She Leads Confidently

Welcome to Circle of Women Leaders, the podcast for women Leaders of Impact who are ready to take their lives and careers to the next level. Hosted by Karen Barno, this podcast has weekly interviews with women leaders of inspiration and actionable insights to help you build confidence, unlock your potential, and begin to live your best life ever..<br /> <br /> Each week, we'll bring you interviews with successful women leaders from various industries who share their own experiences and offer practical advice on how to navigate challenges, overcome obstacles, and achieve your goals. We'll also cover topics like communication skills, self-care, work-life balance, career advancement, and more to help you develop the mindset and tools you need to succeed.<br /> <br /> Our mission is to empower women professionals to create the lives they want, both personally and professionally. We believe that when women lead confidently, they can achieve anything they set their minds to. So, whether you're just starting out in your career or looking to make a big change, join us on this journey of growth and transformation as we explore what it takes to lead confidently and live your best life.<br /> <br /> So, tune in every week to Circle of Women Leaders and let's start unlocking your potential, building your confidence, and leading with purpose!<br />

Epi #116 Overcoming Obstacles and Embracing Transformation with Marie Minor Nugent

Welcome to another empowering episode of She Leads Confidently, where your host Karen Barno dives deep into the journeys of fearless women leaders. Today's special guest is Marie Minor Nugent, a transformative figure who has turned a near-death experience into a beacon of hope and healing. Marie's story begins with a traumatic horseback riding accident that nearly claimed her life but instead set her on a profound path of spiritual and personal growth. A former CFO, Marie's journey through recovery led her to embrace her calling as a holistic healer and an ordained minister, founding the renowned Touch of Healing Massage and Wellness in Mesa, Arizona. Throughout this episode, Marie shares her insights on overcoming life's darkest moments, harnessing spirituality for healing, and the power of Hawaiian spiritual teachings intertwined with brain science and biblical principles. She discusses how these experiences have shaped her unique approach to wellness and leadership, helping others navigate their paths to self-discovery and empowerment. Listeners will be inspired by Marie’s resilience and her ability to transform adversity into opportunity. Her story emphasizes the importance of spiritual connection and community in personal growth. Whether you're dealing with personal challenges or seeking a deeper understanding of your spiritual path, Marie's story offers valuable lessons in leadership, faith, and the power of healing. Join us as we explore the intersections of life, leadership, and spirituality on She Leads Confidently. Ready to be inspired and uplift your spirit? Tune in now to this enlightening conversation.


Epi.115 Unmasking the Inner Struggles of Women Leaders

In this pivotal episode of "She Leads Confidently," titled "The Invisible Armor: Unmasking the Inner Struggles of Women Leaders," we embark on an insightful exploration into the unseen challenges that shadow the journey of women in leadership. This episode peels back the layers of the metaphorical armor that many women leaders wear — an armor composed of resilience, determination, and a seemingly unbreakable facade of success. Yet, beneath this armor lies a vulnerable reality marked by loneliness, doubt, and the perpetual uncertainty of "What's next?" Despite achieving remarkable success and holding positions of significant influence, many women leaders grapple with internal adversaries such as imposter syndrome, a relentless pursuit of perfection, and a deep-seated fear of vulnerability. These challenges, though invisible to the external observer, can significantly erode one's sense of confidence and overall well-being, creating a dichotomy between outward accomplishments and inner turmoil. Through a series of heartfelt personal narratives shared by women who have navigated these complex waters, combined with insights from seasoned experts in leadership, psychology, and organizational behavior, this episode delves into the essence of these internal conflicts. We aim to shed light on the emotional and psychological landscape of leadership, offering listeners a deeper understanding of the intricate dynamics at play. This episode is meticulously designed to explore strategies for removing the invisible armor many leaders find themselves trapped within. By fostering genuine connections that transcend professional accomplishments and embracing authenticity in every facet of leadership, we provide a beacon of hope and a comprehensive roadmap for navigating these silent struggles. Join us on "She Leads Confidently" as we dissect these complexities, offering a blend of storytelling, expert advice, and practical strategies. Our mission is to empower women leaders to lead with grace, authenticity, and strength, transforming internal challenges into opportunities for growth and connection. Let's embark on this journey together, redefining leadership one story at a time.


The Best of Yourself

In the 'She Leads Confidently' podcast, on our transformative journey, we delve deeper into what this period of introspection and self-discovery truly entailed. This wasn't just a pause from the relentless pace of life; it was a profound exploration into the depths of our being, a sacred time dedicated to understanding the core of our existence and how we can best serve those around us, particularly women leaders who find themselves caught in the throes of stagnation and self-doubt. During these months away from the public eye, our journey took us on paths less traveled, through the thickets of our own fears, hopes, and dreams. It was a time of shedding layers of preconceived notions about success and leadership, peeling back the veneer to reveal the raw, unfiltered essence of our true selves. This process was not without its challenges; confronting the shadows, acknowledging the barriers we've erected around our hearts and minds, and facing the vulnerabilities we've long hidden away requires courage and steadfastness. Yet, this journey was also marked by moments of sublime clarity and profound realizations. We discovered that to genuinely empower others, we must first anchor ourselves in our own power, embracing our vulnerabilities as much as our strengths. We learned that serving women leaders—helping them break free from the 'invisible chains' of self-limitation, doubt, and societal expectations—begins with a deep, authentic connection to our own inner wisdom and a commitment to living our truth. This video is not just a recounting of a personal journey; it is an invitation to each of you to embark on your own voyage of self-discovery. It's a call to explore the vast landscapes within, to question, to listen, and to emerge with a renewed sense of purpose and passion. Our mission is to create a ripple effect, inspiring and empowering women leaders to recognize their potential, reclaim their power, and passionately pursue their true calling. As we share this video, we open our hearts and our journey to you, not as an expert, but as a fellow traveler on the path to self-realization and empowerment. Together, we can transform our inner landscapes, and in doing so, reshape the world around us. This marks not just a return, but a rebirth—a reawakening to the possibilities that lie within us and the incredible impact we can make when we step into our power and lead with purpose and passion.


Holidays and Shadow Season.

🎉🍽️ Welcome to our latest podcast episode, "Holidays and Shadow Season," right here on our WordPress website! 🌟 This episode is all about handling the tough stuff that can pop up during family dinners, especially during holiday times. 👉 We've got some super helpful tips to share during Shadow Season: 1. **Mindful Breathing:** Ever feel super overwhelmed when everyone's talking at dinner? We'll teach you how to breathe in a way that calms you down. It's like a secret superpower for tough times! 2. **Setting Boundaries:** Sometimes, family talks can be a bit much, right? We'll chat about how you can politely change the topic or step away if things get too intense. It's all about keeping your cool and feeling okay especially during shadow Season. 3. **Reflect and Reframe:** We'll show you how to think about these tricky moments in a new way. Maybe there's something you can learn from them? We'll explore together! 📘 And don't miss our action step: Journaling after dinner! Writing about your day can help you figure out your feelings and learn a lot about yourself. 🌈 Join us for this heart-to-heart talk. Whether you're having a hard time during family meals or just want to learn some cool new ways to handle stress, this episode's for you! Tune in, take notes, and let's grow together! 🎧💕


#111 Breaking Free: A Woman Leader’s Journey from Alcohol to Authenticity Welcome to "Breaking Free: A Woman Leader's Journey from Alcohol to Authenticity," a podcast that is more than just a story – it's a movement. In January, a pivotal moment came into my life when I decided to stop drinking. This decision wasn't just about putting down the bottle; it was about picking up a new way of life. This podcast is my heart and soul poured out, a narrative of the incredible clarity and profound personal growth I've experienced since that life-changing choice. As a woman in a leadership role, I realized I had been playing small, hiding behind a veil of fear and alcohol-induced fog. But as I embraced sobriety, I began to step into my true potential, my greatness. This podcast is a testament to that journey – from living in the shadows to shining brightly in my authentic light. Each episode of "Breaking Free" is a blend of personal reflections, insightful discussions, and interviews with inspiring women leaders who have also embraced a life of sobriety. We dive deep into the nuances of leading without the crutch of alcohol, exploring how sobriety can elevate our clarity, decision-making, and authenticity in leadership roles. But this podcast goes beyond just the narrative of sobriety; it's about transformation and empowerment. We tackle the stigmas associated with alcohol, particularly in professional and leadership contexts. We share stories of overcoming societal pressures, breaking stereotypes, and rewriting the script of what it means to be a successful, sober woman leader. Listeners will find a mix of practical advice, motivational stories, and heartfelt discussions. From exploring the daily challenges of maintaining sobriety in a world that often glorifies alcohol, to celebrating the small victories and major milestones along the way, "Breaking Free" is a comprehensive guide and companion for anyone on this journey. This podcast is not just for those who have struggled with alcohol but for anyone seeking a more authentic, empowered life. It's for the leaders, the dreamers, the change-makers who know that true strength comes from vulnerability and authenticity. Join me on this empowering journey, as we show women leaders across the globe that it's possible to break free from the chains of alcohol and step into a life of clarity, purpose, and authentic leadership. Let's embark on this path together, supporting each other, and proving that the best version of ourselves emerges when we are truly free.


Episode #110 Fear Being Recognized

Welcome to another must-listen episode of "She Leads Confidently." You know, sometimes we talk about climbing the ladder, breaking the glass ceiling, but today, we're diving into something a bit more hidden yet equally powerful: the fear of being recognized. Crazy, right? We work so hard to get where we are, and then when the spotlight's on us, we may find ourselves shrinking back. What's that all about? This fear is more common than you think. It's not about being shy or modest. It's that nagging voice that whispers, "Are you sure you deserve this?" or "What will people think?" These thoughts, these shadows, can actually hold us back. They're not just little worries; they can form a wall between us and our full potential. In this special episode, we'll dive deep into understanding what these shadows are and how they impact us, not just as leaders but as women in today's world. We're getting real, raw, and personal here. No judgment, no jargon, just real talk. And here's the good news: we're not stopping at just identifying the problem. We'll explore three real, tangible ways to heal: 1. **Embracing Vulnerability**: It's about opening up and being real, even if it feels scary. 2. **Reclaiming Your Narrative**: This is your story, your success. Own it without fear. 3. **Building a Supportive Community**: Let's find and connect with those who lift us up. But we're not leaving it there. Healing is just the beginning. We'll also be chatting about how to take these lessons and actually put them into action. How can we move forward, stronger and more confident? So, whether you're leading a team, a company, or just leading your life with purpose, this episode is for you. It's a conversation among friends, a shared journey of understanding, healing, and growing. Join "She Leads Confidently" for this eye-opening chat. Let's redefine recognition, break down those shadows, and step into the spotlight where we belong. Because, yes, we do deserve it, and together, we'll learn how to truly believe it. Grab a cup of coffee or tea, find your favorite spot, and let's have this heart-to-heart. It's time to lead confidently, recognized, and without fear. See you there!


Epi #109 Embracing Shadows: Journey to Love and Acceptance of Broken Parts

Welcome to the "Embracing Shadows: Journey to Love and Acceptance of Broken Parts" podcast. I'm thrilled to share my true story with you, where I dive deep into the transformative process of embracing our shadows, finding self-love, and accepting our broken parts. In this podcast, I take you on a personal journey of self-discovery and growth, as I recount my own experiences and the lessons I learned along the way. Throughout my life, I struggled with self-acceptance, haunted by the fear of embracing my imperfections and brokenness. Little did I know that these very shadows held the keys to unlocking my true potential and inner wholeness. I share the challenges I faced and the pivotal moments that led me to embark on this profound journey. Through heartfelt storytelling, I delve into the emotions and revelations that occurred as I learned to confront my shadows head-on. It wasn't an easy path, but it was one filled with incredible growth, self-compassion, and empowerment. Join me as I explore the process of embracing shadows and discovering the power of self-love. Through honest reflections and personal anecdotes, I provide practical insights, tools, and strategies to help you navigate your own journey of acceptance and healing. Together, we will unravel the layers of self-doubt and uncover the beauty within our broken parts. Whether you're struggling with self-esteem, battling inner demons, or simply seeking inspiration and guidance, this podcast offers a safe space for self-reflection and growth. I firmly believe that by embracing our shadows, we can tap into our authentic selves and cultivate a deep sense of love and acceptance. So, if you're ready to embark on a transformative journey, I invite you to join me on this podcast. Together, let's explore the profound process of embracing shadows, cultivating self-love, and finding acceptance for our beautifully imperfect selves. Get ready to unlock your true potential and discover the path to inner wholeness. Welcome to the "Embracing Shadows: Journey to Love and Acceptance of Broken Parts" podcast.


Epi #108 Unveiling Your Shadows: The Hidden Financial Costs

Welcome to the Circle Women Leaders Podcast hosted by Karen Barno. In this episode, Karen talks about the financial cost of having a shadow and how it can greatly impact our lives in a negative way. Shadows are the parts of ourselves that we keep hidden, and they hold us back from reaching our full potential. Karen shares a personal story of attending an event where she discovered a major shadow that had been affecting her life without her even realizing it. This shadow made her feel small and prevented her from fully expressing herself and achieving her goals. It was a revelation that saddened her, as she realized all the missed opportunities it had caused. Shadows can be big or small, but they all have a similar effect of keeping us from being our best selves. Karen emphasizes the importance of healing these shadows and rewriting our legacies. She wants to help millions of women who aspire to make a profound impact in the world by overcoming their shadows. By facing and resolving these hidden parts of ourselves, we can step into our true potential and make a difference. Karen encourages listeners to reflect on areas of their lives where they feel they're holding back or not reaching their full potential. Shadows can come from experiences in our past, like negative interactions with teachers or family members. They can make us doubt ourselves and shrink in the presence of certain people or situations. Karen invites her audience to join her in the journey of shadow healing. She offers a course and coaching to support women in uncovering and healing their shadows. By doing this work, we can break free from limitations, play a bigger game, and have a positive impact on the world. If you have questions or want guidance on healing your shadows, Karen is available on various platforms like YouTube and LinkedIn. Her ultimate goal is to help one million women heal their shadows and embrace their true potential. Let's embark on this transformative journey together and discover our own "blue rose" moments.


#107 ReWriting Your Narrative

The Circle Women Leaders Podcast is a space dedicated to empowering women to achieve greater heights. In Episode 107, the host, Karen Barno, discusses the importance of rewriting one's personal narrative for success. She explains how the stories people tell themselves define who they are to themselves and how these stories can be negative or positive. She focuses on how negative self-talk can be detrimental to successful women, leading them to believe the negative things they tell themselves. Karen explains that the stories people tell themselves also shape their lives and changing one's story can lead to happiness, peace, and success. Karen emphasizes the need to change one's identity intentionally to achieve success. She advises that people should set their intentions and define who they want to become. For instance, if someone wants to become a confident business owner, they should set their intention to become an online course creator and have a goal to sell 10,000 courses a month. Karen suggests that people should become the person they want to be by acting like that person today. She encourages people to use positive affirmations and eliminate negative self-talk to become who they want to be. Karen emphasizes that people should review three questions every day: who they are, who they want to become, and how they plan to get there. She advises that people should re-imagine their stories and change their narratives to achieve their goals. Karen stresses that healing repressed beliefs and taking consistent action are critical to achieving success. Karen also invites listeners to work with her to develop their roadmap and figure out how to achieve their goals. She provides coaching services to help women develop their roadmap, figure out how to get there, and find the best version of themselves. In conclusion, Karen Barno's podcast is an empowering space for women who want to achieve greater heights. She provides valuable advice on how women can rewrite their personal narrative for success. She emphasizes the need to change one's identity intentionally, set intentions, eliminate negative self-talk, use positive affirmations, and take consistent action to achieve success. Karen invites listeners to work with her to develop their roadmap and find the best version of themselves.


Epi #106 The Perfectionism Trap: Overcoming Self-Doubt and Fear

Welcome to today's episode of ‘She Leads Confidently’ podcast! Today we'll be discussing Overcoming Perfectionism, a topic that many of us can relate to perfectionism. It's easy to fall into the trap of believing that perfectionism is a good thing. After all, isn't it better to strive for excellence in all that we do? However, the truth is that perfectionism can be harmful to our mental health and well-being. It can lead us to believe that we are not good enough and that we must be perfect to succeed. In reality, this kind of thinking can hold us back and prevent us from reaching our full potential. At its core, perfectionism is rooted in fear. Fear of failure, rejection, and not being good enough. We believe that if we can be perfect, we won't have to face these fears. But the reality is that perfectionism is an unattainable goal. No one is perfect, and striving for perfection only leads to disappointment and frustration. Instead of focusing on being perfect, we should focus on being our best selves. This means embracing our imperfections and learning from our mistakes. It means taking risks and being willing to fail. It means being kind to ourselves and recognizing that we are enough, just as we are. So, if you find yourself falling into the trap of perfectionism, remember that it's okay to make mistakes. It's okay to be imperfect. You are enough, just as you are. By embracing your imperfections and striving to be your best self, you'll find that you can achieve more than you ever thought possible. Thank you for tuning in to today's episode of the ‘She Leads Confidently’ podcast. Remember to lean not into being good enough and stop holding yourself back.


Epi #105 Fear of Failure

Never let the fear of failure hold you back. Too many people miss their moment because fear holds them back. But...the good thing is another moment is right around the bend. Figure out what you are fearing, heal it, and get moving. Understand what fear truly is, not being prepared for the moment. Not having the mindset, the confidence in you to keep moving forward. Fear is an emotion that can be taught to us as children. Sometimes that fear you feel it doesn't even belong to you. It's a fear a parent held or a teacher, friend, or neighbor who knows. But think the one thing holding you back from your true self may not even be your thing. First, feel the fear, then tell yourself you can overcome that fear and get moving. Your dreams are waiting. Your true self is waiting for you to take your foot off the brake and goooo. Take it from me, who spent too many years fearful—a scaredy cat. I realized the only thing I should fear is not living the best version of myself possible. Are you ready to start living your life? Then GO.


Epi #104 Five Reason Women have Self Doubt that keeps them Stuck.

Heal Your Self Doubt and get unstuck. Self Doubts are DREAM KILLER. In my time as a coach, I have seen more women hold back because of self-doubt. Some can call it self-belief, a value system, or countless other words. However, in the end, it is self-doubt. They lack in believing they can do it. How do they know if self-doubt is holding them back?  They have many ideas for starting a business or implementing new ideas at their job or improving relationships. But they never ever take action. People say they are dreamers, not doers. Then they jump on the hamster wheel to beat themselves up. Why or why can’t I get moving? When I work with women watching the light go on is amazing. Watching them discover it is self-doubt and also seeing where it starts and, more important…how to heal it. Once their self-doubt is healed, they have clarity, courage, and unstoppable courage. Who in the heck doesn’t want that? Women with self-doubt may have a range of deep-seated worries that contribute to their lack of confidence and self-esteem. Here are five common worries that women with self-doubt may experience: Not being good enough: A common worry for women with self-doubt is that they are not good enough in some way. They may worry that they are not smart enough, attractive enough, successful enough, or skilled enough to measure up to others. Fear of failure: Women with self-doubt may have a deep-seated fear of failure. They may worry that if they take risks or pursue their goals, they will fail and be judged or criticized by others. This fear can prevent them from taking action or trying new things. Need for perfection: Some women with self-doubt may feel that they need to be perfect in order to be accepted or valued by others. They may worry that any mistake or imperfection will lead to rejection or disapproval. Being judged or criticized: Women with self-doubt may worry about being judged or criticized by others. They may feel that they are constantly under scrutiny and that any misstep or perceived flaw will be noticed and judged harshly. Lack of control: Women with self-doubt may feel that they lack control over their lives and their circumstances. They may worry that they are at the mercy of external factors and that they are powerless to change their situation. This can lead to feelings of helplessness and despair.


Epi #103 Identity Shift and Meeting the Moment of Transformation

Hello, and welcome to this video blog about the difference between an identity shift and transformation when making changes in your life. First, let's define what we mean by these terms. An identity shift refers to a change in how we see ourselves, our beliefs, and our values. It involves a shift in our sense of identity and who we believe ourselves to be. On the other hand, transformation involves a significant change in our behavior and habits, resulting in a significant change in our lives. Now, it's essential to understand that an identity shift can lead to transformation, but not all identity shifts necessarily result in transformation. For example, if you identify as a smoker and you make the shift to identify as a non-smoker, but you don't change your behavior, you won't experience transformation. Transformation requires action, and it's the actions we take that create lasting change. Identifying as a non-smoker is the first step, but it's the decision to quit smoking and take action toward that goal that creates transformation. So, how do we create lasting change in our lives? We start by identifying the beliefs and values that are holding us back and making an intentional shift in how we see ourselves. For example, if you've always identified as someone who is bad with money but you want to change that, start by identifying as someone who is financially responsible. Next, take action toward your new identity. If you want to be financially responsible, start by creating a budget and sticking to it. Take steps towards paying off debt and saving for the future. Remember, creating lasting change requires both an identity shift and transformational action. When we change how we see ourselves and take action toward our goals, we can create a life that aligns with our true selves. So, start by identifying the beliefs and values that are holding you back and make an intentional shift toward your true identity. Then, take action towards your goals, and watch as your life transforms in ways you never thought possible. I hope this video blog has been helpful in understanding the difference between an identity shift and transformation when making changes in your life. Remember, you have the power to create lasting change in your life.


Epi #102 Self Love and Confidence

Happy Valentine's Day, everybody! Today, I want to talk about something that is often overlooked when we talk about love - self-love. It's a term that is often thrown around, but do we really understand what it means and how important it is? As a female confidence coach, I believe that self-love is the foundation of confidence and the key to living a fulfilling life. I was recently on a call with 11 influential women, and the topic of discussion was self-love. To my surprise, only three women actually discussed the topic. It made me realize that self-love is still such a taboo subject that people avoid discussing it. It's seen as selfish or indulgent, but it's far from it. Self-love is about putting yourself first and taking care of your needs. So, what is self-love? It's about accepting yourself for who you are, flaws and all. It's about being kind to yourself and treating yourself with the same love and respect you would give to your closest friend. It's about setting boundaries, saying no when you need to, and prioritizing your well-being. Self-love is essential for building confidence. When you love yourself, you are more likely to take risks, pursue your passions, and stand up for yourself. You are less likely to settle for less than you deserve and more likely to attract positive relationships into your life. This Valentine's Day, I encourage you to practice self-love. Take some time to do something that brings you joy, whether it's taking a long bath, going for a walk in nature, or reading a good book. Write down things that you love about yourself and make a list of your accomplishments. Treat yourself with kindness and compassion, and remember that you are worthy of love and respect. Remember, self-love is not selfish. It's necessary for living a fulfilling life and being the best version of yourself. So, this Valentine's Day, make a commitment to love yourself more and watch your confidence soarl Thank you for listening to today's podcast. I hope you found it informative and helpful. Until next time, take care and stay sober!


Epi #100 The Hidden Costs of Constantly Retelling My Trauma Story.

Let's talk about something that is very important to me, and that is the hidden costs of constantly retelling my trauma story. Many of us who have experienced trauma may feel the need to share our story with others, whether it's through therapy, support groups, or just talking to friends and family. While this can be a helpful way to process and cope with our trauma, it's important to recognize that constantly retelling our story can also have negative consequences. One of the hidden costs of constantly retelling our trauma story is that it can prevent us from moving forward and healing. When we are constantly reliving our trauma through our words, it can be difficult to let go and move on. Additionally, retelling our story can also trigger feelings of distress and anxiety, making it difficult to fully heal and recover. Another hidden cost is that it can be draining and tiring to constantly have to relive and share our trauma. It can be emotionally taxing and can lead to feelings of exhaustion and burnout. Furthermore, constantly retelling our trauma story can also make it difficult to maintain healthy relationships, as it can be overwhelming for friends and family to hear about our trauma over and over again. It's important to remember that healing from trauma is a process, and it's okay to take a break from talking about our trauma if we need to. It's also important to find other ways to cope and process our trauma, such as through therapy, journaling, or creative outlets. Remember, constantly retelling our trauma story can have hidden costs, and it's important to be mindful of this and take care of ourselves as we heal and recover. Thank you for watching, here's to Finding Your Blue Rose.


Epi #98 Law of Assumption

The Law of Assumption: How Our Beliefs Shape Our Reality Have you ever heard the saying, "What you think, you become"? This statement encapsulates the concept of the law of assumption, which maintains that our assumptions about life can shape our reality. According to this theory, what we assume to be true is what we will eventually manifest. In other words, if we believe that something is possible, we are more likely to make it happen. On the other hand, if we believe that something is impossible, we are less likely to put in the effort to make it a reality. The law of assumption is a powerful force that can positively and negatively impact fulfilling our wishes and desires. For example, if you assume that you will never be able to achieve your goals, you are likely to give up before you even try. On the other hand, if you believe that you can achieve your goals, you are more likely to put in the effort and persevere through challenges. So how can we harness the power of the law of assumption to create a positive reality? Here are a few tips: Identify your limiting beliefs: The first step in harnessing the power of the law of assumption is to become aware of the beliefs that are holding you back. These might include beliefs about your own capabilities, the world around you, or the future. Challenge these beliefs: Once you have identified your limiting beliefs, you must challenge them. Ask yourself where these beliefs came from and if they are truly supported by evidence. Replace negative beliefs with positive ones: Once you have identified and challenged your limiting beliefs, it's time to replace them with positive ones. This might involve setting specific goals and creating a plan to achieve them or simply adopting a more optimistic outlook on life. By following these steps, you can tap into the power of the law of assumption and manifest the reality you desire. Remember, what you believe is what you will eventually manifest, so choose your beliefs wisely.


Epi #99 Quantum Leaping Your Self Image: Transforming the Way You See Yourself

Understanding the Power of your Story. Reconnecting, Rewiring, and ReIgnite Possibilities. Each person has a story that empowers or disempowers them. The childhood stories are their view of an incident that occurred in their life, be it trauma, parents divorcing, death, or good times. The Power of Your Story often is what holds them back and makes them take a different turn in their life. Perhaps they were amazing pianists after a loss of a beloved friend, and she never played the piano again. In fact, she all but forgets she was an excellent pianist until much later in life. Her friend was shocked when she told her friend how she used to play an instrument. When asked why she stopped, she had no idea. She just did. This is how Shadows hide within. Her mind buried the fact that, as a child, her friend died. She linked the piano to death, but she had no idea. However, going through these steps will show you how to reconnect within, rewire the stories to bring out the truth, and reignite your possibilities. Become the best version of yourself starting today! Interested in looking at your Shadow Story? Check out this link


Epi #97 Law of Assumptions

The Law of Assumption: How Our Beliefs Shape Our Reality Have you ever heard the saying, "What you think, you become"? This statement encapsulates the concept of the law of assumption, which maintains that our assumptions about life can shape our reality. According to this theory, what we assume to be true is what we will eventually manifest. In other words, if we believe that something is possible, we are more likely to make it happen. On the other hand, if we believe that something is impossible, we are less likely to put in the effort to make it a reality. The law of assumption is a powerful force that can positively and negatively impact fulfilling our wishes and desires. For example, if you assume that you will never be able to achieve your goals, you are likely to give up before you even try. On the other hand, if you believe that you can achieve your goals, you are more likely to put in the effort and persevere through challenges. So how can we harness the power of the law of assumption to create a positive reality? Here are a few tips: Identify your limiting beliefs: The first step in harnessing the power of the law of assumption is to become aware of the beliefs that are holding you back. These might include beliefs about your own capabilities, the world around you, or the future. Challenge these beliefs: Once you have identified your limiting beliefs, you must challenge them. Ask yourself where these beliefs came from and if they are truly supported by evidence. Replace negative beliefs with positive ones: Once you have identified and challenged your limiting beliefs, it's time to replace them with positive ones. This might involve setting specific goals and creating a plan to achieve them or simply adopting a more optimistic outlook on life. By following these steps, you can tap into the power of the law of assumption and manifest the reality you desire. Remember, what you believe is what you will eventually manifest, so choose your beliefs wisely.


Epi. 98The Law of Assumption: How Our Beliefs Shape Our Reality.

The Law of Assumption: How Our Beliefs Shape Our Reality. Have you ever heard the saying, "What you think, you become"? This statement encapsulates the concept of the law of assumption, which maintains that our assumptions about life can shape our reality. According to this theory, what we assume to be true is what we will eventually manifest. In other words, if we believe that something is possible, we are more likely to make it happen. On the other hand, if we believe that something is impossible, we are less likely to put in the effort to make it a reality. The law of assumption is a powerful force that can positively and negatively impact fulfilling our wishes and desires. For example, if you assume that you will never be able to achieve your goals, you are likely to give up before you even try. On the other hand, if you believe that you can achieve your goals, you are more likely to put in the effort and persevere through challenges. So how can we harness the power of the law of assumption to create a positive reality? Here are a few tips: Identify your limiting beliefs: The first step in harnessing the power of the law of assumption is to become aware of the beliefs that are holding you back. These might include beliefs about your own capabilities, the world around you, or the future. Challenge these beliefs: Once you have identified your limiting beliefs, you must challenge them. Ask yourself where these beliefs came from and if they are truly supported by evidence. Replace negative beliefs with positive ones: Once you have identified and challenged your limiting beliefs, it's time to replace them with positive ones. This might involve setting specific goals and creating a plan to achieve them or simply adopting a more optimistic outlook on life. By following these steps, you can tap into the power of the law of assumption and manifest the reality you desire. Remember, what you believe is what you will eventually manifest, so choose your beliefs wisely.


Epi. #97 Self-image and manifesting.

Manifesting and self-image go hand in hand. If you believe you can or can't the Universe will make it true.


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