between Jew and Gentile”? How do these ideas relate to the Torah, the future of the Jewish people, and Jew-Gentile relations in Rome? This week, we reevaluate centuries of traditional interpretations to uncover Paul’s true message. Join Shalom Macon Live! at 11am EST every Saturday (#Shabbat) for uplifting Worship Music and Teachings on our YouTube channel If you get value from our work, please consider Supporting Shalom Macon -- Ways to Support Shalom Macon -- Our Website | | PayPal | Text "GIVE" to (706) 739-5990 God provides for the work of Shalom Macon through the giving of those who benefit from that work and in turn, give generously to allow it to continue. Whether you are an in-person or virtual member, your support is vital to sharing the message. We thank you for joining us, Shabbat Shalom!
Yeshua - We know him as the Messiah of Israel, the Savior of the World—and rightly so. But he is also the means by which we can connect with God. How so? I think there’s a special insight about Yeshua’s power of connection in this week’s 5 Minute Torah. Join Shalom Macon Live! at 11am EST every Saturday (#Shabbat) for uplifting Worship Music and Teachings on our YouTube channel If you get value from our work, please consider Supporting Shalom Macon -- Ways to Support Shalom Macon -- Our Website | | PayPal | Text "GIVE" to (706) 739-5990 God provides for the work of Shalom Macon through the giving of those who benefit from that work and in turn, give generously to allow it to continue. Whether you are an in-person or virtual member, your support is vital to sharing the message. We thank you for joining us, Shabbat Shalom!
Thanksgiving is more than a holiday tradition—it’s a way of life that transcends cultures and connects us to the divine spark within. In this message, we explore the universal call to gratitude, uncover the power of perspective, and discover how a rabbi, a Roman, and real-life experiences can inspire intentional gratitude, transforming our daily lives into a lifetime of thanksgiving. Join Shalom Macon Live! at 11am EST every Saturday (#Shabbat) for uplifting Worship Music and Teachings If you get value from our work, please consider Supporting Shalom Macon -- Ways to Support Shalom Macon -- Our Website | | PayPal | Text "GIVE" to (706) 739-5990 God provides for the work of Shalom Macon through the giving of those who benefit from that work and in turn, give generously to allow it to continue. Whether you are an in-person or virtual member, your support is vital to sharing the message. We thank you for joining us, Shabbat Shalom!
Yeshua’s gospel, or “good news,” revolved around the call to repentance. Although the prophets introduced this message, John the Immerser (he really wasn’t a Baptist) took on this message in earnest and passed the torch to Yeshua. As we know, repentance means to turn around or turn back. But what will it look like when a whole generation repents and has a change of heart? I think we can catch a glimpse of what it might look like in this week’s 5 Minute Torah. Join Shalom Macon Live! at 11am EST every Saturday (#Shabbat) for uplifting Worship Music and Teachings If you get value from our work, please consider Supporting Shalom Macon -- Ways to Support Shalom Macon -- Our Website | | PayPal | Text "GIVE" to (706) 739-5990 God provides for the work of Shalom Macon through the giving of those who benefit from that work and in turn, give generously to allow it to continue. Whether you are an in-person or virtual member, your support is vital to sharing the message. We thank you for joining us, Shabbat Shalom!
Does God care? This question might feel obvious, but many of us quietly wrestle with it, especially during life’s challenges. In this teaching, we explore the profound truth that yes, God does care—but how do we know? By reconnecting with Him through prayer. Using insights from Scripture, the Talmud, and personal experiences, Darren delves into how prayer reshapes our perspective and realigns us with God’s will. Discover the Hebrew concept of prayer as a form of self-reflection and attachment to God, helping us to trust in His care and love even when life feels overwhelming. If you’ve felt stretched thin, spiritually malnourished, or doubted whether your life matters to God, this teaching provides practical steps to deepen your relationship with Him. From spontaneous prayers (hitbodedut) to set-time prayers, learn how these practices can transform your life and reignite your faith. Join Shalom Macon Live! at 11am EST every Saturday (#Shabbat) for uplifting Worship Music and Teachings If you get value from our work, please consider Supporting Shalom Macon -- Ways to Support Shalom Macon -- Our Website | | PayPal | Text "GIVE" to (706) 739-5990 God provides for the work of Shalom Macon through the giving of those who benefit from that work and in turn, give generously to allow it to continue. Whether you are an in-person or virtual member, your support is vital to sharing the message. We thank you for joining us, Shabbat Shalom!
Are you looking for a quick and meaningful connection to the weekly Torah portion? In this week’s 5 Minute Torah, we dive into Chayei Sarah (Genesis 23:1–25:18), uncovering profound lessons about living as spiritual sojourners and aliens in a material world. This Torah portion covers Sarah’s death, Abraham’s purchase of the Cave of Machpelah, and the love story of Isaac and Rebecca—each packed with timeless wisdom for our spiritual journeys today. In this Messianic Jewish perspective, we explore: What it means to be a spiritual sojourner like Abraham. Insights from the Lubavitcher Rebbe, the Chofetz Chaim, and the Apostles. How to balance God’s blessings with a higher spiritual purpose. This video is perfect for anyone seeking a deeper understanding of the Bible without the commitment of a lengthy teaching. If you’re passionate about Torah learning, Messianic Jewish insights, or biblical teachings that apply to everyday life, this video is for you! Share your thoughts below: How do you live as a spiritual sojourner? Join Shalom Macon Live! at 11am EST every Saturday (#Shabbat) for uplifting Worship Music and Teachings If you get value from our work, please consider Supporting Shalom Macon -- Ways to Support Shalom Macon -- Our Website | | PayPal | Text "GIVE" to (706) 739-5990 God provides for the work of Shalom Macon through the giving of those who benefit from that work and in turn, give generously to allow it to continue. Whether you are an in-person or virtual member, your support is vital to sharing the message. We thank you for joining us, Shabbat Shalom!
Romans 9:6 is often misunderstood to support Replacement Theology, the idea that the Church has replaced Israel in God’s plan. This interpretation not only distorts Paul’s intent but also damages our understanding of God’s faithfulness and character. In this teaching, we expose the flaws in this traditional view and uncover Paul’s true message: God’s promises to Israel stand firm and His covenant faithfulness is unshakable. This matters for both Jews and Gentiles today! Join Shalom Macon Live! at 11am EST every Saturday (#Shabbat) for uplifting Worship Music and Teachings If you get value from our work, please consider Supporting Shalom Macon -- Ways to Support Shalom Macon -- Our Website | | PayPal | Text "GIVE" to (706) 739-5990 God provides for the work of Shalom Macon through the giving of those who benefit from that work and in turn, give generously to allow it to continue. Whether you are an in-person or virtual member, your support is vital to sharing the message. We thank you for joining us, Shabbat Shalom!
Is there a means by which we can defeat mortality, in this world, not merely in the resurrection? This week's Torah portion may just give us the key to unlocking this mystery. Please join me as we unravel this long-hidden secret in this week’s 5 Minute Torah. Join Shalom Macon Live! at 11am EST every Saturday (#Shabbat) for uplifting Worship Music and Teachings If you get value from our work, please consider Supporting Shalom Macon -- Ways to Support Shalom Macon -- Our Website | | PayPal | Text "GIVE" to (706) 739-5990 God provides for the work of Shalom Macon through the giving of those who benefit from that work and in turn, give generously to allow it to continue. Whether you are an in-person or virtual member, your support is vital to sharing the message. We thank you for joining us, Shabbat Shalom!
In this overview of Romans 9-11, we explore what Paul is truly saying—and not saying—about God’s promises to Israel and the inclusion of Gentiles. Are these chapters a detour, or the climax of his message? Let’s look at how they challenge traditional interpretations and reveal Paul’s deeper purpose. Join Shalom Macon Live! at 11am EST every Saturday (#Shabbat) for uplifting Worship Music and Teachings If you get value from our work, please consider Supporting Shalom Macon -- Ways to Support Shalom Macon -- Our Website | | PayPal | Text "GIVE" to (706) 739-5990 God provides for the work of Shalom Macon through the giving of those who benefit from that work and in turn, give generously to allow it to continue. Whether you are an in-person or virtual member, your support is vital to sharing the message. We thank you for joining us, Shabbat Shalom!
DNA. The building blocks of life. It’s the molecule that carries genetic information for the development and function of an organism. Every living organism depends on this foundational element. It not only stores the genetic information needed for an organism to develop and function, but also to reproduce. But what happens if that DNA is damaged? What if it mutates? How does that affect the subsequent generations of that organism? Will the offspring resemble the parent? What if that DNA is continually corrupted in every generation? If you’re wondering how all of this connects with this week’s Torah portion, then stick around for this week’s 5 Minute Torah. Join Shalom Macon Live! at 11am EST every Saturday (#Shabbat) for uplifting Worship Music and Teachings If you get value from our work, please consider Supporting Shalom Macon -- Ways to Support Shalom Macon -- Our Website | | PayPal | Text "GIVE" to (706) 739-5990 God provides for the work of Shalom Macon through the giving of those who benefit from that work and in turn, give generously to allow it to continue. Whether you are an in-person or virtual member, your support is vital to sharing the message. We thank you for joining us, Shabbat Shalom!
What was the character difference between Abraham and Noah? Most people couldn’t tell you. In rabbinic literature, however, there is a marked difference between the two. To the casual reader, they are similar. One is called by God into an Ark to separate his family from the wickedness of the world, and the other is called out of the idolatrous practices of Ur to lead his family in monotheism. But what’s going on behind the scenes and what lessons can we learn from these two pioneers of our faith? In order to find out, please join me for this week’s 5 Minute Torah. Join Shalom Macon Live! at 11am EST every Saturday (#Shabbat) for uplifting Worship Music and Teachings If you get value from our work, please consider Supporting Shalom Macon -- Ways to Support Shalom Macon -- Our Website | | PayPal | Text "GIVE" to (706) 739-5990 God provides for the work of Shalom Macon through the giving of those who benefit from that work and in turn, give generously to allow it to continue. Whether you are an in-person or virtual member, your support is vital to sharing the message. We thank you for joining us, Shabbat Shalom!
Comments (3)

Kerry Katz

This message has especially blessed me and is so timely. Thank you

Dec 29th

Kerry Katz

I will. Thank you for this series, insightful and life changing. Shalom

Sep 14th

Ryan Erskine

I am loving the teachings. Thanks so much for making these available. Have just finished the messiah series and after having similar thoughts it was awesome to hear confirmation on who my Messiah really is. Keep up the awesome work and know that the message of Messiah is reaching the ends of the world. Shalom from South Africa.

Jan 15th