Shards of a Memoir

In a brand new season with a brand new focus, I explore memoirs written by some of the world's most inspiring, groundbreaking and interesting people.

Love Letters of Great Women

Following on from last week, this episode looks at letters written by famous women from history including Queen Victoria, Emily Dickinson and Anne Boleyn.


Love Letters of Great Men

In this week's episode, I read excerpts of love letters written by famous men from history such as King Henry VIII, Oscar Wilde and Lord Byron.


Demi Moore 'Inside Out'

This episode looks at the memoir of Hollywood actress Demi Moore - her career, her relationships and personal struggles.


Jodi Kantor and Megan Twohey 'She Said'

This week I look into the Harvey Weinstein scandal that broke in 2017 due to an article in The New York Times, explored in greater detail in the book 'She Said', written by journalists Jodi Kantor and Megan Twohey.


Aubrey Gordon 'What We Don't Talk About When We Talk About Fat'

In this episode, I look at the work of writer and activist Aubrey Gordon and her book which explores fat bias, weight discrimination and societal fat phobia.


Jo Brand 'Born Lippy'

This week's episode looks at Jo Brand's reflections on what it takes be a modern woman and how "to do female", in her usual comical, relatable and self-deprecating manner.


Mindy Kaling 'Why Not Me?'

This week's episode looks at actress, writer and producer Mindy Kaling and her 2015 memoir 'Why Not Me?', where she writes about her education, dating history, leading her own television show and much more.


Mary-Louise Parker 'Dear Mr. You'

This episode looks at the memoir of actress Mary-Louise Parker, written as a series of letters to important male figures in her life, including letters to her father, a teacher, a past boyfriend and the future partner of her daughter.


Joel Dommett 'It's Not Me, It's Them'

This week's episode looks at comedian Joel Dommett's brilliant memoir about the highs and lows of dating, his family and friends, school anecdotes and meeting The One.


Lena Dunham 'Not That Kind Of Girl'

This week's episode looks at Lena Dunham's book of essays, exploring relationships, her career, her mental health journey and facing sexism in the media.


Ali Wong 'Dear Girls'

This episode explores Ali Wong's comical memoir, and motherly advice to her daughters on education, careers and relationships, 'Dear Girls'.


Sara Pascoe 'Animal'

This week I look at the work of Sara Pascoe, focusing on her excellent and very funny book 'Animal', which explores the female body - its biology, social expectations, and relationships with family, friends and partners.


NEW SEASON - Rose McGowan 'Brave'

In this first episode of a new season, looking at memoirs written by influential people from all walks of life, I explore the groundbreaking work of Rose McGowan and her book 'Brave'.


Concern Trolling (and what is a Nepobaby?)

This week I look at 'concern trolling', when people mask hurtful comments in a supposedly helpful manner - they may comment on your weight and offer uninvited suggestions about what to avoid eating, when really they are merely trolling your appearance and body.


Women's Health (and the Bafta backlash)

After reading an article this week about the lack of mental health support for women suffering from endometriosis, I researched the condition to better understand the issue. I refer to medical findings, play interviews from celebrities diagnosed with the condition, and, most importantly, read about women dealing with this chronic pain.


Women on Screen (and Girls 5 Eva)

This week I look at the varied representation of, and reaction to, women on screen - from the recent criticism of Madonna at the Grammys, the lack of diversity in Oscar nominations, Pamela Anderson in 'Pam and Tommy', the hilarious 'Girls 5 Eva', and the importantance of women in horror films such as Gale Weathers in 'Scream'.


Why do we want to be thin? (and GOOP)

This week I look at the pressure we feel to look a certain way, be a particular weight and have a desirable lifestyle - where does that expectation come from?


#SeeHer (and Jacinda Ardern)

Jacinda Ardern, one of the most successful Prime Ministers in recent history, announced this week that she is stepping down after 6 years in office - calmly steering her country through a terrorist attack, a volcanic eruption and the COVID pandemic. How did the BBC and various news outlets respond? With sexism of course.


Why do we read celebrity memoirs? (and I dyed my hair)

With Prince Harry's 'Spare' becoming the fastest selling nonfiction book of all time, this week I look at why we read celebrity memoirs - but also, what might compel people to write and air their own dirty laundry to the world.


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