She Rises into Desire Podcast

This podcast is your portal to rise into your desires, owning your brilliance and feminine magnetism to scale your profitable healing business. Dr. Christina Fontana is a world-class intuitive healer, rapid transformation coach, 5-time author, and hypnotist. She helps healers in healthcare own your brilliance to scale your profitable heart-centered business.

Episode 15. Upgrades, Updates, and Up-Leveling in 2021

In this episode, I'm driving in my car - car conversations with Christina style! :)  I share what has been going on with me since my last podcast and share what really happens when you decide to upgrade and up-level.  You'll learn my insider tricks for seeing the things happening in your life as a blessing and a gift to totally transform your life.  My top resources:  Subscribe to my YouTube channel for videos on transformation Join my free Facebook community Monetize Your Magic for empath entrepreneurs Buy my book Embracing Your Light as an Empath  Join the Elevate Membership Can’t find what you’re looking for? Click here to Contact my team 


Episode 22. Becoming a Boundary Badass in Your Biz

In this episode I dive into -  -The masculine/feminine energetics of recalibrating your energy to hold more clients in your business -How to set boundaries with LOVE versus being reactive  -Simple frameworks/tips on how to set healthy boundaries in your business  Elevate from burnt out pharmacist to lit up fulltime entrepreneur, building your profitable healing business on YOUR terms in Dr. Christina's Elevate Entrepreneur Academy! https://courseswithdrchristina.mykaja... Are you an pharmacist entrepreneur wanting to scale your profitable healing business? Check out my free and paid resources on my website! Contact:  Email - Website - Connect on Social: Join Monetize Your Magic Facebook group - IG: @thepharmacistcoach Dr. Christina Fontana is a former pharmacist, author, hypnotherapist, and rapid transformation coach. She helps spiritually-driven women ascend into their soul work so they can live a life that matches their heart and soul. She’s the Creator of The Monetize Your Magic Program that helps pharmacist entrepreneurs transform and monetize your soul gifts so you can accelerate to your next level of income & impact! Donate to my channel - The funds will directly go to helping me to purchase new background music for my YouTube meditations and continue creating excellent content. Disclaimer: The information provided in this video are for educational purposes only. Please check with your doctor, pharmacist, or healthcare provider before starting any new health regimen.


Episode 19. Beyond Boundaries, Plugging Energy Leaks in Your Business

Today I'm talking about getting through 'traffic coning' - a term I coined that refers to getting fixated on problems that don't move the needle in your business. In other words, little things that create resistance that pull your energy away from tasks, and ultimately your goal.  Examples of traffic coning yourself -  *Getting caught in distractions *Fixating on a negative comment you got, a mistake you made, or a bad review  *Taking things personally when things don't go your way and going down a shame spiral  One traffic cone is fine - you just swerve around it. But when they line up, it can put you on a detour and derail your business efforts.  These are some things you can do -  #1. Move your energy. Go dance or move around. Take a walk and say the mantra, "Bless and Release." #2. Set boundaries so that you can focus. This may look like you taking social media apps off your phone after a certain time, putting your phone on Do Not Disturb, or giving clear boundaries with clients and when they can communicate with you.  #3. Don't take anything personally. In the Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz, this is KEY. Nothing anyone does is because of YOU. Everyone is living in their own reality and their own 'dream' as the author calls it. This helped me big time to release and not take things so personally.  What stood out from this episode? Connect with me on Instagram and let me know! @thepharmacistcoach  RSVP for the Entrepreneur Healing Summit here -


Episode 18. Unmasking Imposter Syndrome to Own Your Power in Your Biz

Whether you’re just starting out in business or you’re advanced, self-sabotage can come up at every stage. One of the biggest self-sabotage blocks I hear about from empath entrepreneurs is imposter syndrome. What is imposter syndrome? It's the gap in between - What you show the world and - What you feel inside.  The gap in between holds your shame, guilt, trauma, ‘not enough’, fear of being seen, and other fears.  What you really want is to show up as your authentic self, putting your frequency out in the world shining your light. Transformation work is deprogramming beliefs, rewiring subconscious, and unanchoring trauma to reveal your inner radiance. This is the ascension journey of you coming HOME to yourself and shining your light.  Sometimes this shows up as wearing masks - Having it all together, ‘perfection’, always happy, I’m good by myself/independent woman Examples -  You show the world you’re happy on social media, but underneath it, you’re scared, anxious, and operating from fear. This can be tied to people-pleasing and wanting everyone to like you. Example - You abandon yourself and don’t have boundaries to make others comfortable. This comes from being abandoned in childhood (divorce, unavailable parent) and it wasn’t safe for you to be in your body so you abandoned yourself and became hyper aware of the environment. Now it’s a pattern and it shows up in your business - can lead to burnout, resentment, over-giving.  Transformation = In your power, setting boundaries without feeling like a bitch, showing up in your brilliance to be visible, more flow and ease, more $ and impact! I’d love to hear from you - follow me on Instagram at @thepharmacistcoach and let me know what action step you’re taking from this episode.  Learn more about Dr. Christina's programs on her website -  Dr. Christina Fontana, AKA The Pharmacist Coach, is a rapid transformation coach, hypnotherapist, pharmacist, and 4-time author. One of Dr. Christina’s gifts is her laser sharp intuition; she can quickly tune into what is blocking someone, identify it, and help them release it. She blends hypnotherapy, quantum physics, spirituality, and intuitive coaching to help visionary women release blocks keeping them stuck so they can own their brilliance out in the world and amplify their income and impact.  For the last 10 years, Dr. Christina has been providing uplifting, transformational content through her YouTube videos, articles, books, programs, and retreats to help women wake up to more of who they really are so they can experience more freedom, joy, and fulfillment!  Feel free to connect with Dr. Christina on her website or on her pharmacist Facebook page, Monetize Your Magic – A Community for Empath Entrepreneurs. Connect with Dr. Christina here: Facebook group - Instagram - @thepharmacistcoach


Episode #14. Healing Your Heart to Heal Your Mind + Body

Angela Orr is a visionary pharmacist and entrepreneur who has been a pharmacist for over 35 years. After owning and operating a traditional brick and mortar business, Angela knew her impact could be far greater having a strong online presence. She enjoyed pharmacy ownership but believed she was destined for so much more and believes that about others potential as well. Her passion is helping others heal their heart through meditation, heart coherence, epigenetics, and quantum physics. Contact info for Angela: Email at Phone: 207-468-3475 Facebook Group – Healing Your Heart to Heal Your Mind + Body - Dr. Christina Tarantola is a former pharmacist, author, hypnotherapist, and transformation coach. She blends hypnotherapy, quantum physics, spirituality, and intuitive coaching to help visionary women accelerate the path to their big vision. She’s the Creator of Strategic Ascension Leadership Academy that helps aspiring entrepreneurs transform so they can accelerate to their next level of income & impact. For the last 8 years, Dr. Christina has been providing uplifting, spiritual content through her YouTube videos, articles, books, and her podcast The Illuminated Feminine Podcast. Feel free to connect with Dr. Christina on her website, by email, or on her Facebook page! Illuminated Feminine Community -


Episode #13. Professional Pivoting With Dr. Christina Madison

Tune in as Dr. Christina Madison and I talk about everything from pivoting with COVID-19, the importance of community, and the #BlackLivesMatter movement. This episode is a #CandidChristinaConversation that you'll want to listen to!  Dr. Christina Madison, PharmD, FCCP, AAHIVP is the past President of the Nevada Public Health Association who has been asked to share her clinical public health and infectious disease expertise with Local, State, and International Media outlets and NGO’s. She has an intimate knowledge of the impact public health messaging, policy, and legislation can have on communities. She is a trusted and valued health care professional with 13 years of experience in Public Health and 16 year’s experience as a pharmacy professional. She is currently helping individuals and businesses navigate the COVID-19 global pandemic, providing Public Health PR Plans for getting businesses back in action and prepared for the next hurdles. She is passionately advocating for change to improve the health and wellness of vulnerable populations and the underserved.  Contact:  Instagram - @thepublichealthpharmacist  LinkedIn - Dr. Christina Madison 


Episode #11. Mastering Your Confident Career Mindset - Part 2 of The Confident Career Expansion Series

Tune in as Dr. Brooke and Dr. Christina delve into mindset hacks to help you expand your career! Dr. Christina shares her transformation tools and leads you through a meditation to shift your mindset. Brooke Griffin, PharmD, BCACP, is professor of pharmacy practice and vice chair of clinical services at Midwestern University. She is the founder and content creator of 21st Century PharmD, a virtual resource for pharmacy students ( She coaches students on how to make the most out of pharmacy school and feel more prepared for life after graduation. She coaches new practitioners on navigating their new career with intention and vision. She is also a blog contributor for


Episode #10. Introduction to The Confident Career Expansion Series

Tune in for this high-value 3 part series with Dr. Brooke Griffin and Dr. Christina as they share their expertise on expanding your confidence in your career! Brooke Griffin, PharmD, BCACP, is professor of pharmacy practice and vice chair of clinical services at Midwestern University. She is the founder and content creator of 21st Century PharmD, a virtual resource for pharmacy students ( She coaches students on how to make the most out of pharmacy school and feel more prepared for life after graduation. She coaches new practitioners on navigating their new career with intention and vision. She is also a blog contributor for


Episode #8. Reconnecting to Yourself to Find Fufillment

In this episode, Francine Favret and I delve into spiritual healing, transformation, marriage, and more about leadership.  I met Francine at Joe Williams Speakers Bootcamp in 2017 and we've grown A LOT individually during this time!  Tune in for a fun, upbeat episode!  About Francine: As an owner of a thriving coaching business and founder of signature transformational programs, Francine lives her life's purpose, leading people to feel fully alive and reconnect to what matters the most. So they can be the powerhouse they were born to be! Francine knows firsthand the struggles of living a life with anxiety. And feeling like something is missing in her life while everything from the outside appeared to be okay.  She also knows how fulfilling it is to reconnect to yourself, heal your soul wounds, and turn your life around. She believes when you fix the things inside you; first, your inner world will reflect your outer. Your relationships will thrive, your energy will increase, and you will begin to manifest what your heart desires with joy in your heart. Francine has over 25 years of experience in corporate leadership and coaching. Her corporate career includes working for Fortune 500 companies such as Baker Hughes, where she helped develop top leaders. Connect with Francine on Facebook, Instagram, or LinkedIn! 


Episode #7. Healing Female Relationships: The Good, The Bad, The Ugly

Past trauma, bullying, and ridicule from childhood can leave us with many stories about other females as adults.  "I get along better with men." "Girls are catty/bitchy/etc."  Healing those sisterhood wounds can be so liberating in recalibrating the relationship to the feminine not just for your personal life, but for business too!  Tune in as Amber and I discuss healing the sisterhood wound, female to female friendships, and her new virtual course, The Intentional Living Series!  Amber Connelly is a certified Executive Leadership coach, transformation expert and former clinical pharmacist. She helps professionals kick exhaustion to the curb and never feel burnt out again. With over 4 years of coaching and mentoring experience, she bring vision clarity and accountability to the table for her clients. She has experience teaching at a top 10 nationally ranked pharmacy program and has mentored many health and business professionals.  Her signature “truth telling” style paired with her excellent questioning skills, allow her clients to find clarity in their life/career direction. Her clients love her because of her energy, listening ability and unshakable commitment to helping stuck professionals move forward in their lives, health and career. Connect with Amber on IG: @Amber_Connelly_,, 


Episode #6. The Truth

This podcast is your sanctuary for spiritual healing, energy, and transformation. Where we dive into raw and real spiritual conversations to uplift, inspire, and ignite you into your highest truth – AKA your illuminated feminine essence.  Tune in as I flow into soulful energetic exchange with my illuminated guests – friends, colleagues, family, experts in their field.  No matter where you are in your spiritual journey, you’ll discover insights and inspiration to illuminate your life to the fullest!


Episode #5. Breaking Out of The 3D Matrix to Find Freedom with Laura McConnell

Tune in as Laura McConnell and I jam out on everything from her awakening journey to breaking out of the 3D matrix.  Laura McConnell is sovereignty coach. Illuminating your own sovereign power within. She will guide you into self-empowered freedom by connecting you to your higher self. She works in the spirit realm to clear out what is holding you back and get you on the highest timeline aligned with your purpose. To contact her you can email Find her on Instagram @Laurabmc Facebook: Laura McConnell Dr. Christina Tarantola is a former pharmacist, author, hypnotherapist, and transformation coach. She helps spiritually-driven women ascend into their soul work so they can live a life that matches their heart and soul. She’s the Creator of Strategic Ascension Leadership Academy that helps aspiring entrepreneurs transform so they can accelerate to their next level of income & impact.  Website: 


Episode #2. Releasing Toxic Masculine Programming to Embody your Divine Feminine

In this episode, I talk about recalibrating your feminine essence to connect with yourself and deprogram toxic masculine programming. 


Episode 39. Tips for Attracting & Choosing Perfect Soul Clients

In this episode, I share about - *Red flags and green lights to selecting the perfect soul clients *Setting standards on who you want to work with to get excellent client results and testimonials *Tips to be direct and clear in your marketing + sales processes to call in aligned clients *And more! ✨Be sure to snag my freebies below! ✨ ⭐Grab my FREE Monetize Your Magic PDF to Launch Your Profitable Business here - ⭐Claim my FREE Burnout Prevention Strategies ebook here - ⭐Let’s stay connected! ⭐ LinkedIn - Monetize Your Magic Facebook group - Books - Instagram - @thepharmacistcoach YouTube - 🌟Bio for Dr. Christina Fontana - 🌟 Dr. Christina Fontana, AKA The Pharmacist Coach, is a pharmacist, holistic healer, rapid transformation business coach, speaker, and 5-time author. She helps spiritually-driven women to 'Reignite Your Light' and shine in your brilliance, confidence, and true essence. She started her entrepreneurial journey 11 years ago being disempowered, homelessness, broke, with eating disorders, PTSD, and anxiety and has since transformed, turning her pain into purpose, empowering women all over the world to step into more purpose, power, and prosperity. Over the last 11 years, Dr. Christina has been providing uplifting, transformational content through her Youtube videos, books, courses, programs, and Conferences. Her mission is to empower more healers and business owners unlock their innate gifts to create a domino effect of healing on the world.


Episode 38. Five-Step Goal Setting Framework for 2024!

In this episode, I walk you through a customizable 5-step Goal Setting Framework to set goals for 2024! Pivot to Profit - Join Monetize Your Magic Facebook group - IG - @thepharmacistcoach YouTube -


Episode 37. Gifts from Adversity Along Our Fertility Journey

In this episode, I share openly about our fertility journey - the lessons and gifts we gleaned along the way. Follow me on social media here - @thepharmacistcoach on IG Facebook - Monetize Your Magic - for Healers and Entrepreneurs


Episode 36. Five Lessons You'll Encounter When Up-Leveling in Your Business

In this episode, I share Five Lessons You'll Encounter When Up-Leveling in Your Business which include... #1. Facing off with yourself and doing the deeper shadow work #2. Meeting characters along your path that challenge you to heal the wounds that are keeping you in your current reality #3. Meeting your money edge #4. Increasing your capacity #5. Testing your boundaries to make sure you have a solid foundation to scale Listen to the whole episode to get the full details of the points above! Can't make it to the Live Healers in Healthcare event? Claim the Conference Virtual Option and save $100! - Use coupon code PHARMAPRENEUR to receive $100 off from now until May 7, 2023!


Episode 35. Foundational Pristine Energetics of a Six Figure+ Business

Foundational Pristine Energetics of a Six Figure++ Business Today I’m going to be moving through three foundational pillars of Pristine Energetics of a Six Figure ++ Business Your frequency is always FIRST. Your frequency/energy lays the foundation for your results in your business. PRISTINE is an adjective that means flawless, in it’s original form. When you lay the foundation of your business with the PRISTINE energy of Integrity, Intention, and Love, you can’t help but enrich the lives of others AND receive higher levels of wealth and clients. #1. INTEGRITY - This is way beyond ‘morality’ it’s about ENERGETIC integrity - Boundaries and sacred standards for how you operate in your business Imagine that you’re looking at a bike tire and there are holes poked in it – it can’t move forward. When you’re purely running your business on DOING or strategy, you’re not looking at these open loops and energy leaks that can sabotage your business. Energy leaks include – unresolved trauma that creates drama in your business, not setting boundaries or having leaky boundaries. Blocks are also energy leaks – people pleasing, PROCRASTINATION, perfectionism, etc. And they all cost you. There is a hidden payoff for keeping these patterns going. Open loops include – Lack of follow up, letting conversations drag on for weeks and months without closing them out. #2. INTENTION – Done with love – not about PERFECTION, but about how you are moving through your business. It’s the ENERGY from which you lead your business. Deliberate and with care Purpose and value-driven Heart-centered #3. LOVE – Using your intuition to access the most loving action step Highest frequency gift you can give your clients Sharing your knowledge, gifts, and heart These three frequencies are the foundation of a high frequency business and allow you to circulate and receive higher levels of wealth in all forms. Pristine energetics results in energetic efficiency and results in your business. This is PRISTINE – an 8 week group wealth portal to UNLOCK your Six Figure frequency for 2023 This is for the Queen who is ALL-IN and ready to scale to six figures with the PRISTINE energy of integrity, intention, and love. We’ll be moving through 3 foundational pillars – Wealth Expansion, Magnetic Messaging, and Opulent Offers Wealth Expansion - You’ll be rewiring your relationship with MONEY and instead learning how to circulate WEALTH to receive higher levels of abundance and clients. Magnetic Messaging - You’ll learn how to create a magnetic, PRISTINE energy field that naturally magnetizes your soul clients TO you. Opulent Offers - You’ll learn how to curate opulent offers that create a rich client experience so you’re serving them deeply while getting paid premium rates for your products, services, and sessions. 8 weeks and we start 2/1 Early bird investment is $2k or 2 payments of $1,111 before 1/16 at 5PM EST. You will ALSO get CE credits when you sign up for Pristine! More details on that soon. Details for Pristine are here – Wealth Expansion Workshop - Connect with me here - DM me on IG @thepharmacistcoach to let me know what your favorite part of the episode was!  Website -  LinkedIn - Christina Fontana 


Episode 34. How to Manifest Your Big Dreams + Desires in 2023!

In this podcast episode, I share 4 pillars to manifesting your big dreams and desires in 2023!   Learn more about the Elevate Entrepreneur Academy here:  Dr. Christina Fontana, AKA The Pharmacist Coach®️, is an intuitive rapid transformation coach, hypnotist, pharmacist, and 5-time author. She helps pharmacist entrepreneurs release subconscious blocks so you can own your brilliance and scale your profitable healing business with ease and flow.    She blends hypnotherapy, science-based transformation, and intuitive coaching to help you simplify and scale your heart-centered business with more ease and flow.    For the last 10 years, Dr. Christina has been providing uplifting, transformational content through her YouTube videos, books, courses, programs, and retreats to help women reconnect to your inner light to go from burnt out pharmacist to lit up full-time entrepreneur!    Feel free to connect with Dr. Christina on her website or on her pharmacist Facebook page, Monetize Your Magic – A Community for Empath Entrepreneurs.  Connect with Dr. Christina here:  Monetize Your Magic Facebook group - - @thepharmacistcoach LinkedIn- Dr. Christina Fontana


Episode 33. Three Tips to Scale Your Profitable Business with Excellence and Integrity

In this episode, I talk about Three Tips to Scale Your Profitable Business with Integrity  #1. Set clear expectations/boundaries with your clients  #2. Be sure that your pricing matches the energetic investment  #3. Invest in Continuous Quality Improvement This was the 3 phases of business transformation training I alluded to in the podcast -  To learn more about Elevate Entrepreneur Academy and apply, DM me on Facebook at Christina Fontana Social media handles-  IG - @thepharmacistcoach  YouTube -


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