She's Got It Together

<div>Hey there, welcome to 'She's Got It Together,' the podcast where we chat about the wild, wonderful, and sometimes wacky world of motherhood. It's like grabbing coffee with your best mom friends, Jessica and Samantha, who are here to share real stories, laugh at the chaos, and offer some mom-to-mom advice. Whether you're juggling toddlers, navigating the teen years, or just trying to find a moment of peace in the bathroom, we've got you covered. So kick back, relax, and join us for some honest talk and a lot of laughs – because in this mom life, we're all just figuring it out as we go!</div>

Managing A Household: How to control the chaos and enjoy life

Hey everyone, it's Jessica from She's Got It Together! In this week's episode, Samantha and I had a blast chatting with Jennifer Roskamp, a homeschooling mom of nine and grandma (or "Gigi") of two. Jennifer shared her insights on managing a large household, keeping things running smoothly, and still finding time for self-care. We dove into how Jennifer handles schedules, chores, and the inevitable chaos that comes with a big family. Her key tips? Plan in pencil, be flexible, and involve the w...


Emotional Eating: Why We Do It And How To Control It

Hey there! It's Samantha, and today I'm super excited to share with you my chat with Andrea Caprio, a real-life superwoman who's not only a Master Certified Transformational Nutrition Coach but also a mom of two amazing adult kids. Andrea's on a mission to help women like you and me break free from the vicious cycle of emotional eating and self-sabotage. In this episode, Andrea gets real about her own struggles with emotional eating and shares how she finally found lasting change by gett...


Sunshine Guilt: It's a Real Thing

Hey guys, it's Samantha here! In this episode, my sister Jessica and I dive deep into a topic that hit me like a ton of bricks: sunshine guilt. You know, that feeling when it's a gorgeous sunny day outside, but you're just not in the mood to soak it all in? Like, you kinda wanna stay in your PJs, curl up on the couch, and not feel bad about it? Yup, that's sunshine guilt for ya!We chat about how this guilt seems to stem from growing up hearing our parents tell us to get our butts outside on n...


10 Ridiculously Simple Systems to Streamline Your Life Today with Denise Albright

Hey there! It's Jessica from She's Got It Together. In this episode, I had a blast chatting with Denise Albright about 10 ridiculously simple systems you can implement today to declutter your mind and streamline your life. We covered everything from the genius "Wash It Next" bin for laundry to the "Eat It Next" drawer in your fridge. Denise shared so many practical tips that just make sense, like using time-lapse videos to stay on task with chores and keeping a jar of diluted Dawn dish soap h...


Navigating Social Media With Your Kids with Jenny Melrose

Hey everyone, it's Jessica from She's Got It Together. In this episode, I sit down with a special guest, Jenny Melrose, to discuss the challenges of navigating social media as parents and business owners. As moms, we often find ourselves in a tricky situation where we're constantly on social media for our businesses, but at the same time, we're trying to protect our kids and limit their exposure to these platforms.Jenny, a former inner-city school district teacher turned successful blogger an...


The Great Dinner Routine Debate

Hey there, it's Jessica and Samantha! In this episode, we dive into the world of family dinners and how much things have changed since we were kids. Remember sitting at the table every night, no TV, no phones, just talking about your day? Well, times have definitely changed! We chat about the challenges of getting everyone together, the battles we choose to fight (or not fight) with our kids, and how we're adapting to the busy lives we lead today.We reminisce about the good old days of home-c...


Can You Really "Have It All?"

Hey everyone! It's Jessica and Samantha here, and we just had a super real chat about the whole idea of "having it all." You know, that picture-perfect life we all dreamed about as kids? Well, turns out reality is a bit different! We dished about how social media can make you feel like you're missing out, and how it's so easy to get caught up comparing yourself to others. But we also talked about how, as you get older, your priorities change and you start to realize what really matters - like...


Teaching: When to Start & Why | Part 2

Hey everyone! In this episode, my sister Samantha and I dive into the world of early childhood education. As a mom, I've been wondering when the best time is to start focusing on learning with my little ones. Should I be working with them at home? Getting them into playgroups? Enrolling them in preschool or daycare? It's all so different from when we were kids and went straight into kindergarten!Luckily, Samantha is a former pre-k teacher, so she's got the inside scoop. We chat about how her ...


Teaching: When to Start & Why | Part 1

Hey everyone! In this episode, my sister Samantha and I dive into the world of early childhood education. As a mom, I've been wondering when the best time is to start focusing on learning with my little ones. Should I be working with them at home? Getting them into playgroups? Enrolling them in preschool or daycare? It's all so different from when we were kids and went straight into kindergarten!Luckily, Samantha is a former pre-k teacher, so she's got the inside scoop. We chat about how her ...


SEX: Sometimes It’s Just Not Sexy

Hey there! It's Jessica and Samantha, and we're diving into a topic that might make you squirm a bit - sex! We know it's not always easy to talk about, but we think it's important to share our experiences and let you know that if you're struggling with low sex drive or pain during sex, you're definitely not alone.We get personal about how pregnancy, breastfeeding, and even antidepressants have impacted our sex lives. From figuring out how to navigate intimacy post-baby to dealing with husband...


Screen Time: The Great Debate

Hey everyone, it's Samantha and Jessica here, and in this episode, we're diving into the controversial topic of screen time! As moms with kids of different ages, we know that managing screen time can be a challenge. We chat about our personal experiences, from dealing with our kids' obsession with gaming and social media to finding a balance between educational and entertainment screen time.We also reminisce about our own childhood experiences with technology (remember Game Boys and Nokia pho...


How To Survive Traveling With Kids

Hey there, it's Jess and Sam, and we're back with another episode all about traveling with our kiddos! As moms, we've been through it all - from diaper blowouts on planes to trying to keep our little ones entertained on long car rides. In this episode, we're sharing our experiences and dishing out some of our best tips and tricks for making travel a bit more manageable (and maybe even fun!) with kids in tow.We chat about everything from timing your travel around nap schedules to packing hacks...


Hey SuperMom! It’s Time to STOP doing Everything

Hey there, super moms! In this episode, my co-host Samantha and I are getting real about the myth of having to do it all as a mom. We're challenging the unrealistic expectations placed on moms to be perfect and juggle everything with a smile. It's time to rethink what being a super mom really means!We dive into the importance of asking for help, whether it's from your spouse, friends, family, or even outsourcing tasks like grocery shopping. We also chat about the need to prioritize and let go...


Keeping the Romance Alive After Kids

Hey everyone! In this episode, my sister Jessica and I dive into the challenges of keeping the romance alive in your relationship after having kids. We get real about the struggles of finding alone time with your partner when you've got little ones constantly demanding your attention. From sneaking away for some "adult time" to dealing with those less-than-romantic post-baby body changes, we cover it all with our signature blend of humor and honesty.I share some of my own experiences as a new...


Tales from the Trenches of Household Organizing

Spring is in the air and you know what that means - it's time for some serious decluttering! Join me and my co-host Jessica as we dive into our best spring organizing tips. As busy moms, we know how quickly things can pile up over the winter. From switching out seasonal clothes to tackling the dreaded junk drawer, we're sharing our tried and true strategies for getting our homes in order.But let's be real, decluttering with kids in the house is no joke! We're talking about how to get the whol...


Cozy Conversations: Moms Mingling through the Chill

Hey everyone, it's Jess and Sam here! In today's episode, we're diving into the topic of winter blues as moms. You know, those funky feelings that creep up on you during the colder months when you're stuck inside more often than not. We chat about how it can be tough to tell the difference between regular mom exhaustion and actual winter blues, and share some of the common symptoms to watch out for.But don't worry, it's not all doom and gloom! We also dish about our own experiences and swap t...


Forts, Feuds, and Family Ties

Hey guys! So in this episode, Jess and I are just chatting all about the craziness of sibling relationships. And let me tell you, as twins with an older sis, we've been through it all - the fights, the jealousy, the silly moments, you name it!We're over here cracking up about the time we totally messed up Jessica's hair right before prom by accidentally mixing hair dye into her shampoo when we were little. Oops! And oh my gosh, the drama over borrowing each other's clothes and makeup as teena...


Disconnecting: Making Time For Friends

Hey mamas, we know how hard it can be to find time for yourself and your friendships when you're busy taking care of kids and everything else life throws at you. In this episode, my sister Sam and I get real about how challenging it is to make time to see friends and take a break from mom life. We chat about the guilt and worry that comes with leaving your little ones, even though you know you need that time to recharge. I open up about how my husband Brett and I barely did anything just the ...


The Work & Family Juggling Act

Hey guys! Jess and Sam here, and we want to get real with you about the juggling act of being a working mom. We know it's not easy trying to balance your career and family life, especially when you're working from home like we are. It can be crazy trying to manage it all! In this episode, we're diving into our own experiences and spilling the tea on what's worked for us when it comes to managing our time and making sure we're still getting that quality family time in. Cause let's be hone...


New Year’s Resolutions: Yay or Nay?

In this episode, my sister and I dive into our thoughts on New Year's resolutions. Honestly, neither of us are big fans of the whole "New Year's resolution" thing. I mean, we get it - a new year feels like a fresh start, a chance to set goals and make positive changes. But let's be real, how often do those resolutions actually stick? We chat about the cliché resolutions like getting in shape or eating healthier, and how it's so easy to start off strong in January but then totally fall of...


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