She Wants More

The She Wants More podcast is for women who feel stuck in life; who want to find more peace, positivity and purpose. We are talking all things vulnerability, building a life on your own terms, and of course some money mindset. Join your host Julie as well as guests as we explore what truly lights us as humans and cultivates a more fulfilled life. Follow along on Instagram @imjulieoeder and if you love the show, don’t forget to subscribe!

Pushing Through the Fear of Failure to Find Success

Fear of failure holding you back from chasing your dreams? In this episode, I'm talking you through why failure is the backbone to finding success and how to embrace it vs. avoiding it. I'm mentioning key people who have found success after what seemingly felt like a hopeless battle in doing what they enjoy.  Connect with me on Instagram @imjulieoeder Email me at


Ben Fisher on Building a Platform of Hope through Recovery

How can addiction play a role in a beautiful platform of hope and positivity? My friend Ben Fisher, founder of A String of Hope, is on this week to share his inspiring story of recovery and how he has built a large social media presence by encouraging others. In this episode, we we're talking all about how consistency, small steps, and patience play into finding success both in business and in life. Follow Ben and A String of Hope on: Tiktok @astringofhope Facebook A String of Hope   Enjoy the episode? I'd love to hear from you on Instagram @imjulieoeder


How Empathy Became My Strength in Business and Life

I used to believe my empathic ways were a weakness. Now that I'm building my own business, I understand it's actually a superpower of mine. Empathy should be at the core of our relationships in both life and business; in this episode tune in with me to hear how I turned the narrative around for myself on empathy, how I use it in my own business, and why having empathy is such a powerful means to create relationships.  Join The Radiant You Membership! Our first call will be October 25th -join here. Follow along with me on Instagram @julieoeder


What is the Difference in Doing vs. Being?

Doing vs. Being: The two modes we can operate in, yet get addicted to Doing. In this episode I'm breaking down the difference and why our ego's love the Doing mode. As someone who first experienced Being years ago I want to share how impactful accessing the being side of "human being" can be.  DM me "Join" on Instagram @imjulieoeder to gain access to a discount on The Radiant You Membership for an entire year! 


What to Expect with my New Membership Offering

I'm launching a brand new membership called The Radiant You! What is the reason for a membership, what should you expect, and how will this format help you? Tune in to this episode to learn all the details and join me in a deep dive as to how this all came about. Join my email list to have the chance at a founding member discount! Follow me on IG @imjulieoeder


Maddie Gerdes on How Failing Led to a Heart Centered Education and Career

How can we gain clarity of our heart in a culture that doesn’t align with our values? Maddie Gerdes shares her story of leaving medical school to pursue her passion of healing the body with nutrition. She shares how she overcame limiting beliefs, discovered what her heart truly desired, and how she embraced acceptance and gratitude in the process. Maddie is currently completing her Masters degree in Nutrition and is a certified personal trainer offering virtual sessions for her clients.   Subscribe to MaddiexChase YouTube channel: Train with Maddie: Follow on IG @maddie_gerdes Interested in hearing more stories like Maddie’s? Be sure to follow the show!


4 Reasons You Feel Stuck in Life and How to Start Overcoming Them

There are 4 major reasons for why we tend to start feeling stuck in life. Feelings of hopelessness, stuck in your job, unhappy where you live and unfulfilling relationships can start the downward spiral. This week, I'm talking about how each of these affected me personally and how I started to turn them around. In this episode you'll learn more about leading with gratitude, seeking new relationships, and exploring new opportunities.  Want to join other like-minded women who love the podcast? Join the She Wants More Podcast Community! Find me on Instagram: @imjulieoeder


What You Should Really Know About Time

The lack of time is one of the top excuses people tend to use to avoid making change. However, time is our most valuable resource that we tend to take advantage of. In this episode, Julie talks about regrets of the dying and how this impacts how we spend our day to day. If you're guilty of using time as an excuse (we all are), this episode is for you.  Follow Julie on Instagram @imjulieoeder Grab your copy of the free guide: 8 Ways to Transform Your Mindset and Start Living Again


Society Actually Sets us Up to Fail

Curious to know why you feel lost post-school? When you enter the real world, you're on you're own! This juicy episode lays out why our formal education years set us up to fail once we're out and how we are not taught the tools we need to be successful. Listen in to learn more on followers vs. leaders and why we end up feeling stuck in our lives.  If this episode was impactful for you, I'd love if you would leave a review and hit that follow button! Follow along on IG @imjulieoeder


How Vulnerability is the Key to Getting Unstuck

Ever wondered what the very first step would be to start making change in your life? Vulnerability; the greatest gift to ourselves & those around us, how to start accepting vulnerability in your life, and tips for releasing resistance to being yourself. Tune in to learn why you should stop playing it safe and let yourself be YOU. Love this episode? Hit the follow button and share with a friend! Join me on Instagram: @imjulieoeder


My Transformational Journey and Why

Ex-corporate employee turned entrepreneur; I’m sharing my story with you to help YOU get more out of your life. Tune in to my very first episode of the She Wants More podcast to learn my journey from burnout and lacking meaning in my life to a truly lit up person who cannot wait for what life has in store.  Grab my FREE workbook Join me on Instagram: @imjulieoeder


Trailer - She Wants More Podcast

Welcome to the She Wants More podcast with Julie Oeder! If you’re feeling stuck in life, unsure how to pivot, but desperately want positive change for yourself – you’re in the right spot! We’re talking vulnerability, breaking the norms of society, growing a fulfilled life on your own terms, and of course money mindset!  Join me on Instagram: @imjulieoeder


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