An awakening. A special call to fathers, and men in general... An appeal. Fatherhood is such a beautiful privilege. What an honour to mirror the fatherhood nature of God to your family. A true gift.
Ever admired someone else's life? They seem to have their lives all figured out, right? Ever thought about what they may be giving up to have that life? Look with a holistic perspective and you will realise...
Praying for healing of your spirit, body and most specifically your soul. For everyone who is has suffered abuse of any kind, everyone who is hurting, confused, or struggling... Receive strength as you pray along.
Having and being the right support system(s) for birthing burdens. Avoiding being crushed by the burden of the burden. Managing overwhelms and burnouts.
Why should we care about burdens? Where do they come from? Who has them anyway? This episode will demystify the concept of a burden, introducing you to the realm of unburdening aright.
We will be here to serve you with soul-lifting contents this year. All the best, as you take on the year!
Does your heart fail you? Are you overwhelmed? Fearful? Tired? Uncertain? Psalm 138: 3(TPT) has a word for you: At the very moment I called out to you, you answered me! You strengthened me deep within my soul and breathed fresh courage into me.
Friendship can be such a beautiful gift. Have you itemised what's on your friendship scale of preference? What stands out for you?
You probably do not know you've been making them... Excuses will keep you grounded if you let them. Maybe it is time to scrutinise those 'explanations' and theories you have let your mind harbour.
What is your perception about health? What would you define as a state of WHOLENESS? Do you equate health to wealth? Are you deliberate about what you ingest? Can you take responsibility for your own health? Our bodies do not happen to us, we happen to our bodies...
Do you stop to examine the reasons for your actions? Do you ever question your motives? You probably should. You'd like to back up your right actions with the right intentions. This will help you align. #motives #actions #identity #journey #acceptance #needforapproval
Owning and loving your story; flaws and all. Build an identity that's more than just that, but a legacy. Shake off the expectations/limitations people place on your life. Find peace in knowing that you are not on anyone's timeline, but your creator's.
Who are you? What defines you? Take the time to think and identify the things that matter to you. Isolate yourself from external factors. Welcome to you finding your identity and owning it.
A prayer of surrender to God and His Will. In submission to His plans and purposes, we find ourselves. We come to the fullness of our being.
It feels great to receive credits and compliments... But what happens when no one is willing to give them anymore? In today's world, everyone wants to be seen as an independent entity, but how realistic is that, really? Learn to give others credit and give a compliment where it is applies.
Does overfamiliarity breed ignorance?? You never really fully know. Anything can happen. Learning to update your knowledge. Cutting others some slack.
Which is easier, holding on or letting go? Cultivating a heart that holds on to Invariables, and is willing to let go variables. Addressing mindshifts. Having a heart set on growth and improvement...
Has life broken your heart? Do you feel discouraged because you have been taken advantage of? Learn to anchor your hope aright. Let light arise in you again.